The goal of the project is to scrape Github Bitcoin repositories and build a model to predict programming language of a repository using the natural language content in README files. A link to summarized Canva slides can be found here:
Acquire data
- acquired data as of March 3, 2023 by scraping github repos README using the script and saved locally as json file.
Prepare data
- bin language into 'Python', 'JavaScript', 'C++', 'Java','Other'
- convert words to lower case
- Remove any accented characters, non-ASCII characters
- Remove special characters.
- Lemmatize the words.
- store the clean text into a column named readme_contents_clean
- add columns
- readme_contents_clean: contains cleaned readme
- length: length of clean readme
- unique: number of unique words in clean readme
- split data into train, val, and test(approx. 60/20/20)
Explore Data
- Use graphs to explore data
- What are the most common words in READMEs?
- Does the length of the README vary by programming language?
- Do different programming languages use a different number of unique words?
- Use graphs to explore data
Develop Model
- Isolate target variable
- Establish baseline
- Evaluate models on train and validate sets
- Select the best model based on the highest accuracy
- Run the best model on test data to make predictions
Draw Conclusions
Feature | Definition |
repo | the name of repository |
language | the progamming language |
readme_contents | text of README |
readme_contents_clean | clean text of README |
length | lenght of README |
Unique | count of unique words in clean text of README |
- Clone this repo
- Update file with github_token and github_username
- Run Notebook
- 'http', 'github com', and 'http github com' were the top unigrams, bigrams and trigams respectively
- JavaScript had the longest README
- Java had most unique word count
- Bitcoin was not a most common words
- Decision Tree with max_depth 4 has accuracy score of 65% on test data beating baseline accuracy score of 39% by 26 %
- Web-scraping takes time, so be patient
- Scrape many repos to get lots of content
- With more time we would scrape more repos, try stemming instead of lemmatizing, and add more stop-words