Start Consul and the UI:
vagrant up consul webui
Show the UI in the browser via http://localhost:8500/
Explain the UI
Start the HAProxy:
vagrant up haproxy
Show the UI
Start all other nodes:
vagrant up timeservice1 timeservice2 timeservice3
Explain the changes in UI
Show the service configuration file used:
vagrant ssh -c "less /etc/consul.d/service-ts.json" timeservice1
Call the timestamp provided by the timeservice:
curl -s http://localhost:10080/now/ | jq .
Say they should pay attention to the origin
Run the same request in a loop:
while sleep 1; do
curl -s http://localhost:10080/now/ | jq .origin ;
How kill one of the nodes:
vagrant halt -f timeservice1
Show the UI
Start the killed node again
vagrant up timeservice1
Explain the HAProxy configuration template
vagrant ssh -c "less /etc/consul-template.d/haproxy.cfg.ctmpl" haproxy
Show the changes to the HAProxy configuration during changes in the cluster:
vagrant ssh -c "watch -n 1 'cat /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg'" haproxy