Retrieves the BPA (Best Practices Analyzer) report for a specific customer tenant.
The Get-CIPPBPA function retrieves the BPA report for a customer tenant based on the provided CustomerTenantID. Optionally, you can specify a ReportName to filter the report.
Specifies the ID of the customer tenant for which to retrieve the BPA report. This parameter is optional.
Specifies the name of the report to filter the BPA report. This parameter is optional.
PS > Get-CIPPBPA -CustomerTenantID "7ced1621-b8f7-4231-868c-bc6b1a2f1778" -ReportName "CIPP Best Practices V1.0 - Tenant View"
This example retrieves the BPA report for the customer tenant with ID "7ced1621-b8f7-4231-868c-bc6b1a2f1778" and filters it by the report name "CIPP Best Practices V1.0 - Tenant View".