Download -> Extract -> Run
Download Map Tiles and
- Right-Click GSS, choose 'Show Package Contents'
- Navigate to Contents->Resources->app->build
- Open folder
- Navigate to resources->app->build
Now take the downloaded tiles, extract the folders (note the folder is double layered, you want to move the inner-most Satellite and Terrain folder), move them to the folders you navigated to above. When you click on the Satellite/Terrain folder inside of build it should open folders numbered from 1-17. If it says Satellite/Terrain again, you moved the outer folder and need to move the inner folder to build.
Testing if it works:
- Open GSS
- Go to Maps
- Select GPS Window
- In the Options drop-down select IREC and hit Submit
- You should not be seeing a blank screen, make sure that both types of maps open by selecting the layers on the top right corner of the screen