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⚠️ 报名需要按要求认真填写下面 [ XXX ] 部分,方可通过报名审核,通过审核即可开始自主学习。
- 自我介绍:
- Hi, I'm Derick, a software development engineer specializing in backend architecture design and project management. In my work, I primarily code in Golang and C#. I'm also familiar with Solidity and can develop simple smart contracts.
- I'm participating in this Web3 URL collaborative learning activity to deepen my understanding of Web3 technologies. My goal is to apply what I learn here to create a demo project.
- I'm looking forward to expanding my knowledge and skills in the Web3 space, and I'm excited about the opportunity to collaborate with fellow learners on practical applications of these cutting-edge technologies.
XXX [ 包括你想预计的项目参与或开发方向、需要什么角色的小伙伴、其它你想在这里分享的想法,具体组队可在电报频道群沟通 ]
你认为你会完成本次 Web3 URL 的残酷学习吗?
XXX [ Yes 100% or Maybe xx% ]
7 月 8 日 - 7 月 14 日:
Web3 URL 残酷共学频道报道:大家可以自由在残酷共学群里交流分享,互动答疑,根据自身学习阶段情况随时开启自由组队。
课前学习:了解残酷共学流程,GitHub 协作共学基础;Web3:// 协议课前学习。
7 月 15 日 - 7 月 21 日:
- 7 月 15 日 周一晚 8 点- 9 点(北京时间): 第 1 次公开课分享
- 本周共学内容: 涉及 Web3:// 的背景和演进历史;支持 Web3:// 协议的访问方式 (gateway 和 EVM browser)来浏览以太坊上面的数据;熟悉使用 Web3:// 和 EthStorage 早期测试网来部署简单的去中心化网站。
- Homework1: 见课程 PPT。
7 月 22 日 - 7 月 28 日
7 月 22 日 周一晚 8 点- 9 点(北京时间): 第 2 次公开课分享
本周共学内容: 涉及 Web3:// 高级开发工具,包括:在命令行通过 web3curl 来通过 Web3:// 协议下载数据,通过 ethfs-uploader 批量上传网页数据,通过 manual 模式来搭建去中心化多人交互全链网站;及深入理解以太坊的存储模型和 gas 开销等。
边学边用实战开发: 根据组队情况自由安排。
Homework2: 见课程 PPT。
7 月 29 日 - 8 月 4 日
- 7 月 29 日 周一晚 8 点- 9 点(北京时间): 第 3 次公开课分享
- 本周共学内容: 涉及实际应用案例分享及未来以太坊基础设施在 Web3:// 的重要作用及开发方向等。
- 边学边用实战开发: 根据组队情况自由安排。
- 结营分享: 具体时间及详情另在「Web3 URL 残酷共学频道」通知。
ERC-4804, also known as "Web3 URL to EVM Call Message Translation," is an Ethereum Improvement Proposal that defines a standard for a new type of URL specifically designed for the Ethereum network. It's important to clarify that ERC-4804 has actually been merged into the EIPs as EIP-4804.
Here's a breakdown of EIP-4804:
Goal: Create a decentralized equivalent to the familiar HTTP protocol used on the web. EIP-4804 aims to enable users to directly access content stored on the Ethereum blockchain and compatible blockchains (like Polygon) through user-friendly URLs. Web3 URLs: EIP-4804 introduces the concept of Web3 URLs. These URLs follow a similar format to standard web URLs (http://) but use the prefix "web3://". They can also leverage readable names from ENS (Ethereum Name Service) instead of complex wallet addresses for improved readability. Translation to EVM Calls: The core function of EIP-4804 is to translate a Web3 URL into an EVM call message. This message specifies the smart contract address and the function (method) to be called on the blockchain to retrieve the desired content. Benefits: EIP-4804 offers several advantages: Direct Interaction: Users can directly interact with on-chain content without relying on centralized servers or proxies. Improved User Experience: Web3 URLs provide a familiar and user-friendly way to access blockchain data. Interoperability: The standard is designed to work with other URI-compatible technologies like SVG. Decentralized Presentation Layer: EIP-4804 lays the groundwork for a decentralized presentation layer on Ethereum. This could allow for on-chain rendering of web content in the future. Current Status:
- EIP-4804 is still under development, but it has been merged into the official EIPs. While not yet fully implemented in all wallets and applications, it represents a significant step towards a more user-friendly and accessible Ethereum ecosystem.
EIP-6860, or ERC-6860, is an Ethereum Improvement Proposal that aims to introduce a decentralized presentation layer for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Base 4804. This essentially means it creates a way to show human-readable content on the blockchain.
Here's how it works:
Web3 URLs: ERC-6860 utilizes Web3 URLs, which are similar to regular web URLs (like http://) but specifically designed for the Ethereum network. These URLs can use readable names from naming services instead of complex wallet addresses for better user experience. EVM as a backend: With ERC-6860, any web content, including HTML, CSS, images, and more, can be translated into EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) compatible messages. This allows the EVM to act as a decentralized backend for web applications. Decentralized Presentation: By enabling on-chain rendering of web content, ERC-6860 facilitates a decentralized presentation layer. This means the content isn't reliant on any centralized servers and can potentially be more resistant to censorship.
- 一种在http/https协议之外的一种新的协议,web3://协议,这个协议是为了让用户可以直接访问以太坊区块链上的内容,而不是通过中心化的服务器或代理。要重写dns为ens,将数据内容存储在便宜的l2,回调协议,将web3://协议转换为evm调用消息,这个消息指定了智能合约地址和要在区块链上调用的函数(方法)来检索所需的内容。
- 学习了这两个协议,就看web3://的具体实现
- 做了一个专用的浏览器,希望其他主流浏览器能兼容这个协议
- 将vb的个人博客40m上传到L2,存储费用为0.13E
- 作业是进行一些技术上的探索
- 直接感觉是如果存储无法降到普通人能接受的价格,那这个将不可能推广成功