Releases: Kaiede/Ephemeris
Releases · Kaiede/Ephemeris
Swift 5 Support
Swift 4 Package Manager Support
Ephemeris already supported building against Swift 4.x, but now it supports the package manager natively. Because 4.2 is now issuing warnings around the Swift 3 package manager being deprecated, it is more important to make sure the new manifest is ready to go for when Swift 5 shows up.
Ready to Go Edition
Sunrise (Rise, Civil Twilight, Nautical Twilight, or Astronomical Twilight)
Moon Illumination
Fix Access Levels
0.1.1 Fix Some of the Access Levels
Calculate Lunar Illumination Edition
Can Calculate:
- RA/Dec of Moon or Sun for a given Date
- Illumination of the Moon for a given Date