%%% System Architecture Diagram %%% Main components and their relationships
%%% Define main actors and deployment graph TB Developer-->|Push Code|GitHub Developer-->|Push Code|AWS_SAM
%%% GitHub Section subgraph GitHub[GitHub] GitHubRepo[GitHub Repository]-->|Trigger|Actions[GitHub Actions] end
%%% Deployment flows GitHub-->|Deploy|VPC AWS_SAM[AWS_SAM]-->|Deploy|VPC
%%% AWS VPC Infrastructure subgraph VPC[AWS VPC] subgraph Public[Public Subnet] %%% API Gateway and Lambda subgraph Gateway[API Gateway] Lambda["Lambda (Kotlin+Spring,Node)"] end
%%% Core Services
EC2["EC2 (Docker + Nginx)"]
%%% Internal Request Flow
EC2-->|2.API Call|Lambda
Lambda-->|3.1.a Request|RDS
RDS-->|3.2.a Response|Lambda
%%% External System External[외부 전자 도서관] Lambda-->|3.1.b External Request|External External-->|3.2.b External Response|Lambda
%%% User Flow User-->|1.First Request|EC2 EC2-->|5.Final Response|User
%%% Styling style VPC fill:#f0f0f0 style Public fill:#fff7e6 style Gateway fill:#e6f3ff style GitHub fill:#e6ffe6