Releases: JoKronk/teamruns-client
What's Changed
- Fix Gondola being inactive after crash by @The-Stellar in #16
- Add Taunt Menu support by @The-Stellar in #19
- Aesthetic Improvements by @The-Stellar in #22
- Add base version of downpatch UI by @JoKronk in #17
- Settings page rework by @The-Stellar in #23
- Incompatibility warning added by @The-Stellar in #24
- New client version by @JoKronk in #25
- Fix hardcoded version warning by @JoKronk in #26
- Update maximum file size budget by @JoKronk in #27
New Contributors
- @The-Stellar made their first contribution in #16
Full Changelog: v0.9.3...v0.10.0
-Added obs plugin
-Added option for team shared citadel skip
-Added option for shared warp gates between everyone
-Added team renaming
-Added option to kick spectators
-Added teamrun version display in opengoal
-Updated initial run connection logic
-Updated client to server communication logic
-Fixed runners being able to turn in tasks too early (DMG, mirrors)
-Fixed citadel elevator spawn (requires redownload of teamrun opengoal)
-Fixed infinite forfeit
-Fixed minor bugs
-Added "free for all" option to lockout mode (with unlimited players).
-Added individual cell counts.
-Added timer countdown option.
-Added optional lobby passwords.
-Added lobby deletion option for creator.
-Added runner kick option for host (currently only works on runners).
-Updated defeating klaww to be shared between all runners in lockout.
-Updated "vote reset" option to remain after run end.
-Updated set path description.
-Fixed tether cell icons.