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Releases: Jvinniec/CppEphem

New class CESkyCoord with ecliptic coordinates

19 Aug 09:13
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v1.3.0 introduces mean ecliptic coordinates in the new CESkyCoord class. Detailed changes are available in the ChangeLog.

Improved accuracy

16 May 14:57
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This release fixes alot of stuff. The highlights:

  • Earth nutation and TT-UT1 correction terms are now automatically downloaded and applied to coordinate conversions, so the user doesn't have to.
  • Computed planet positions are now more accurate for the SOFA algorithm.
  • The Autotools build system has been fixed, although it is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
  • Actual code tests and coverage checks have been created and are run on all pull requests.

For additional information on changes, consult the ChangeLog.

Added angular separation computation

21 Mar 08:35
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Added methods for computing the angular separation between two coordinates on the sky. The method uses the current x,y coordinates of the objects ([RA,Dec], [GLat,GLon], or [Az,Zen]) . See CECoordiantes::AngularSeparation() for help on using these methods.


  • Fix segfault in cirs2obs and gal2obs (#6)

Planet Ephemerides Now Included

03 Feb 02:26
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Description of added features:

  • Online class documentation is now available.
  • Planet ephemerides for the 9 major planets (see CEPlanet class) for a given Julian date.
  • CEPlanet class also allows for computing the solar system barycentric positions of the planets.
  • CEObserver class that allows describing an observer in order to obtain observed coordinates (azimuth, zenith angle) for a given geographic location and time.
  • CEObservation class that combines CEDate (time information), CEObserver (observer information), and CEBody (or any inherited class like CEPlanet) objects to compute observed coordinates for a given object.
  • Added compiled executable planetephem.cpp for easy computation of ephemerides from the command line.

Initial release

15 Jul 14:41
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This release contains a preliminary version of the code. It includes the latest (20160503) version of the SOFA software. For a look at what features are available, see the file in the top directory.

More improvements and features to come, so check back later!