Namespaces are a simple way to group objects in a Kubernetes cluster. It is useful to reduce the clutter when working with the Kubernetes commands but is also the basis for a number of security mechanisms.
You can see the namespaces in your cluster using:
kubectl get namespaces
Which will usually result in something like this:
default Active 88d
kube-public Active 88d
kube-system Active 88d
and kube-system
are namespaces used by Kubernetes specific services and controllers. You can see the pods running in a different namespace by using:
kubectl get pods -n kube-system
Most demo configurations have been applied to the default namespace so far. The configuration in other_namespace_service.yaml creates an nginx with a service inside another namespace. Apply it using
kubectl apply -f other_namespace_service.yaml
To see the pods and the service use:
kubectl -n other get pods
kubectl -n other get services
To open the respective service in your browser use:
minikube service -n other nginx
Log into the diagnose container in the default namespace and try to access the nginx service in the "other" namespace. When inside the diagnose container you can use:
curl nginx.other