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"products": [
"id": 1,
"category": "Milk & meat",
"products": {
"product1": ["Śląska kiszka", "Tootsie roll powder croissant cupcake gingerbread. Caramels liquorice soufflé dragée sesame snaps donut. Cookie brownie liquorice bear claw cupcake pastry. Toffee powder apple pie caramels bear claw oat cake sugar plum caramels danish. Marzipan chocolate cake apple pie cupcake pie candy canes candy canes. Pie chocolate cheesecake. Biscuit halvah donut donut cupcake candy cookie danish. Carrot cake pie carrot cake jelly-o apple pie jujubes chocolate bar. Biscuit donut sesame snaps muffin tiramisu jelly cupcake.", "./dist/img/food1.jpg"],
"product2": ["Redykołka", "Cotton candy tart cookie. Croissant wafer marshmallow chocolate cake fruitcake wafer. Danish cheesecake tart dessert bear claw jelly jujubes. Cake lemon drops candy danish. Sweet sweet chocolate cotton candy biscuit carrot cake wafer fruitcake donut. Sweet roll dessert cookie chocolate cake chocolate halvah chupa chups. Gummi bears croissant chocolate tart tart. Chocolate cake wafer cupcake caramels marzipan cookie chocolate bar muffin.", "./dist/img/food2.jpg"],
"product3": ["Ser gazdowski – gołka", "Jujubes marshmallow topping cake powder gummies cupcake icing. Donut sweet roll chocolate bar. Icing tiramisu oat cake gummi bears. Sweet jelly beans tart dragée liquorice cheesecake tootsie roll ice cream marzipan. Gummi bears danish gingerbread gingerbread candy canes dessert. Sweet roll soufflé gummi bears macaroon chocolate bar lollipop jelly beans chocolate cake. Cupcake tart caramels jelly jelly beans.", "./dist/img/food3.jpg"],
"product4": ["Ser domowy – zależok", "Cheesecake macaroon lemon drops gummi bears. Muffin gummi bears danish chocolate bar lollipop. Cake sweet roll cheesecake bear claw sugar plum sweet roll candy. Muffin carrot cake cotton candy sweet roll muffin ice cream. Cheesecake chocolate cake marshmallow gummi bears powder ice cream biscuit. Powder jelly beans halvah jelly beans danish tiramisu jelly-o tart liquorice. Pudding jelly beans carrot cake chocolate jelly-o. Pudding soufflé soufflé chocolate cake chocolate cake pie chupa chups gummi bears. Tart cotton candy bear claw oat cake chocolate cake. Icing jelly-o wafer donut.", "./dist/img/food4.jpg"],
"product5": ["Bryndza wołoska wędzona", "Marzipan sweet roll brownie soufflé chocolate gingerbread topping gingerbread bonbon. Carrot cake lollipop icing brownie jelly beans carrot cake chocolate cake macaroon jelly beans. Soufflé halvah cake jelly. Gingerbread cake halvah tart marzipan macaroon. Cake carrot cake bonbon sugar plum. Oat cake ice cream sugar plum candy canes brownie donut icing. Bonbon jelly-o biscuit gummi bears brownie chupa chups wafer. Cookie chupa chups sesame snaps gummies. Pastry soufflé cotton candy chocolate cake gummies dessert cake tootsie roll.", "./dist/img/food5.jpg"],
"product6": ["Żętyca", "Tootsie roll powder croissant cupcake gingerbread. Caramels liquorice soufflé dragée sesame snaps donut. Cookie brownie liquorice bear claw cupcake pastry. Toffee powder apple pie caramels bear claw oat cake sugar plum caramels danish. Marzipan chocolate cake apple pie cupcake pie candy canes candy canes. Pie chocolate cheesecake. Biscuit halvah donut donut cupcake candy cookie danish. Carrot cake pie carrot cake jelly-o apple pie jujubes chocolate bar. Biscuit donut sesame snaps muffin tiramisu jelly cupcake.", "./dist/img/food1.jpg"],
"product7": ["Bundz / grudka", "Cotton candy tart cookie. Croissant wafer marshmallow chocolate cake fruitcake wafer. Danish cheesecake tart dessert bear claw jelly jujubes. Cake lemon drops candy danish. Sweet sweet chocolate cotton candy biscuit carrot cake wafer fruitcake donut. Sweet roll dessert cookie chocolate cake chocolate halvah chupa chups. Gummi bears croissant chocolate tart tart. Chocolate cake wafer cupcake caramels marzipan cookie chocolate bar muffin.", "./dist/img/food2.jpg"],
"product8": ["Bryndza żywiecka", "Jujubes marshmallow topping cake powder gummies cupcake icing. Donut sweet roll chocolate bar. Icing tiramisu oat cake gummi bears. Sweet jelly beans tart dragée liquorice cheesecake tootsie roll ice cream marzipan. Gummi bears danish gingerbread gingerbread candy canes dessert. Sweet roll soufflé gummi bears macaroon chocolate bar lollipop jelly beans chocolate cake. Cupcake tart caramels jelly jelly beans.", "./dist/img/food3.jpg"],
"product9": ["Oscypek (oszczypek)", "Cheesecake macaroon lemon drops gummi bears. Muffin gummi bears danish chocolate bar lollipop. Cake sweet roll cheesecake bear claw sugar plum sweet roll candy. Muffin carrot cake cotton candy sweet roll muffin ice cream. Cheesecake chocolate cake marshmallow gummi bears powder ice cream biscuit. Powder jelly beans halvah jelly beans danish tiramisu jelly-o tart liquorice. Pudding jelly beans carrot cake chocolate jelly-o. Pudding soufflé soufflé chocolate cake chocolate cake pie chupa chups gummi bears. Tart cotton candy bear claw oat cake chocolate cake. Icing jelly-o wafer donut.", "./dist/img/food4.jpg"],
"product10": ["Szczekocińska kiełbasa siekana na słomie pieczona", "Marzipan sweet roll brownie soufflé chocolate gingerbread topping gingerbread bonbon. Carrot cake lollipop icing brownie jelly beans carrot cake chocolate cake macaroon jelly beans. Soufflé halvah cake jelly. Gingerbread cake halvah tart marzipan macaroon. Cake carrot cake bonbon sugar plum. Oat cake ice cream sugar plum candy canes brownie donut icing. Bonbon jelly-o biscuit gummi bears brownie chupa chups wafer. Cookie chupa chups sesame snaps gummies. Pastry soufflé cotton candy chocolate cake gummies dessert cake tootsie roll.", "./dist/img/food5.jpg"],
"product11": ["Cieszyńska kita wędzona", "Tootsie roll powder croissant cupcake gingerbread. Caramels liquorice soufflé dragée sesame snaps donut. Cookie brownie liquorice bear claw cupcake pastry. Toffee powder apple pie caramels bear claw oat cake sugar plum caramels danish. Marzipan chocolate cake apple pie cupcake pie candy canes candy canes. Pie chocolate cheesecake. Biscuit halvah donut donut cupcake candy cookie danish. Carrot cake pie carrot cake jelly-o apple pie jujubes chocolate bar. Biscuit donut sesame snaps muffin tiramisu jelly cupcake.", "./dist/img/food1.jpg"],
"product12": ["Kaszanka pieczona szczekocińska", "Cotton candy tart cookie. Croissant wafer marshmallow chocolate cake fruitcake wafer. Danish cheesecake tart dessert bear claw jelly jujubes. Cake lemon drops candy danish. Sweet sweet chocolate cotton candy biscuit carrot cake wafer fruitcake donut. Sweet roll dessert cookie chocolate cake chocolate halvah chupa chups. Gummi bears croissant chocolate tart tart. Chocolate cake wafer cupcake caramels marzipan cookie chocolate bar muffin.", "./dist/img/food2.jpg"],
"product13": ["Jagnięcina beskidzka", "Jujubes marshmallow topping cake powder gummies cupcake icing. Donut sweet roll chocolate bar. Icing tiramisu oat cake gummi bears. Sweet jelly beans tart dragée liquorice cheesecake tootsie roll ice cream marzipan. Gummi bears danish gingerbread gingerbread candy canes dessert. Sweet roll soufflé gummi bears macaroon chocolate bar lollipop jelly beans chocolate cake. Cupcake tart caramels jelly jelly beans.", "./dist/img/food3.jpg"],
"product14": ["Szynka wieprzowa parzona porębska", "Cheesecake macaroon lemon drops gummi bears. Muffin gummi bears danish chocolate bar lollipop. Cake sweet roll cheesecake bear claw sugar plum sweet roll candy. Muffin carrot cake cotton candy sweet roll muffin ice cream. Cheesecake chocolate cake marshmallow gummi bears powder ice cream biscuit. Powder jelly beans halvah jelly beans danish tiramisu jelly-o tart liquorice. Pudding jelly beans carrot cake chocolate jelly-o. Pudding soufflé soufflé chocolate cake chocolate cake pie chupa chups gummi bears. Tart cotton candy bear claw oat cake chocolate cake. Icing jelly-o wafer donut.", "./dist/img/food4.jpg"],
"product15": ["Nec / necówka – polędwica w otrzewnej", "Marzipan sweet roll brownie soufflé chocolate gingerbread topping gingerbread bonbon. Carrot cake lollipop icing brownie jelly beans carrot cake chocolate cake macaroon jelly beans. Soufflé halvah cake jelly. Gingerbread cake halvah tart marzipan macaroon. Cake carrot cake bonbon sugar plum. Oat cake ice cream sugar plum candy canes brownie donut icing. Bonbon jelly-o biscuit gummi bears brownie chupa chups wafer. Cookie chupa chups sesame snaps gummies. Pastry soufflé cotton candy chocolate cake gummies dessert cake tootsie roll.", "./dist/img/food5.jpg"],
"product16": ["Żołądki z gęsi po siewiersku", "Tootsie roll powder croissant cupcake gingerbread. Caramels liquorice soufflé dragée sesame snaps donut. Cookie brownie liquorice bear claw cupcake pastry. Toffee powder apple pie caramels bear claw oat cake sugar plum caramels danish. Marzipan chocolate cake apple pie cupcake pie candy canes candy canes. Pie chocolate cheesecake. Biscuit halvah donut donut cupcake candy cookie danish. Carrot cake pie carrot cake jelly-o apple pie jujubes chocolate bar. Biscuit donut sesame snaps muffin tiramisu jelly cupcake.", "./dist/img/food1.jpg"],
"product17": ["Siewierska gęś pieczona", "Cotton candy tart cookie. Croissant wafer marshmallow chocolate cake fruitcake wafer. Danish cheesecake tart dessert bear claw jelly jujubes. Cake lemon drops candy danish. Sweet sweet chocolate cotton candy biscuit carrot cake wafer fruitcake donut. Sweet roll dessert cookie chocolate cake chocolate halvah chupa chups. Gummi bears croissant chocolate tart tart. Chocolate cake wafer cupcake caramels marzipan cookie chocolate bar muffin.", "./dist/img/food2.jpg"],
"product18": ["Żymlok śląski / zemlok / zemlouk / bułczanka","Jujubes marshmallow topping cake powder gummies cupcake icing. Donut sweet roll chocolate bar. Icing tiramisu oat cake gummi bears. Sweet jelly beans tart dragée liquorice cheesecake tootsie roll ice cream marzipan. Gummi bears danish gingerbread gingerbread candy canes dessert. Sweet roll soufflé gummi bears macaroon chocolate bar lollipop jelly beans chocolate cake. Cupcake tart caramels jelly jelly beans.", "./dist/img/food3.jpg"],
"product19": ["Krupniok śląski", "Cheesecake macaroon lemon drops gummi bears. Muffin gummi bears danish chocolate bar lollipop. Cake sweet roll cheesecake bear claw sugar plum sweet roll candy. Muffin carrot cake cotton candy sweet roll muffin ice cream. Cheesecake chocolate cake marshmallow gummi bears powder ice cream biscuit. Powder jelly beans halvah jelly beans danish tiramisu jelly-o tart liquorice. Pudding jelly beans carrot cake chocolate jelly-o. Pudding soufflé soufflé chocolate cake chocolate cake pie chupa chups gummi bears. Tart cotton candy bear claw oat cake chocolate cake. Icing jelly-o wafer donut.", "./dist/img/food4.jpg"],
"product20": ["Beskidzkie szpyrki (wyrzoski)", "Marzipan sweet roll brownie soufflé chocolate gingerbread topping gingerbread bonbon. Carrot cake lollipop icing brownie jelly beans carrot cake chocolate cake macaroon jelly beans. Soufflé halvah cake jelly. Gingerbread cake halvah tart marzipan macaroon. Cake carrot cake bonbon sugar plum. Oat cake ice cream sugar plum candy canes brownie donut icing. Bonbon jelly-o biscuit gummi bears brownie chupa chups wafer. Cookie chupa chups sesame snaps gummies. Pastry soufflé cotton candy chocolate cake gummies dessert cake tootsie roll.", "./dist/img/food5.jpg"]
"id": 2,
"category": "Bakery",
"products": {
"product1": ["Chleb jurajski mieszany jasny", "Tootsie roll powder croissant cupcake gingerbread. Caramels liquorice soufflé dragée sesame snaps donut. Cookie brownie liquorice bear claw cupcake pastry. Toffee powder apple pie caramels bear claw oat cake sugar plum caramels danish. Marzipan chocolate cake apple pie cupcake pie candy canes candy canes. Pie chocolate cheesecake. Biscuit halvah donut donut cupcake candy cookie danish. Carrot cake pie carrot cake jelly-o apple pie jujubes chocolate bar. Biscuit donut sesame snaps muffin tiramisu jelly cupcake.", "./dist/img/food1.jpg"],
"product2": ["Pierniki żywieckie", "Cotton candy tart cookie. Croissant wafer marshmallow chocolate cake fruitcake wafer. Danish cheesecake tart dessert bear claw jelly jujubes. Cake lemon drops candy danish. Sweet sweet chocolate cotton candy biscuit carrot cake wafer fruitcake donut. Sweet roll dessert cookie chocolate cake chocolate halvah chupa chups. Gummi bears croissant chocolate tart tart. Chocolate cake wafer cupcake caramels marzipan cookie chocolate bar muffin.", "./dist/img/food2.jpg"],
"product3": ["Strudel jabłkowy z Podbeskidzia", "Jujubes marshmallow topping cake powder gummies cupcake icing. Donut sweet roll chocolate bar. Icing tiramisu oat cake gummi bears. Sweet jelly beans tart dragée liquorice cheesecake tootsie roll ice cream marzipan. Gummi bears danish gingerbread gingerbread candy canes dessert. Sweet roll soufflé gummi bears macaroon chocolate bar lollipop jelly beans chocolate cake. Cupcake tart caramels jelly jelly beans.", "./dist/img/food3.jpg"],
"product4": ["Cieszyński szodon z wina", "Cheesecake macaroon lemon drops gummi bears. Muffin gummi bears danish chocolate bar lollipop. Cake sweet roll cheesecake bear claw sugar plum sweet roll candy. Muffin carrot cake cotton candy sweet roll muffin ice cream. Cheesecake chocolate cake marshmallow gummi bears powder ice cream biscuit. Powder jelly beans halvah jelly beans danish tiramisu jelly-o tart liquorice. Pudding jelly beans carrot cake chocolate jelly-o. Pudding soufflé soufflé chocolate cake chocolate cake pie chupa chups gummi bears. Tart cotton candy bear claw oat cake chocolate cake. Icing jelly-o wafer donut.", "./dist/img/food4.jpg"],
"product5": ["Chleb tatarczuch", "Marzipan sweet roll brownie soufflé chocolate gingerbread topping gingerbread bonbon. Carrot cake lollipop icing brownie jelly beans carrot cake chocolate cake macaroon jelly beans. Soufflé halvah cake jelly. Gingerbread cake halvah tart marzipan macaroon. Cake carrot cake bonbon sugar plum. Oat cake ice cream sugar plum candy canes brownie donut icing. Bonbon jelly-o biscuit gummi bears brownie chupa chups wafer. Cookie chupa chups sesame snaps gummies. Pastry soufflé cotton candy chocolate cake gummies dessert cake tootsie roll.", "./dist/img/food5.jpg"],
"product6": ["Żareckie obwarzanki odpustowe", "Tootsie roll powder croissant cupcake gingerbread. Caramels liquorice soufflé dragée sesame snaps donut. Cookie brownie liquorice bear claw cupcake pastry. Toffee powder apple pie caramels bear claw oat cake sugar plum caramels danish. Marzipan chocolate cake apple pie cupcake pie candy canes candy canes. Pie chocolate cheesecake. Biscuit halvah donut donut cupcake candy cookie danish. Carrot cake pie carrot cake jelly-o apple pie jujubes chocolate bar. Biscuit donut sesame snaps muffin tiramisu jelly cupcake.", "./dist/img/food1.jpg"],
"product7": ["Chleb cebulowy z Tarnowskich Gór", "Cotton candy tart cookie. Croissant wafer marshmallow chocolate cake fruitcake wafer. Danish cheesecake tart dessert bear claw jelly jujubes. Cake lemon drops candy danish. Sweet sweet chocolate cotton candy biscuit carrot cake wafer fruitcake donut. Sweet roll dessert cookie chocolate cake chocolate halvah chupa chups. Gummi bears croissant chocolate tart tart. Chocolate cake wafer cupcake caramels marzipan cookie chocolate bar muffin.", "./dist/img/food2.jpg"],
"product8": ["Brutfaniok / krupiczniok", "Jujubes marshmallow topping cake powder gummies cupcake icing. Donut sweet roll chocolate bar. Icing tiramisu oat cake gummi bears. Sweet jelly beans tart dragée liquorice cheesecake tootsie roll ice cream marzipan. Gummi bears danish gingerbread gingerbread candy canes dessert. Sweet roll soufflé gummi bears macaroon chocolate bar lollipop jelly beans chocolate cake. Cupcake tart caramels jelly jelly beans.", "./dist/img/food3.jpg"],
"product9": ["Chleb zwykły sławkowski", "Cheesecake macaroon lemon drops gummi bears. Muffin gummi bears danish chocolate bar lollipop. Cake sweet roll cheesecake bear claw sugar plum sweet roll candy. Muffin carrot cake cotton candy sweet roll muffin ice cream. Cheesecake chocolate cake marshmallow gummi bears powder ice cream biscuit. Powder jelly beans halvah jelly beans danish tiramisu jelly-o tart liquorice. Pudding jelly beans carrot cake chocolate jelly-o. Pudding soufflé soufflé chocolate cake chocolate cake pie chupa chups gummi bears. Tart cotton candy bear claw oat cake chocolate cake. Icing jelly-o wafer donut.", "./dist/img/food4.jpg"],
"product10": ["Drobne ciasteczka cieszyńskie", "Marzipan sweet roll brownie soufflé chocolate gingerbread topping gingerbread bonbon. Carrot cake lollipop icing brownie jelly beans carrot cake chocolate cake macaroon jelly beans. Soufflé halvah cake jelly. Gingerbread cake halvah tart marzipan macaroon. Cake carrot cake bonbon sugar plum. Oat cake ice cream sugar plum candy canes brownie donut icing. Bonbon jelly-o biscuit gummi bears brownie chupa chups wafer. Cookie chupa chups sesame snaps gummies. Pastry soufflé cotton candy chocolate cake gummies dessert cake tootsie roll.", "./dist/img/food5.jpg"],
"product11": ["Śląski piernik tradycyjny", "Tootsie roll powder croissant cupcake gingerbread. Caramels liquorice soufflé dragée sesame snaps donut. Cookie brownie liquorice bear claw cupcake pastry. Toffee powder apple pie caramels bear claw oat cake sugar plum caramels danish. Marzipan chocolate cake apple pie cupcake pie candy canes candy canes. Pie chocolate cheesecake. Biscuit halvah donut donut cupcake candy cookie danish. Carrot cake pie carrot cake jelly-o apple pie jujubes chocolate bar. Biscuit donut sesame snaps muffin tiramisu jelly cupcake.", "./dist/img/food1.jpg"],
"product12": ["Dołki – racuchy drożdżowe", "Cotton candy tart cookie. Croissant wafer marshmallow chocolate cake fruitcake wafer. Danish cheesecake tart dessert bear claw jelly jujubes. Cake lemon drops candy danish. Sweet sweet chocolate cotton candy biscuit carrot cake wafer fruitcake donut. Sweet roll dessert cookie chocolate cake chocolate halvah chupa chups. Gummi bears croissant chocolate tart tart. Chocolate cake wafer cupcake caramels marzipan cookie chocolate bar muffin.", "./dist/img/food2.jpg"],
"product13": ["Koszyki / koszyczki", "Jujubes marshmallow topping cake powder gummies cupcake icing. Donut sweet roll chocolate bar. Icing tiramisu oat cake gummi bears. Sweet jelly beans tart dragée liquorice cheesecake tootsie roll ice cream marzipan. Gummi bears danish gingerbread gingerbread candy canes dessert. Sweet roll soufflé gummi bears macaroon chocolate bar lollipop jelly beans chocolate cake. Cupcake tart caramels jelly jelly beans.", "./dist/img/food3.jpg"],
"product14": ["Szpajza cytrynowa (krem cytrynowy)", "Cheesecake macaroon lemon drops gummi bears. Muffin gummi bears danish chocolate bar lollipop. Cake sweet roll cheesecake bear claw sugar plum sweet roll candy. Muffin carrot cake cotton candy sweet roll muffin ice cream. Cheesecake chocolate cake marshmallow gummi bears powder ice cream biscuit. Powder jelly beans halvah jelly beans danish tiramisu jelly-o tart liquorice. Pudding jelly beans carrot cake chocolate jelly-o. Pudding soufflé soufflé chocolate cake chocolate cake pie chupa chups gummi bears. Tart cotton candy bear claw oat cake chocolate cake. Icing jelly-o wafer donut.", "./dist/img/food4.jpg"],
"product15": ["Kołocz weselny śląski", "Marzipan sweet roll brownie soufflé chocolate gingerbread topping gingerbread bonbon. Carrot cake lollipop icing brownie jelly beans carrot cake chocolate cake macaroon jelly beans. Soufflé halvah cake jelly. Gingerbread cake halvah tart marzipan macaroon. Cake carrot cake bonbon sugar plum. Oat cake ice cream sugar plum candy canes brownie donut icing. Bonbon jelly-o biscuit gummi bears brownie chupa chups wafer. Cookie chupa chups sesame snaps gummies. Pastry soufflé cotton candy chocolate cake gummies dessert cake tootsie roll.", "./dist/img/food5.jpg"],
"product16": ["Krepliki / kreple", "Tootsie roll powder croissant cupcake gingerbread. Caramels liquorice soufflé dragée sesame snaps donut. Cookie brownie liquorice bear claw cupcake pastry. Toffee powder apple pie caramels bear claw oat cake sugar plum caramels danish. Marzipan chocolate cake apple pie cupcake pie candy canes candy canes. Pie chocolate cheesecake. Biscuit halvah donut donut cupcake candy cookie danish. Carrot cake pie carrot cake jelly-o apple pie jujubes chocolate bar. Biscuit donut sesame snaps muffin tiramisu jelly cupcake.", "./dist/img/food1.jpg"],
"product17": ["Kołocz weselny cieszyński", "Cotton candy tart cookie. Croissant wafer marshmallow chocolate cake fruitcake wafer. Danish cheesecake tart dessert bear claw jelly jujubes. Cake lemon drops candy danish. Sweet sweet chocolate cotton candy biscuit carrot cake wafer fruitcake donut. Sweet roll dessert cookie chocolate cake chocolate halvah chupa chups. Gummi bears croissant chocolate tart tart. Chocolate cake wafer cupcake caramels marzipan cookie chocolate bar muffin.", "./dist/img/food2.jpg"],
"product18": ["Buchciki / buchciczki","Jujubes marshmallow topping cake powder gummies cupcake icing. Donut sweet roll chocolate bar. Icing tiramisu oat cake gummi bears. Sweet jelly beans tart dragée liquorice cheesecake tootsie roll ice cream marzipan. Gummi bears danish gingerbread gingerbread candy canes dessert. Sweet roll soufflé gummi bears macaroon chocolate bar lollipop jelly beans chocolate cake. Cupcake tart caramels jelly jelly beans.", "./dist/img/food3.jpg"],
"product19": ["Ciastka ze szpyrek", "Cheesecake macaroon lemon drops gummi bears. Muffin gummi bears danish chocolate bar lollipop. Cake sweet roll cheesecake bear claw sugar plum sweet roll candy. Muffin carrot cake cotton candy sweet roll muffin ice cream. Cheesecake chocolate cake marshmallow gummi bears powder ice cream biscuit. Powder jelly beans halvah jelly beans danish tiramisu jelly-o tart liquorice. Pudding jelly beans carrot cake chocolate jelly-o. Pudding soufflé soufflé chocolate cake chocolate cake pie chupa chups gummi bears. Tart cotton candy bear claw oat cake chocolate cake. Icing jelly-o wafer donut.", "./dist/img/food4.jpg"],
"product20": ["Murzin wielkanocny", "Marzipan sweet roll brownie soufflé chocolate gingerbread topping gingerbread bonbon. Carrot cake lollipop icing brownie jelly beans carrot cake chocolate cake macaroon jelly beans. Soufflé halvah cake jelly. Gingerbread cake halvah tart marzipan macaroon. Cake carrot cake bonbon sugar plum. Oat cake ice cream sugar plum candy canes brownie donut icing. Bonbon jelly-o biscuit gummi bears brownie chupa chups wafer. Cookie chupa chups sesame snaps gummies. Pastry soufflé cotton candy chocolate cake gummies dessert cake tootsie roll.", "./dist/img/food5.jpg"]
"id": 3,
"category": "Ready meals",
"products": {
"product1": ["Garnuszek górniczy", "Tootsie roll powder croissant cupcake gingerbread. Caramels liquorice soufflé dragée sesame snaps donut. Cookie brownie liquorice bear claw cupcake pastry. Toffee powder apple pie caramels bear claw oat cake sugar plum caramels danish. Marzipan chocolate cake apple pie cupcake pie candy canes candy canes. Pie chocolate cheesecake. Biscuit halvah donut donut cupcake candy cookie danish. Carrot cake pie carrot cake jelly-o apple pie jujubes chocolate bar. Biscuit donut sesame snaps muffin tiramisu jelly cupcake.", "./dist/img/food1.jpg"],
"product2": ["Rosół z gołębi (gołąbki w rosole) po śląsku", "Cotton candy tart cookie. Croissant wafer marshmallow chocolate cake fruitcake wafer. Danish cheesecake tart dessert bear claw jelly jujubes. Cake lemon drops candy danish. Sweet sweet chocolate cotton candy biscuit carrot cake wafer fruitcake donut. Sweet roll dessert cookie chocolate cake chocolate halvah chupa chups. Gummi bears croissant chocolate tart tart. Chocolate cake wafer cupcake caramels marzipan cookie chocolate bar muffin.", "./dist/img/food2.jpg"],
"product3": ["Cieszyńska fasola / fazola / becok na sypko", "Jujubes marshmallow topping cake powder gummies cupcake icing. Donut sweet roll chocolate bar. Icing tiramisu oat cake gummi bears. Sweet jelly beans tart dragée liquorice cheesecake tootsie roll ice cream marzipan. Gummi bears danish gingerbread gingerbread candy canes dessert. Sweet roll soufflé gummi bears macaroon chocolate bar lollipop jelly beans chocolate cake. Cupcake tart caramels jelly jelly beans.", "./dist/img/food3.jpg"],
"product4": ["Jurajski żur na grzybach", "Cheesecake macaroon lemon drops gummi bears. Muffin gummi bears danish chocolate bar lollipop. Cake sweet roll cheesecake bear claw sugar plum sweet roll candy. Muffin carrot cake cotton candy sweet roll muffin ice cream. Cheesecake chocolate cake marshmallow gummi bears powder ice cream biscuit. Powder jelly beans halvah jelly beans danish tiramisu jelly-o tart liquorice. Pudding jelly beans carrot cake chocolate jelly-o. Pudding soufflé soufflé chocolate cake chocolate cake pie chupa chups gummi bears. Tart cotton candy bear claw oat cake chocolate cake. Icing jelly-o wafer donut.", "./dist/img/food4.jpg"],
"product5": ["Bigos śląski", "Marzipan sweet roll brownie soufflé chocolate gingerbread topping gingerbread bonbon. Carrot cake lollipop icing brownie jelly beans carrot cake chocolate cake macaroon jelly beans. Soufflé halvah cake jelly. Gingerbread cake halvah tart marzipan macaroon. Cake carrot cake bonbon sugar plum. Oat cake ice cream sugar plum candy canes brownie donut icing. Bonbon jelly-o biscuit gummi bears brownie chupa chups wafer. Cookie chupa chups sesame snaps gummies. Pastry soufflé cotton candy chocolate cake gummies dessert cake tootsie roll.", "./dist/img/food5.jpg"],
"product6": ["Rosół z nudlami (rosół z makaronem)", "Tootsie roll powder croissant cupcake gingerbread. Caramels liquorice soufflé dragée sesame snaps donut. Cookie brownie liquorice bear claw cupcake pastry. Toffee powder apple pie caramels bear claw oat cake sugar plum caramels danish. Marzipan chocolate cake apple pie cupcake pie candy canes candy canes. Pie chocolate cheesecake. Biscuit halvah donut donut cupcake candy cookie danish. Carrot cake pie carrot cake jelly-o apple pie jujubes chocolate bar. Biscuit donut sesame snaps muffin tiramisu jelly cupcake.", "./dist/img/food1.jpg"],
"product7": ["Jaskółcze gniazda", "Cotton candy tart cookie. Croissant wafer marshmallow chocolate cake fruitcake wafer. Danish cheesecake tart dessert bear claw jelly jujubes. Cake lemon drops candy danish. Sweet sweet chocolate cotton candy biscuit carrot cake wafer fruitcake donut. Sweet roll dessert cookie chocolate cake chocolate halvah chupa chups. Gummi bears croissant chocolate tart tart. Chocolate cake wafer cupcake caramels marzipan cookie chocolate bar muffin.", "./dist/img/food2.jpg"],
"product8": ["Karminadle / karbinadle / kardinadle", "Jujubes marshmallow topping cake powder gummies cupcake icing. Donut sweet roll chocolate bar. Icing tiramisu oat cake gummi bears. Sweet jelly beans tart dragée liquorice cheesecake tootsie roll ice cream marzipan. Gummi bears danish gingerbread gingerbread candy canes dessert. Sweet roll soufflé gummi bears macaroon chocolate bar lollipop jelly beans chocolate cake. Cupcake tart caramels jelly jelly beans.", "./dist/img/food3.jpg"],
"product9": ["Hekele / hekerle górnośląskie", "Cheesecake macaroon lemon drops gummi bears. Muffin gummi bears danish chocolate bar lollipop. Cake sweet roll cheesecake bear claw sugar plum sweet roll candy. Muffin carrot cake cotton candy sweet roll muffin ice cream. Cheesecake chocolate cake marshmallow gummi bears powder ice cream biscuit. Powder jelly beans halvah jelly beans danish tiramisu jelly-o tart liquorice. Pudding jelly beans carrot cake chocolate jelly-o. Pudding soufflé soufflé chocolate cake chocolate cake pie chupa chups gummi bears. Tart cotton candy bear claw oat cake chocolate cake. Icing jelly-o wafer donut.", "./dist/img/food4.jpg"],
"product10": ["Schab sztygarski", "Marzipan sweet roll brownie soufflé chocolate gingerbread topping gingerbread bonbon. Carrot cake lollipop icing brownie jelly beans carrot cake chocolate cake macaroon jelly beans. Soufflé halvah cake jelly. Gingerbread cake halvah tart marzipan macaroon. Cake carrot cake bonbon sugar plum. Oat cake ice cream sugar plum candy canes brownie donut icing. Bonbon jelly-o biscuit gummi bears brownie chupa chups wafer. Cookie chupa chups sesame snaps gummies. Pastry soufflé cotton candy chocolate cake gummies dessert cake tootsie roll.", "./dist/img/food5.jpg"],
"product11": ["Żurek siewierski", "Tootsie roll powder croissant cupcake gingerbread. Caramels liquorice soufflé dragée sesame snaps donut. Cookie brownie liquorice bear claw cupcake pastry. Toffee powder apple pie caramels bear claw oat cake sugar plum caramels danish. Marzipan chocolate cake apple pie cupcake pie candy canes candy canes. Pie chocolate cheesecake. Biscuit halvah donut donut cupcake candy cookie danish. Carrot cake pie carrot cake jelly-o apple pie jujubes chocolate bar. Biscuit donut sesame snaps muffin tiramisu jelly cupcake.", "./dist/img/food1.jpg"],
"product12": ["Śląska parzybroda / parzy-broda", "Cotton candy tart cookie. Croissant wafer marshmallow chocolate cake fruitcake wafer. Danish cheesecake tart dessert bear claw jelly jujubes. Cake lemon drops candy danish. Sweet sweet chocolate cotton candy biscuit carrot cake wafer fruitcake donut. Sweet roll dessert cookie chocolate cake chocolate halvah chupa chups. Gummi bears croissant chocolate tart tart. Chocolate cake wafer cupcake caramels marzipan cookie chocolate bar muffin.", "./dist/img/food2.jpg"],
"product13": ["Polewka na maślance z ziemniakami", "Jujubes marshmallow topping cake powder gummies cupcake icing. Donut sweet roll chocolate bar. Icing tiramisu oat cake gummi bears. Sweet jelly beans tart dragée liquorice cheesecake tootsie roll ice cream marzipan. Gummi bears danish gingerbread gingerbread candy canes dessert. Sweet roll soufflé gummi bears macaroon chocolate bar lollipop jelly beans chocolate cake. Cupcake tart caramels jelly jelly beans.", "./dist/img/food3.jpg"],
"product14": ["Czernina / czarnina / szwarc", "Cheesecake macaroon lemon drops gummi bears. Muffin gummi bears danish chocolate bar lollipop. Cake sweet roll cheesecake bear claw sugar plum sweet roll candy. Muffin carrot cake cotton candy sweet roll muffin ice cream. Cheesecake chocolate cake marshmallow gummi bears powder ice cream biscuit. Powder jelly beans halvah jelly beans danish tiramisu jelly-o tart liquorice. Pudding jelly beans carrot cake chocolate jelly-o. Pudding soufflé soufflé chocolate cake chocolate cake pie chupa chups gummi bears. Tart cotton candy bear claw oat cake chocolate cake. Icing jelly-o wafer donut.", "./dist/img/food4.jpg"],
"product15": ["Kapusta z grochem po częstochowsku", "Marzipan sweet roll brownie soufflé chocolate gingerbread topping gingerbread bonbon. Carrot cake lollipop icing brownie jelly beans carrot cake chocolate cake macaroon jelly beans. Soufflé halvah cake jelly. Gingerbread cake halvah tart marzipan macaroon. Cake carrot cake bonbon sugar plum. Oat cake ice cream sugar plum candy canes brownie donut icing. Bonbon jelly-o biscuit gummi bears brownie chupa chups wafer. Cookie chupa chups sesame snaps gummies. Pastry soufflé cotton candy chocolate cake gummies dessert cake tootsie roll.", "./dist/img/food5.jpg"],
"product16": ["Wodzionka / wodzianka", "Tootsie roll powder croissant cupcake gingerbread. Caramels liquorice soufflé dragée sesame snaps donut. Cookie brownie liquorice bear claw cupcake pastry. Toffee powder apple pie caramels bear claw oat cake sugar plum caramels danish. Marzipan chocolate cake apple pie cupcake pie candy canes candy canes. Pie chocolate cheesecake. Biscuit halvah donut donut cupcake candy cookie danish. Carrot cake pie carrot cake jelly-o apple pie jujubes chocolate bar. Biscuit donut sesame snaps muffin tiramisu jelly cupcake.", "./dist/img/food1.jpg"],
"product17": ["Kubuś / kubusz", "Cotton candy tart cookie. Croissant wafer marshmallow chocolate cake fruitcake wafer. Danish cheesecake tart dessert bear claw jelly jujubes. Cake lemon drops candy danish. Sweet sweet chocolate cotton candy biscuit carrot cake wafer fruitcake donut. Sweet roll dessert cookie chocolate cake chocolate halvah chupa chups. Gummi bears croissant chocolate tart tart. Chocolate cake wafer cupcake caramels marzipan cookie chocolate bar muffin.", "./dist/img/food2.jpg"],
"product18": ["Żur z tłuczonymi kartoflami (ziemniakami)","Jujubes marshmallow topping cake powder gummies cupcake icing. Donut sweet roll chocolate bar. Icing tiramisu oat cake gummi bears. Sweet jelly beans tart dragée liquorice cheesecake tootsie roll ice cream marzipan. Gummi bears danish gingerbread gingerbread candy canes dessert. Sweet roll soufflé gummi bears macaroon chocolate bar lollipop jelly beans chocolate cake. Cupcake tart caramels jelly jelly beans.", "./dist/img/food3.jpg"],
"product19": ["Rolada wołowa śląska", "Cheesecake macaroon lemon drops gummi bears. Muffin gummi bears danish chocolate bar lollipop. Cake sweet roll cheesecake bear claw sugar plum sweet roll candy. Muffin carrot cake cotton candy sweet roll muffin ice cream. Cheesecake chocolate cake marshmallow gummi bears powder ice cream biscuit. Powder jelly beans halvah jelly beans danish tiramisu jelly-o tart liquorice. Pudding jelly beans carrot cake chocolate jelly-o. Pudding soufflé soufflé chocolate cake chocolate cake pie chupa chups gummi bears. Tart cotton candy bear claw oat cake chocolate cake. Icing jelly-o wafer donut.", "./dist/img/food4.jpg"],
"product20": ["Modro kapusta” – sałatka z czerwonej kapusty", "Marzipan sweet roll brownie soufflé chocolate gingerbread topping gingerbread bonbon. Carrot cake lollipop icing brownie jelly beans carrot cake chocolate cake macaroon jelly beans. Soufflé halvah cake jelly. Gingerbread cake halvah tart marzipan macaroon. Cake carrot cake bonbon sugar plum. Oat cake ice cream sugar plum candy canes brownie donut icing. Bonbon jelly-o biscuit gummi bears brownie chupa chups wafer. Cookie chupa chups sesame snaps gummies. Pastry soufflé cotton candy chocolate cake gummies dessert cake tootsie roll.", "./dist/img/food5.jpg"]