Inspired by the 42 project Libft where we had to rewrite a bunch of libc functions with a couple additional ones, this project improves upon my libft and aims to be safer, cleaner, more complete and performant!
# clone the repository
$ git clone
# build the repo
$ make -C libkm
# link the headers with
$ cc -o $SOURCE -I$LIBKM_LOCATION/includes
# link it with your project
$ cc -o $OBJECTS -L$LIBKM_LOCATION/libkm.a -lkm
# build the image
$ docker build -t ubuntu_test tests
# run the image
$ docker run -it -v $PWD:/libkm ubuntu_test
All the functionality contained in the library!
Like in c++ this vector is templated, only you have to register the types yourself using macros
For a more detailed description of vector check out this!
Here is a quick example on how to create a vector of type int
#include "libkm/containers/vector.h"
// put this in the .h
// put this in the .c
//after registering the vector you can initialise it like this:
km_vector_integer_initialise(&vec, NULL, NULL);
// and destroy it like this
Printf family
For a more detailed description of the printf family check out this!
- km_dprintf()
- km_printf()
- km_sprintf()
- km_snprintf()
Get delim
For a more detailed description of the getdelim functions check out this!
- getdelim
- getline
Ascii to integral conversions
For a more detailed description of the integral conversions check out this!
- km_atoi()
- km_atol()
- km_strtoll()
- km_strtol()
For a more detailed description of the string functions check out this!
- km_strlcpy()
- km_strlcat()
- km_toupper()
- km_tolower()
- km_strchr()
- km_strrchr()
- km_strcmp()
- km_strncmp()
- km_strstr()
- km_strnstr()
- km_strcasestr()
- km_strtok()
- km_strdup()
- km_strndup()
- km_strlen()
- km_strnlen()
- km_isupper()
- km_islower()
- km_isalpha()
- km_isdigit()
- km_isascii()
- km_isprint()
For a more detailed description of the memory functions checkout this!
- km_memmove()
- km_bzero()
- km_calloc()
- km_stupid_realloc()
- km_memchr()
- km_memcmp()
- km_memcpy()
- km_memset()
For a more detailed description of the system functions checkout this!
- get_cache_line_size()
For a more detailed description about the additional IO functions checkout this!
- km_putchar_fd()
- km_putstr_fd()
- km_putendl_fd()
- km_putnbr_fd()
For a more detailed description about the additional String functions checkout this!
- km_substr()
- km_strjoin()
- km_safe_strjoin()
- km_strtrim()
- km_ltoa()
- km_itoa()
- km_strmapi()
- km_striteri()
- km_split()