- ROOT 6 (You may have to manually load the environment, if it is not set in ~/.bashrc To learn how to do it see ROOT installation manual.
- GCC > 4.9 (default version on NCBJ cluster is too old, load 4.9.4 instead)
- Unix (tested on Kubuntu 16.04)
To build the application download all files from the repository into a destination folder. Cd to that folder and type make in the bash console.
To run the application type
./sim -i param_file -n output_subfolder_name
param_file is a path to a file, where simulation parameters are stored. If the flag '-i' is not provided, the program will try to read file "simpar.par". output_subfolder_name is also a name of the root file if tree output is selected. if the flag '-n' is not provided, system's date and time will be used.
For details see simpar.par file.
By deault all results will be saved to the results/ directory. You can change it by editing src/simulate.cpp file. There is static variable at the beginning of the file called: globalPrefix, .
Documentation can be generated by user, see in the doc/ directory. Comments inside the code are also provided for developers and advanced users.