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Differential Analysis with Cuffdiff
Cuffdiff identifies differentially expressed transcripts. Comparing expression levels of genes and transcripts in RNA-Seq experiments is a hard problem. Cuffdiff is a highly accurate tool for performing these comparisons, and can tell you not only which genes are up- or down-regulated between two or more conditions, but also which genes are differentially spliced or are undergoing other types of isoform-level regulation.
Basic cudddiff command:
cuffdiff [options] <merged.gtf> <sample1_rep1.bam,sample1_rep2.bam> <sample2_rep1.bam,sample2_rep2.bam>
- merged.gtf : merged gtf for all samples output by cuffmerge
- bam/sam files : Alignment files for each replicate of sample1 (separated by commas) followed by Alignment files for each replicate of sample2 (separated by commas)
Run Cuffdiff by using the merged transcriptome assembly along with the BAM files from TopHat2 for each replicate:
cuffdiff -o diff_out -b genome.fa -p 8
–L C1,C2
-u merged_asm/merged.gtf \ ./C1_R1_thout/accepted_hits.bam,./C1_R2_thout/accepted_hits.bam,./C1_R3_thout/ accepted_hits.bam \ ./C2_R1_thout/accepted_hits.bam,./C2_R2_thout/accepted_hits.bam,./C2_R3_thout/ accepted_hits.bam
-b is for enabling fragment bias correction.
The cuffdiff output is in a directory called diff_out
We are going to spend some time parsing through this output.
cd ./diff_out
# You should see all the files as listed below:
-rwxr-x--- 1 daras G-801020 2691192 Aug 21 12:20 isoform_exp.diff : Differential expression testing for transcripts
-rwxr-x--- 1 daras G-801020 1483520 Aug 21 12:20 gene_exp.diff : Differential expression testing for genes
-rwxr-x--- 1 daras G-801020 1729831 Aug 21 12:20 tss_group_exp.diff: Differential expression testing for primary transcripts
-rwxr-x--- 1 daras G-801020 1369451 Aug 21 12:20 cds_exp.diff : Differential expression testing for coding sequences
-rwxr-x--- 1 daras G-801020 3277177 Aug 21 12:20 isoforms.fpkm_tracking
-rwxr-x--- 1 daras G-801020 1628659 Aug 21 12:20 genes.fpkm_tracking
-rwxr-x--- 1 daras G-801020 1885773 Aug 21 12:20 tss_groups.fpkm_tracking
-rwxr-x--- 1 daras G-801020 1477492 Aug 21 12:20 cds.fpkm_tracking
-rwxr-x--- 1 daras G-801020 1349574 Aug 21 12:20 splicing.diff : Differential splicing tests
-rwxr-x--- 1 daras G-801020 1158560 Aug 21 12:20 promoters.diff : Differential promoter usage
-rwxr-x--- 1 daras G-801020 919690 Aug 21 12:20 cds.diff : Differential coding output.
Note that cuffdiff has performed a statistical test on the expression values between our two biological groups. It reports the FPKM expression levels for each group, the log2(group 1 FPKM/ group 2 FPKM), and a p-value measure of statistical confidence, among many other helpful data items.
Here is a basic command useful for parsing/sorting the gene_exp.diff or isoform_exp.diff files:
cat isoform_exp.diff | awk '{print $10 "\t" $4}' | sort -n -r | head
Finally, we are going to use cummeRbund to visualize the differential expression data.
| Previous Section | This Section | Next Section | |:------------------------------------:|:--------------------------:|:--------------------------------------------:| | Transcript Assembly with Cufflinks| Differential Analysis with Cuffdiff| Visualization with CummeRbund
6-iii. Integrated assignment answers
#Table of Contents
- Module 0 Setting Up for Data Analysis
- Introduction to High Performance Computing Cluster
- Connecting to MGHPCC
- Computing Environment
- Unix Tutorial Part 1: UNIX Bootcamp
- Unix Tutorial Part 2: Shell Scripting
- Unix Tutorial Practice
- Submitting computing jobs to HPC using LSF
- Ignore: Git Tutorial
- Module 1 Introduction/ Overview
- Overview of RNA-seq Experiment
- RNA-Seq Analysis Pipeline
- RNA-Seq Input Data
- RNA-seq File Formats and Software-Specific Files
- Getting Data for Analysis
- Module 2 Quality Control
- Module 3 Tuxedo Pipeline
- The Tuxedo Pipeline
- Read Alignment with TopHat2
- Transcript Assembly with Cufflinks
- Differential Analysis with Cuffdiff
- Visualization with CummeRbund
- Resources and Reference