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Releases: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action


22 Feb 14:15
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Minor Changes

  • Added a workflow for automatically publishing to npm.


28 Jan 05:10
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Minor Changes

  • Enabled the GIT_CONFIG_NAME and GIT_CONFIG_EMAIL settings that let you customize the commit signing.


19 Jan 21:44
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Major Changes

  • 🔑 Added support for SSH Deploy Keys. You can learn how to utilize these here.
  • Massively improved test coverage and enabled CodeCov. Along with this came a good amount of code cleanup.
  • Improved the integration tests dramatically. There's now a suite of 10 integration tests that run on each merge to ensure that the action remains functional. These test all versions of checkout, environment setups, and ssh deployments.

Minor Changes

  • Enabled support for actions/checkout@v2.
  • Added the ability to customize the commit message.
  • Overhauled the README so it's more organized and concise.
  • Fixed the metadata in the action.yml file so it's now correctly formatted and includes all of the input options.
  • Added a CODEOWNERS file.
  • Added automatic label generation on all issue templates.
  • Improved the error handling so it's easier to figure out what went wrong if the action were to fail.


14 Jan 20:18
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Minor Changes

  • Fixed another issue related to git fetch.


14 Jan 15:10
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Minor Changes

  • Removed the use of git switch in exchange for git checkout. This was causing some issues with certain container based workflows as the Git version was out of date.
  • Added some documentation surrounding rsync and the need to install it when using a container in the workflow.
  • Numerous code and unit test improvements.
  • Added more integration tests that check different common workflow scenarios. For example there's one that checks the action when using actions/checkout@v1 and actions/checkout@v2, container workflows, the CLEAN option, and the automatic branch creation. These run on scheduled intervals and on every push to dev. This should allow for bugs to be caught early in the process way before they make their way to production.


08 Jan 13:36
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Minor Changes

  • Fixed an issue that would prevent some configurations from deploying.


07 Jan 16:08
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Minor Changes

  • Fixed an issue preventing new branches from being generated when it doesn't exist on the remote.
  • Improved feature/bug templates.
  • Added a support template.


23 Dec 15:38
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Minor Changes

  • Documentation changes to explain how to use BASE_BRANCH correctly.
  • Dependency updates from Dependabot.


21 Dec 21:56
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Major Changes

  • Added a series of post deployment jobs that will remove the temporary deployment directory, and switch the git head back to the commit that triggered the workflow. This is based on GITHUB_SHA environment variable, and if it's not present during the workflow run then the step is ignored, this will prevent scheduled jobs from erroring. Thanks to @brockfanning for flagging this.
  • Changed the default branch to the current commit, followed by master. This makes the base branch completely optional if you're triggering a deployment from a branch besides master.

Minor Changes

  • Added a number of emojis in the deployment steps so it's easier to trace through the logs.


20 Dec 23:00
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Minor Changes

  • Adds the CLEAN_EXCLUDE option which allows you to preserve specified files or folders that need to preserved from a previous job run when using CLEAN. The option needs to be formatted as an array but stored as a string due to a limitation with GitHub Actions. This can be used like so:
- name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
   uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@releases/v3
     ACCESS_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.ACCESS_TOKEN }}
     BASE_BRANCH: master
     BRANCH: gh-pages
     FOLDER: '.build'
     CLEAN: true
     CLEAN_EXCLUDE: '["develop"]'