ClusterManagers v0.4.1
Closed issues:
- addprocs_sge works incorrectly if the work directory is not the home directory and the list of default options for qsub includes "-cwd" (#103)
- Carriage return instead of newline (#112)
- Possibly naive question: ClusterManagers work for kubernetes? (#146)
- Extra options on SGE (#151)
- Error in
SGE (#152) - addprocs(SGEManager) fails (#158)
Merged pull requests:
- simplified qsub call, fixed kill, added working dir option + some tests (#153) (@nantonel)
- Update link to julia docs (#155) (@JonasIsensee)
- Fix up and add flexibility to HTCManager (#157) (@aminnj)
- clarify qsub flags are not limited to queue and need -q (#160) (@Moelf)
- Update README.md (#161) (@JonathanAnderson)
- Missing kwargs in qsub addproc (#162) (@nantonel)
- Add reference to K8sClusterManager in README (#166) (@omus)
- LSFManager enhancements (#167) (@tanmaykm)
- LSFManager: optionally stream worker stdout to master (#168) (@tanmaykm)
- Update patch version for tagging (#169) (@tanmaykm)