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Merge pull request #136 from TrinityCore/master
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Update 03.19.24
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KamiliaBlow authored Mar 18, 2024
2 parents aaa6193 + 7c736d8 commit ee0b5d9
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Showing 60 changed files with 31,530 additions and 36 deletions.
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions sql/updates/world/master/2024_03_18_00_world.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
-- Template
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `npcflag`=1, `unit_flags3`=16777216 WHERE `entry`=139522; -- Scouting Map

-- Template Addon
DELETE FROM `creature_template_addon` WHERE `entry`=139522;
INSERT INTO `creature_template_addon` (`entry`, `PathId`, `mount`, `StandState`, `AnimTier`, `VisFlags`, `SheathState`, `PvpFlags`, `emote`, `aiAnimKit`, `movementAnimKit`, `meleeAnimKit`, `visibilityDistanceType`, `auras`) VALUES
(139522, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '274053'); -- 139522 (Scouting Map) - Quest Bang - Zone Choice Map

-- Scene
DELETE FROM `scene_template` WHERE `SceneId`=1948;
INSERT INTO `scene_template` (`SceneId`, `Flags`, `ScriptPackageID`, `Encrypted`) VALUES
(1948, 27, 2097, 0);

-- Gossip
DELETE FROM `creature_template_gossip` WHERE (`CreatureID`=139522 AND `MenuID`=22725);
INSERT INTO `creature_template_gossip` (`CreatureID`, `MenuID`, `VerifiedBuild`) VALUES
(139522, 22725, 53584); -- Scouting Map

UPDATE `gossip_menu_option` SET `GossipOptionID`=48786, `OptionBroadcastTextID`=95541, `VerifiedBuild`=53584 WHERE (`MenuID`=22725 AND `OptionID`=0); -- OptionBroadcastTextID: 95541 - 96633 - 98823

DELETE FROM `conditions` WHERE (`SourceTypeOrReferenceId`=14 AND `SourceGroup` = 22725 AND `SourceEntry` = 35144);
INSERT INTO `conditions` (`SourceTypeOrReferenceId`, `SourceGroup`, `SourceEntry`, `SourceId`, `ElseGroup`, `ConditionTypeOrReference`, `ConditionTarget`, `ConditionValue1`, `ConditionValue2`, `ConditionValue3`, `NegativeCondition`, `Comment`) VALUES
(14, 22725, 35144, 0, 0, 47, 0, 47189, 2|8|64, 0, 0, 'Allow Gossip Menu 22725 with TextID 35144 if Quest 47189 is in progress | complete | rewarded');

-- SAI
SET @ENTRY = 121235;
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `AIName` = 'SmartAI', `ScriptName` = '' WHERE `entry` = @ENTRY;
DELETE FROM `smart_scripts` WHERE `source_type` = 0 AND `entryOrGuid` = @ENTRY;
INSERT INTO `smart_scripts` (`entryorguid`, `source_type`, `id`, `link`, `Difficulties`, `event_type`, `event_phase_mask`, `event_chance`, `event_flags`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `event_param3`, `event_param4`, `action_type`, `action_param1`, `action_param2`, `action_param3`, `action_param4`, `action_param5`, `action_param6`, `target_type`, `target_param1`, `target_param2`, `target_param3`, `target_x`, `target_y`, `target_z`, `target_o`, `comment`) VALUES
(@ENTRY, 0, 0, 1, '', 19, 0, 100, 0, 47099, 0, 0, 0, 85, 247532, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'On player accepted quest 47099 - Player who accepted quest: Cast spell 247532 on self'),
(@ENTRY, 0, 1, 2, '', 61, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 85, 247663, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'On player accepted quest 47099 - Player who accepted quest: Cast spell 247663 on self'),
(@ENTRY, 0, 2, 0, '', 61, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 85, 82238, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'On player accepted quest 47099 - Player who accepted quest: Cast spell 82238 on self'),
(@ENTRY, 0, 3, 0, '', 19, 0, 100, 0, 47189, 0, 0, 0, 85, 269191, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'On player accepted quest 47189 - Player who accepted quest: Cast spell 269191 on self');

SET @ENTRY = 139522;
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `AIName` = 'SmartAI', `ScriptName` = '' WHERE `entry` = @ENTRY;
DELETE FROM `smart_scripts` WHERE `source_type` = 0 AND `entryOrGuid` = @ENTRY;
INSERT INTO `smart_scripts` (`entryorguid`, `source_type`, `id`, `link`, `Difficulties`, `event_type`, `event_phase_mask`, `event_chance`, `event_flags`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `event_param3`, `event_param4`, `action_type`, `action_param1`, `action_param2`, `action_param3`, `action_param4`, `action_param5`, `action_param6`, `target_type`, `target_param1`, `target_param2`, `target_param3`, `target_x`, `target_y`, `target_z`, `target_o`, `comment`) VALUES
(@ENTRY, 0, 0, 0, '', 62, 0, 100, 0, 22725, 0, 0, 0, 33, 139522, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'On Gossip menu select 22725 - reward KillCredit 139522 - to Invoker');
538 changes: 538 additions & 0 deletions sql/updates/world/master/2024_03_18_01_world_hallows_end_draenor.sql

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,131 changes: 1,131 additions & 0 deletions sql/updates/world/master/2024_03_18_05_world_hallows_end_dragon_isles.sql

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2,122 changes: 2,122 additions & 0 deletions sql/updates/world/master/2024_03_18_06_world_love_is_in_the_air.sql

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2,023 changes: 2,023 additions & 0 deletions sql/updates/world/master/2024_03_18_07_world_hallows_end_eversong_woods.sql

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,258 changes: 1,258 additions & 0 deletions sql/updates/world/master/2024_03_18_11_world_hallows_end_tirisfal_glades.sql

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

380 changes: 380 additions & 0 deletions sql/updates/world/master/2024_03_18_16_world_hallows_end_wetlands.sql

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

526 changes: 526 additions & 0 deletions sql/updates/world/master/2024_03_18_20_world_hallows_end_badlands.sql

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
SET @OGUID := 3803271;

-- Old gameobject spawns
DELETE FROM `gameobject` WHERE `guid` BETWEEN 3004894 AND 3004906;
DELETE FROM `gameobject_addon` WHERE `guid` BETWEEN 3004894 AND 3004906;
DELETE FROM `game_event_gameobject` WHERE `guid` BETWEEN 3004894 AND 3004906;

-- Gameobject spawns
INSERT INTO `gameobject` (`guid`, `id`, `map`, `zoneId`, `areaId`, `spawnDifficulties`, `PhaseId`, `PhaseGroup`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`, `rotation0`, `rotation1`, `rotation2`, `rotation3`, `spawntimesecs`, `animprogress`, `state`, `VerifiedBuild`) VALUES
(@OGUID+0, 180405, 34, 717, 717, '1', 0, 0, 74.12201690673828125, -3.66817903518676757, -25.6062335968017578, 4.241150379180908203, 0, 0, -0.85264015197753906, 0.522498607635498046, 7200, 255, 1, 45745), -- G_Pumpkin_01 (Area: The Stockade - Difficulty: Normal)
(@OGUID+1, 180405, 34, 717, 717, '1', 0, 0, 146.6731109619140625, 89.1690216064453125, -33.9395637512207031, 5.89921426773071289, 0, 0, -0.19080829620361328, 0.981627285480499267, 7200, 255, 1, 45745), -- G_Pumpkin_01 (Area: The Stockade - Difficulty: Normal)
(@OGUID+2, 180406, 34, 717, 717, '1', 0, 0, 74.32439422607421875, 5.024705886840820312, -25.6062335968017578, 5.811946868896484375, 0, 0, -0.2334451675415039, 0.972369968891143798, 7200, 255, 1, 45745), -- G_Pumpkin_02 (Area: The Stockade - Difficulty: Normal)
(@OGUID+3, 180406, 34, 717, 717, '1', 0, 0, 134.89093017578125, 3.949640989303588867, -25.6062335968017578, 5.811946868896484375, 0, 0, -0.2334451675415039, 0.972369968891143798, 7200, 255, 1, 45745), -- G_Pumpkin_02 (Area: The Stockade - Difficulty: Normal)
(@OGUID+4, 180406, 34, 717, 717, '1', 0, 0, 111.6213226318359375, -87.8626937866210937, -33.9395637512207031, 2.67034769058227539, 0, 0, 0.972369194030761718, 0.233448356389999389, 7200, 255, 1, 45745), -- G_Pumpkin_02 (Area: The Stockade - Difficulty: Normal)
(@OGUID+5, 180406, 34, 717, 717, '1', 0, 0, 142.0284881591796875, 91.9442291259765625, -33.9395637512207031, 0.331610709428787231, 0, 0, 0.16504669189453125, 0.986285746097564697, 7200, 255, 1, 45745), -- G_Pumpkin_02 (Area: The Stockade - Difficulty: Normal)
(@OGUID+6, 180407, 34, 717, 717, '1', 0, 0, 125.7313919067382812, -3.61262488365173339, -25.6062335968017578, 3.281238555908203125, 0, 0, -0.99756336212158203, 0.069766148924827575, 7200, 255, 1, 45745), -- G_Pumpkin_03 (Area: The Stockade - Difficulty: Normal)
(@OGUID+7, 180407, 34, 717, 717, '1', 0, 0, 116.2468795776367187, -90.2322998046875, -33.9395637512207031, 3.281238555908203125, 0, 0, -0.99756336212158203, 0.069766148924827575, 7200, 255, 1, 45745), -- G_Pumpkin_03 (Area: The Stockade - Difficulty: Normal)
(@OGUID+8, 180410, 34, 717, 717, '1', 0, 0, 145.9379425048828125, 123.2726821899414062, -31.7391357421875, 5.218535900115966796, 0, 0, -0.507537841796875, 0.861629426479339599, 7200, 255, 1, 45745), -- G_HangingSkeleton_01 (Area: The Stockade - Difficulty: Normal)
(@OGUID+9, 180410, 34, 717, 717, '1', 0, 0, 170.26409912109375, 109.9136962890625, -31.800201416015625, 3.385940074920654296, 0, 0, -0.99254608154296875, 0.121869951486587524, 7200, 255, 1, 45745), -- G_HangingSkeleton_01 (Area: The Stockade - Difficulty: Normal)
(@OGUID+10, 180411, 34, 717, 717, '1', 0, 0, 129.090057373046875, 0.796682000160217285, -21.8337478637695312, 5.70722818374633789, 0, 0, -0.28401470184326171, 0.958819925785064697, 7200, 255, 1, 45745), -- G_Ghost_01 (Area: The Stockade - Difficulty: Normal)
(@OGUID+11, 180411, 34, 717, 717, '1', 0, 0, 105.1186065673828125, -106.234947204589843, -30.7940635681152343, 3.735006093978881835, 0, 0, -0.95630455017089843, 0.292372345924377441, 7200, 255, 1, 45745), -- G_Ghost_01 (Area: The Stockade - Difficulty: Normal)
(@OGUID+12, 180411, 34, 717, 717, '1', 0, 0, 153.183013916015625, 107.6798324584960937, -30.856088638305664, 0.645771682262420654, 0, 0, 0.317304611206054687, 0.948323667049407958, 7200, 255, 1, 45745); -- G_Ghost_01 (Area: The Stockade - Difficulty: Normal)

DELETE FROM `game_event_gameobject` WHERE `eventEntry`=12 AND `guid` BETWEEN @OGUID+0 AND @OGUID+12;
INSERT INTO `game_event_gameobject` (`eventEntry`, `guid`) VALUES
(12, @OGUID+0),
(12, @OGUID+1),
(12, @OGUID+2),
(12, @OGUID+3),
(12, @OGUID+4),
(12, @OGUID+5),
(12, @OGUID+6),
(12, @OGUID+7),
(12, @OGUID+8),
(12, @OGUID+9),
(12, @OGUID+10),
(12, @OGUID+11),
(12, @OGUID+12);

0 comments on commit ee0b5d9

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