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Releases: JR1811/NeMuelch


22 Nov 02:17
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  • Added new Pot feature
    • Item stores up to 9 ItemStacks and can release the pot as an entity which will fall to the ground
    • Block(Entity) stores up to 9 ItemStacks and can release the pot as an entity if the block is not supported anymore
    • Entity stores up to 9 ItemStacks and flies to the ground. Upon impact with blocks or entities will either smash or land. If smashed, Throwable Potions will be released and Inventory is dropped. Pot will land safely (and convert to a block) if it contains wool or carpet items, landed on wool or carpet, or was landing with a low enough flying speed.
    • All Pot conversions keep their inventory saved. Add items to the pot by interacting with the block, sneak and interact to pick it up with the inventory and then place it somewhere else, keep it as an item or release the entity by interacting with the item



09 Nov 13:20
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  • fixed BellBlock issue where it wouldn't ring at all when interacting with it


07 Nov 17:14
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  • New Artifact Item


  • fixed networking issues for SoundInsstance handling


31 Oct 11:16
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New Special Sleep Event

A new Event for Halloween and the weekend after has been added. Text entries are highly specialized and might be changed to more generic texts later on.

TNT Stick Item [WIP]

Throwable explosive item has been added. A completely new explosion system with custom handling of blocks, entities, explosion shapes, etc. has been implemented for that in the Back-End and still needs some adjustments and bug fixes.


  • fixed ParticleEmitterBlock not correctly iterating through the PARTICLE_TYPE registry.
  • fixed WateringCan placement issues when facing waterlogged Blocks
  • fixed some entity registration issues.
  • Iron Scaffolding placement and traversing has been fixed, thanks to this PR contribution (#39)


01 Oct 09:19
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Knocking feature

Knock on blocks, which are defined in the new nemuelch:knock_sound_blocks Block tag, using a new Keybind. The pitch of the knock is defined by the distance, or if the Block implements an inventory, by how many items are filling it up.

Throwable slime balls feature

Slime Balls are now throwable and apply effects if they land on entities.


  • fixed bad weather flying condition
  • changed OminousHeart sound handling
  • fixed RpgZ error externally. Install the custom version of RpgZ to fix the body pull feature.


14 Sep 20:38
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Watering Can

New watering can items and blocks have been added, which are a mid-game version of bone meal. It is available in different materials, which all have different capacities.

Craft a copper watering can, place it in water and wait until it has been filled up. If it contains water, make sure not to break it, but pick the block up. Now it can be used like bone meal until it is out of water.

To increase the capacity, simply use the watering can with the next material, to craft its better version [Copper < Iron < Gold < Diamond].

Improvements and Features

Improved Flying restriction handling

Due to the harshness of the old flying restriction handling, improvements have been made.
The bad flying condition will now apply only if all criteria have been met.

  • Rain or Thunder (bad weather)
  • Flying player is above safe height (default is above 3 blocks above ground, but can be changed with config)
  • No roof is above the player

The player won't lose the Fall Flying state instantly, but gets an additional down force applied while flying. This way, experienced players can still land safely on the ground or alter their altitude to a safer height.

Drag bodies feature

This new feature allows players to pull bodies from the Revive Mod. Simply take a shovel or any other tool, which has been added to the corresponding item tag .json file, and use it on the hit box of the body (usually located at the feet).

Keep in mind that pulling bodies takes up a lot of durability!


20 Jul 11:12
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New and improved status effects

- Stuck [negative]

Player Entities are stuck in place. Only crouch and jump can be used as movement (subject to change).

- Well Rested [positive]

Work in progress Status Effect, which resets the TIME_SINCE_REST stat for the player. This way, Phantoms won't spawn for at least the duration of the effect.


  • Crops won't grow in freezing biomes anymore (disable in configs)
  • Players won't be able to fly in bad weather conditions anymore (disable in configs)

Bug Fixes & Clean-up work

Back-end received minor clean-up and fixes. The Hide Body parts feature has been taken out and can now be installed as a separate mod.


03 Jan 01:33
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The version NeMuelch-1.5.0 has been skipped in the public releases. Too many bugs have been found and the fixes have been put into this version.

Starting with this release the Dehydration fabric mod version 1.2.8 is needed!


New status effects

- Shielding Skin [positive]

Protects entity (similiar to players using a Shield)

- Levitating absolution [positive]

Disables gravity, pushes entity slowly into the air and adds Shielding Skin effect. (basically an upgrade to the levittation effect)

- Plaything of the unseen entity [negative]

Kicks entity into the air and damages them. Kick damage won't kill, but fall damage can deliver the final blow. After the end of the effect the entity gets the slow falling effect so that they can find a way to land safely.

New and reworked Items

- Fortified Shield Item

Bad view behind the shield, but can, as a secondary function, cast positive effects for nearby players. Use the secondary function with sneak + rightclick. The secondary function puts the shield into a cooldown!

- Portable Barrel Item

Made for storing and transporting a big amount of water. This item is put on the Chestplate slot and makes the player stagger (Nausea Effekt), if it is in a filled status put into the inventory instead of the Chestplate slot. In addition it stores the water quality (Dehydration fabric mod). To fill this item, carry it on the Chestplate slot and use either a (Water) Bucket Item (5 water points + allways dirty quality) or with Leather Flasks (water points and quality depending on the Leather Flask). To empty the Item use an empty Bucket or empty leather Flask (water quality will be taken from the Portable Barrel item!).

- Radiatum cane

No function yet, but sound and animation. You can still craft it with an Amethyst Shard using the Pest cane station.

- Call of Agony

New Rune item series (Prototype). Applies the Wither effect and Levitating Absolution effect on the caster. Nearby entities have a 20% chance to apply the Plaything of the unseen entity effect. In all the other cases, they will be simply pushed back.

- Reworked vanilla items

  • Stick: right-click on a torch -> Stick will be turned into a torch
  • Torch: right-click on the top side of an "unlit" campfire -> removes torches and ignites the campfire

- Glove item

Shows hit count in Tooltips and rings a Bell sound with a short Nausea and Blindness effect if the hit count exceeded a specific amount.

- Ominous Heart item

Plays a thumbing sound while placed in a player's inventory.

- Paintings

Three new paintings (Maps of "Enklave", "Bestienbucht" and "Grüntal")


- New - BucketItemMixin

Compatibility for Portable Barrel item.

- New - StickItemMixin

Compatibility for reworked vanilla Items.

- New - CampfireBlockMixin

Compatibility for reworked vanilla Items.

- New - LivingEntityMixin

Compatibility for Fortified Shield Item.

- New - MinecraftClientMixin

Blocks the player inventory, if they are in a fall flying state (e.g. Elytra flight).

- Add - PlayerEntityMixin

New methods to apply the correct damage to the Fortified Shield Item

- New - ProtectionEnchantmentMixin

Dynamically caps the maximum level of the Protection Enchantment.

New and reworked Config entries

  • campfireUtilities - (functionality for stick, torch and campfire utilities)
  • trainingGloveMaxHits - (specifies the maximum hit count for when the effects are applied)
  • ominousHartVolume & ominousHartPitch
  • portableBarrelMaxFill - (maximum capacity)
  • protectionEnchantmentLevelCap - (cap of the maximum Protection enchantment)
  • blockPlayerInventoryWhenFlying - (blocks the player inventory while flying)

Experimental content

  • Iron Scaffolding Block (has bugs)
  • Rope Winch Block (is still in prototype phase)


05 Dec 14:51
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  • New Ominous Heart Item
  • Three new map painting items
  • New Mixin, tag and config entries
    • Ignitable sticks into torches
  • New Portable Barrel item which can be carried in the chest plate slot (stats of iron armor).

Starting with this version Fabric Dehydration Mod 1.2.8 is now a dependency and needs to be installed to run NeMuelch!


25 Nov 08:03
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  • Onion Entity logic might be working a bit better now (still a big WIP so pls test it and report any issues!)


  • New Fog blocks for admins
  • New Mixin which is adjustable with the config
    • Bell block values changeable (pitch & volume)
  • Arkadus cane can now be reloaded. Just use it while holding an item, which is defined in the arkaduscane_projectile tag, in your off-hand! (default are gold nuggets and iron nuggets)
  • Arkadus cane projectile can now revive dead players. Starting with this version Fabric Revive mod 1.0.3 is now a dependency and needs to be installed to run NeMuelch!
  • small balancing changes

The Mod should be stable now. The wip content is only accessible in creative and should be handled with care (BackUps etc.). Check out the config since more options have been added there.