Code used to create the results described in the paper "A conditional generative adversarial network approach for segmenting head and neck tumors in kV images acquired during radiation therapy"
For a more general version of the CT Head Deformation code see the the repository click here
For any questions email
- Install Matlab (tested with version >= 2018b).
- Install elastix and add the path to the elastix.exe command to the system environment path.
- Install the python module platipy using the command:
pip install platipy
pip install visdom
- Install RTK. Include the compiled applications when installing
- Add the path RTK applications folder the system enviroment path.
The data for this project was downloaded from the cancer imaging archive (TCIA). The database used was the HNSCC database which requires permission to download the data from. The list of patient data that was acquired is found in the PatientList.txt file.
Run 'GenerateMultipleVolumes.m' with the variable 'BaseFile' as the directory where the HNSCC data is saved.
Run 'GenerateDRRs.m', with the input file as the directory for each patient.
In a command prompt run visdom using the command
python -m visdom.server
In a seperate command prompt navigate to the pix2pix repository and train the network using:
python --dataroot <Location of Training data just created> --load_size 550 --crop_size 512 --input_nc 1 --output_nc 1 --netG unet_256 --dataset_mode aligned --batch_size 8 --no_flip --save_epoch_freq 1 --n_epochs 10
python --dataroot <Location of Training data just created> --load_size 512 --crop_size 512 --input_nc 1 --output_nc 1 --netG unet_256 --dataset_mode aligned --batch_size 8 --no_flip --save_epoch_freq 1 --n_epochs 10
More info on the pix2pix repository can be found here
- Run 'DeepLearningRandEvaluation.m' for each patient with the inputvariable the directory where the images from were saved
- Run 'DeepLearningSummaryMultiVol.m' to combine the results for all patients. Input should be a cell array with the location of the output from the 'DeepLearningRandEvaluation.m' file as each index in the input.
- Plot the results by running the jupyter notebooks worksheet 'TumoutMotionPlots.ipynb'