This template creates an Azure Private Endpoint based on your Network Topology, you can also use it to create the associated DNS private record.
Your can refer to the following article for more information : Network Topologies for Azure Private Endpoints.
The following guide reminds the recommended DNS zone names to use with Private Endpoints.
- Note 1: The Private Endpoint should be in the same region and subscription than its Virtual Network.
- Note 2: The Private Endpoint could be in a different resource group than its Virtual Network.
- Note 3: Only one group Id per Private Endpoint is permitted when connecting to a third-party resource.
## Variable
$AzureRmSubscriptionName = "mvp-sub1"
$RgName = "dld-corp-mvp-dataplatform"
$existingResourceName = "dldcorpmvpadls"
$existingResourceType = "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
$groupId = "blob"
$resourcePrivateEndpointIteration = "1"
$DeploymentName = "$($existingResourceName)-pe$($resourcePrivateEndpointIteration)"
$existingVirtualNetworkResourceGroupName = "jdld-we-demo-wvd-rg1"
$existingVirtualNetworkName = "jdld-we-demo-wvd-vnet1"
$existingVirtualNetworkSubnetName = "endpoint-snet1"
$privateDnsZoneResourceGroupName = "infr-hub-prd-rg1"
$privateDnsZoneName = ""
## Connectivity
# Login first with Connect-AzAccount if not using Cloud Shell
$AzureRmContext = Get-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $AzureRmSubscriptionName | Set-AzContext -ErrorAction Stop
Select-AzSubscription -Name $AzureRmSubscriptionName -Context $AzureRmContext -Force -ErrorAction Stop
## Action
Write-Host "Deploying : $DeploymentName in the resource group : $RgName" -ForegroundColor Cyan
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -Name "$($existingResourceName)-pe$($resourcePrivateEndpointIteration)" -ResourceGroupName $RgName `
-TemplateUri `
-existingResourceName $existingResourceName `
-groupIds @($groupId) `
-resourcePrivateEndpointIteration $resourcePrivateEndpointIteration `
-existingResourceType $existingResourceType `
-existingVirtualNetworkResourceGroupName $existingVirtualNetworkResourceGroupName `
-existingVirtualNetworkName $existingVirtualNetworkName `
-existingVirtualNetworkSubnetName $existingVirtualNetworkSubnetName `
-privateDnsZoneResourceGroupName $privateDnsZoneResourceGroupName `
-privateDnsZoneName $privateDnsZoneName `
-Confirm -ErrorAction Stop