A library for scraping the German news archive of Tagesschau.de
Edited for a side project, use at your own risk. Should work with the new headers and date format. (Topline is removed as it's not part of the teaser element anymore?)
Thanks to OG for creating this scraper.
Install locally using the setup.py file
Here's an example of how to use the library to scrape teaser info from the Tagesschau archive:
import os
from datetime import date
from tagesschauscraper import constants, helper, tagesschau
# Scraping teaser published on <date_> and in specific news category
DATA_DIR = "data"
date_ = date(2022,3,1)
category = "wirtschaft"
# Initialize scraper, create url and run
tagesschauScraper = tagesschau.TagesschauScraper()
url = tagesschau.create_url_for_news_archive(date_, category=category)
teaser = tagesschauScraper.scrape_teaser(url)
# Save output in a hierarchical directory tree
if not os.path.isdir(DATA_DIR):
dateDirectoryTreeCreator = helper.DateDirectoryTreeCreator(
date_, root_dir=DATA_DIR
file_path = dateDirectoryTreeCreator.create_file_path_from_date()
file_name_and_path = os.path.join(
date_, suffix="_" + category, extension=".json"
logging.info(f"Save scraped teaser to file {file_name_and_path}")
helper.save_to_json(teaser, file_name_and_path)
The result saved in "data/2022/03/2022-03-01_wirtschaft.json". Json document looks the following (only a snippet):
"teaser": [
"date": "2022-03-01 22:23:00",
"headline": "Der Krieg lastet auf der Wall Street",
"shorttext": "Die intensiven K\u00e4mpfe in der Ukraine und die Auswirkungen der Sanktionen verschreckten die US-Investoren.",
"link": "https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/finanzen/marktberichte/marktbericht-dax-dow-jones-213.html",
"tags": "B\u00f6rse,DAX,Dow Jones,Marktbericht",
"id": "d49cfb71130e46638dcfe2afe8d775ac9670a9a8"
"date": "2022-03-01 18:54:00",
"headline": "Nordstream-Betreiber offenbar insolvent",
"shorttext": "Die Nord Stream 2 AG, die Schweizer Eigent\u00fcmergesellschaft der neuen Ostsee-Pipeline nach Russland, ist offenbar insolvent.",
"link": "https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/nord-stream-insolvenz-gazrom-gas-pipeline-russland-ukraine-103.html",
"tags": "Insolvenz,Nord Stream 2,Pipeline,Russland,Schweiz",
"id": "595aa643ed39edd3695b8401a99ce808afa539fb"
"date": "2022-03-01 18:52:00",
"headline": "Autobauern drohen Produktionsausf\u00e4lle",
"shorttext": "Der anhaltende Krieg in der Ukraine bremst auch die deutsche Autoindustrie.",
"link": "https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/autobauern-drohen-produktionsausfaelle-101.html",
"tags": "Autowerke,BMW,Mercedes,Produktionsausf\u00e4lle,Ukraine,Ukraine-Krieg,VW",
"id": "914174596c3590784c903908f569c099475981f7"
This works with articles which url contains 'www.tagesschau.de' and does not contain "newsticker/liveblog", please filter the urls with "newsticker/liveblog" yourself.
from tagesschauscraper import retrieve, tagesschau
from pprint import pprint
url = "https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/gesellschaft/streik-oepnv-fff-100.html"
article = tagesschau.TagesschauArticle(url)
If you'd like to contribute to TagesschauScraper, please fork the repository and make changes as you'd like. Pull requests are welcome.
TagesschauScraper is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license.
Please note that this is a scraping tool, and using it to scrape website data without the website owner's consent may be against their terms of service. Use at your own risk.