Releases: JohanDegraeve/xdripswift
LibreLinkUp Russia & Use macOS15 and Xcode 16.2
- New follower data source: LibreLinkUp Russia. Allows access to the Russian LLU servers using RU-based accounts. Thanks to Victor for testing.
- Use macOS15 and Xcode 16.2 in GitHub workflows for browser build (@bjornoleh)
urgent fix and documentation update
- GitHub documentation update for browser build (adding Trio App Group)
- fix an issue with iPhone 8 / SE where the bluetooth peripheral view controller was showing empty and crashing the app when Scan is pressed (or when a Transmitter ID was entered).
fix for deleting BG readings in NightScout
- avoid an incorrect http DELETE request to the Nightscout server when deleting BG readings from the app and using API_SECRET as the authentication method (token authentication worked fine).
many changes
- G6 Anubis transmitters are now detected by the app when the transmitter is first added.
- If using an Anubis G6 transmitter, it needs to be deleted from the app and re-added as a new transmitter after installing the update for it to be detected.
- 50 minute warm-up and 180 day expiry are now fully supported/displayed in the app (including the Watch app).
- The Anubis section is now hidden in the G6 bluetooth screen for non-anubis transmitters.
- Transmitter Expiry date is added to G6 bluetooth screen (100 day expiry for G6 / 180 day expiry for Anubis)
- Live Activities can now be restarted automatically via the iOS Shortcuts app. Add an Automation to happen Daily at xx:xx time and chose the “Restart Live Activity” automation. Usefull to add during the night to prevent the Live Activity being cancelled if the app isn’t opened for 8 hours. Can also be used several times during the day if the app is rarely opened by the user. (@dugamarian)
- For LibreLinkUp Follower mode, the user can now specify if their Libre 2 / Libre 3 is a “Plus” sensor with a 15 day lifetime. This will then update the sensor description in the follower settings and also update the sensor progress to use 15 days instead of 14 days.
- Screen touch/interaction is disabled when using the “screen lock” function in landscape mode (“Big Number View”) to avoid accidentally deactivating it during the night. The screen must be rotated back to portrait to be able to cancel screen lock.
- Fix profile download for Loop follow mode where some values are (for some strange reason) uploaded and stored in Nightscout as strings instead of integers.
- Device status processing bug fixed where the app could potentially show “no data” and not refresh
- Compiler settings updated and CNContactStore warnings fixed
- Fallback SF Symbols logic added for users with <iOS17 (toolbar calibrate icon and NS device status battery icons)
- Connecting to a new and empty/unused LibreLinkUp account will now fail gracefully and not cause a crash
closed-loop APS/AID system following from Nightscout
This release introduces closed-loop APS/AID system following from Nightscout. The aim of this feature is to provide a simplified version with the basic/important information up front. Can be used in Follower mode to fully follow a Looper/AAPSer/Trioer/iAPSer or in master mode to “follow yourself”. All further data can be accessed in the new AID Status view as needed.
Please note that valid AID system data must be visible in Nightscout for this to work. If your Nightscout is not showing any data in the Pump and Loop/OpenAPS pills, then we will not get any device status data and the app will show a Data Error.
Further changes are made to add “Big Number” views to the standard screen lock function by rotating the iPhone, and also to add a Big Number view to the StandBy version of the system widget (in Developer Settings).
- New options in Nightscout settings to enabled Follow Type
- “None” - just basic treatments of insulin/carbs) will be shown in the main chart as always
- “Loop” - used to follow Loop via Nightscout
- “OpenAPS” - used to follow OpenAPS-based systems such as OpenAPS, AAPS, Trio and iAPS
- When Follow Type is set to Loop or OpenAPS-based:
- Nightscout Profile will be imported when available with scheduled basal rates and ISF/CR ratios
- Scheduled basal and temp basals will be shown on the main chart
- Chart will be filled in with scheduled basal when temp basals expire
- A new pump info view is shown to the left of the BG value. Double-tapping the BG value will show/hide the pump info view.
- Tap the “Looping Status” text to open a new AID Status view which will show current looping Device Status and Profile results. This view should show the AID system icon, version number (if available) and all detailed information. The view will auto-configure as per the information available.
- In the pump view, the cannula age (CAGE/Site change) will be shown once a new CAGE treatment is added to Nightscout and synced after the update. Until then it will show as nil (“-“).
- The default max age for a cannula/site change is 3 days (72 hours). For users using the Medtronic Extended cannula sets with 7 day wear-time, they can update CAGE Max Days to 7 days (168 hours) or whatever they want in the Developer Settings.
- The pump info view will show yellow/red for pump battery and CAGE status warnings as needed.
- If running in Follower Mode, then an uploader battery warning icon will be shown when below 25%. If the AID system supports the “isCharging” attribute, then this icon will be hidden when the master device starts charging.
- The loop status will be shown in all widgets, live activities and Dynamic Island (when space is short, looping status will take priority over BG delta change). The Watch app will also adjust the chart size to show IOB/COB and looping status as per the main iOS app.
- Temp basal treatments will now be shown in the Treatments tab including the option to filter (show/hide) them
- When Follow Type is set to None (i.e. disabled):
- No changes will be visible to the app and no extra data will be shown (pump/looping status views, basal rates etc)
- Main toolbar icons are updated
- The “?/help” button is removed as it seemed nobody ever used it anyway 🙂 Help/documentation is still available at the top of the Settings screen as always.
- A new “Quick show/hide” icon in the toolbar is added. This allows the user to quickly configure some options such as showing/hiding the mini-chart or statistics on the Home Screen. Useful for users with smaller iPhone screens that may want to hide items most of the time.
- Most of the app values will fade to grey when sending the app to the background to indicate that they are possibly not current when viewed in the app switcher.
- A new “Big Number” view for the screen lock can be accessed by locking the screen (padlock icon) and then rotating the iPhone to horizontal/landscape. The dimming options are respected and used for this new view.
- A new “Big Number” view is added for the iOS StandBy mode when the iPhone is locked and placed in horizontal/landscape in a MagSafe charger. This can be enabled from the Developer Settings. If disabled, the standard chart will be shown.
- The G6 users with Anubis transmitters, there is now an option (in the G6 screen) to override the maximum sensor days from 10 days (G6 default) up to 60 days (Anubis maximum). We would recommend using 20-30 days or whatever you consider is a good number based on previous experience. This will be shown in the sensor progress view and numbers.
- NOTE: This will not affect the real sensor lifetime. It is only a visual representation. The sensor lifetime is controlled by the transmitter, not by the app.
- BG Values <39 and >400 in all widgets, complications, live activities, Dynamic Island and watch app will now be shown as LOW/HIGH (or will show a sensor error code) as per the main iOS app.
- The main chart “hours to show” control has changed from 3/6/12/24 hours to 3/5/8/12 hours. Any user that previously selected 24 hours will be changed to 12 hours after updating. 24 hour chart is still fully available (now also showing basal if Follow Type is enabled) by rotating the iPhone to landscape.
- Changes to the carb/insulin treatment markers on the main chart
- The animation for the sensor progress has been removed
- Connection/functionality improvements for Bubble Nano transmitter (from bubbledevteam)
- Dependency updates
- Small translation updates (mainly to shorten some text strings)
- NightscoutUploadManager renamed to NightscoutSyncManager to better reflect the class function
Stelo improvements
Stelo improvements + minor logging changes
Stelo + crashfixes
Stelo + crashfixes
many features and fixes
- new Watch app with second "Big Number" screen - scroll or swipe down to see it
- new dynamic gauge dials for Watch app/complications to accurately show the user ranges
- changes to simplify Algorithm and Calibration types
-- now the user can easily chose between Native (previously called Transmitter) algorithm and xDrip algorithm
-- the default calibration type is now always Standard (single-point). The user must change manually to multi-point.
-- explanations added at each stage of chaning algorithm/calibration type. - Calibration type is disabled when using the native algorithm and the UI now makes this clear
- Smooth Libre Values option is moved from Developer settings to the Libre 2 bluetooth peripheral screen
- "Libre 2 Direct" is now renamed throughout the app to "Libre 2 EU" to prevent confusion with CA/US/AUS sensors
- When a transmitter is connected, but sensor values are yet to arrive, the app will now show "Waiting for data...".
- slope information added to BG Readings view
- added Bubble Nano support
- Dexcom Share upload now clearly indicates to the user the information required before it will start to work. To prevent users thinking they should be uploading data when the receiver s/n was missing etc
- the Contact Image will no longer delete the contact after disabling the function. This will prevent people losing updates after toggling on/off the option.
- a "Use High Contrast" option now exists for the Contact Image for people that use tinted/coloured watchfaces. It helps prevent the colours from looking washed-out.
- Contact Image will now work for follower modes, but will stay disabled (showing "OFF") if the background keep-alive is set to Disabled. This is to prevent users seeing out of date values with no indication that they are old.
- Live Activity is now no longer switchable for "Only when high, low etc" as the app can't generate Live Activities from the background so it was of little value. The UI now merges all functions into one single option (disabled, minimal, normal, large)
- LibreLinkUp Follower modified to work even when there is an empty Active Sensor response from server.
- fix for follower network icon in Watch app
- max Sensor lifetime is increased to 10.5 days for G7/ONE+ to take advantage of the grace period
- G6 sensor session will now autostart correctly in xDrip4iOS always if the sensor is started using the Dexcom app
- the sensor start date will automatically get hidden now until valid BG data is coming in after warm-up to prevent confusion with incorrect data.
- ensure Developer settings are automatically hidden always
- G6 transmitter runtime/temperature and resistance is completely removed from the UI to avoid confusion (not so relevant after G5)
- updates to REXML dependencies (from 3.2.8 to 3.3.6)
- observers in the bluetooth screen are dynamically created/destroyed to minimize crashes in <iOS18
- Xcode 16 compiler warnings fixed
- Watch app background updates > 12 hours ago are discarded upon opening the Watch app. This will prevent "freezing/scrolling" through very old data if somebody hasn't opened the Watch app in several days.
- changes to the delta display text for small delta changes (usually +0 or +-1) that sometimes didn't match due to rounding (@aug0211)
- mmol/L delta calculations are now processed in real converted values to avoid delta errors in mmol/L
- LibreLinkUp version updated to 4.12.0 (it will automatically update all users settings the first time it is run)
- the small system widget (iOS) will no longer show the keep-alive icon to save sp
fix for calibration, fix for cgm heartbeat
- add correction to force NoCalibrator() for Dexcom G7 in RootViewController
- CGM heartbeat corrected in share-client to push cgmTransmitter_CBUUID and cgmTransmitterDeviceAddress changes to the chosen shared app group
fix for G7/ONE+ and other
- xDrip algorithm now completely removed from G7/ONE+ transmitter class
- Transmitter algorithm (without calibration available) is now forced for G7/ONE+ for updated versions.
- Xcode 16 build workaround
- LibreLinkUp service updates (version 4.11.0 + new Latin America market)