Website: Pool Party
Backup Link
Inspiration mostly came from the difficulies of organizing tranportation for a group people. We wanted to make it easier for people to organize and coordinate carpooling.
Pool Party lets users create a pool of people who are going to the same place at the same time. Users can then add themselves to the pool as either drivers or passengers. Drivers can then see the list of passengers and choose who they want to pick up. Passengers can see the list of drivers and choose who they want to ride with.
• React.js
• JavaScript
• Express.Js
• Learning material UI
• Some team members had never used React and JavaScript before
• Styling edge cases
• Version control with 4 teammates - handling merge conflicts was tough!
• Was able to successfully make a frontend, backend and deploy it on
• Creating a clean minimalist UI
• Able to implement a real time database
• Finishing most features of our design in the time we had
• JavaScript scripting
• UI/UX Design through React
• ExpressJs
• Git Version Control
• UI/UX improvements
• React Native
• Firebase authentication