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Training images for geostastical simulation in Julia.

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This package converts famous training images from the geostatistcs literature to a standard format for quick experimentation in Julia. It is part of the GeoStats.jl framework and can be used in conjunction with multiple-point simulation algorithms.

The contributors of this package do not hold any copyright on the data. Please give credit to the sources listed on the preview table.


The geostatsimage function takes a string identifier as its only argument, and returns a geotable as discussed in the book Geospatial Data Science with Julia:

julia> geostatsimage("WalkerLake")
160000×2 GeoTable over 400×400 CartesianGrid
│     Z      │                           geometry                            │
│ Continuous │                          Quadrangle                           │
│ [NoUnits]  │                     🖈 Cartesian{NoDatum}                      │
│  0.256614Quadrangle((x: 0.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 0.0 m, y: 1.0 m))  │
│  0.260752Quadrangle((x: 1.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 1.0 m, y: 1.0 m))  │
│  0.26127Quadrangle((x: 2.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 2.0 m, y: 1.0 m))  │
│  0.24452Quadrangle((x: 3.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 3.0 m, y: 1.0 m))  │
│  0.220545Quadrangle((x: 4.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 4.0 m, y: 1.0 m))  │
│  0.211095Quadrangle((x: 5.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 5.0 m, y: 1.0 m))  │
│  0.21892Quadrangle((x: 6.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 6.0 m, y: 1.0 m))  │
│  0.239326Quadrangle((x: 7.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 7.0 m, y: 1.0 m))  │
│                                    │
                                                           159992 rows omitted

The list of available identifiers can be found with GeoStatsImages.available().


Identifier Preview Type Data source
WalkerLake WalkerLakePreview Continuous Mariethoz & Caers, 2014
WalkerLakeTruth WalkerLakeTruthPreview Continuous Mariethoz & Caers, 2014
StoneWall StoneWallPreview Continuous Mariethoz & Caers 2014
Herten HertenPreview Continuous Mariethoz & Caers 2014
Lena LenaPreview Continuous Mariethoz & Caers 2014
StanfordV StanfordVPreview Continuous Mao & Journel 2014
Gaussian30x10 Gaussian30x10Preview Continuous Hoffimann 2020
Strebelle StrebellePreview Categorical Strebelle 2002
Ellipsoids EllipsoidsPreview Categorical Mariethoz & Caers 2014
WestCoastAfrica WestCoastAfricaPreview Categorical Mariethoz & Caers 2014
Flumy FlumyPreview Categorical Hoffimann et al 2017
Fluvsim FluvsimPreview Categorical Mariethoz & Caers, 2014
Ketton Ketton Categorical Imperial College Pore-Scale Modelling Group


St. Anthony Falls Laboratory






Contributions are very welcome, as are feature requests and suggestions.

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