Link -
Birthday Reminder App with Email Automated - Deployed static website on s3 on which user can add names and DOB of people, which calls serverless lambda app through API Gateway, which adds or gets list of all people or get list of today's birthdays people. Also, we've automated this process of everyday's birthday via EventBridge Scheduler for running cron jobs that sends email about today's birthdays from the list.
- Users enter the name and birthdate through the UI.
- The UI calls the Lambda function to store the information in DynamoDB (if you choose to use a database).
- The CloudWatch Events trigger the Lambda function every hour.
- The Lambda function checks if today is the birthday of any stored person and sends a message using Amazon SNS to your WhatsApp number if it is their birthday.
It's worth mentioning that while serverless architectures can be highly scalable and cost-effective, they might have some limitations depending on the complexity of your application. However, for a simple application like the one you described, AWS serverless services should work well.
- Note: for AWS API Gateway and other functions to work properly like here in case i have my lambda function calling up my DynamoDB instance, both have to be in same region(here i used ap-south-1 earlier when it was giving me error, it was eu-north-1 for DynamoDB instance), otherwise it will give error "Resource Not found".
[Python] Build a CRUD Serverless API with AWS Lambda, API Gateway and a DynamoDB from Scratch - and API Authentication via API Keys | AWS API Gateway -
AWS API Gateway to Lambda Tutorial in Python | Build a REST API -
DynamoDB Python GET | PUT | DELETE | SCAN | QUERY Boto3 Tutorial -
Schedule AWS Lambda Functions Using EventBridge and CloudWatch -