- Install latest version of NodeJS LTS
- Install latest version of TypeScript (From PowerShell)
npm install -g typescript
npm install guid-typescript --save
- Update NPM (Run PowerShell as Administrator)
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser -Force
npm install --global --production npm-windows-upgrade
npm-windows-upgrade --npm-version latest
- Clone repo and open folder in VS Code
- Build Typescript code (Cntr+Shift+B)
node main.js
- For each STEP
- Individual model output on complete (Once done anyone can access this model)
- Can only be complete when ready, only ready if parent is active step
- Each step has a primary transition so that a complext hierarchy can be projected in flat menu structure
- Each transition matches to the initialization contract of the next step (Moving them around will break design time)
- Cannot change current state unless from a valid transition (Complete parent with ready child)
- Optional validation of destination initialization payload
- For the WORKFLOW
- Tree structured process flow (Not liniar)
- Current step (Status)
- Starting Step (Root step)
- Holistic transition validation
- Parent step invalidation (Propogate dirty to children, revoking completed state od children when parent change)
- Before any transition can be made the workflow gets validated (Primary transitions, future orphans)
Startup.stateMachine.startStep.CompleteStep(); // Model in this case is optional
let supportRequest = new rq.Workflow.SupportRequest("AC001");
let stepOutputModel = Startup.stateMachine.supportStep.Model;