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How to plot openssl speed results (easily)

日本語 Japanese

  • v1.0.0 supports post-quantum cryptographies.


  1. Install necessary commands:

    • On Debian/Ubuntu:

      sudo apt install gnuplot git openssl make gcc gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64 cmake ninja autoconf
      • openssl is for using the openssl command in the PATH.
      • make gcc are for making openssl commands from the source code.
      • gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64 is for making openssl.exe with MinGW.
      • cmake ninja are for building oqsprovider and liboqs.
      • autoconf is for making configure from for LibreSSL git repo.
    • On macOS

      1. Command Line Tools by entering on a terminal a command it provides, such as

      2. Install Homebrew, then

        brew install gnuplot coreutils mingw-w64 cmake ninja autoconf
        • coreutils is needed to use realpath command.
        • mingw-w64 is for building openssl.exe with MinGW.
        • cmake and ninja are for building oqsprovider, liboqs and so on.
        • autoconf is for making configure from for LibreSSL git repo.
      3. If Zsh causes a problem, try changing to Bash

        chsh -s /bin/bash
    • For post-quantum cryptographies:

      1. Install Python 3 and some of its external libraries and packages, such as pyyaml and tabulate.
  2. Download scripts:

    git clone
    cd plot_openssl_speed
  3. Help and usage:

    ./ -h
    ./ -h

    Flowcharts of these scripts.

  4. To compare with PQC data on Web:

    Install Node.js and run:

    cd ./data_from_web/
    npm install --save puppeteer
    npx @puppeteer/browsers install chrome@stable
    cd ..
  5. Run the following scripts depending on what to depict.

Plot openssl speed with openssl command in PATH

./ -s 1
  • The option '-s 1' is to set the measuring time to 1 second to speed up and grab the rough trend. Remove it for accurate measurements.
  • The following graphs are obtained without '-s 1'.
  • The script ignores '-s 1' against LibreSSL since its openssl speed does not support -seconds option and causes an error at least at 2.8.3.

The measurement results (graph files *.png and their data files *.dat) are stored in the directories displayed at the end of the output message as follows:

Results are in:

For WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), /home/ directory of Ubuntu-20.04 is accessible using File Explore on Windows OS with the following address:


Example of graph list (openssl 1.1.1f in PATH): graphs

Example of graph list (LibreSSL 2.8.3 in PATH): graphs

Plot speed of openssl's obtained from source code

The following command graphs the speed of openssl command compiled from the source code taged as openssl-3.0.7, and openssl.exe command cross-compiled by MinGW (x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc):

./ -s 1 openssl-3.0.7 openssl-3.0.7-mingw
  • By adding -mingw after the tag-name, openssl.exe is cross-compiled by Mingw-w64, and then the results are added on WSL. The other computational environment requires Windows binary executable environment.
  • openssl-3.0.5, shown as an example below, includes vulnerabilities. So use a fixed or latest OpenSSL (or its alternative).

Example of graph list (openssl-3.0.5 from source): graphs

Plot speed of post-quantum algorithms

If the openssl command is with liboqs and oqs-provider, v1.0.0 and newer automatically measure and depict the speed of post-quantum algorithms, too. It also provides comparison graphs of sizes and processing cycles published on [pq-sig-zoo] and [ebats].

Give the command argument openssl-type as follows, to measure and depict the speed of openssl with oqs-provider and liboqs tagged by openssl-3.3.1, 0.6.1, 0.10.1, respectively.

./ -s 1 openssl-3.3.1-oqsprovider0.6.1-liboqs0.10.1

For their master/main branches:

./ -s 1 master-oqsprovidermain-liboqsmain

As of v1.0.0, does not accept openssl-type combining liboqs<tag>-oqsprovider<tag> with -mingw.

What graphs show

The processing speed may vary depending on the environment. The above and the following graphs show the results in the following computational environment.

Be careful not to use broken or insufficient-security-level algorithms even if they are faster than the other.

Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC)

The followings graphs show the processing speeds of PQC's available at OpenSSL 3.4.0-alpha1 with oqs-provider 0.6.1 and liboqs 0.11.0-rc1.

Digital signature:


KEM (Key Encapsulation Mechanism):


Comparison between conventional/classical cryptographies and PQC's depicts ciphertext/signature sizes vs. public-key/signature-verification-key sizes as scatter graphs by collecting the necessary size data from [pq-sig-zoo] and [ebats] and then combining them with other provided data.

Digital signatures

Comparison among 128-(classical-)bit security algorithms:



Comparison among 192-(classical-)bit security algorithms:



Comparison among 256-(classical-)bit security algorithms:




One operation of ECDH includes one scalar multiplication to the generator/base-point and one scalar multiplication to a random point.

Comparison among 128-(classical-)bit security level algorithms:



Comparison among 192-(classical-)bit security level algorithms:



Comparison among 256-(classical-)bit security level algorithms:



Asymmetric-key cryptosystems (digital signatures and key-establishment)

Theoretically, the larger the size, the slower the processing speed, but in practice, some counterexamples exist. The first examples show the former cases. The parameter a in the line graphs denotes the reduction rate of the processing speed when the size becomes twice where the size is the bit length of the underlying finite field or ring.





ECDH (NIST curve over an extension field of Z2):



ECDH (Brainpool r1 over a prime field):



The following figures show the counter examples.

ECDSA/ECDH (NIST curve over a prime field, OpenSSL 3.0.5 source code built and run on Ubuntu 20.04):



For OpenSSL,

  • 256-bit is by far faster than the smaller sizes 192-bit and 224-bit.

    • It does not mean that 256-bit is exceptional in theory, but the assembly implementation has tuned it up, since adding -UECP_NISTZ256_ASM to ./config will remove this advantage.
    • The processing speed of 384-bit and 521-bit may also be improved in the future depending on the necessity.

ECDSA/ECDH(NIST curve over a prime field, OpenSSL 3.3.2 of Homebrew on macOS 14.6):



  • Homebrew's OpenSSL (at least 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 for macOS) and the binary OpenSSL 1.1.1f shipped with Ubuntu 20.04 have tuned up the NISTP224 curve a little in addition to the NISTP256 curve.

ECDSA (NIST curve over a prime field, LibreSSL 2.8.3 shipped with macOS 12.4):


For LibreSSL,

  • only the verification speed of 256-bit is faster than the other sizes including the smaller sizes, and

  • the signing speeds are slower than their verification ones (from 2.8.0 to at least 3.9.2).

    • In general, signing speeds are faster than their verification speeds for ECDSA and DSA, and libressl had held this propertiy up to 2.7.4 as shown in the following figure.
    • 2.8.0 release note says "Added a blinding value when generating DSA and ECDSA signatures, in order to reduce the possibility of a side-channel attack leaking the private key."

ECDSA(NIST curve over a prime field, LibreSSL 2.7.4 source code built and run on macOS 15.0):


Hash function SHA/SHS


API difference:

  • When the script invokes the crypt-algorithm with a low-level API, it appends -no-evp to the crypt-algorithm name. No difference between APIs.

    Low-level APIs are deprecated at OpenSSL 3.

Comparison among truncated versions:

  • sha512-224, sha512-256, and sha384 are truncated versions of sha512, so they show almost the same performance.
  • In the same way, sha224 is a truncated version of sha256, so they show almost the same performance, too.

Comparison between sha256 and sha512:

  • The speed for 16 bytes, or more generally 512-1-64=447 bits (or 55 bytes) or less, shows the speed of one compression function in both sha256 and sha512. Hence, the figure indicates that one sha256 compression function is faster than that of sha512.
  • For more bytes, sha512 is faster than sha256 since the number of sha512 compression-function executions is around half of sha256 where the input bit length of sha256 and sha512compression functions are 512-bits and 1024-bits, respectively.

SHA-3 and SHAKE:

  • As shown in the right of the figure, the larger the size, the slower the message processing speed among sha3-* and SHAKE.
  • Compared to SHA-2, SHA-3(sha3-*) are slower due to the larger security margin [kec17].

Symmetric-key cryptosystems and their modes of operation


In theory:

  • Both AES-*-GCM and AES-*-CCM must be slower than the same key-length AES-*-CTR since they are AES-*-CTR with their integrity check.
  • AES-*-CCM must also be slower than AES-*-CBC, which is shown in the upper left corner in the above graph list, since the integrity check of AES-*-CCM uses the similar algorithm to AES-*-CBC.
  • AES-128-* must be around 1.4 times faster than AES-256-* since the number of their rounds are 10 and 14, respectively.

Counter example:

  • LibreSSL (at least 2.9.1/3.0.0 and newer, and the binaries of 2.8.3 and 3.3.6 shipped with macOS) shows that a part or the whole of aes-(128|256)-gcm and aes-(128|256)-gcm is by far faster than the others for large-size inputs as follows.

LibreSSL 2.8.3 (shipped with macOS 12.4):


LibreSSL 3.3.6 (shipped with macOS 14.6):


LibreSSL 3.9.2 (from the source code):


Differences between OpenSSL 1 and 3

  • By comparing aes128-cbc.png at the left-top corner of "Example of graph list," aes-128-cbc-no-evp (128-bit key AES with the legacy mode of operation, CBC) called by way of the low-level API is slower in OpenSSL 1.1.1 than the high-level API and OpenSSL 3's low-level API.

    • LibreSSL (at least up to 4.0.0) shows the similar results as OpenSSL 1.
    • Low-level APIs are deprecated at OpenSSL 3.

Message Authentication Code (MAC)

Below is a speed comparison among hash-(or Keccak-)based MACs.

hmac and kmac

  • For smaller messages, such as 16 bytes, hmac(sha256) and its truncated versions are faster than hmac(sha512) and its truncated versions, likewise to the hash functions.
  • All these hash-(or Keccak-)based MACs are slower than AES-*-GCM in cipher128-256.png.
    • This means that GMAC, a special case of GCM to be used as a block-cipher-based MAC, using AES is faster than them since GMAC is faster than GCM.

The followings are speed comparisons among some Keccak-derived algorithms.

128-bit security Keccak-derived algorithms:

keccak-derived 128bs

256-bit security Keccak-derived algorithms:

keccak-derived 256bs

  • KMAC keyed-hash is available instead of hmac(sha3-*) since SHA-3 resists length-extension attacks, though KMAC can be slower than hmac(sha3-*) for smaller message sizes, especially for smaller bit securities, such as 128 bits.
  • KECCAK-KMAC* in OpenSSL is a KMAC that omits key processing.
    • Hence, its speed is almost the same as SHAKE*.

To change crypt-algorithms to depict

Edit the crypt-algorithm names and the PNG file names in the functions plot_graph_asymmetric() and plot_graph_symmetric() in ./ whereas the former function is for asymmetric-key cryptosystems and the latter is for symmetric-key cryptosystems.

For example, the follows line saves a graph of measurement results of all the supported eddsa and ecdsa digital signatures in ed_ecdsa.png, its plot data in ed_ecdsa.dat, and their measurement logs in eddsa.log and ecdsa.log, respectively:

${PLOT_SCRIPT} -o "./${GRA_DIR}/ed_ecdsa.png" eddsa ecdsa

As you can see from the above, is a wrapper of ${PLOT_SCRIPT} (, and you can directly run the openssl command in the PATH as follows:

./ -o "./tmp/default_openssl_1.1.1f/graphs/ed_ecdsa.png" eddsa ecdsa


  • '_1.1.1f' to be changed to the version of the openssl command in PATH.
  • cf. ./ -h for the usage.

One can specify the openssl command, which is not in the PATH, with -p option as follows:

./ -p "./tmp/openssl-3.0.7/apps/openssl" -o "./tmp/openssl-3.0.7/graphs/ed_ecdsa.png" eddsa ecdsa

If it encounters the following errors:

error while loading shared libraries: 
symbol lookup error: 

add the path to the shared library to LD_LIBRARY_PATH (DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH for macOS) as follows:

(export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./tmp/openssl-3.0.7${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH}; ./ -p "./tmp/openssl-3.0.7/apps/openssl" -o "./tmp/openssl-3.0.7/graphs/ed_ecdsa.png" eddsa ecdsa)

The command ldd (or otool -L on macOS) shows a list of used shared libraries.

$ ldd ./tmp/openssl-3.0.7/apps/openssl => not found => not found

To run the openssl command under a working folder ${TMP}/<openssl-type> where <openssl-type> includes <oqsprovider_type>:

Run the following script once right under the ${TMP}/<openssl-type> folder:


Then, run ../../ -p openssl/apps/openssl in the same folder as follows:

../../ -p openssl/apps/openssl -s 1 -o mldsa44_and_mlkem512.png mldsa44 mlkem512

Plot using data file

The above scripts also save data, corresponding to the graphs, in files that replaced .png with .dat in the PNG file names. You can create a new data file by combining the contents of them or by editing them.

You can plot the graph of the edited data file by specifying no crypt-algorithms to the argument (without running openssl speed):

./ -d "data_file_to_graph" -o "output_graph_file.png"

The data file name is given by any of the following ways:

  • With -d option
  • Without -d option:
    • If -o "output_graph_file.png" is given, output_graph_file.dat is used as the data file.
    • Otherwise, graph.dat is used as the data file regarding that the default file graph.png is given to -o.

You can find the default file names in the 'Usage' shown by: -h

If data_file_to_graph is different from output_graph_file.dat, which is the file name replaced .png with .dat in output_graph_file.png, the data_file_to_graph is copied to the output_graph_file.dat so that anyone can know that output_graph_file.dat is the data file of output_graph_file.png.

Data file format for

  • The data separator is (not comma but) space.
  • Crypt-algorithm names shall be placed only in the first column.
    • While openssl speed outputs some of the crypt-algorithm names in multiple columns, the data file generated by automatically aligns them only in the first column.
  • The lines starting with # are comments.
  • Do not include double or more consecutive blank lines (after removing the comment lines).
    • Or specify the data block to use with the gnuplot index.
  • For v0.0.0, the number of columns shall be the same throughout a data file except for comment-and-blank lines.
    • The versions 1.0.0 and newer allow the combination of the following "sig_ver_keygen" and "dec_enc_keygen_dh" TABLE_TYPE's as a "sig_enc_mix" TABLE_TYPE. ignores and skips consecutive different TABLE_TYPE crypt-algorithms.

"kbytes" TABLE_TYPE

For symmetric-key cryptographies, hash functions, HMACs.


# type            16 bytes     64 bytes    256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192 bytes  16384 bytes
aes-128-ccm     202973.97k   588256.58k  1065011.71k  1314283.52k  1346633.73k  1381728.26k
hmac(sha512)     23408.12k    90165.99k   249721.98k   538953.37k   756375.73k   782985.02k
sha256           30840.78k    88357.72k   199311.27k   292801.60k   334301.56k   319321.27k

"sig_ver_keygen" TABLE_TYPE

This TABLE_TYPE is available in v1.0.0 and newer for digital signatures. Fill keygen/s columns of no data with 0.

In data-plot mode, with -l TABLE_TYPE option (available in v1.0.0 or newer) accepts the right most consecutive blank columns while without the option it guesses the TABLE_TYPE with the number of columns.


# asymmetric_algorithm        sign/s   verify/s   keygen/s
ecdsa(nistp256)              42359.0    15555.0          0
EdDSA(Ed25519)               29607.0     9474.0          0
rsa3072                        553.0    28153.0          0
rsa4096                        268.0    16543.0          0
mldsa44                      14595.0    40081.0    30223.2

"dec_enc_keygen_dh" TABLE_TYPE

This TABLE_TYPE is available in v1.0.0 or newer for DH key exchanges and symmetric-key cryptographies except digital signatures. Fill the columns of no data with 0.

In data-plot mode, with -l TABLE_TYPE option (available in v1.0.0 or newer) accepts the right most consecutive blank columns while without the option it guesses the TABLE_TYPE with the number of columns.


# asymmetric_algorithm         dec/s      enc/s   keygen/s       dh/s
rsa3072                        593.0    26836.0          0          0
rsa4096                        254.0    15503.0          0          0
ecdh(nistp256)                     0          0          0    19963.0
ecdh(X25519)                       0          0          0    30287.0
mlkem512                    114039.0   100366.0    77138.0          0

"sig_enc_mix" TABLE_TYPE

This TABLE_TYPE is available in v1.0.0 and newer for comparison among "sig_ver_keygen" and "dec_enc_keygen_dh" algorithms.


# asymmetric_algorithm        sign/s   verify/s   keygen/s
mldsa44                      14595.0    40081.0    30223.2
mldsa65                       8686.0    22795.0    19578.0
mldsa87                       7104.0    14383.0    12445.5
# asymmetric_algorithm         dec/s      enc/s   keygen/s       dh/s
mlkem512                    114039.0   100366.0    77138.0          0
mlkem768                     73753.0    71901.0    52051.5          0
mlkem1024                    49803.0    52377.8    43771.7          0

"sig_ver" TABLE_TYPE

For v0.0.0 and digital signatures. It graphs the values in the fourth and fifth columns.

Plotting processing times has the following drawbacks: It is hard to distinguish the fastest algorithm when the comparison set includes slow algorithms. Even worse, small processing times are sometimes quantized to 0 or the minimal unit.


#                   sign      verify     sign/s verify/s
rsa4096             0.003922s 0.000061s   255.0  16471.0
dsa2048             0.000296s 0.000219s  3383.0   4557.0
ecdsa(nistp256)     0.0000s   0.0001s   43201.0  15221.0
EdDSA(Ed25519)      0.0000s   0.0001s   24010.0   8805.0


For v0.0.0 and Diffie-Hellman key exchange. It graphs the values in the third column.


#               op          op/s
ffdh4096        0.0129s     77.8
ecdh(nistp256)  0.0000s  20643.0

Data file format for

./data_from_web/ -d <filename>.dat command reads this data file where:

  • The data separator is (not comma but) space.
  • The lines starting with # are comments.
  • Do not include double or more consecutive blank lines (after removing the comment lines).
    • Or specify the data block to use with the gnuplot index.


# x min      25%        50%        75%        max (k|s|v|d|e):name(source)             parameter
# x dummy    25%        50%        75%      dummy (k|s|v|d|e):'25/50/75% are given'    parameter
# x dummy  dummy       mean      dummy      dummy (k|s|v|d|e):'only the mean is given' parameter
  1 0      76090      86116     134869     134869 s:dilithium2aes(ebats-ryzen7)           2
  2 0      42770      42987      43140      43140 v:dilithium2aes(ebats-ryzen7)           2
  3 0      33094      33541      33924      33924 k:dilithium2aes(ebats-ryzen7)           2
  4 0      74124      74124      74124      74124 s:mldsa44(liboqs0.10.1)                44
  5 0    31584.7    31584.7    31584.7    31584.7 v:mldsa44(liboqs0.10.1)                44
  6 0    35220.3    35220.3    35220.3    35220.3 k:mldsa44(liboqs0.10.1)                44
  7 0     333013     333013     333013     333013 s:ML-DSA-44(pq-sig-zoo)                44
  8 0     118412     118412     118412     118412 v:ML-DSA-44(pq-sig-zoo)                44

Each column shows:

  • 1st column:
    • x-axis to plot the data in the line.
  • 2nd to 6th columns:
    • Cycles to execute the algorithm of min, 25%, 50%/mean, 75%, max values, respectively.
    • ECRYPT Benchmarking provides 25%, 50%, 75% values. Set them there and put dummy values to min and max.
    • If only the mean value is available, set it to 50%/mean and put dummy values in the other columns.
  • 7th column:
    • The name to be shown on the x-axis.
    • The leading k:, s:, v:, e:, d: in the name represent the operation type of keygen, sign, verification, encryption/encapsulation, decryption/decapsulation, respectively.
    • The string in () represents the data source.
  • 8th column:
    • Parameter extracted from the name.
    • While this column is for sorting lines, does not use it as of v1.0.0. So, you may put a dummy value (but not blank) here.

Computational Environment

WSL2 Ubuntu

$ awk '/^PRETTY/ {print substr($0,14,length($0)-14)}' /etc/os-release

"Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS"
$ uname -srm

Linux x86_64
$ awk '$1$2 == "modelname" {$1="";$2="";$3=""; print substr($0,4); exit;}' /proc/cpuinfo

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10810U CPU @ 1.10GHz

Version and configurations of the openssl command in the PATH:

$ openssl version -a

OpenSSL 1.1.1f  31 Mar 2020
built on: Mon Jul  4 11:24:28 2022 UTC
platform: debian-amd64
options:  bn(64,64) rc4(16x,int) des(int) blowfish(ptr)
compiler: gcc -fPIC -pthread -m64 -Wa,--noexecstack -Wall -Wa,--noexecstack -g -O2 -fdebug-prefix-map=/build/openssl-51ig8V/openssl-1.1.1f=. -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -DOPENSSL_TLS_SECURITY_LEVEL=2 -DOPENSSL_USE_NODELETE -DL_ENDIAN -DOPENSSL_PIC -DOPENSSL_CPUID_OBJ -DOPENSSL_IA32_SSE2 -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT5 -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_GF2m -DSHA1_ASM -DSHA256_ASM -DSHA512_ASM -DKECCAK1600_ASM -DRC4_ASM -DMD5_ASM -DAESNI_ASM -DVPAES_ASM -DGHASH_ASM -DECP_NISTZ256_ASM -DX25519_ASM -DPOLY1305_ASM -DNDEBUG -Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2

Version and configurations of openssl-3.0.5:

$ (export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./tmp/openssl-3.0.5${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LD_LIBRARY
_PATH}; ./tmp/openssl-3.0.5/apps/openssl version -a )

OpenSSL 3.0.5 5 Jul 2022 (Library: OpenSSL 3.0.5 5 Jul 2022)
built on: Wed Jul 13 10:43:30 2022 UTC
platform: linux-x86_64
options:  bn(64,64)
compiler: gcc -fPIC -pthread -m64 -Wa,--noexecstack -Wall -O3 -fstack-protector-strong -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -DOPENSSL_USE_NODELETE -DL_ENDIAN -DOPENSSL_PIC -DOPENSSL_BUILDING_OPENSSL -DNDEBUG
$ gnuplot -V

gnuplot 5.2 patchlevel 8


$ uname -srm

Darwin 21.5.0 x86_64
$ sysctl machdep.cpu.brand_string

machdep.cpu.brand_string: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9980HK CPU @ 2.40GHz
$ openssl version -a

LibreSSL 2.8.3
options:  bn(64,64) rc4(16x,int) des(idx,cisc,16,int) blowfish(idx) 
$ gnuplot -V
gnuplot 5.4 patchlevel 3


ModuleNotFoundError: No module named

Import the missing Python modules. If yaml and tabulate in oqs-template/ are missing, run:

pip install pyyaml tabulate

Then run the same command that caused the above error again.

unable to load provider

Specify the path to the provider, for oqs-provider, by either OPENSSL_MODULES environment variable or -provider-path option before -provider.

Example of a command line to run in a tmp/openssl-<ver>-oqsprovider<ver>-liboqs<ver> dir, which was generated by

./openssl/apps/openssl list -kem-algorithms -provider-path ./_build/lib/ -provider oqsprovider

libssp-0.dll is missing

Either add the folder of libssp-0.dll to the Windows environment PATH, or run the following commands on a WSL Debian/Ubuntu terminal:

sudo apt install gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64
export MINGW_GCC_VER=$(/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-posix --version | awk '/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-posix/ {print substr($3,1,index($3,"-")-1)}')
cp -p  "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/${MINGW_GCC_VER}-posix/libssp-0.dll" .

Error: bad option or value

Change the options and/or crypt-algorithms given to openssl speed. Some versions of openssl commands do not support them.

./apps/openssl.exe: Invalid argument

Check if your security software displays a message that blocks the execution. If so, unblock it and run the same script again.



Bash script to plot openssl speed results.







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