Thanks to all the companies and individuals who generously dedicate their time to making this project better. We're grateful for everyone who supports and contributes to this project.
NOTE: The names of contributing companies and individuals are sorted alphabetically solely for improved readability and do not reflect any value or hierarchy.
Our heartfelt thanks go to the following companies and institutes, whose support and collaboration have been invaluable to the success of this project. Their contributions matter greatly and are deeply appreciated:
NOTE: All logos provided here are direct links from the respective company or organization's website and are not stored or used directly on our site. Each logo is licensed under its respective organization. The rights to use these logos within this project are held by the IDTA e.V.; however, the original rights remain with the respective organizations. For any questions or requests regarding additional use, please contact the IDTA at
We are profoundly grateful to the following individuals for their time, effort, and dedication. Their contributions have been instrumental in the development and success of this project:
- abroering (Institut für industrielle Informationstechnik - inIT)
- AlexanderWollbrink (Fraunhofer IOSB-INA)
- Andreas Orzelski (Phoenix Contact)
- Bastian Roessl (Fraunhofer IOSB-INA)
- dschubertpxc (Phoenix Contact)
- Gerd Brost (Fraunhofer AISEC)
- Harish Itian (Otto Von Guericke University)
- jjtikekar (Fraunhofer IOSB-INA)
- Juilee Tikekar (Industrial Digital Twin Association e.V. (IDTA))
- Magnus Redeker (Fraunhofer IOSB-INA)
- Marko Ristin (ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften)
- Marta Fullen (Fraunhofer IOSB-INA)
- Michael Hoffmeister (Festo)
- Nico Braunisch (TU Dresden)
- Oliver Fries (Fraunhofer IOSB-INA)
- SAidta (Industrial Digital Twin Association e.V. (IDTA))
- Sten Gruener (ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd)
If you would like to contribute to this project and see your name on this list, we are currently looking for contributions in the following areas:
- Bug fixes
- Documentation improvements
- Feature enhancements
For more information, please refer to our CONTRIBUTING guide.