Season | Time |
s1 | 09h 50m 07s |
s2 | 14h 57m 31s |
s3 | 13h 03m 22s |
s4 | 13h 26m 00s |
extras | 02h 02m 22s |
TOTAL | 53h 19m 22s |
Use gentle and google auto-subtitle somehow
Hash map to store word count total
Load up clip with subtitles and have option to split clip equally via spaces
use trie
ffmpeg -i episode.mkv -vf scale=-1:720 -c:v libx264 -crf 0 -preset veryslow -c:a copy episode_720.mkv ffmpeg -i episode.mkv -filter:v scale=1280:-1 -c:a copy episode_720.mkv
- id
- Begin timestamp
- End timestamp
PulseAudio hosted at Display at port 0 export DISPLAY=:0 export PULSE_SERVER=tcp: export LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=Yes
Labelling program
- get audio, video, and if present subtitle streams
- if subtitle streams, generate intervals with names
- Use Gentle to force align words -- Cut out audio -- Put in subtitle thing -- delete old interval, import new intervals -- adjust mistakes
- split evenly at spaces if gentle doesn't work
- Label words based on audio samples, frames are too imprecise!!
- Generate csv or whatever
- OVERALL STATS GETS SAVED SEPARATELY (can update by re-tallying all csvs in saved directory)
Compiling program
- concat all csvs together
- seperate into different letters (A B C, etc)
- order alphabetically
- go into each clip, trim, atrim, etc
- apply neat-looking overlays (calculate stats using global and letter csv)
- Pray nothing goes wrong when concat
SFML and sfeMovie!!!!!!
use wasdqe and ijkluo as two "joysticks" ctrl + g to perform gentle analysis