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Appendix II: Honorary mentions
Here we briefly mention some on-going or forthcoming projects, of which we are aware. They are either led by people from the broader community of the P2P Foundation or have been communicated to us throughout the long process of research and write up of this report. However, for different reasons mostly attributed to time restraints, these initiatives were not elaborated in the main body of the report. Still, they represent valuable ideas and aspirations on future trajectories of DLT and cryptocurrencies. Thus, we hereby provide, at least, an honorary mention.
P2P Models
P2P Models is a large research project, led by activist, researcher and teacher Samer Hassan. It focuses on building a new type of collaborative economy organizations, which are decentralized, democratic and economically sustainable harnessing the potentials of the blockchain. Its main focus is the rapid expansion of the Collaborative Economy through new forms of Internet labor and commerce. P2P Models aspires to address the main challenges of such forms, concerning centralized data surveillance and information abuse over the users, community disempowered and lack of decision-making influence, and unequal concentration of economic gains by a few major players who do not proportionally redistribute them to the contributors.
P2P Models explores the emergence of a new generation of self-governed and more economically sustainable peer-to-peer collaborative economy communities. It envisions a new way of building collaborative platforms by harnessing blockchain technology and autonomous agent-mediated organizations to (a) provide a software framework to build decentralized infrastructure for collaborative economy organizations that do not depend on central authorities; (b) enable democratic-by-design models of governance for communities, by encoding rules directly into the software platform; and (c) enable fairer value distribution models, thus improving the economic sustainability of both contributors and organizations. More information at: https://p2pmodels.eu.
Valuecraft is an emerging platform for creating ecosystems for multiple measures of value. It The basic idea is based on is the network of people who have a mutual trust on each other. Valuecraft networks are backed by the community of their peers rather than a central bank or any other central authority. Anyone can create an explicitly represented relationship with a friend, allowing them to borrow or pay any amount up to a specified credit limit, expressed in anything considered valuable.enriches local culture through alternative local, community and parallel currency experiments.
Valuecraft is registered in Helsinki as a cooperative, not-for-profit company under Finnish law and supports experiments aimed to improve economic diversity, economic sustainable development and equal economic opportunities. The value of economic diversity is made not only of the money that is available for circulation but of alternative money also enabling the social value and ecological values to accumulate. It plays an intermediary role with actors on different levels of society and different types of partners from government administration, through companies and associations to private citizens.
Tribute: a community-driven protocol for growing open networks
Misaligned interests between internal and external stakeholders are a major impediment to the flourishing of new models of large-scale decentralized peer-based production. The Tribute platform aims at solving this issue, by enabling organizations to grow while sharing more value than they capture for themselves. With Tribute, both hierarchical and participatory organizations can issue contributive tokens and set up smart incentives in order to attract and reward communities of independent contributors in a sustainable and equitable manner.
While the Tribute platform is being built in order to have a positive impact at the microeconomic level for organizations and the networked individuals they work with, its founding team intend to play a part as well at the macroeconomic level, by introducing a new way for funding the development of digital commons, such as the open protocols and the free software that made the Internet possible. To this end, the Tribute network is being set up as a decentralized autonomous cooperative, whose purpose is to transfer the platform's revenue into a capital pool for the commons, using a funding protocol rather than discretionary allocation. More information at: http://www.tribute.coop.
Plexus Institute Commons Project
This project treats individuals as being autonomous agents situated in the real environment where they can act independently and have the ability to not only sense the impact of their action on their local environment but with this new project will be able to appreciate it better both locally and globally. The project will scale an individual's dynamic interaction with environmental systems through augmented feedback on a local and global scale creating a new self-organizing awareness for the individual and the community at large.
To do this we will create and support a web-based system for trustworthy mutual cooperation based on community validated contribution and reputation. The self-organized system will operate on a blockchain web platform that supports Distributed Autonomous Organizations allowing it to scale and at the same time be locally adaptable.
Initially, the platform will feature two major modes of collaborative action. The first is to make the invisible visible through a virtual environment where the environmental impacts of real actions by individuals and communities will be graphically represented so that air can be seen to be cleaner and land conserved. The impact of collective action across the globe will be compiled into a global picture of progress.
The second intervention is the creation of a digital currency that is valued on the degree of positive environmental impact of individual and collective behavior change. Environmentally positive actions are validated by the community with the currency allocated to the individual or group who took the action. Unlike more common digital currencies this currency cannot be invested in but only earned through positive action. This currency will be similar to other offerings in the digital currency world because it can serve as a prediction market that assigns value. In this case, the currency will be based on environmental impact essentially giving the environment an opinion on value. More information at: https://plexusinstitute.org/the-commons-project.
MMT by Blockades
MMT stands for Magic Money Tree, or Margins Merkle Trees, or Mutual Margins Tributaries, or Mutual Margin Tendencies, or Margarine Margins Together. The project is about a software platform for grassroots collective crypto speculation and assisting community driven peer-to-peer (person-to-person) cryptocurrency education at the margins. In a nutshell it aims to assist and uplift peer-to-peer do-it-together practical education workshops on crypto-related topics for marginalized groups.
The main motivation of MMT stems from the potentially transformative implications of P2P technologies such as Distributed Ledger Technologies. But these can be truly transformative only if their development and application is coupled with a distribution of power, in the form of information, tools, skills, access or resources, as another peer in marginalised communities. This requires education and skill sharing for localized communities of people to reconfigure the new skills, tools and access to meet their specific needs.
MMT is funded by blockades.org, which is described as “a critical research practice specialising in rapid experimentation, design & prototyping; working at the intersection(s) of autonomous co-operatives, big (enough) data analytics, blockchain research/development, new economic spaces, modular microservice architectures & the undercommons”. More information at: https://blockades.org & https://github.com/blockades/mmt.