Deploy Dokku using SaltStack. 🐳
- use salt-cloud to provision instances
- add a bastion host
Salt handles the configuration management and remote execution for the instances.
A quick guide on SaltStack is available at:
(local)$ virtualenv -p python3 .venv
(local)$ source .venv/bin/activate
(local)$ pip install salt-ssh
To ping all available instances in the roster, use:
(local)$ salt-ssh '*'
To execute a command on the available instances in the roster, use:
(local)$ salt-ssh '*' 'date'
The output will include the instance name and the command execution result.
To see the instances and what configuration applies to those, run:
(local)$ salt-ssh '*' state.show_top
To apply the latest changes to the instances, use:
(local)$ salt-ssh '*' state.apply
To target just a specific instance for updates, use:
(local)$ salt-ssh 'dokku-01' state.apply
Dokku as our PaaS for deploying prodution or staging apps.
Suggested list:
- Pick a larger instance (on AWS: an m5.x) running Ubuntu with a bit of root storage (>50G) and provision it (allow SSH connections to it)
- Attach some persistent block storage or network drive to it
- Optionally, attach the new instance to a load balancer and assign a
sub-domain to it (ex.
) - Update the
file to include the new instance IP address - Run
salt-ssh 'dokku-XX' state.apply
- Install some plugins (ex. postgres, letsencrypt, or slack)
- Reboot the instance
- Open the browser to check if everything works as intended.
The last step will configure the instance to be ready for immediate use.
It will deploy ssh keys (see states/users
), install relevant packages and
update the mount points.
To upgrade, deploy a new Dokku instance and re-associate the load-balancer, block storage/network drive and the elastic IP address to the new instance. Make backups before!
To download a local bash client, download and allow execution of the official script:
(local)$ curl > ~/.bin/dokku
(local)$ chmod +x ~/.bin/dokku
To add a new user, update the file in states/dokku/authorized_keys
on this template:
command="FINGERPRINT=<FINGERPRINT> NAME=\"<USER_ALIAS>\" `cat /home/dokku/.sshcommand` $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND",no-agent-forwarding,no-user-rc,no-X11-forwarding,no-port-forwarding <PUBLIC_KEY_CONTENTS>
To get the public key fingerprint, use:
(local)$ ssh-keygen -lf states/users/keys/<USER>
Next apply the changes:
(local)$ salt-ssh 'dokku-*' state.apply
To create an application, follow the official guide.
(local)$ ssh -t apps:create <NEW_APP_NAME>
Consider the following naming scheme for the applications:
Next point your application to the new Dokku origin:
(local/app)$ git remote add dokku<NEW_APP_NAME>
(local/app)$ git push dokku <YOUR_BRANCH>:master
To see all available apps, use:
(local)$ ssh -t apps:list
You can automate your continuous integration server to create the applications.
Here's a template you can use to automatically let your build server provision
new applications is your commit includes the keyword [staging]
export STAGING=`git show -s --format=%B --grep '\[staging\]'`
export DOKKU_REPO=`echo $REPONAME | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | tr '_' '-'`
export DOKKU_BRANCH=`echo $BRANCH | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | tr '_' '-'`
export DOKKU_TO_CLONE_ID=template-app
if [ $CIRCLE_BRANCH == 'develop' ] || [ -n "$STAGING" ]
echo `ssh -t apps:create "$DOKKU_ID"`
echo `git remote add dokku "$DOKKU_ID"`
git push dokku "$BRANCH:master" -f
export DOKKU_STAGED=`dokku config:get STAGED`
if [[ $DOKKU_STAGED != *'yes'* ]]
export DOKKU_DEF_CONF=`ssh -t config:export --format=shell $DOKKU_TO_CLONE_ID`
echo `dokku config:set --no-restart $DOKKU_DEF_CONF STAGED=yes`
echo `dokku config:unset --no-restart DATABASE_URL`
echo `dokku domains:add $`
# Plugins
# echo `dokku proxy:ports-remove https:443:3000`
# echo `dokku proxy:ports-add http:80:3000`
# echo `dokku letsencrypt`
# echo `dokku postgres:clone "pg-$DOKKU_TO_CLONE_ID" "pg-$DOKKU_ID"`
# echo `dokku postgres:link "pg-$DOKKU_ID" "$DOKKU_ID"`
# echo `dokku postgres:promote "pg-$DOKKU_ID" "$DOKKU_ID"`
dokku ps:report
dokku urls