Project 5 - Image Viewer
Jeffrey Covington
Image viewer of P3 or P6 ppm files that can apply various affine transformations.
ESC - Exit
0 - Reset
E - Rotate left
Q - Rorate right
W - Pan up
S - Pan down
A - Pan left
D - Pan right
2 - Zoom in
1 - Zoom out
R - Increase X scale
F - Decrease X scale
T - Increase Y scale
G - Decrease Y scale
Y - Increase X shear
H - Decrease X shear
U - Increase Y shear
J - Decrease Y shear
Usage: ezview inputFile
Example: ezview imput.ppm
Compile with "nmake". Requires GLES2 Starter Kit
Tested on Windows 7. Compiled using visual studio cl.exe.