Basic Python implementation for interfacing with Caruna Plus (sometimes called Caruna+). It supports only basic methods, but enough to extract electricity usage data for further processing.
Supported features:
- Get user profile information
- Get metering points ("assets")
- Get consumption data (daily/hourly)
The project is published on PyPI: . You can use this package by adding the
following to your requirements.txt
The examples/
directory has example Python programs illustrating how to use the library.
The resources/
directory has examples of API response structures.
- The authentication procedure requires a lot of HTTP requests to be sent back and forth, so the process is relatively slow. It's best to store and reuse the token produced by it instead of doing the authentication process all over again all the time.
During daylight savings time changes, the API may return a duplicate datapoint (same timestamp in two consecutive data points). See #7 for more details.This has reportedly been fixed, see #7 (comment)
- caruna-influxdb - a collection of scripts for ingesting your Caruna data into InfluxDB