Releases: Jayesh-JainX/Prime_Numbers
Minor Ui changes
Minor UI Changes and History Display Enhancement
Color Scheme Adjustment:
- Tweaked color palette for better contrast and readability.
- Adjusted background and text colors for improved visual appeal.
History Display Clarity:
- Enhanced history display to provide clearer and more concise information.
- Improved formatting for better organization and readability.
Flask Backend to Check Large Numbers
Button Click Notification
In this release, we've added a Flask backend that checks whether a given number is prime, even when dealing with extremely large numbers. This backend is designed to handle requests from a web interface where users input numbers for primality testing. It utilizes probabilistic primality testing with the Miller-Rabin algorithm to efficiently check the primality of large numbers. The backend provides a simple API endpoint for this purpose and returns a response indicating whether the number is probably prime or not prime. The backend can be integrated with a frontend to provide a user-friendly prime number checking service.
Button Click Notification
Button Click Notification
In this release, we've added a notification feature to enhance user interaction. When you click the designated button, a brief message will be displayed for 3 seconds. This feature provides quick feedback and improves the overall user experience.
Removal of Blank Input Garbage Value
Removal of Blank Input Garbage Value
The Function doesn't execute when the input number is blank on your web page.