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     J-PET Event Display 

What is it ?

J-PET Event Display is a tool to visualize the reconstructed PET data at different phases of the processing.
It is based on the ROOT libraries combined with some BOOST packages. The quality of the code is assured by the automatized set of unit tests. The documentation of the code is generated by Doxygen.

The Latest Version

The latest stable version can be downloaded from the github repository. You must have git client istalled and do:

git clone --recursive

Current status
Currently 4 types of objects can be visualized:
-- JPetSigCh
-- JPetRawSignal
-- JPetHit
-- JPetEvent 
There are 4 types of views:
-- 3d view(to enable external openGL 3d viewer root should be compiled with --enable-opengl flag)
-- unrolled view showing actived scintillators and hit position on scintillators
-- front view 2d view from front of tomograph
-- diagram view showing time difference between leading and trailing edge on each threshold

Event Display accepts 2 possible arguments:
-i path to input file with geometry(default "large_barrel.json")
-r run number(default 0)


The program documentation will be added along the event Display development. 

The code documentation can be generated with Doxygen package using:
$> make documentation
in the build directory (see the INSTALL file).
The index.html file will be available in the html/ directory located inside the build directory.


Please see the file called INSTALL.


J-PET Event Display is being developed by Wojciech Krzemien and Kamil Rakoczy.

Bug Reporting & Contact

If you have any question or comment please write to: or