This is the implementation of litespeedtech's lsquic-client on Android.
This is the implementation of litespeedtech's lsquic-client on Android.
For more information, see
It only works on ARM architecture yet.
QUIC (pronounced 'quick') is an experimental transport layer network protocol initially designed, implemented, and deployed by Google in 2012, and announced publicly in 2012 as experimentation broadened.
In October 2018, the IETF's HTTP and QUIC Working Group made an official request to rename the protocol HTTP/3 in advance of making it a worldwide standard. (From Wikipedia)
This is a good description of QUIC
Since this application has wrapped the http_client bin file of lsquic-client, it works by giving the command of http_client.
It is simple to use. Initialize LSQUIC object, then use finishCmd() or finish().
usage example 1:
LSQUIC lsquic = new LSQUIC();
// lsquic.finishCmd returns all response string including headers
String result = lsquic.finishCmd("./http_client -s -p /");
// if you want to get only body, then you can use lsquic.getResult_body();
result = lsquic.getResult_body();
if (result.equals("")) {
result = "This web site does not support QUIC.";
webview.loadData(result, "text/html", "utf-8"); // Initialize your WebView before
usage example 2:
LSQUIC lsquic = new LSQUIC();
lsquic.setPort(443); // default is 443. You don't have to call this method if the port number is 443.
String result = lsquic.finish();
// if you want to get only body, then you can use lsquic.getResult_body();
result = lsquic.getResult_body();
if (result.equals("")) {
result = "This web site does not support QUIC.";
webview.loadData(result, "text/html", "utf-8"); // Initialize your WebView before
I don't recommend use lsquic.finish() because it is still in limited use. It is recommended to be used after being supplemented later.
Examples of use are well documented at