From 3a73ee8456e28f3608f901aa697b8b9e467f49c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: MuelsyseBot_v1 <@>
Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 16:02:53 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] [CN UPDATE] Client:2.2.61 Data:24-05-13-13-28-58-962413
...t2VMultiBattleFinishNormalViewHotfixer.lua | 118 +
.../[uc]lua/hotfixes/BattlePhaseHotfixer.lua | 34 +
.../hotfixes/CooperateGameModeHotfixer.lua | 40 +
.../hotfixes/CooperateHintPanelHotfixer.lua | 27 +
.../gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/DefinedFix.lua | 7 +-
.../[uc]lua/hotfixes/EnemyHotfixer.lua | 47 +
zh_CN/gamedata/battle/buff_template_data.json | 2962 +-
zh_CN/gamedata/excel/activity_table.json | 3578 +-
zh_CN/gamedata/excel/audio_data.json | 1163 +
zh_CN/gamedata/excel/building_data.json | 6 +-
zh_CN/gamedata/excel/character_table.json | 1033 +
zh_CN/gamedata/excel/data_version.txt | 4 +-
zh_CN/gamedata/excel/display_meta_table.json | 29 +
.../gamedata/excel/enemy_handbook_table.json | 748 +
zh_CN/gamedata/excel/gacha_table.json | 240 +-
zh_CN/gamedata/excel/gamedata_const.json | 2 +-
zh_CN/gamedata/excel/item_table.json | 19 +
zh_CN/gamedata/excel/medal_table.json | 170 +
zh_CN/gamedata/excel/shop_client_table.json | 168 +
zh_CN/gamedata/excel/skill_table.json | 254 +-
zh_CN/gamedata/excel/skin_table.json | 409 +-
zh_CN/gamedata/excel/stage_table.json | 1659 +
zh_CN/gamedata/excel/story_table.json | 46 +
zh_CN/gamedata/excel/uniequip_table.json | 2 +-
zh_CN/gamedata/excel/zone_table.json | 18 +
.../act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_01.json | 8527 ++++
.../act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_02.json | 14356 ++++++
.../act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_03.json | 17151 +++++++
.../act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_04.json | 9513 ++++
.../act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_05.json | 9650 ++++
.../act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_06.json | 14157 ++++++
.../act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_07.json | 7203 +++
.../act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_football.json | 42338 ++++++++++++++++
.../act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_fortress.json | 38531 ++++++++++++++
.../act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_tr01.json | 4211 ++
.../act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_tr02.json | 5023 ++
.../act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_tr03.json | 6306 +++
.../levels/enemydata/enemy_database.json | 9759 ++++
.../levels/obt/hard/level_hard_14-01.json | 2 +-
.../levels/obt/hard/level_hard_14-02.json | 26 +-
.../levels/obt/main/level_main_14-11.json | 1730 +-
.../levels/obt/main/level_tough_14-11.json | 1688 +-
.../guide/guide_act2vmulti_entry.txt | 15 +
.../guide/guide_act2vmulti_squad.txt | 9 +
.../fortress/fortress_beginning_camera.txt | 18 +
.../fortress/training_fortress_a1.txt | 14 +
.../fortress/training_fortress_a2.txt | 15 +
.../fortress/training_fortress_a3.txt | 109 +
.../fortress/training_fortress_b1.txt | 42 +
.../fortress/training_fortress_b2.txt | 27 +
.../training/training_act2vmulti_01_a.txt | 8 +
.../training/training_act2vmulti_01_b.txt | 37 +
.../training/training_act2vmulti_01_c.txt | 40 +
.../training/training_act2vmulti_01_d.txt | 25 +
.../training/training_act2vmulti_01_e.txt | 10 +
.../training/training_act2vmulti_01_f.txt | 15 +
.../training/training_act2vmulti_01_g.txt | 18 +
.../training/training_act2vmulti_02_a.txt | 43 +
.../training/training_act2vmulti_02_b.txt | 86 +
.../training/training_act2vmulti_02_c.txt | 7 +
.../story/obt/guide/l2-8/0_fstar_level.txt | 2 +-
61 files changed, 203021 insertions(+), 473 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/Act2VMultiBattleFinishNormalViewHotfixer.lua
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/BattlePhaseHotfixer.lua
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/CooperateGameModeHotfixer.lua
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/CooperateHintPanelHotfixer.lua
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/EnemyHotfixer.lua
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_01.json
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_02.json
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_03.json
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_04.json
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_05.json
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_06.json
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_07.json
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_football.json
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_fortress.json
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_tr01.json
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_tr02.json
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_tr03.json
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/guide/guide_act2vmulti_entry.txt
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/guide/guide_act2vmulti_squad.txt
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/fortress/fortress_beginning_camera.txt
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/fortress/training_fortress_a1.txt
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/fortress/training_fortress_a2.txt
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/fortress/training_fortress_a3.txt
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/fortress/training_fortress_b1.txt
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/fortress/training_fortress_b2.txt
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_a.txt
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_b.txt
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_c.txt
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_d.txt
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_e.txt
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_f.txt
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_g.txt
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_02_a.txt
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_02_b.txt
create mode 100644 zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_02_c.txt
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/Act2VMultiBattleFinishNormalViewHotfixer.lua b/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/Act2VMultiBattleFinishNormalViewHotfixer.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5702d1eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/Act2VMultiBattleFinishNormalViewHotfixer.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+local Act2VMultiBattleFinishNormalViewHotfixer = Class("Act2VMultiBattleFinishNormalViewHotfixer", HotfixBase)
+local function GetMileStoneSeqFix(self)
+ local ret = CS.DG.Tweening.DOTween.Sequence()
+ if self.m_cachedViewModel == nil then
+ return nil
+ end
+ if self.m_cachedViewModel.mileStoneFrom == nil or self.m_cachedViewModel.mileStoneTo == nil then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local haveSeq = false
+ if self.m_cachedViewModel.completeDaily then
+ self._dailyAnim.animationWrapper:InitIfNot()
+ self._dailyAnim.animationWrapper:SampleClipAtBegin(self._dailyAnim.animationName)
+ local dailyTween = self._dailyAnim.animationWrapper:PlayWithTween(self._dailyAnim.animationName)
+ ret:Insert(0, dailyTween)
+ haveSeq = true
+ end
+ local mileStoneSeq = CS.DG.Tweening.DOTween.Sequence()
+ local mileStoneFrom = self.m_cachedViewModel.mileStoneFrom
+ local mileStoneTo = self.m_cachedViewModel.mileStoneTo
+ self._mileStoneLv.text = tostring(mileStoneFrom.currentLv)
+ self._mileStoneProgress.value = mileStoneFrom.expPercentage
+ local fromLv = mileStoneFrom.currentLv
+ local toLv = mileStoneTo.currentLv
+ local fromPercent = mileStoneFrom.expPercentage
+ local toPercent = mileStoneTo.expPercentage
+ if fromLv == toLv then
+ local duration = (toPercent - fromPercent) * self._mileStoneDuration;
+ if not CS.Torappu.MathUtil.GE(duration, 0.0) then
+ duration = 0
+ end
+ local oneTween = CS.DG.Tweening.DOTween:To(
+ function()
+ return fromPercent
+ end,
+ function(val)
+ self._mileStoneProgress.value = val
+ end, toPercent, duration)
+ mileStoneSeq:Append(oneTween)
+ haveSeq = true
+ else
+ if fromLv < toLv then
+ local frontDuration = (1 - fromPercent) * self._mileStoneDuration
+ if not CS.Torappu.MathUtil.GE(frontDuration, 0.0) then
+ frontDuration = 0
+ end
+ local frontTween = CS.DG.Tweening.DOTween.To(
+ function()
+ return fromPercent
+ end,
+ function(val)
+ self._mileStoneProgress.value = val
+ end, 1, frontDuration):OnComplete(
+ function()
+ self._mileStoneLv.text = tostring(fromLv + 1)
+ self:_PlayLvUpTween()
+ end)
+ mileStoneSeq:Append(frontTween)
+ local loopTweenIndex = 0
+ while loopTweenIndex < toLv - fromLv - 1 do
+ local midDuration = self._mileStoneDuration
+ local toLevelNum = fromLv + loopTweenIndex + 2
+ if not CS.Torappu.MathUtil.GE(midDuration, 0.0) then
+ midDuration = 0
+ end
+ local loopTween = CS.DG.Tweening.DOTween.To(
+ function()
+ return 0
+ end,
+ function(val)
+ self._mileStoneProgress.value = val
+ end, 1, midDuration):OnComplete(
+ function()
+ self._mileStoneLv.text = tostring(toLevelNum)
+ self:_PlayLvUpTween()
+ end)
+ mileStoneSeq:Append(loopTween)
+ loopTweenIndex = loopTweenIndex + 1
+ end
+ local lastDuration = toPercent * self._mileStoneDuration
+ if not CS.Torappu.MathUtil.GE(lastDuration, 0.0) then
+ lastDuration = 0
+ end
+ local lastTween = CS.DG.Tweening.DOTween.To(
+ function()
+ return 0
+ end,
+ function(val)
+ self._mileStoneProgress.value = val
+ end, toPercent, lastDuration)
+ mileStoneSeq:Append(lastTween)
+ haveSeq = true
+ end
+ end
+ ret:Insert(0, mileStoneSeq)
+ if not haveSeq then
+ return nil
+ end
+ return ret
+function Act2VMultiBattleFinishNormalViewHotfixer:OnInit()
+ xlua.private_accessible(CS.Torappu.Activity.Act2VMulti.Act2VMultiBattleFinishNormalView)
+ self:Fix_ex(CS.Torappu.Activity.Act2VMulti.Act2VMultiBattleFinishNormalView, "_GetMileStoneSeq", function(self)
+ local ok, errorInfo = xpcall(GetMileStoneSeqFix, debug.traceback, self)
+ if not ok then
+ LogError("[Act2VMultiBattleFinishNormalViewHotfixer] fix" .. errorInfo)
+ else
+ return errorInfo
+ end
+ end)
+function Act2VMultiBattleFinishNormalViewHotfixer:OnDispose()
+return Act2VMultiBattleFinishNormalViewHotfixer
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/BattlePhaseHotfixer.lua b/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/BattlePhaseHotfixer.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..38f9615f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/BattlePhaseHotfixer.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+local BattlePhaseHotfixer = Class("BattlePhaseHotfixer", HotfixBase)
+local eutil = CS.Torappu.Lua.Util
+function _PreserveToFix(self, frameCount)
+ if self.m_leftFrameInStepInFast > 0 then
+ while self.m_leftFrameInStepInFast >= 1 do
+ self.m_gameMode:NextFrame()
+ self.m_leftFrameInStepInFast = self.m_leftFrameInStepInFast - 1
+ self.m_playFramesOnce = self.m_playFramesOnce - 1
+ end
+ end
+ if frameCount < 0 then
+ self.m_preserveCnt = 0
+ else
+ self.m_preserveCnt = frameCount
+ end
+function BattlePhaseHotfixer:OnInit()
+ xlua.private_accessible(CS.Torappu.Multiplayer.BattlePhase)
+ self:Fix_ex(CS.Torappu.Multiplayer.BattlePhase, "_PreserveTo", function(self, frameCount)
+ local ok, errorInfo = xpcall(_PreserveToFix, debug.traceback, self, frameCount)
+ if not ok then
+ eutil.LogError("[BattlePhaseHotfixer] BattlePhase fix" .. errorInfo)
+ end
+ end)
+function BattlePhaseHotfixer:OnDispose()
+return BattlePhaseHotfixer
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/CooperateGameModeHotfixer.lua b/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/CooperateGameModeHotfixer.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0984efaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/CooperateGameModeHotfixer.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+local CooperateGameModeHotfixer = Class("CooperateGameModeHotfixer", HotfixBase)
+local eutil = CS.Torappu.Lua.Util
+function _HardSetPlayerSpeedFix(self, side, speedOn)
+ self:_HardSetPlayerSpeed(side, speedOn)
+ local sideInt = 0
+ if side == CS.Torappu.PlayerSide.SIDE_A then
+ sideInt = 1
+ else
+ sideInt = 2
+ end
+ if self.isResting and speedOn then
+ local mask = 1 << sideInt
+ self.m_playerSkipRestingMask = self.m_playerSkipRestingMask | mask
+ self.m_cooperateUIPlugin:OnPlayerSkipResting(side)
+ local checkMaskA = 1 << 1
+ local checkMaskB = 1 << 2
+ checkMaskB = checkMaskB | checkMaskA
+ if self.m_playerSkipRestingMask == checkMaskB then
+ self:OnRestingFinished()
+ end
+ end
+function CooperateGameModeHotfixer:OnInit()
+ xlua.private_accessible(CS.Torappu.Battle.GameMode.GameModeFactory.CooperateGameMode)
+ self:Fix_ex(CS.Torappu.Battle.GameMode.GameModeFactory.CooperateGameMode, "_HardSetPlayerSpeed", function(self, side, speedOn)
+ local ok, errorInfo = xpcall(_HardSetPlayerSpeedFix, debug.traceback, self, side, speedOn)
+ if not ok then
+ eutil.LogError("[CooperateGameModeHotfixer] _HardSetPlayerSpeed fix" .. errorInfo)
+ end
+ end)
+function CooperateGameModeHotfixer:OnDispose()
+return CooperateGameModeHotfixer
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/CooperateHintPanelHotfixer.lua b/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/CooperateHintPanelHotfixer.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dadbdb2d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/CooperateHintPanelHotfixer.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+local CooperateHintPanelHotfixer = Class("CooperateHintPanelHotfixer", HotfixBase)
+local eutil = CS.Torappu.Lua.Util
+function UpdateFix(self)
+ self:Update()
+ if self.m_gameMode.isResting then
+ self._hintRect.anchoredPosition = self.m_fixPos
+ else
+ self._hintRect.anchoredPosition = self.m_originPos
+ end
+function CooperateHintPanelHotfixer:OnInit()
+ xlua.private_accessible(CS.Torappu.Activity.Cooperate.Battle.UI.CoopereteHintPanel)
+ self:Fix_ex(CS.Torappu.Activity.Cooperate.Battle.UI.CoopereteHintPanel, "Update", function(self)
+ local ok, errorInfo = xpcall(UpdateFix, debug.traceback, self)
+ if not ok then
+ eutil.LogError("[CooperateHintPanelHotfixer] Update fix" .. errorInfo)
+ end
+ end)
+function CooperateHintPanelHotfixer:OnDispose()
+return CooperateHintPanelHotfixer
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/DefinedFix.lua b/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/DefinedFix.lua
index 7126826b7..b4f6b2c25 100644
--- a/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/DefinedFix.lua
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/DefinedFix.lua
@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ local list =
+ "HotFixes/BattlePhaseHotfixer",
+ "HotFixes/EnemyHotfixer",
+ "HotFixes/Act2VMultiBattleFinishNormalViewHotfixer",
+ "HotFixes/CooperateGameModeHotfixer",
+ "HotFixes/CooperateHintPanelHotfixer"
-return list;
\ No newline at end of file
+return list;
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/EnemyHotfixer.lua b/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/EnemyHotfixer.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d4144f9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/EnemyHotfixer.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+local EnemyHotfixer = Class("EnemyHotfixer", HotfixBase)
+local eutil = CS.Torappu.Lua.Util
+function EndPullFix(self, source)
+ pullList = self.m_pullSources:GetInternalList()
+ for i = 0, pullList.Count - 1 do
+ src = pullList[i]
+ if src:Lock() == source then
+ self.m_pullSources:Remove(src)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ disablePullSrc = self.m_disabledPullSources:GetInternalList()
+ for i = 0, disablePullSrc.Count - 1 do
+ src = disablePullSrc[i]
+ if src:Lock() == source then
+ self.m_disabledPullSources:Remove(src)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if self.m_pullSources.isEmpty and self.isUnbalanced then
+ self.rigidbody2D:Sleep()
+ self.rigidbody2D:WakeUp()
+ self.stateMachine:Tick(0)
+ end
+ if source:GetType() ~= typeof(CS.Torappu.Battle.Projectile) and source.source ~= nil then
+ source.source.buffContainer:OnEndPulling(self);
+ end
+function EnemyHotfixer:OnInit()
+ xlua.private_accessible(CS.Torappu.Battle.Enemy)
+ self:Fix_ex(CS.Torappu.Battle.Enemy, "EndPull", function(self, source)
+ local ok, errorInfo = xpcall(EndPullFix, debug.traceback, self, source)
+ if not ok then
+ eutil.LogError("[EnemyHotfixer] EndPull fix" .. errorInfo)
+ end
+ end)
+function EnemyHotfixer:OnDispose()
+return EnemyHotfixer
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/battle/buff_template_data.json b/zh_CN/gamedata/battle/buff_template_data.json
index dcdf2cc2c..97a0e5438 100644
--- a/zh_CN/gamedata/battle/buff_template_data.json
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/battle/buff_template_data.json
@@ -104281,6 +104281,16 @@
"_buffOwner": "BUFF_OWNER",
"_isDerivedBuff": true,
"_finishDerivedBuffIfParentFinish": true
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+LogExtraBattleInfo, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_logType": "SIMPLE",
+ "_key": "character_enter_rope_stun_state",
+ "_loadKeyFromBlackBoard": false,
+ "_countInHostIfToken": false,
+ "_additionValue": 1,
+ "_attributeType": "NONE",
+ "_target": "BUFF_OWNER"
@@ -140124,6 +140134,37 @@
+ "trap_muruino_s_active": {
+ "templateKey": "trap_muruino_s_active",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+MoveNextLevelBranch, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_isLoop": true
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateEffect, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_sourceType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_effectKey": "common_trap_intro",
+ "_useSourceFaceVactor": false,
+ "_useAttackPlaybackSpeed": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+InstantKill, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "TARGET",
+ "_killSource": false,
+ "_noSource": true,
+ "_withdrawIfRallyPoint": false,
+ "_resultIfInRallyPointMode": false,
+ "_skipReborn": true,
+ "_noReason": false
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
"muruinf_target_free": {
"templateKey": "muruinf_target_free",
"effectKey": "",
@@ -140310,285 +140351,26 @@
- "mugtps_mark": {
- "templateKey": "mugtps_mark",
- "effectKey": "",
- "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
- "eventToActions": {
- {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckContainsBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
- "_targetType": "MODIFIER_SOURCE",
- "_buffKeys": [
- "enemy_fotball_mark"
- ],
- "isAND": true,
- "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
- "_checkBuffSource": false,
- "_buffSourceType": "BUFF_SOURCE"
- },
- {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+DamageScale, Assembly-CSharp",
- "_filterDamageType": false,
- "_damageMask": "NONE",
- "_filterApplyWay": false,
- "_applyWayFilter": "NONE",
- "_isOneMinus": false,
- "_isStackable": false,
- "_cachedDeltaValueToBBKey": ""
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "cooperate_buff_student_sp[trigger]": {
- "templateKey": "cooperate_buff_student_sp[trigger]",
- "effectKey": "",
- "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
- "eventToActions": {
- {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckCharacterGroupTag, Assembly-CSharp",
- "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
- "_groupTag": "student"
- },
- {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+ModifySp, Assembly-CSharp",
- "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
- "_modifyByRatio": false,
- "_modifyRatio": 0.0,
- "_modifyByRatioBasedOnCurSP": false,
- "_dontCheckSpType": false,
- "_spMask": "ALL",
- "_forceFlag": false,
- "_dontShowSpUI": false,
- "_modifyValue": 0,
- "_spString": "sp"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "cooperate_buff_student_enhance": {
- "templateKey": "cooperate_buff_student_enhance",
- "effectKey": "",
- "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
- "eventToActions": {
- {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateBuffToCertainSideUnits, Assembly-CSharp",
- "_sideMask": "ALLY",
- "_buff": {
- "attributes": {
- "abnormalFlags": [],
- "abnormalImmunes": [],
- "abnormalAntis": [],
- "abnormalCombos": [],
- "abnormalComboImmunes": [],
- "attributeModifiers": []
- },
- "buffKey": "cooperate_buff_student_sp[trigger]",
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- },
- {
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- },
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- }
- ]
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- },
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- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckCharacterGroupTag, Assembly-CSharp",
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- "_groupTag": "abyssal"
- },
- {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
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- {
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- "fetchBaseValueFromSourceEntity": false
- },
- {
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- },
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- }
- ]
- }
- },
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- "templateKey": "cooperate_buff_spareshot",
+ "enemy_muboom_damage": {
+ "templateKey": "enemy_muboom_damage",
"effectKey": "",
"onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
"eventToActions": {
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+ "_skipModifierEvent": false,
+ "_noSourceDamage": false,
"_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
- "_checkTypes": [
- "AMMO"
- ]
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+ "_multiplierByKey": false,
+ "_multiplierKey": "cnt",
+ "_damageTargetType": "TARGET",
+ "_triggerOnCalculateDamage": false
"$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
@@ -140601,7 +140383,578 @@
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"attributeModifiers": []
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+ },
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+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
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+ "effectKey": "",
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+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateBuffInRange, Assembly-CSharp",
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+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_targetOptions": {
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+ "ignoreAllyTargetFree": false,
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+ "excludeAbnormalFlag": "STUNNED",
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+ "professionMask": "NONE",
+ "onlyIgnoreSomeOfTargetFreeCase": false,
+ "abnormalFlag": "STUNNED",
+ "abnormalCombo": "SLEEPING"
+ },
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+ {
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+ "abnormalAntis": [],
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+ },
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+ "blackboard": []
+ }
+ ],
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+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+TriggerBuffsByKeys, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
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+ "_buffKeys": [
+ "enemy_muboom_count"
+ ],
+ "_forceTrigger": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateEffect, Assembly-CSharp",
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+ "_useSourceFaceVactor": false,
+ "_useAttackPlaybackSpeed": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+PlayAudio, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_target": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_audioSignal": "muboom_boom"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
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+ "effectKey": "",
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+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckContainsBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_buffKeys": [
+ "enemy_muboom_boom"
+ ],
+ "isAND": true,
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_checkBuffSource": false,
+ "_buffSourceType": "BUFF_SOURCE"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfNot, Assembly-CSharp"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+RandomSetter, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetKey": "add_value"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CalculateBlackboardValueViaParams, Assembly-CSharp",
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+ "_dividedParamKey": "",
+ "_addParamKey": "add_value",
+ "_minValueKey": null,
+ "_maxValueKey": null,
+ "_finalAbs": false,
+ "_finalCeil": false
+ },
+ {
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+ "_blackboardKey": "curr_value",
+ "_valueToCompare": 0,
+ "_anotherKeyToCompare": null,
+ "_condType": "LE"
+ },
+ {
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+ "abnormalAntis": [],
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+ "abnormalComboImmunes": [],
+ "attributeModifiers": []
+ },
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+ "blackboard": []
+ },
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+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CalculateBlackboardValueViaParams, Assembly-CSharp",
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+ "_dividedParamKey": null,
+ "_addParamKey": null,
+ "_minValueKey": null,
+ "_maxValueKey": "",
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+ }
+ ],
+ {
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+ "_dividedParamKey": null,
+ "_addParamKey": null,
+ "_minValueKey": null,
+ "_maxValueKey": "",
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+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
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+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckContainsBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "MODIFIER_SOURCE",
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+ "enemy_fotball_mark"
+ ],
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+ "_buffSourceType": "BUFF_SOURCE"
+ },
+ {
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+ "_filterApplyWay": false,
+ "_applyWayFilter": "NONE",
+ "_isOneMinus": false,
+ "_isStackable": false,
+ "_cachedDeltaValueToBBKey": ""
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
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+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckCharacterGroupTag, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_groupTag": "student"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+ModifySp, Assembly-CSharp",
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+ "_dontShowSpUI": false,
+ "_modifyValue": 0,
+ "_spString": "sp"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
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+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateBuffToCertainSideUnits, Assembly-CSharp",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
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+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckCharacterGroupTag, Assembly-CSharp",
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+ "_groupTag": "abyssal"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ }
+ ]
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+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckCharacterGroupTag, Assembly-CSharp",
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+ "_groupTag": "abyssal"
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ }
+ ]
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+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
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+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckTargetSkillDurationType, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_checkTypes": [
+ "AMMO"
+ ]
+ },
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+ },
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"loadFromDB": true,
"isDurableBuff": false,
"isDamageMissable": false,
@@ -140648,12 +141001,1319 @@
"effectKey": "",
"onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
"eventToActions": {
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+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckCharacterGroupTag, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_groupTag": "kazimierz"
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ "value": 0.0,
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+ "fetchBaseValueFromSourceEntity": false
+ }
+ ]
+ },
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+ }
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+ }
+ },
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+ {
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+ "_hide": true
+ }
+ ],
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+ }
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+ "_isStackable": false,
+ "_cachedDeltaValueToBBKey": ""
+ }
+ ],
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+ "_restartFSM": true
+ }
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "enemy_mucat_t"
+ ],
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+ }
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
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+ "effectKey": "",
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+ "_updateOverrideMap": true,
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
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+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckContainsBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
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+ "enemy_mucat_enforce"
+ ],
+ "isAND": true,
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+ },
+ {
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+ "_filterNoneApplyWay": false,
+ "_cancelIfAtkScaleZero": false,
+ "_atkScaleKey": "atk_scale"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckContainsDerviedBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_derviedBuffKey": "enemy_mucat_killed"
+ },
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+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FinishDerivedBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_updateOverrideMap": true
+ }
+ ],
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+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+TriggerBuffsByKeys, Assembly-CSharp",
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+ "_buffKeys": [
+ "enemy_mucat_effect[trigger]"
+ ],
+ "_forceTrigger": false
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "blackboard": []
+ },
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+ }
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+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_decCntIfStack": false,
+ "_updateOverrideMap": true,
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_buff": {
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+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
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+ "blackboard": []
+ },
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+ }
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+ },
+ {
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+ "abnormalImmunes": [],
+ "abnormalAntis": [],
+ "abnormalCombos": [],
+ "abnormalComboImmunes": [],
+ "attributeModifiers": []
+ },
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+ "isSilenceable": false,
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+ "overrideType": "DEFAULT",
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+ "blackboard": []
+ },
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+ "_finishDerivedBuffIfParentFinish": false
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "enemy_murino_direction_listener": {
+ "templateKey": "enemy_murino_direction_listener",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+DisableEnemySwitchFaceByMove, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_disabled": true
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FaceToLOrRViaMoreTargets, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_ownerType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_targetOptions": {
+ "targetSide": "ENEMY",
+ "targetMotion": "ALL",
+ "targetCategory": "DEFAULT",
+ "enableAdvancedOptions": true,
+ "ignoreTargetFree": true,
+ "ignoreAllyTargetFree": false,
+ "ignoreHealFree": false,
+ "ignoreTargetSide": false,
+ "excludeSomeAbnormalFlags": false,
+ "excludeAbnormalFlag": "STUNNED",
+ "purposeMask": "NONE",
+ "onlyIgnoreSomeOfTargetFreeCase": false,
+ "abnormalFlag": "STUNNED",
+ "abnormalCombo": "SLEEPING"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+DisableEnemySwitchFaceByMove, Assembly-CSharp",
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+ "_disabled": false
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "enemy_murino_t": {
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+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckIfSourceGridPosFaceTargetGridPos, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_source": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_target": "MODIFIER_SOURCE",
+ "_faceType": "FRONT",
+ "_targetColOffset": 0.0,
+ "_faceIfSameCol": "NONE"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+DamageScale, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_filterDamageType": true,
+ "_damageMask": "PHYSICAL_AND_MAGICAL",
+ "_filterApplyWay": false,
+ "_applyWayFilter": "NONE",
+ "_isOneMinus": true,
+ "_isStackable": false,
+ "_cachedDeltaValueToBBKey": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateEffect, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_sourceType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_effectKey": "enemy_murino_attack_hit_front_01",
+ "_useSourceFaceVactor": false,
+ "_useAttackPlaybackSpeed": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+AlwaysNext, Assembly-CSharp"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+PlayAudio, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_target": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_audioSignal": "enemu_mhrhcr_block"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "enemy_mumole_bonus_2": {
+ "templateKey": "enemy_mumole_bonus_2",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FilterDeathReason, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_source": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_finishReason": "REACH_EXIT"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfNot, Assembly-CSharp"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FilterDeathReason, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_source": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_finishReason": "OTHER"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfNot, Assembly-CSharp"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckContainsBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_buffKeys": [
+ "enemy_mumole_aura"
+ ],
+ "isAND": true,
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_checkBuffSource": false,
+ "_buffSourceType": "BUFF_SOURCE"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfNot, Assembly-CSharp"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateEffect, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "TARGET",
+ "_sourceType": "SOURCE",
+ "_effectKey": "enemy_muvltr_die_start_ground_02",
+ "_useSourceFaceVactor": false,
+ "_useAttackPlaybackSpeed": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+TriggerEnvSystem, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_envKey": "env_010_cooperate",
+ "_target": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "enemy_mumole_bonus": {
+ "templateKey": "enemy_mumole_bonus",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FilterDeathReason, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_source": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_finishReason": "REACH_EXIT"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfNot, Assembly-CSharp"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FilterDeathReason, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_source": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_finishReason": "OTHER"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfNot, Assembly-CSharp"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckContainsBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_buffKeys": [
+ "enemy_mumole_aura"
+ ],
+ "isAND": true,
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_checkBuffSource": false,
+ "_buffSourceType": "BUFF_SOURCE"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfNot, Assembly-CSharp"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateEffect, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "TARGET",
+ "_sourceType": "SOURCE",
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+ "_useSourceFaceVactor": false,
+ "_useAttackPlaybackSpeed": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+TriggerEnvSystem, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_envKey": "env_010_cooperate",
+ "_target": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "enemy_mumole_heal": {
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+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FixedValueHeal, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_sourceType": "BUFF_SOURCE",
+ "_ignoreHealFree": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateEffect, Assembly-CSharp",
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+ "_useSourceFaceVactor": false,
+ "_useAttackPlaybackSpeed": false
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
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+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IsDamage, Assembly-CSharp"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+AssignModifierValueIntoBlackboard, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_blackboardKey": "input_value"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CalculateBlackboardValueViaParams, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_inputKey": "input_value",
+ "_outputKey": "damage_value",
+ "_multiplyParamKey": null,
+ "_dividedParamKey": null,
+ "_addParamKey": "damage_value",
+ "_minValueKey": null,
+ "_maxValueKey": null,
+ "_finalAbs": true,
+ "_finalCeil": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FilterByBlackboardValue, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_anotherBuff": false,
+ "_buffKey": null,
+ "_blackboardKey": "damage_value",
+ "_valueToCompare": 0,
+ "_anotherKeyToCompare": "trigger_value",
+ "_condType": "GE"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+ModifyBlackboard, Assembly-CSharp",
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+ "_fromBlackboardKeys": null,
+ "_value": 0.0,
+ "_addBasedOriginValue": false,
+ "_checkFromBlackboardValue": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateBuffUseAbilitySelector, Assembly-CSharp",
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+ "_excludeTarget": false,
+ "_excludeTargetType": "SOURCE",
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+ "attributes": {
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+ "abnormalImmunes": null,
+ "abnormalAntis": null,
+ "abnormalCombos": null,
+ "abnormalComboImmunes": null,
+ "attributeModifiers": null
+ },
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+ "loadFromDB": false,
+ "isDurableBuff": false,
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+ "isSilenceable": false,
+ "isStunnable": false,
+ "isFreezable": false,
+ "isLevitatable": false,
+ "statusResistable": "AUTOMATIC",
+ "templateKey": "enemy_mumole_heal",
+ "disableOverride": false,
+ "overrideKey": null,
+ "overrideType": "DEFAULT",
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+ "clearAllStackCntWhenTimeUp": false,
+ "maxValidStackCnt": -1,
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+ "overrideOnEventPriority": false,
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "audioSignal": "",
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+ "lifeTime": 0.0,
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+ "triggerInterval": -1.0,
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+ "firstTriggerInterval": -1.0,
+ "priority": -1,
+ "priorityBBKeys": [],
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+ "blackboard": []
+ },
+ "_buffSource": "BUFF_OWNER",
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+ "_finishDerivedBuffIfParentFinish": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateEffect, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_sourceType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_effectKey": "enemy_mumole_skill_02_buff",
+ "_useSourceFaceVactor": false,
+ "_useAttackPlaybackSpeed": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+PlayAudio, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_target": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_audioSignal": "mumole_heal"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "enemy_musqhd_link": {
+ "templateKey": "enemy_musqhd_link",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckCharacterGroupTag, Assembly-CSharp",
- "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
- "_groupTag": "kazimierz"
- },
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+InstantKill, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_SOURCE",
+ "_killSource": false,
+ "_noSource": true,
+ "_withdrawIfRallyPoint": false,
+ "_resultIfInRallyPointMode": false,
+ "_skipReborn": false,
+ "_noReason": false
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "enemy_musqrl_link": {
+ "templateKey": "enemy_musqrl_link",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+InstantKill, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_SOURCE",
+ "_killSource": false,
+ "_noSource": true,
+ "_withdrawIfRallyPoint": false,
+ "_resultIfInRallyPointMode": false,
+ "_skipReborn": false,
+ "_noReason": false
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "enemy_musqrl_pickup_succeed": {
+ "templateKey": "enemy_musqrl_pickup_succeed",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+SwitchMode, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_modeIndex": 0,
+ "_loadModeFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_restoreDefault": false,
+ "_restartFSM": true
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "enemy_musqrl_pickup_during_skill": {
+ "templateKey": "enemy_musqrl_pickup_during_skill",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FinishBuffsById, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_buffKey": "enemy_musqrl_pickup_succeed",
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_decCntIfStack": false,
+ "_updateOverrideMap": true,
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "enemy_musqrl_pickup": {
+ "templateKey": "enemy_musqrl_pickup",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
"$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
"_buff": {
@@ -140663,26 +142323,18 @@
"abnormalAntis": [],
"abnormalCombos": [],
"abnormalComboImmunes": [],
- "attributeModifiers": [
- {
- "attributeType": "ATK",
- "formulaItem": "MULTIPLIER",
- "value": 0.0,
- "loadFromBlackboard": true,
- "fetchBaseValueFromSourceEntity": false
- }
- ]
+ "attributeModifiers": []
- "buffKey": "cooperate_kazimierz_atk",
+ "buffKey": "enemy_musqrl_pickup_succeed",
"loadFromDB": false,
- "isDurableBuff": true,
+ "isDurableBuff": false,
"isDamageMissable": false,
"isSilenceable": false,
"isStunnable": false,
"isFreezable": false,
"isLevitatable": false,
"statusResistable": "AUTOMATIC",
- "templateKey": "empty",
+ "templateKey": "enemy_musqrl_pickup_succeed",
"disableOverride": false,
"overrideKey": null,
"overrideType": "DEFAULT",
@@ -140694,7 +142346,7 @@
"overrideOnEventPriority": false,
"onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
"audioSignal": null,
- "lifeTimeType": "LIMITED",
+ "lifeTimeType": "INFINITY",
"takeSnapshotWhenExtend": false,
"durationKey": null,
"lifeTime": 0.0,
@@ -140708,47 +142360,211 @@
"stripBlackboardParamsWithBuffKey": false,
"blackboard": []
- "_buffOwner": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_buffOwner": "BUFF_SOURCE",
"_isDerivedBuff": false,
"_finishDerivedBuffIfParentFinish": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+InstantKill, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_killSource": false,
+ "_noSource": true,
+ "_withdrawIfRallyPoint": false,
+ "_resultIfInRallyPointMode": false,
+ "_skipReborn": false,
+ "_noReason": true
- "mubox_aura": {
- "templateKey": "mubox_aura",
+ "enemy_musqrl_drop_during_skill": {
+ "templateKey": "enemy_musqrl_drop_during_skill",
"effectKey": "",
"onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
"eventToActions": {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FinishBuffsById, Assembly-CSharp",
- "_buffKey": "mubox_passive",
- "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
- "_decCntIfStack": false,
- "_updateOverrideMap": true,
- "_targetType": "BUFF_SOURCE"
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+SwitchMode, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_modeIndex": 0,
+ "_loadModeFromBlackboard": true,
+ "_restoreDefault": false,
+ "_restartFSM": true
- "mubox_passive": {
- "templateKey": "mubox_passive",
+ "enemy_musqrl_drop": {
+ "templateKey": "enemy_musqrl_drop",
"effectKey": "",
"onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
"eventToActions": {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+HideEntityGraphicOrNot, Assembly-CSharp",
- "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
- "_hide": true
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+SummonEnemyWithRuntimeRoute, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_source": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_target": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_useSpecialHost": false,
+ "_host": "TARGET",
+ "_useRandomEnemy": false,
+ "_enemyKey": null,
+ "_motionMode": "WALK",
+ "_unharmful": false,
+ "_alwaysCountAsKilled": false,
+ "_waitTime": 0.0,
+ "_spawnOffset": 1.0,
+ "_selectTileInSnapshot": false,
+ "_useSourceEndPosition": true,
+ "_avoidHighland": true
- ],
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "enemy_musqrl_t": {
+ "templateKey": "enemy_musqrl_t",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+HideEntityGraphicOrNot, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+Dice, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_probKey": "prob"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckEnemyUnbalanced, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfNot, Assembly-CSharp"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckContainsBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
"_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
- "_hide": false
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+ "enemy_musqrl_drop_during_skill"
+ ],
+ "isAND": true,
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_checkBuffSource": false,
+ "_buffSourceType": "BUFF_SOURCE"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfNot, Assembly-CSharp"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+TriggerEnemySkill, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_skillName": "drop",
+ "_checkSkillActive": false,
+ "_checkSkillReady": false,
+ "_ownerType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_interruptCurAbility": true,
+ "_assignCombatAbility": false
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "enemy_mubsbl_enhance": {
+ "templateKey": "enemy_mubsbl_enhance",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfElse, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_conditionNode": {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckContainsBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "TARGET",
+ "_buffKeys": [
+ "muruinw_mark"
+ ],
+ "isAND": true,
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_checkBuffSource": false,
+ "_buffSourceType": "BUFF_SOURCE"
+ },
+ "_succeedNodes": [
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+AtkScaleUp, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_filterApplyWay": false,
+ "_applyWay": "NONE",
+ "_defaultValue": 1.0,
+ "_filterNoneApplyWay": false,
+ "_cancelIfAtkScaleZero": false,
+ "_atkScaleKey": "atk_scale"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateEffect, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "TARGET",
+ "_sourceType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_effectKey": "enemy_mubsbl_attack_hit_02",
+ "_useSourceFaceVactor": false,
+ "_useAttackPlaybackSpeed": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "_failNodes": [
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateEffect, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "TARGET",
+ "_sourceType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_effectKey": "enemy_mubsbl_attack_hit_01",
+ "_useSourceFaceVactor": false,
+ "_useAttackPlaybackSpeed": false
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "enemy_murgby_enhance": {
+ "templateKey": "enemy_murgby_enhance",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckContainsBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "TARGET",
+ "_buffKeys": [
+ "muruinw_mark"
+ ],
+ "isAND": true,
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_checkBuffSource": false,
+ "_buffSourceType": "BUFF_SOURCE"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+AtkScaleUp, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_filterApplyWay": false,
+ "_applyWay": "NONE",
+ "_defaultValue": 1.0,
+ "_filterNoneApplyWay": false,
+ "_cancelIfAtkScaleZero": false,
+ "_atkScaleKey": "atk_scale"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+PlayAudio, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_target": "TARGET",
+ "_audioSignal": "enemy_murgby_enhance"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "trap_muftbl_passive": {
+ "templateKey": "trap_muftbl_passive",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+LandFootball, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+Withdraw, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_withdrawSource": true,
+ "_switchToDeadState": true,
+ "_force": true,
+ "_needLog": false
@@ -140843,6 +142659,185 @@
+ "trap_muruinw_s_active": {
+ "templateKey": "trap_muruinw_s_active",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+InterruptCharacterSkill, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_charFrom": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_buff": {
+ "attributes": {
+ "abnormalFlags": [],
+ "abnormalImmunes": [],
+ "abnormalAntis": [],
+ "abnormalCombos": [],
+ "abnormalComboImmunes": [],
+ "attributeModifiers": []
+ },
+ "buffKey": "fortress_trap_mode",
+ "loadFromDB": false,
+ "isDurableBuff": false,
+ "isDamageMissable": false,
+ "isSilenceable": false,
+ "isStunnable": false,
+ "isFreezable": false,
+ "isLevitatable": false,
+ "statusResistable": "AUTOMATIC",
+ "templateKey": "fortress_trap_mode",
+ "disableOverride": false,
+ "overrideKey": null,
+ "overrideType": "DEFAULT",
+ "maxStackCnt": 1,
+ "refreshRemainingTimeWhenStackMax": false,
+ "clearAllStackCntWhenTimeUp": false,
+ "maxValidStackCnt": -1,
+ "overrideEffectKey": "common_trap_upgrade",
+ "overrideOnEventPriority": false,
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "audioSignal": null,
+ "lifeTimeType": "LIMITED",
+ "takeSnapshotWhenExtend": false,
+ "durationKey": "_",
+ "lifeTime": 0.5,
+ "triggerLifeType": "IMMEDIATELY",
+ "triggerCnt": 0,
+ "triggerInterval": -1.0,
+ "waitFirstTriggerInterval": true,
+ "firstTriggerInterval": -1.0,
+ "priority": -1,
+ "priorityBBKeys": [],
+ "stripBlackboardParamsWithBuffKey": false,
+ "blackboard": []
+ },
+ "_buffOwner": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_isDerivedBuff": false,
+ "_finishDerivedBuffIfParentFinish": false
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+ChangeAnimatorMeshRenderer, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_ownerType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_rendererIndex": -1,
+ "_enable": false,
+ "_exclusive": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+ChangeAnimatorMeshRenderer, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_ownerType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_rendererIndex": 0,
+ "_enable": true,
+ "_exclusive": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_buff": {
+ "attributes": {
+ "abnormalFlags": [
+ ],
+ "abnormalImmunes": [],
+ "abnormalAntis": [],
+ "abnormalCombos": [],
+ "abnormalComboImmunes": [],
+ "attributeModifiers": []
+ },
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+ "loadFromDB": false,
+ "isDurableBuff": false,
+ "isDamageMissable": false,
+ "isSilenceable": false,
+ "isStunnable": false,
+ "isFreezable": false,
+ "isLevitatable": false,
+ "statusResistable": "AUTOMATIC",
+ "templateKey": "fortress_trap_mode_default",
+ "disableOverride": false,
+ "overrideKey": null,
+ "overrideType": "DEFAULT",
+ "maxStackCnt": 1,
+ "refreshRemainingTimeWhenStackMax": false,
+ "clearAllStackCntWhenTimeUp": false,
+ "maxValidStackCnt": -1,
+ "overrideEffectKey": null,
+ "overrideOnEventPriority": false,
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "audioSignal": null,
+ "lifeTimeType": "LIMITED",
+ "takeSnapshotWhenExtend": false,
+ "durationKey": "_",
+ "lifeTime": 0.5,
+ "triggerLifeType": "IMMEDIATELY",
+ "triggerCnt": 0,
+ "triggerInterval": -1.0,
+ "waitFirstTriggerInterval": true,
+ "firstTriggerInterval": -1.0,
+ "priority": -1,
+ "priorityBBKeys": [],
+ "stripBlackboardParamsWithBuffKey": false,
+ "blackboard": []
+ },
+ "_buffOwner": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_isDerivedBuff": false,
+ "_finishDerivedBuffIfParentFinish": false
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FilterModifierTargetType, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_modifierTargetType": "HP"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfTargetSide, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_sideMask": "ALLY",
+ "_targetType": "MODIFIER_SOURCE"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CancelModifier, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_reason": "UNHURTABLE"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "trap_muruinw_s_passive": {
+ "templateKey": "trap_muruinw_s_passive",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CancelModifier, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_reason": "UNHURTABLE"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckFilterTag, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "MODIFIER_SOURCE",
+ "_filterTag": "FORTRESS_TRAP_SP"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+ModifySp, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "TARGET",
+ "_modifyByRatio": false,
+ "_modifyRatio": 0.0,
+ "_modifyByRatioBasedOnCurSP": false,
+ "_dontCheckSpType": true,
+ "_spMask": "ALL",
+ "_forceFlag": false,
+ "_dontShowSpUI": false,
+ "_modifyValue": 0,
+ "_spString": "sp"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
"enemy_prepare_buff": {
"templateKey": "enemy_prepare_buff",
"effectKey": "",
@@ -141198,6 +143193,155 @@
+ "enemy_mubufn_do_clearance": {
+ "templateKey": "enemy_mubufn_do_clearance",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IsCloseToFootball, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_ignoreIsSelected": true
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+DoClearance, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "enemy_mubufn_logic": {
+ "templateKey": "enemy_mubufn_logic",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckUnitInMoveState, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_ownerType": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IsCloseToFootball, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_ignoreIsSelected": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+TriggerEnemySkill, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_skillName": "clearance",
+ "_checkSkillActive": false,
+ "_checkSkillReady": true,
+ "_ownerType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_interruptCurAbility": true,
+ "_assignCombatAbility": false
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+InitForces, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_passBallForceKey": "passing_force",
+ "_slapShotForceKey": "slapshot_force",
+ "_clearanceForceKey": "clearance_force"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "enemy_mumssi_do_slapshot": {
+ "templateKey": "enemy_mumssi_do_slapshot",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IsCloseToFootball, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_ignoreIsSelected": true
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+DoSlapShot, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "enemy_mumssi_do_pass_the_ball": {
+ "templateKey": "enemy_mumssi_do_pass_the_ball",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IsCloseToFootball, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_ignoreIsSelected": true
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+DoPassTheBall, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "enemy_mumssi_logic": {
+ "templateKey": "enemy_mumssi_logic",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckUnitInMoveState, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_ownerType": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IsCloseToFootball, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_ignoreIsSelected": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfElse, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_conditionNode": {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+DiceSlapShot, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ },
+ "_succeedNodes": [
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+TriggerEnemySkill, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_skillName": "slapshot",
+ "_checkSkillActive": false,
+ "_checkSkillReady": false,
+ "_ownerType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_interruptCurAbility": true,
+ "_assignCombatAbility": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "_failNodes": [
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+TriggerEnemySkill, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_skillName": "passtheball",
+ "_checkSkillActive": false,
+ "_checkSkillReady": false,
+ "_ownerType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_interruptCurAbility": true,
+ "_assignCombatAbility": false
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+InitForces, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
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+ "_slapShotForceKey": "slapshot_force",
+ "_clearanceForceKey": "clearance_force"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
"enemy_fotball_passive": {
"templateKey": "enemy_fotball_passive",
"effectKey": "",
@@ -146902,6 +149046,65 @@
+ "trap_lrcore[passive_p1]": {
+ "templateKey": "trap_lrcore[passive_p1]",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_buff": {
+ "attributes": {
+ "abnormalFlags": [],
+ "abnormalImmunes": [],
+ "abnormalAntis": [],
+ "abnormalCombos": [],
+ "abnormalComboImmunes": [],
+ "attributeModifiers": []
+ },
+ "buffKey": "cripple1",
+ "loadFromDB": false,
+ "isDurableBuff": false,
+ "isDamageMissable": false,
+ "isSilenceable": false,
+ "isStunnable": false,
+ "isFreezable": false,
+ "isLevitatable": false,
+ "statusResistable": "AUTOMATIC",
+ "templateKey": "empty",
+ "disableOverride": false,
+ "overrideKey": "cripple",
+ "overrideType": "UNIQUE",
+ "maxStackCnt": 1,
+ "refreshRemainingTimeWhenStackMax": false,
+ "clearAllStackCntWhenTimeUp": false,
+ "maxValidStackCnt": -1,
+ "overrideEffectKey": null,
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+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "audioSignal": null,
+ "lifeTimeType": "INFINITY",
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+ "durationKey": null,
+ "lifeTime": 0.0,
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+ "triggerInterval": -1.0,
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+ "firstTriggerInterval": -1.0,
+ "priority": -1,
+ "priorityBBKeys": [],
+ "stripBlackboardParamsWithBuffKey": false,
+ "blackboard": []
+ },
+ "_buffOwner": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_isDerivedBuff": false,
+ "_finishDerivedBuffIfParentFinish": false
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
"enemy_lrdead[inform_death][p1]": {
"templateKey": "enemy_lrdead[inform_death][p1]",
"effectKey": "",
@@ -151359,6 +153562,38 @@
"_useSourceFaceVactor": false,
"_useAttackPlaybackSpeed": false
+ ],
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FilterDeathReason, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_source": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_finishReason": "HP_ZERO_WITH_NO_SOURCE"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+SummonEnemyWithRuntimeRoute, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_source": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_target": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_useSpecialHost": false,
+ "_host": "TARGET",
+ "_useRandomEnemy": false,
+ "_enemyKey": "enemy_1432_lrccon",
+ "_motionMode": "WALK",
+ "_unharmful": true,
+ "_alwaysCountAsKilled": false,
+ "_waitTime": 9999.0,
+ "_spawnOffset": 0.0,
+ "_selectTileInSnapshot": false,
+ "_useSourceEndPosition": false,
+ "_avoidHighland": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateEffect, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "SOURCE",
+ "_sourceType": "SOURCE",
+ "_effectKey": "enemy_irccon_ground_end",
+ "_useSourceFaceVactor": false,
+ "_useAttackPlaybackSpeed": false
+ }
@@ -151420,7 +153655,8 @@
"abnormalImmunes": [],
"abnormalAntis": [],
@@ -151473,58 +153709,6 @@
"_isDerivedBuff": false,
"_finishDerivedBuffIfParentFinish": false
- {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
- "_buff": {
- "attributes": {
- "abnormalFlags": [
- ],
- "abnormalImmunes": [],
- "abnormalAntis": [],
- "abnormalCombos": [],
- "abnormalComboImmunes": [],
- "attributeModifiers": []
- },
- "buffKey": "enemy_lrccon[lock_core][stun]",
- "loadFromDB": false,
- "isDurableBuff": false,
- "isDamageMissable": false,
- "isSilenceable": false,
- "isStunnable": false,
- "isFreezable": false,
- "isLevitatable": false,
- "statusResistable": "AUTOMATIC",
- "templateKey": "enemy_lrccon[lock_core][stun]",
- "disableOverride": false,
- "overrideKey": null,
- "overrideType": "DEFAULT",
- "maxStackCnt": 1,
- "refreshRemainingTimeWhenStackMax": false,
- "clearAllStackCntWhenTimeUp": false,
- "maxValidStackCnt": -1,
- "overrideEffectKey": "buff_stun",
- "overrideOnEventPriority": false,
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- "audioSignal": null,
- "lifeTimeType": "INFINITY",
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- "durationKey": null,
- "lifeTime": 0.0,
- "triggerLifeType": "INFINITY",
- "triggerCnt": 0,
- "triggerInterval": 0.30000001192092896,
- "waitFirstTriggerInterval": true,
- "firstTriggerInterval": -1.0,
- "priority": -1,
- "priorityBBKeys": [],
- "stripBlackboardParamsWithBuffKey": false,
- "blackboard": []
- },
- "_buffOwner": "BUFF_OWNER",
- "_isDerivedBuff": false,
- "_finishDerivedBuffIfParentFinish": false
- },
"$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
"_buff": {
@@ -151622,6 +153806,56 @@
"onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
"eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_buff": {
+ "attributes": {
+ "abnormalFlags": [],
+ "abnormalImmunes": [],
+ "abnormalAntis": [],
+ "abnormalCombos": [],
+ "abnormalComboImmunes": [],
+ "attributeModifiers": []
+ },
+ "buffKey": "enemy_lrccon[stun][effect]",
+ "loadFromDB": false,
+ "isDurableBuff": false,
+ "isDamageMissable": false,
+ "isSilenceable": false,
+ "isStunnable": false,
+ "isFreezable": false,
+ "isLevitatable": false,
+ "statusResistable": "AUTOMATIC",
+ "templateKey": "empty",
+ "disableOverride": false,
+ "overrideKey": null,
+ "overrideType": "DEFAULT",
+ "maxStackCnt": 1,
+ "refreshRemainingTimeWhenStackMax": false,
+ "clearAllStackCntWhenTimeUp": false,
+ "maxValidStackCnt": -1,
+ "overrideEffectKey": "buff_stun",
+ "overrideOnEventPriority": false,
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "audioSignal": null,
+ "lifeTimeType": "INFINITY",
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+ "durationKey": null,
+ "lifeTime": 0.0,
+ "triggerLifeType": "IMMEDIATELY",
+ "triggerCnt": 0,
+ "triggerInterval": -1.0,
+ "waitFirstTriggerInterval": true,
+ "firstTriggerInterval": -1.0,
+ "priority": -1,
+ "priorityBBKeys": [],
+ "stripBlackboardParamsWithBuffKey": false,
+ "blackboard": []
+ },
+ "_buffOwner": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_isDerivedBuff": true,
+ "_finishDerivedBuffIfParentFinish": true
+ },
"$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfElse, Assembly-CSharp",
"_conditionNode": {
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/activity_table.json b/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/activity_table.json
index cd97aabd2..3d52352be 100644
--- a/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/activity_table.json
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/activity_table.json
@@ -1,5 +1,29 @@
"basicInfo": {
+ "act2vmulti": {
+ "id": "act2vmulti",
+ "type": "MULTIPLAY_VERIFY2",
+ "displayType": "NONE",
+ "name": "罗德岛促融共竞",
+ "startTime": 1715760000,
+ "endTime": 1716926399,
+ "rewardEndTime": 1717185599,
+ "displayOnHome": true,
+ "hasStage": true,
+ "templateShopId": null,
+ "medalGroupId": null,
+ "ungroupedMedalIds": [
+ "medal_activity_act2vmulti_01",
+ "medal_activity_act2vmulti_02",
+ "medal_activity_act2vmulti_03",
+ "medal_activity_act2vmulti_04",
+ "medal_activity_act2vmulti_05"
+ ],
+ "isReplicate": false,
+ "needFixedSync": false,
+ "trapDomainId": null,
+ "isPageEntry": true
+ },
"act39sign": {
"id": "act39sign",
"type": "CHECKIN_ONLY",
@@ -3944,6 +3968,7 @@
"zoneToActivity": {
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"act33side_zone1": "act33side",
"act33side_zone2": "act33side",
"act33side_zone3": "act33side",
@@ -4111,6 +4136,786 @@
"main_14": "act1mainss"
"missionData": [
+ {
+ "id": "2vmultiActivity_1",
+ "sortId": 1,
+ "description": "以3枚嘉奖印章完成IG-1",
+ "type": "ACTIVITY",
+ "itemBgType": "COMMON",
+ "preMissionIds": null,
+ "template": "ActMultiplayVerify2PassStageWithScore",
+ "templateType": "0",
+ "param": [
+ "0",
+ "3",
+ "act2vmulti-01"
+ ],
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+ "unlockParam": null,
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+ "toPage": null,
+ "periodicalPoint": 0,
+ "rewards": [
+ {
+ "type": "ACTIVITY_ITEM",
+ "id": "act2vmulti_token_cap",
+ "count": 60
+ }
+ ],
+ "backImagePath": null,
+ "foldId": null,
+ "haveSubMissionToUnlock": false
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "2vmultiActivity_2",
+ "sortId": 2,
+ "description": "以3枚嘉奖印章完成IG-2",
+ "type": "ACTIVITY",
+ "itemBgType": "COMMON",
+ "preMissionIds": null,
+ "template": "ActMultiplayVerify2PassStageWithScore",
+ "templateType": "0",
+ "param": [
+ "0",
+ "3",
+ "act2vmulti-02"
+ ],
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+ "periodicalPoint": 0,
+ "rewards": [
+ {
+ "type": "ACTIVITY_ITEM",
+ "id": "act2vmulti_token_cap",
+ "count": 60
+ }
+ ],
+ "backImagePath": null,
+ "foldId": null,
+ "haveSubMissionToUnlock": false
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "2vmultiActivity_3",
+ "sortId": 3,
+ "description": "以3枚嘉奖印章完成IG-3",
+ "type": "ACTIVITY",
+ "itemBgType": "COMMON",
+ "preMissionIds": null,
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+ "templateType": "0",
+ "param": [
+ "0",
+ "3",
+ "act2vmulti-03"
+ ],
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+ "toPage": null,
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+ "act2vmulti-de02"
+ ],
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+ }
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+ "modeId": "mode_normal_difficulty",
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+ "2vmultiMissionActivity7_1",
+ "2vmultiMissionActivity7_2",
+ "2vmultiMissionActivity7_3"
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+ "stageBigPreviewId": "act2vmulti-ft01_big_preview",
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+ ]
+ }
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+ "id": "2vmultiMissionActivity1_1",
+ "sortId": 1,
+ "title": "生存",
+ "battleDesc": "坚持存活尽量久的时间",
+ "description": "阶段一:坚持存活120秒",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
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+ "title": "生存",
+ "battleDesc": "坚持存活尽量久的时间",
+ "description": "阶段二:坚持存活120秒",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
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+ "title": "生存",
+ "battleDesc": "坚持存活尽量久的时间",
+ "description": "阶段二:坚持存活180秒",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
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+ "sortId": 1,
+ "title": "生存",
+ "battleDesc": "坚持存活尽量久的时间",
+ "description": "阶段一:坚持存活150秒",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
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+ "title": "生存",
+ "battleDesc": "坚持存活尽量久的时间",
+ "description": "阶段二:坚持存活120秒",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
+ "2vmultiMissionActivity2_3": {
+ "id": "2vmultiMissionActivity2_3",
+ "sortId": 3,
+ "title": "生存",
+ "battleDesc": "坚持存活尽量久的时间",
+ "description": "阶段二:坚持存活160秒",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
+ "2vmultiMissionActivity3_1": {
+ "id": "2vmultiMissionActivity3_1",
+ "sortId": 1,
+ "title": "护送",
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+ "description": "阶段一:将反巫术变位炸弹推进22格",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
+ "2vmultiMissionActivity3_2": {
+ "id": "2vmultiMissionActivity3_2",
+ "sortId": 2,
+ "title": "占垒",
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+ "description": "阶段二:占领3座留声机",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
+ "2vmultiMissionActivity3_3": {
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+ "sortId": 3,
+ "title": "占垒",
+ "battleDesc": "占领留声机",
+ "description": "阶段二:占领5座留声机",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
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+ "sortId": 1,
+ "title": "生存",
+ "battleDesc": "坚持存活尽量久的时间",
+ "description": "阶段一:坚持存活150秒",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
+ "2vmultiMissionActivity4_2": {
+ "id": "2vmultiMissionActivity4_2",
+ "sortId": 2,
+ "title": "营救",
+ "battleDesc": "保护乌萨斯平民进入目标点",
+ "description": "阶段二:保护12位乌萨斯平民进入目标点",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
+ "2vmultiMissionActivity4_3": {
+ "id": "2vmultiMissionActivity4_3",
+ "sortId": 3,
+ "title": "营救",
+ "battleDesc": "保护乌萨斯平民进入目标点",
+ "description": "阶段二:保护18位乌萨斯平民进入目标点",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
+ "2vmultiMissionActivity5_1": {
+ "id": "2vmultiMissionActivity5_1",
+ "sortId": 1,
+ "title": "占垒",
+ "battleDesc": "占领留声机",
+ "description": "阶段一:占领1座留声机",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
+ "2vmultiMissionActivity5_2": {
+ "id": "2vmultiMissionActivity5_2",
+ "sortId": 2,
+ "title": "渗透",
+ "battleDesc": "击倒尽量多的欺凌者",
+ "description": "阶段二:击倒13个欺凌者",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
+ "2vmultiMissionActivity5_3": {
+ "id": "2vmultiMissionActivity5_3",
+ "sortId": 3,
+ "title": "渗透",
+ "battleDesc": "击倒尽量多的欺凌者",
+ "description": "阶段二:击倒25个欺凌者",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
+ "2vmultiMissionActivity6_1": {
+ "id": "2vmultiMissionActivity6_1",
+ "sortId": 1,
+ "title": "生存",
+ "battleDesc": "坚持存活尽量久的时间",
+ "description": "阶段一:坚持存活140秒",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
+ "2vmultiMissionActivity6_2": {
+ "id": "2vmultiMissionActivity6_2",
+ "sortId": 2,
+ "title": "突击",
+ "battleDesc": "尽量削减领袖敌人的生命值",
+ "description": "阶段二:削减所有领袖敌人75%的生命值",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
+ "2vmultiMissionActivity6_3": {
+ "id": "2vmultiMissionActivity6_3",
+ "sortId": 3,
+ "title": "突击",
+ "battleDesc": "尽量削减领袖敌人的生命值",
+ "description": "阶段二:击倒所有领袖敌人",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
+ "2vmultiMissionActivity7_1": {
+ "id": "2vmultiMissionActivity7_1",
+ "sortId": 1,
+ "title": "生存",
+ "battleDesc": "坚持存活尽量久的时间",
+ "description": "阶段一:坚持存活150秒",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
+ "2vmultiMissionActivity7_2": {
+ "id": "2vmultiMissionActivity7_2",
+ "sortId": 2,
+ "title": "突击",
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+ "description": "阶段二:削减所有领袖敌人50%的生命值",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
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+ "id": "2vmultiMissionActivity7_3",
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+ "title": "突击",
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+ "description": "阶段二:击倒所有领袖敌人",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
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+ "sortId": 1,
+ "title": "进球",
+ "battleDesc": "争取更多净胜球",
+ "description": "争取更多净胜球",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
+ "2vmultiMissionActivityde_1": {
+ "id": "2vmultiMissionActivityde_1",
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+ "title": "防守",
+ "battleDesc": "防守更多波次",
+ "description": "防守更多波次",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
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+ "id": "2vmultiMissionActivitytr_1",
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+ "description": "阶段一:坚持存活120秒",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
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+ "id": "2vmultiMissionActivitytr_2",
+ "sortId": 2,
+ "title": "渗透",
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+ "description": "阶段二:击倒3个拾荒者",
+ "starNum": 1
+ },
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+ "id": "2vmultiMissionActivitytr_3",
+ "sortId": 3,
+ "title": "渗透",
+ "battleDesc": "击倒尽量多的拾荒者",
+ "description": "阶段二:击倒5个拾荒者",
+ "starNum": 1
+ }
+ },
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+ "mileStoneId": "mileStone_1",
+ "mileStoneLvl": 1,
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+ "count": 2,
+ "type": "MATERIAL"
+ }
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+ "type": "GOLD"
+ }
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+ }
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+ "type": "MATERIAL"
+ }
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+ }
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+ }
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+ "sortId": 8,
+ "picId": "pic_8",
+ "desc": "要上啦!"
+ },
+ "room_9": {
+ "id": "room_9",
+ "type": "ROOM",
+ "sortId": 9,
+ "picId": "pic_12",
+ "desc": "请快些!"
+ },
+ "room_10": {
+ "id": "room_10",
+ "type": "ROOM",
+ "sortId": 10,
+ "picId": "pic_13",
+ "desc": "很快就好!"
+ },
+ "pick_1": {
+ "id": "pick_1",
+ "type": "PICK",
+ "sortId": 1,
+ "picId": "pic_1",
+ "desc": "你好!"
+ },
+ "pick_2": {
+ "id": "pick_2",
+ "type": "PICK",
+ "sortId": 2,
+ "picId": "pic_2",
+ "desc": "合作愉快!"
+ },
+ "pick_3": {
+ "id": "pick_3",
+ "type": "PICK",
+ "sortId": 3,
+ "picId": "pic_3",
+ "desc": "谢谢!"
+ },
+ "pick_4": {
+ "id": "pick_4",
+ "type": "PICK",
+ "sortId": 4,
+ "picId": "pic_5",
+ "desc": "对不起!"
+ },
+ "pick_5": {
+ "id": "pick_5",
+ "type": "PICK",
+ "sortId": 5,
+ "picId": "pic_8",
+ "desc": "要上啦!"
+ },
+ "pick_6": {
+ "id": "pick_6",
+ "type": "PICK",
+ "sortId": 6,
+ "picId": "pic_9",
+ "desc": "???"
+ },
+ "pick_7": {
+ "id": "pick_7",
+ "type": "PICK",
+ "sortId": 7,
+ "picId": "pic_10",
+ "desc": "你请先选!"
+ },
+ "pick_8": {
+ "id": "pick_8",
+ "type": "PICK",
+ "sortId": 8,
+ "picId": "pic_11",
+ "desc": "我想先选!"
+ },
+ "pick_9": {
+ "id": "pick_9",
+ "type": "PICK",
+ "sortId": 9,
+ "picId": "pic_12",
+ "desc": "请快些!"
+ },
+ "pick_10": {
+ "id": "pick_10",
+ "type": "PICK",
+ "sortId": 10,
+ "picId": "pic_13",
+ "desc": "很快就好!"
+ }
+ },
+ "commentDatas": {
+ "Comment_Normal_1": {
+ "id": "Comment_Normal_1",
+ "type": "NORMAL",
+ "priorityId": 4,
+ "picId": "pic_1",
+ "txt": "快刀斩麻!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentMelee",
+ "paramList": [
+ "100000"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_Normal_2": {
+ "id": "Comment_Normal_2",
+ "type": "NORMAL",
+ "priorityId": 5,
+ "picId": "pic_2",
+ "txt": "箭无空发!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentRanged",
+ "paramList": [
+ "100000"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_Normal_3": {
+ "id": "Comment_Normal_3",
+ "type": "NORMAL",
+ "priorityId": 2,
+ "picId": "pic_3",
+ "txt": "坚如磐石!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentGuard",
+ "paramList": [
+ "5000"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_Normal_4": {
+ "id": "Comment_Normal_4",
+ "type": "NORMAL",
+ "priorityId": 3,
+ "picId": "pic_4",
+ "txt": "妙手回春!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentTreat",
+ "paramList": [
+ "5000"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_Normal_5": {
+ "id": "Comment_Normal_5",
+ "type": "NORMAL",
+ "priorityId": 6,
+ "picId": "pic_5",
+ "txt": "术有专攻-先锋",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentDeploy",
+ "paramList": [
+ "5"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "id": "Comment_Normal_6",
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+ "priorityId": 7,
+ "picId": "pic_6",
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+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentDeploy",
+ "paramList": [
+ "5"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_Normal_7": {
+ "id": "Comment_Normal_7",
+ "type": "NORMAL",
+ "priorityId": 8,
+ "picId": "pic_7",
+ "txt": "术有专攻-医疗",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentDeploy",
+ "paramList": [
+ "MEDIC",
+ "5"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_Normal_8": {
+ "id": "Comment_Normal_8",
+ "type": "NORMAL",
+ "priorityId": 9,
+ "picId": "pic_8",
+ "txt": "术有专攻-术师",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentDeploy",
+ "paramList": [
+ "5"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_Normal_9": {
+ "id": "Comment_Normal_9",
+ "type": "NORMAL",
+ "priorityId": 10,
+ "picId": "pic_9",
+ "txt": "兴兵动众!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentDeploy",
+ "paramList": [
+ "NONE",
+ "10"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_Normal_10": {
+ "id": "Comment_Normal_10",
+ "type": "NORMAL",
+ "priorityId": 11,
+ "picId": "pic_10",
+ "txt": "疾风骤雨!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentSkill",
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+ "20"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_Normal_11": {
+ "id": "Comment_Normal_11",
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+ "picId": "pic_11",
+ "txt": "乐善好施!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentDeliveryCost",
+ "paramList": [
+ "30"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_Normal_12": {
+ "id": "Comment_Normal_12",
+ "type": "NORMAL",
+ "priorityId": 1,
+ "picId": "pic_12",
+ "txt": "财源广进!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentReplyCost",
+ "paramList": [
+ "99"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_Normal_13": {
+ "id": "Comment_Normal_13",
+ "type": "FOOTBALL",
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+ "txt": "无懈可击!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentNotHurt",
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+ "0"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_Normal_14": {
+ "id": "Comment_Normal_14",
+ "type": "FOOTBALL",
+ "priorityId": 14,
+ "picId": "pic_14",
+ "txt": "力挽狂澜!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentContribute",
+ "paramList": [
+ "2",
+ "7500"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_FOOTBALL_1": {
+ "id": "Comment_FOOTBALL_1",
+ "type": "FOOTBALL",
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+ "paramList": [
+ "100000"
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+ "id": "Comment_FOOTBALL_2",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
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+ "picId": "pic_2",
+ "txt": "箭无空发!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentRanged",
+ "paramList": [
+ "100000"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_FOOTBALL_3": {
+ "id": "Comment_FOOTBALL_3",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
+ "priorityId": 2,
+ "picId": "pic_4",
+ "txt": "妙手回春!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentTreat",
+ "paramList": [
+ "5000"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_FOOTBALL_4": {
+ "id": "Comment_FOOTBALL_4",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
+ "priorityId": 3,
+ "picId": "pic_5",
+ "txt": "术有专攻-先锋",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentDeploy",
+ "paramList": [
+ "5"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_FOOTBALL_5": {
+ "id": "Comment_FOOTBALL_5",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
+ "priorityId": 6,
+ "picId": "pic_6",
+ "txt": "术有专攻-辅助",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentDeploy",
+ "paramList": [
+ "5"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_FOOTBALL_6": {
+ "id": "Comment_FOOTBALL_6",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
+ "priorityId": 7,
+ "picId": "pic_7",
+ "txt": "术有专攻-医疗",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentDeploy",
+ "paramList": [
+ "MEDIC",
+ "5"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_FOOTBALL_7": {
+ "id": "Comment_FOOTBALL_7",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
+ "priorityId": 8,
+ "picId": "pic_8",
+ "txt": "术有专攻-术师",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentDeploy",
+ "paramList": [
+ "5"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_FOOTBALL_8": {
+ "id": "Comment_FOOTBALL_8",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
+ "priorityId": 9,
+ "picId": "pic_9",
+ "txt": "兴兵动众!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentDeploy",
+ "paramList": [
+ "NONE",
+ "10"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_FOOTBALL_9": {
+ "id": "Comment_FOOTBALL_9",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
+ "priorityId": 10,
+ "picId": "pic_10",
+ "txt": "疾风骤雨!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentSkill",
+ "paramList": [
+ "20"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_FOOTBALL_10": {
+ "id": "Comment_FOOTBALL_10",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
+ "priorityId": 11,
+ "picId": "pic_11",
+ "txt": "乐善好施!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentDeliveryCost",
+ "paramList": [
+ "30"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_FOOTBALL_11": {
+ "id": "Comment_FOOTBALL_11",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
+ "priorityId": 1,
+ "picId": "pic_12",
+ "txt": "财源广进!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentReplyCost",
+ "paramList": [
+ "99"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_FOOTBALL_12": {
+ "id": "Comment_FOOTBALL_12",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
+ "priorityId": 12,
+ "picId": "pic_15",
+ "txt": "黄金射手!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentGoal",
+ "paramList": [
+ "3"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_FOOTBALL_13": {
+ "id": "Comment_FOOTBALL_13",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
+ "priorityId": 13,
+ "picId": "pic_16",
+ "txt": "黄金门卫!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentGateKeep",
+ "paramList": [
+ "3"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_DEFENCE_1": {
+ "id": "Comment_DEFENCE_1",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
+ "priorityId": 4,
+ "picId": "pic_1",
+ "txt": "快刀斩麻!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentMelee",
+ "paramList": [
+ "100000"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_DEFENCE_2": {
+ "id": "Comment_DEFENCE_2",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
+ "priorityId": 5,
+ "picId": "pic_2",
+ "txt": "箭无空发!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentRanged",
+ "paramList": [
+ "100000"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_DEFENCE_3": {
+ "id": "Comment_DEFENCE_3",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
+ "priorityId": 2,
+ "picId": "pic_3",
+ "txt": "坚如磐石!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentGuard",
+ "paramList": [
+ "5000"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_DEFENCE_4": {
+ "id": "Comment_DEFENCE_4",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
+ "priorityId": 3,
+ "picId": "pic_4",
+ "txt": "妙手回春!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentTreat",
+ "paramList": [
+ "5000"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_DEFENCE_5": {
+ "id": "Comment_DEFENCE_5",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
+ "priorityId": 6,
+ "picId": "pic_5",
+ "txt": "术有专攻-先锋",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentDeploy",
+ "paramList": [
+ "5"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_DEFENCE_6": {
+ "id": "Comment_DEFENCE_6",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
+ "priorityId": 7,
+ "picId": "pic_6",
+ "txt": "术有专攻-辅助",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentDeploy",
+ "paramList": [
+ "5"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_DEFENCE_7": {
+ "id": "Comment_DEFENCE_7",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
+ "priorityId": 8,
+ "picId": "pic_7",
+ "txt": "术有专攻-医疗",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentDeploy",
+ "paramList": [
+ "MEDIC",
+ "5"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_DEFENCE_8": {
+ "id": "Comment_DEFENCE_8",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
+ "priorityId": 9,
+ "picId": "pic_8",
+ "txt": "术有专攻-术师",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentDeploy",
+ "paramList": [
+ "5"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_DEFENCE_9": {
+ "id": "Comment_DEFENCE_9",
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+ "picId": "pic_9",
+ "txt": "兴兵动众!",
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+ "NONE",
+ "10"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_DEFENCE_10": {
+ "id": "Comment_DEFENCE_10",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
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+ "picId": "pic_10",
+ "txt": "疾风骤雨!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentSkill",
+ "paramList": [
+ "20"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_DEFENCE_11": {
+ "id": "Comment_DEFENCE_11",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
+ "priorityId": 12,
+ "picId": "pic_11",
+ "txt": "乐善好施!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentDeliveryCost",
+ "paramList": [
+ "30"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_DEFENCE_12": {
+ "id": "Comment_DEFENCE_12",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
+ "priorityId": 1,
+ "picId": "pic_12",
+ "txt": "财源广进!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentReplyCost",
+ "paramList": [
+ "99"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Comment_DEFENCE_13": {
+ "id": "Comment_DEFENCE_13",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
+ "priorityId": 13,
+ "picId": "pic_13",
+ "txt": "无懈可击!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentNotHurt",
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+ "0"
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+ },
+ "Comment_DEFENCE_14": {
+ "id": "Comment_DEFENCE_14",
+ "type": "DEFENCE",
+ "priorityId": 14,
+ "picId": "pic_14",
+ "txt": "力挽狂澜!",
+ "template": "act2vmultiCommentContribute",
+ "paramList": [
+ "2",
+ "7500"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "tipsDataList": [
+ {
+ "id": "tip_01",
+ "txt": "第一阶段结束后,场上的干员会撤退进入待部署区",
+ "weight": 100
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "tip_02",
+ "txt": "协作双方的关卡生命值相互独立,只有双方关卡生命值均为0时才会挑战失败",
+ "weight": 100
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "tip_03",
+ "txt": "敌人进入共用目标点时,会同时扣除协作双方的关卡生命值",
+ "weight": 100
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "tip_04",
+ "txt": "费用不足时,可以试试向协作者请求费用",
+ "weight": 75
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "tip_05",
+ "txt": "当双方都点击2倍速按键时,战斗将进入倍速状态运行",
+ "weight": 75
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "tip_06",
+ "txt": "可以拖拽发送标记至指定位置,来向协作者发送标记信号",
+ "weight": 75
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "tip_07",
+ "txt": "在第一阶段中关卡生命值归零的玩家,可以在休整时间重新上场",
+ "weight": 75
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "tip_08",
+ "txt": "堡垒守御项目中的<折叠设施>,需要部署<折叠设施维护员>进行维护才能生效",
+ "weight": 100
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "tip_09",
+ "txt": "堡垒守御项目中,只有休整时间才能部署<折叠设施维护员>",
+ "weight": 75
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "tip_10",
+ "txt": "阵地足球项目中,从不同方向攻击<足球>,可以改变运动方向",
+ "weight": 100
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "tip_11",
+ "txt": "阵地足球项目中,更重的<足球>需要累计更多的伤害才能推动",
+ "weight": 100
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "tip_12",
+ "txt": "部署在<守门位>的干员可以成为<守门员>,挡住敌方射门后可以在我方半场重新开球",
+ "weight": 100
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "tip_13",
+ "txt": "球门前的<阵地屏障>可以反弹足球,但每次挡住射门时都会损失生命值",
+ "weight": 75
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "tip_14",
+ "txt": "敌方的球员生命值归0时不会被击倒,但会暂时停止行动并逐渐恢复生命值",
+ "weight": 75
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "tip_15",
+ "txt": "医疗干员可以治疗协作者的干员,当协作者陷入危机时,请施以援手!",
+ "weight": 100
+ }
+ ],
+ "reportDataList": [
+ {
+ "id": "report_01",
+ "sortId": 1,
+ "txt": "消极游戏",
+ "desc": "挂机、不作为等消极行为"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "report_02",
+ "sortId": 2,
+ "txt": "故意捣乱",
+ "desc": "阻碍其他玩家游戏"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "report_03",
+ "sortId": 3,
+ "txt": "中途退出",
+ "desc": "游戏过程中离开"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "report_04",
+ "sortId": 4,
+ "txt": "不当言论",
+ "desc": "使用了不恰当的名称或签名"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "report_05",
+ "sortId": 5,
+ "txt": "骚扰",
+ "desc": "进行令人不快的行为"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "report_06",
+ "sortId": 6,
+ "txt": "作弊",
+ "desc": "使用非常规手段进行游戏"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "report_07",
+ "sortId": 7,
+ "txt": "脚本",
+ "desc": "利用第三方工具刷取奖励"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "report_08",
+ "sortId": 8,
+ "txt": "其他",
+ "desc": "其他举报原因"
+ }
+ ],
+ "tempCharDataList": [
+ {
+ "charId": "char_508_aguard",
+ "level": 80,
+ "evolvePhase": "PHASE_2",
+ "mainSkillLevel": 7,
+ "specializeLevel": 3,
+ "potentialRank": 0,
+ "favorPoint": 25570,
+ "skinId": "char_508_aguard#1"
+ },
+ {
+ "charId": "char_511_asnipe",
+ "level": 80,
+ "evolvePhase": "PHASE_2",
+ "mainSkillLevel": 7,
+ "specializeLevel": 3,
+ "potentialRank": 0,
+ "favorPoint": 25570,
+ "skinId": "char_511_asnipe#1"
+ },
+ {
+ "charId": "char_509_acast",
+ "level": 80,
+ "evolvePhase": "PHASE_2",
+ "mainSkillLevel": 7,
+ "specializeLevel": 3,
+ "potentialRank": 0,
+ "favorPoint": 25570,
+ "skinId": "char_509_acast#1"
+ },
+ {
+ "charId": "char_510_amedic",
+ "level": 80,
+ "evolvePhase": "PHASE_2",
+ "mainSkillLevel": 7,
+ "specializeLevel": 3,
+ "potentialRank": 0,
+ "favorPoint": 25570,
+ "skinId": "char_510_amedic#1"
+ },
+ {
+ "charId": "char_513_apionr",
+ "level": 80,
+ "evolvePhase": "PHASE_2",
+ "mainSkillLevel": 7,
+ "specializeLevel": 3,
+ "potentialRank": 0,
+ "favorPoint": 25570,
+ "skinId": "char_513_apionr#1"
+ }
+ ],
+ "constData": {
+ "milestoneId": "act2vmulti_token_cap",
+ "maxUnlockNum": 20,
+ "roomNumCopyDesc": "房间编号{0},Dr.{1}#{2}邀请您加入赛事{3}:{4}{5}难度",
+ "noMapRoomNumCopyDesc": "房间编号{0},Dr.{1}#{2}邀请您加入赛事",
+ "randomMapRoomNumCopyDesc": "房间编号{0},Dr.{1}#{2}邀请您加入赛事随机项目{3}难度",
+ "targetCd": 1,
+ "squadMinNum": 6,
+ "squadMaxNum": 10,
+ "defenseTraMax": 3,
+ "defenseOrdMax": 7,
+ "defenseDifMax": 7,
+ "stageChooseAnimRandomStageIdList": [
+ "act2vmulti-01",
+ "act2vmulti-02",
+ "act2vmulti-03"
+ ],
+ "mapUnlockDesc1": "在任意模式中取得一定成绩,即可在组队模式中自选项目参赛",
+ "mapUnlockDesc2": "解锁特定项目自选权",
+ "mapUnlockDesc3": "对应项目获得<@map.normal>3>枚嘉奖印章以解锁项目自选权",
+ "mapUnlockDesc4": "净胜球记录突破<>4>球以解锁项目自选权",
+ "mapUnlockDesc5": "防守波次记录突破<@map.defence>7>波以解锁项目自选权",
+ "mapUnlockDesc6": "解锁全部项目自选权",
+ "mapUnlockDesc7": "在任意难度的常规项目中总计获得<@map.normal>9>枚嘉奖印章即可解锁对应难度下全部项目自选权",
+ "difUnlockCond": 9,
+ "ordRewardStageId": "act2vmulti-01",
+ "difRewardStageId": "act2vmulti-ex01",
+ "maxMatchTime": 120,
+ "tipsSwitchTime": 5.0,
+ "pingConds": [
+ {
+ "cond": 1,
+ "txt": "当前延迟<@ping.low>{0}>ms"
+ },
+ {
+ "cond": 60,
+ "txt": "当前延迟<@ping.medium>{0}>ms"
+ },
+ {
+ "cond": 200,
+ "txt": "当前延迟<@ping.high>{0}>ms"
+ }
+ ],
+ "chatCd": 1,
+ "chatTime": 3,
+ "markCd": 3,
+ "markCond1": 5,
+ "markCond2": 2,
+ "dailyMissionParam": 150,
+ "dailyMissionName": "每日活跃",
+ "dailyMissionDesc": "每日活跃当前累计进度",
+ "dailyMissionRule": "通过以下方式累积获得【参赛纪念】x<@dm.award>150>,即可在结算时领取【参赛纪念】x<@dm.award>200>的额外奖励。(奖励每日一次,每天04:00重置)\n<@dm.condition>-匹配参赛>:任意难度的【常规项目】\n<@dm.condition>-组队参赛>:任意难度的【随机常规项目】",
+ "missionDesc": "跑出连库兰塔也不能及的速度?举起连丰蹄也不能举起的重量?你的心底肯定藏着什么狂野的小目标。机会难得,为什么不试试呢?",
+ "dailyMissionRewardItem": {
+ "id": "act2vmulti_token_cap",
+ "count": 200,
+ "type": "ACTIVITY_ITEM"
+ },
+ "normalGreatVoiceStar": 3,
+ "footballGreatVoiceNum": 4,
+ "defenceGreatVoiceWave": 7,
+ "reportMaxNum": 3,
+ "reportText": "请选择符合玩家违规的选项(最多三项)",
+ "rewardCardId": "nc_sports_1",
+ "rewardCardText": "*赛事热度等级达到<@milestone>{0}级>领取",
+ "rewardSkinId": "char_376_therex@marthe#7",
+ "rewardSkinText": "*赛事热度等级达到<@milestone>{0}级>领取",
+ "maxRetryTimeInTeamRoom": 180,
+ "maxRetryTimeInMatchRoom": 15,
+ "maxRetryTimeInBattle": 900,
+ "maxOperatorDelay": 0.3,
+ "maxPlaySpeed": 5,
+ "delayTimeNeedTip": 2,
+ "settleRetryTime": 90,
+ "modeNormalUnlockModeId": "mode_normal_training",
+ "modeNormalUnlockParam": 2,
+ "modeDefenceUnlockModeId": "mode_defence_training",
+ "modeDefenceUnlockParam": 2,
+ "modeFootballUnlockModeId": "mode_football_training",
+ "modeFootballUnlockParam": 1,
+ "tutorialEntryStoryId": "activities/act2vmulti/Guide/guide_act2vmulti_entry",
+ "tutorialSquadStoryId": "activities/act2vmulti/Guide/guide_act2vmulti_squad",
+ "teamUnlockStageId": "act2vmulti-tr01",
+ "teamUnlockParam": 2,
+ "trainPartnerCharId": "char_002_amiya",
+ "trainPartnerCharSkinId": "char_002_amiya#1",
+ "trainPartnerPlayerName": "阿米娅",
+ "trainPartnerPlayerLevel": 100,
+ "trainPartnerBuffId": "buff_1",
+ "trainPartnerAvatarGroupType": "ASSISTANT",
+ "trainPartnerAvatarId": "char_002_amiya#1"
+ },
+ "constToastData": {
+ "noRoom": "未找到可加入的赛事",
+ "fullRoom": "未找到可加入的赛事",
+ "roomIdFormatError": "房间编号格式有误,请检查后再试",
+ "roomIdCopySuccess": "房间编号复制成功,去邀请协作者吧",
+ "banned": "禁赛中,请稍后再试",
+ "serverOverload": "当前服务繁忙,请稍后再试",
+ "matchAliveFailed": "匹配失败,请稍后再试",
+ "createRoomAliveFailed": "创建房间失败,请稍后再试",
+ "joinRoomAliveFailed": "加入房间失败,请稍后再试",
+ "roomOwnerReviseTarget": "已更改目标点分配,等待协作者确认",
+ "roomCollaboratorReviseTarget": "目标点分配有变更,请确认后重新准备",
+ "roomOwnerReviseMap": "已更换项目,等待协作者确认",
+ "roomCollaboratorReviseMap": "项目内容有变更,请确认后重新准备",
+ "roomCollaboratorJoinRoom": "协作者已加入",
+ "roomCollaboratorExitRoom": "协作者已退出",
+ "continuousClicks": "操作过于频繁,请稍后再试",
+ "matchNoProject": "请选择至少一个项目",
+ "reportNoProject": "请选择至少一个举报内容",
+ "otherModeTrainingLock": "完成常规项目规则教学后解锁",
+ "teamLock": "完成常规项目规则教学后解锁",
+ "mentorLockTips": "常规项目解锁高级赛匹配资格且至少<@tutor>4>关获得<@tutor>3>枚嘉奖印章",
+ "unlockNewModeInMatch": "匹配参赛中解锁了新的项目",
+ "unlockNewStageInTeam": "组队参赛中解锁了新的项目",
+ "unlockMentorInMatch": "匹配参赛中解锁了[兼任教练]资格",
+ "teamFullLow": "低顺位干员人数已达上限",
+ "teamFullHigh": "高顺位干员人数已达上限",
+ "difficultUnlock": "初级赛的常规项目获得<@map.normal>9>枚嘉奖印章即可解锁"
+ },
+ "mapTypeNameDataList": [
+ {
+ "mapType": "NORMAL",
+ "typeName": "常规项目"
+ },
+ {
+ "mapType": "FOOTBALL",
+ "typeName": "阵地足球"
+ },
+ {
+ "mapType": "DEFENCE",
+ "typeName": "堡垒守御"
+ }
+ ],
+ "difficultyNameDataList": [
+ {
+ "difficulty": "TRAINING",
+ "difficultyName": "规则教学"
+ },
+ {
+ "difficulty": "ORDINARY",
+ "difficultyName": "初级赛"
+ },
+ {
+ "difficulty": "DIFFICULTY",
+ "difficultyName": "高级赛"
+ }
+ ],
+ "buffIconDatas": {
+ "buff_1": {
+ "buffId": "buff_1",
+ "iconId": "pic_1"
+ },
+ "buff_2": {
+ "buffId": "buff_2",
+ "iconId": "pic_2"
+ },
+ "buff_3": {
+ "buffId": "buff_3",
+ "iconId": "pic_3"
+ },
+ "buff_4": {
+ "buffId": "buff_4",
+ "iconId": "pic_4"
+ },
+ "buff_5": {
+ "buffId": "buff_5",
+ "iconId": "pic_5"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
"act1lock": {
"stageAdditionInfoMap": {
@@ -143673,6 +147227,9 @@
"activityItems": {
+ "act2vmulti": [
+ "act2vmulti_token_cap"
+ ],
"act1mainss": [
@@ -149013,6 +152570,21 @@
"startTs": 1714536000
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "dis_2vmulti_1",
+ "type": "ACTIVITY",
+ "funcId": "act2vmulti",
+ "endTs": 1716926399,
+ "sortId": 81,
+ "itemId": null,
+ "timeNodes": [
+ {
+ "title": "<罗德岛促融共竞>活动已开放",
+ "ts": 1715760000
+ }
+ ],
+ "startTs": 1715760000
"actFunData": {
@@ -165279,7 +168851,7 @@
"nodeId": "main_node_1",
"title": "启航纪念",
- "unlockDesc": "通关H14-1",
+ "unlockDesc": "以3星评价完成H14-1",
"clips": [
"charId": "char_4134_cetsyr",
@@ -165321,7 +168893,7 @@
"nodeId": "main_node_2",
"title": "OI-52实验后",
- "unlockDesc": "通关H14-2",
+ "unlockDesc": "以3星评价完成H14-2",
"clips": [
"charId": "char_4134_cetsyr",
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/audio_data.json b/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/audio_data.json
index 6faf4d0b5..f6e062e88 100644
--- a/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/audio_data.json
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/audio_data.json
@@ -2857,6 +2857,14 @@
"delay": 0.0,
"name": "battle.ON_GAME_READY.main14_tersia_amiya"
+ {
+ "intro": null,
+ "loop": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/Music/act2vmulti/m_sys_act2vmulti_loop",
+ "volume": 0.4,
+ "crossfade": 1.0,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "name": "sys.ON_ACTIVITY_LOADED.act2vmulti"
+ },
"intro": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/Music/obt/empty",
"loop": null,
@@ -10331,6 +10339,258 @@
"loop": false,
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/CustomSE/act2vmulti/act2vmulti_g_ui_matchsucceed",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": true,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 1.0,
+ "maxPitch": 1.0,
+ "minVolume": 1.0,
+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 0,
+ "popOldest": false,
+ "customMixerGroup": null,
+ "loop": false,
+ },
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/CustomSE/act2vmulti/act2vmulti_g_ui_mtachfail",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": true,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 1.0,
+ "maxPitch": 1.0,
+ "minVolume": 1.0,
+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 0,
+ "popOldest": false,
+ "customMixerGroup": null,
+ "loop": false,
+ },
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/CustomSE/act2vmulti/act2vmulti_g_ui_matchcancel",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": true,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 1.0,
+ "maxPitch": 1.0,
+ "minVolume": 1.0,
+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 0,
+ "popOldest": false,
+ "customMixerGroup": null,
+ "loop": false,
+ },
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/CustomSE/act2vmulti/act2vmulti_g_ui_temporaryhelp",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": true,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 1.0,
+ "maxPitch": 1.0,
+ "minVolume": 1.0,
+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 0,
+ "popOldest": false,
+ "customMixerGroup": null,
+ "loop": false,
+ },
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/CustomSE/act2vmulti/act2vmulti_g_ui_unpick",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": true,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 1.0,
+ "maxPitch": 1.0,
+ "minVolume": 1.0,
+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 0,
+ "popOldest": false,
+ "customMixerGroup": null,
+ "loop": false,
+ "name": "ui.ON_ACT2VMULTI_UNPICK"
+ },
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/CustomSE/act2vmulti/act2vmulti_g_ui_pick",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": true,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 1.0,
+ "maxPitch": 1.0,
+ "minVolume": 1.0,
+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 0,
+ "popOldest": false,
+ "customMixerGroup": null,
+ "loop": false,
+ "name": "ui.ON_ACT2VMULTI_PICK"
+ },
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/CustomSE/act2vmulti/act2vmulti_g_ui_preparecountdown",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": true,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 1.0,
+ "maxPitch": 1.0,
+ "minVolume": 1.0,
+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 0,
+ "popOldest": false,
+ "customMixerGroup": null,
+ "loop": false,
+ },
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/CustomSE/act2vmulti/act2vmulti_g_ui_emojidialogue",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": true,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 1.0,
+ "maxPitch": 1.0,
+ "minVolume": 1.0,
+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 0,
+ "popOldest": false,
+ "customMixerGroup": null,
+ "loop": false,
+ },
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/CustomSE/act2vmulti/act2vmulti_g_ui_countdownstart",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": true,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 1.0,
+ "maxPitch": 1.0,
+ "minVolume": 1.0,
+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 0,
+ "popOldest": false,
+ "customMixerGroup": null,
+ "loop": false,
+ },
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/CustomSE/act2vmulti/act2vmulti_g_ui_getready",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": true,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 1.0,
+ "maxPitch": 1.0,
+ "minVolume": 1.0,
+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 0,
+ "popOldest": false,
+ "customMixerGroup": null,
+ "loop": false,
+ },
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/CustomSE/act2vmulti/act2vmulti_g_ui_gameover",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": true,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 1.0,
+ "maxPitch": 1.0,
+ "minVolume": 1.0,
+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 0,
+ "popOldest": false,
+ "customMixerGroup": null,
+ "loop": false,
+ },
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/CustomSE/act2vmulti/act2vmulti_g_ui_transition",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": true,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 1.0,
+ "maxPitch": 1.0,
+ "minVolume": 1.0,
+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 0,
+ "popOldest": false,
+ "customMixerGroup": null,
+ "loop": false,
+ },
"sounds": [
@@ -143716,6 +143976,69 @@
"loop": false,
"name": "battle.ON_PROJECTILE_HIT.projectile_trap_lrsteam"
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/Enemy/e_atk/e_atk_strlndmncr",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": false,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 0.8,
+ "maxPitch": 1.2,
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+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 2,
+ "popOldest": true,
+ "customMixerGroup": "Battle_E_NAtk",
+ "loop": false,
+ "name": "battle.ON_ABILITY_START.enemy_4004_muvltr.boomb"
+ },
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/Enemy/e_imp/e_imp_strlndmncr",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": false,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 0.8,
+ "maxPitch": 1.2,
+ "minVolume": 1.0,
+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 2,
+ "popOldest": true,
+ "customMixerGroup": "Battle_E_NImp",
+ "loop": false,
+ "name": "battle.ON_ABILITY_HIT.enemy_4004_muvltr.boomb"
+ },
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/Enemy/e_skill/e_skill_bslimeexplo_n",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": false,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 0.8,
+ "maxPitch": 1.2,
+ "minVolume": 1.0,
+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 2,
+ "popOldest": true,
+ "customMixerGroup": "Battle_E_NImp",
+ "loop": false,
+ "name": "battle.ON_PROJECTILE_STOP.projectile_enemy_muvltr"
+ },
"sounds": [
@@ -143737,6 +144060,69 @@
"loop": false,
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/Enemy/e_imp/e_imp_volley",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": false,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 0.8,
+ "maxPitch": 1.2,
+ "minVolume": 1.0,
+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 2,
+ "popOldest": true,
+ "customMixerGroup": "Battle_E_NImp",
+ "loop": false,
+ "name": "battle.ON_ABILITY_HIT.enemy_4005_musqrl.combat.0"
+ },
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/Enemy/e_imp/e_imp_trbxdrp",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": false,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 0.8,
+ "maxPitch": 1.2,
+ "minVolume": 1.0,
+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 2,
+ "popOldest": true,
+ "customMixerGroup": "Battle_E_NImp",
+ "loop": false,
+ "name": "battle.ON_ABILITY_HIT.enemy_4005_musqrl.drop"
+ },
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/Enemy/e_imp/e_imp_general_w",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": false,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 0.8,
+ "maxPitch": 1.2,
+ "minVolume": 1.0,
+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 2,
+ "popOldest": true,
+ "customMixerGroup": "Battle_E_NImp",
+ "loop": false,
+ "name": "battle.ON_ABILITY_HIT.enemy_4005_musqrl.combat.1"
+ },
"sounds": [
@@ -143758,6 +144144,195 @@
"loop": false,
"name": "battle.ON_CUSTOM_TRIGGER.mumole_heal"
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/Enemy/e_imp/e_imp_mace_n",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": false,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 0.8,
+ "maxPitch": 1.2,
+ "minVolume": 1.0,
+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 2,
+ "popOldest": true,
+ "customMixerGroup": "Battle_E_NImp",
+ "loop": false,
+ "name": "battle.ON_ABILITY_HIT.enemy_4007_murino.combat.0"
+ },
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/Enemy/e_atk/e_atk_chgnryarhmr",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": false,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 0.9,
+ "maxPitch": 1.1,
+ "minVolume": 1.0,
+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 2,
+ "popOldest": true,
+ "customMixerGroup": "Battle_E_NAtk",
+ "loop": false,
+ "name": "battle.ON_ABILITY_START.enemy_4008_mucat.combat.0"
+ },
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/Enemy/e_imp/e_imp_chgnryarhmr",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": false,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 0.8,
+ "maxPitch": 1.2,
+ "minVolume": 1.0,
+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 2,
+ "popOldest": true,
+ "customMixerGroup": "Battle_E_NImp",
+ "loop": false,
+ "name": "battle.ON_ABILITY_HIT.enemy_4008_mucat.combat.0"
+ },
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/Enemy/e_atk/e_atk_arhmrxhstin",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": false,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 0.8,
+ "maxPitch": 1.2,
+ "minVolume": 1.0,
+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
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index f5756c100..048353826 100644
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+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/character_table.json
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+ }
+ ]
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+ "level": 1
+ }
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+ }
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+ }
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+ }
+ }
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+ }
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+ {
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+ "overrideTokenKey": null,
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+ "unlockCond": {
+ "phase": "PHASE_0",
+ "level": 1
+ }
+ }
+ ],
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+ "talents": null,
+ "potentialRanks": [],
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+ "allSkillLvlup": []
+ },
"trap_158_lrsteam": {
"name": "查尔斯·林奇",
"description": null,
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+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/data_version.txt
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-Change:61218 on 2024/05/07
+Change:61424 on 2024/05/09
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--- a/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/display_meta_table.json
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/display_meta_table.json
@@ -1337,6 +1337,35 @@
"isTimeLimit": false,
"timeLimitInfoList": []
+ "nc_sports_1": {
+ "id": "nc_sports_1",
+ "name": "健将",
+ "type": "ACTIVITY",
+ "sortId": 3,
+ "skinStartTime": 1715760000,
+ "skinDesc": "与同伴一同驰骋赛场时,你久负重担的身躯难得轻盈。",
+ "usageDesc": "在不变动功能的情况下,对prts进行了重新设计。",
+ "skinApproach": "罗德岛促融共竞中获得",
+ "unlockConditionCnt": 1,
+ "unlockDescList": [
+ "在赛事热度中获得"
+ ],
+ "fixedModuleList": [
+ "module_background",
+ "module_illust",
+ "module_collect",
+ "module_avatar"
+ ],
+ "rarity": 4,
+ "isTimeLimit": true,
+ "timeLimitInfoList": [
+ {
+ "id": "nc_sports_1",
+ "availStartTime": 1715760000,
+ "availEndTime": 1717185600
+ }
+ ]
+ },
"nc_sandbox_1": {
"id": "nc_sandbox_1",
"name": "险途",
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/enemy_handbook_table.json b/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/enemy_handbook_table.json
index 14eeb586f..6627f63ff 100644
--- a/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/enemy_handbook_table.json
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/enemy_handbook_table.json
@@ -24339,6 +24339,754 @@
"invisibleDetail": false
+ "enemy_4004_muvltr": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4004_muvltr",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB1",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 856,
+ "name": "赛场补给车",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "很快,后勤部将意识到,工程部出品的新款补给车实在不适合用来运送汽水——它太有个性了。经过些许颠簸之后,这辆补给车正要在赛场上抛掷即将爆炸的汽水瓶。",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "无法被阻挡",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "抛投爆炸汽水瓶,对周围造成真实伤害(包括自身)",
+ "textFormat": "SILENCE"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4004_muvltr_2": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4004_muvltr_2",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB2",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 857,
+ "name": "“天车散花”赛场补给车",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "现在,后勤部已经意识到,工程部出品的新款补给车实在不适合用来运送汽水——它太有个性了。这辆补给车又开始在赛场上抛掷会爆炸的汽水瓶了,从未有人见过这样“爆炸性”的比赛!",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "无法被阻挡",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "抛投爆炸汽水瓶,对周围造成真实伤害(包括自身)",
+ "textFormat": "SILENCE"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4005_musqrl": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4005_musqrl",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB3",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 858,
+ "name": "鼷兽补给员",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "鼷兽补给员喜欢单爪举着补给箱在赛场上跑来跑去,这对一只小小的鼷兽来说堪称壮举。只要相信自己力大无穷,鼷兽补给员就能举起补给箱;只要举起补给箱,它就会相信自己力大无穷。",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "每次受到伤害时,补给箱有概率脱手掉落",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "补给箱脱手期间持续损失生命值",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4005_musqrl_2": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4005_musqrl_2",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB4",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 859,
+ "name": "“力大如驮”鼷兽补给员",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "鼷兽补给员喜欢单爪举着补给箱在赛场中央摆出展示肌肉的夸张姿势,这对一只小小的鼷兽来说堪称壮举。只要相信自己力大无穷,鼷兽补给员就能举起补给箱;只要举起补给箱,它就会相信自己力大无穷。",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "每次受到伤害时,补给箱有概率脱手掉落",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "补给箱脱手期间持续损失生命值",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4006_mumole": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4006_mumole",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB5",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 860,
+ "name": "沙地兽补给员",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "后勤部后知后觉地意识到:如果一个地方出现了一只沙地兽,就还会出现第三只,第五只......好在经过训练,它们勉强能胜任赛场补给员一职。但愿不要有选手被它们扔了一地的补给品绊倒......",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "受到一定伤害时,为周围其他敌人回复大量生命值(不包括自身)",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4006_mumole_2": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4006_mumole_2",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB6",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 861,
+ "name": "“雨露均沾”沙地兽补给员",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "后勤部后知后觉地意识到:如果一个地方出现了一只沙地兽,就还会出现第三只,第五只......好在经过训练,它们勉强能胜任赛场补给员一职。被它们扔了一地的补给品绊倒的选手已经挤满了医务室......",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "受到一定伤害时,为周围其他敌人回复大量生命值(不包括自身)",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4007_murino": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4007_murino",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB7",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 862,
+ "name": "驮兽补给员",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "赛场是个危险的地方,罗德岛的赛场尤其如此,驮兽补给员深知这一点。看到一位手持巨剑的干员打出一球击穿场地围墙后,驮兽补给员发出了哀叹:“哞哞哞哞哞,哞哞!”",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "来自正面的伤害大幅降低",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "总是面对我方人数较多的一侧",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4007_murino_2": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4007_murino_2",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB8",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 863,
+ "name": "“胆小如鼷”驮兽补给员",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "赛场是个危险的地方,罗德岛的赛场尤其如此,驮兽补给员深知这一点。看到一位手持巨剑的干员打出一球击穿场地围墙后,驮兽补给员发出了哀叹:“驮兽之神啊,救我!”",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "来自正面的伤害大幅降低",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "总是面对我方人数较多的一侧",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4008_mucat": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4008_mucat",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB9",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 864,
+ "name": "重锤补给员",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "被一辆横冲直撞的赛场清扫车碾到脚趾的事情虽然不太常见,但还算说得过去。可如果清扫车上还坐着一只手持气锤的小动物,迫不及待地想要殴打你,事情就开始显得有些魔幻了。",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "进行5次攻击力大幅提升的重击,若重击将单位击倒则不消耗攻击次数",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "攻击次数耗尽时,一段时间内停止攻击且所受伤害大幅提升",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4008_mucat_2": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4008_mucat_2",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB10",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 865,
+ "name": "“横冲直撞”重锤补给员",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "被一辆横冲直撞的赛场清扫车碾到脚趾的事情虽然不太常见,但还算说得过去。可如果清扫车上还坐着一只手持气锤的小动物,不由分说地开始殴打你,事情就开始显得有些恐怖了。",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "进行5次攻击力大幅提升的重击,若重击将单位击倒则不消耗攻击次数",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "攻击次数耗尽时,一段时间内停止攻击且所受伤害大幅提升",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4009_murgby": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4009_murgby",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB11",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 866,
+ "name": "铁头前锋",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "铁头前锋以头铁而闻名体育界,这位一根筋的选手对战术的总结只有短短三条:“埋头冲锋,埋头冲锋,还是埋头冲锋。”",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "对【折叠式堡垒模块】造成更高伤害",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4009_murgby_2": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4009_murgby_2",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB12",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 867,
+ "name": "“一往无前”铁头前锋",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "铁头前锋以头铁而闻名体育界,接受采访时,这位一根筋的选手说出了他的人生格言:“只要埋头冲锋,一切都会好起来的!”",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "对【折叠式堡垒模块】造成更高伤害",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4010_mubsbl": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4010_mubsbl",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB13",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 868,
+ "name": "长臂投手",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "十年来投球最准的天才投手,他的手臂仿佛是专为投球而生。在他眼里,常规的球赛已经失去了乐趣,还是拿球砸人更有趣些。",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "对【折叠式堡垒模块】造成更高伤害",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "优先攻击【折叠式堡垒模块】上的单位",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "无法被阻挡",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4010_mubsbl_2": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4010_mubsbl_2",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB14",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 869,
+ "name": "“精准制导”长臂投手",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "十年来投球最准的天才投手,他的手臂仿佛是专为投球而生。听说他的爷爷曾在高卢帝国掷弹兵团服役,难怪他那么喜欢拿球砸人......",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "对【折叠式堡垒模块】造成更高伤害",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "优先攻击【折叠式堡垒模块】上的单位",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "无法被阻挡",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4012_mumssi": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4012_mumssi",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB17",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 870,
+ "name": "阵地击球手",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "让一只鼷兽来当击球手不是没有道理的:如果它能跳得很高,它也一定能把球踢得很远——很远。",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "优先朝我方球门方向攻击足球",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4012_mumssi_2": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4012_mumssi_2",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB18",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 871,
+ "name": "“脚脚生风”阵地击球手",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "让一只鼷兽来当击球手不是没有道理的:如果它能跳得很高,它也一定能把球踢得很远——很远——真的——很远。",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "优先朝我方球门方向攻击足球",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4013_mubufn": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4013_mubufn",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB19",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 872,
+ "name": "阵地守门员",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "让一只驮兽来当守门员不是没有道理的:它的头实在是太大了,只需要站在那里,就能把球门挡住。",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "优先朝我方球门方向攻击足球",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4013_mubufn_2": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4013_mubufn_2",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB20",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 873,
+ "name": "“头头是门”阵地守门员",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "让一只驮兽来当守门员不是没有道理的:它的头实在是太大了,只需要站在那里,就能把球门挡住。偶尔,它的角还能稳稳地把球夹住。",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "优先朝我方球门方向攻击足球",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4014_mugnfu": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4014_mugnfu",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB21",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 874,
+ "name": "阵地击人手",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "众所周知:赢得球赛的最直接方式是解决对方的球员。阵地击人手疾风骤雨般的锤法足以放倒最强壮的球员,如果一锤不够,就再来一锤。",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "优先攻击我方干员",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4014_mugnfu_2": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4014_mugnfu_2",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB22",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 875,
+ "name": "“锤锤到肉”阵地击人手",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "众所周知:赢得球赛的最直接方式是解决对方的球员。阵地击人手疾风骤雨般的锤法足以放倒最强壮的球员,如果一锤不够——不,一锤肯定够了。",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "优先攻击我方干员",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4015_musucr": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4015_musucr",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB23",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 876,
+ "name": "RMA70刺球",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "为了丰富球赛体验,仿照RMA70系列矿物制成的足球,虽然刺很多,但意外地不会扎人。踢过它的选手评价道:“这款足球踢起来真的很有互动感。”",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "标准参数的足球",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "只能被守门员或阻挡数不小于3的单位阻挡",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4016_mubuln": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4016_mubuln",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB24",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 877,
+ "name": "粉红绒气球",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "为了丰富球赛体验,仿照毛绒绒生......等等,它怎么飘走了,该不会是真的吧?!好吧,这是一只货真价实的毛绒绒神秘生物,正在赛场里喷着气飘来飘去。",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "很轻的足球,非常容易踢动",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "只能被守门员或阻挡数不小于3的单位阻挡",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4017_muinbl": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4017_muinbl",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB25",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 878,
+ "name": "压缩建材球",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "为了丰富球赛体验,工程部用巨量建筑余料压缩制成的足球,很重,超级重。真的有选手愿意踢它吗......对自己的脚好一点吧。",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "很重的足球,比较难以踢动",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "只能被守门员或阻挡数不小于3的单位阻挡",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4018_muboom": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4018_muboom",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB26",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 879,
+ "name": "高能源石球",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "为了丰富球赛体验,仿照高能源......等等,它怎么动了,该不会是真的吧?!好吧,这是一只货真价实的球形高能源石虫,小心,它会爆炸!",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "踢动时有概率爆炸,对周围造成晕眩和伤害",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "只能被守门员或阻挡数不小于3的单位阻挡",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4019_mugold": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4019_mugold",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB27",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 880,
+ "name": "至纯源石球",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "为了丰富球赛体验,仿照至纯源石制成的足球,晶莹剔透,尽显尊贵。别担心,它是用安全材料制成的仿品,不含源石,不会爆炸。",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "进球时获得3倍得分",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "只能被守门员或阻挡数不小于3的单位阻挡",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_4020_muboun": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_4020_muboun",
+ "enemyIndex": "IB28",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 881,
+ "name": "无垠回荡球",
+ "enemyLevel": "NORMAL",
+ "description": "为了丰富球赛体验,仿照某种极不稳定的异样存在制成的足球,如它的原型一般令人捉摸不定。它已经在球场里来回弹跳半个小时了......谁能让它停下来?!",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "弹性非常大的足球",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "只能被守门员或阻挡数不小于3的单位阻挡",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
"enemy_1050_lslime": {
"enemyId": "enemy_1050_lslime",
"enemyIndex": "UM1",
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index 5f63b2d70..c0d6d470e 100644
--- a/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/gacha_table.json
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/gacha_table.json
@@ -4280,6 +4280,46 @@
"linkageParam": null,
"limitParam": null
+ {
+ "gachaPoolId": "NORM_50_0_3",
+ "gachaIndex": 387,
+ "openTime": 1715760000,
+ "endTime": 1716926399,
+ "gachaPoolName": "适合多种场合的强力干员",
+ "gachaPoolSummary": "结束于5月29日 03:59",
+ "gachaPoolDetail": "-",
+ "guarantee5Avail": 1,
+ "guarantee5Count": 10,
+ "LMTGSID": null,
+ "CDPrimColor": null,
+ "CDSecColor": null,
+ "freeBackColor": null,
+ "gachaRuleType": "NORMAL",
+ "dynMeta": null,
+ "linkageRuleId": null,
+ "linkageParam": null,
+ "limitParam": null
+ },
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+ "gachaIndex": 388,
+ "openTime": 1716408000,
+ "endTime": 1717617599,
+ "gachaPoolName": "适合多种场合的强力干员",
+ "gachaPoolSummary": "结束于6月6日 03:59",
+ "gachaPoolDetail": "-",
+ "guarantee5Avail": 1,
+ "guarantee5Count": 10,
+ "LMTGSID": null,
+ "CDPrimColor": null,
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+ "gachaRuleType": "NORMAL",
+ "dynMeta": null,
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+ },
"gachaPoolId": "LIMITED_9_0_3",
"gachaIndex": 10,
@@ -5964,6 +6004,74 @@
"linkageRuleId": null,
"linkageParam": null,
"limitParam": null
+ },
+ {
+ "gachaPoolId": "FESCLASSIC_50_0_2",
+ "gachaIndex": 9970,
+ "openTime": 1715803200,
+ "endTime": 1717012799,
+ "gachaPoolName": "适合多种场合的强力干员",
+ "gachaPoolSummary": "结束于5月30日 03:59",
+ "gachaPoolDetail": null,
+ "guarantee5Avail": 1,
+ "guarantee5Count": 10,
+ "LMTGSID": null,
+ "CDPrimColor": null,
+ "CDSecColor": null,
+ "freeBackColor": null,
+ "gachaRuleType": "FESCLASSIC",
+ "dynMeta": {
+ "chooseRuleConst": "【中坚甄选】期间,可在甄选范围内选择并锁定本期出率提升的2名6星干员和3名5星干员。\n选定的过程中,可进一步配置1名6星干员和1名5星干员进入采购中心可供兑换,且上述选定的干员将在【高级凭证区】和【通用凭证区】供兑换。\n本次中坚甄选卡池期间,概率提升的干员选定后本周期内不可再度变更。",
+ "homeDescConst": "中坚甄选可自由选择并锁定本期概率提升干员!选定后本次寻访不可变更。前10次寻访必定获得5星以上干员!",
+ "rarityPickCharDict": {
+ "TIER_5": [
+ "char_128_plosis",
+ "char_102_texas",
+ "char_106_franka",
+ "char_140_whitew",
+ "char_143_ghost",
+ "char_129_bluep",
+ "char_242_otter",
+ "char_144_red",
+ "char_201_moeshd",
+ "char_145_prove",
+ "char_195_glassb",
+ "char_164_nightm",
+ "char_308_swire",
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+ "char_243_waaifu",
+ "char_261_sddrag",
+ "char_356_broca",
+ "char_226_hmau",
+ "char_306_leizi",
+ "char_379_sesa",
+ "char_401_elysm",
+ "char_373_lionhd",
+ "char_349_chiave",
+ "char_338_iris"
+ ],
+ "TIER_6": [
+ "char_180_amgoat",
+ "char_179_cgbird",
+ "char_263_skadi",
+ "char_188_helage",
+ "char_248_mgllan",
+ "char_213_mostma",
+ "char_225_haak",
+ "char_2013_cerber",
+ "char_250_phatom",
+ "char_400_weedy",
+ "char_197_poca",
+ "char_293_thorns"
+ ]
+ },
+ "scrollIndex": 7,
+ "star5ChooseRuleConst": "本期中坚甄选可从以下5星干员范围内自选3名干员,使其合计出现概率占5星出率的50%",
+ "star6ChooseRuleConst": "本期中坚甄选可从以下6星干员范围内自选2名干员,使其合计出现概率占6星出率的50%"
+ },
+ "linkageRuleId": null,
+ "linkageParam": null,
+ "limitParam": null
"newbeeGachaPoolClient": [
@@ -6148,227 +6256,227 @@
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- "recruitPrice": 200
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- "recruitPrice": 200
+ "recruitPrice": 0
"timeLength": 60,
- "recruitPrice": 200
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"timeLength": 70,
- "recruitPrice": 205
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"timeLength": 80,
- "recruitPrice": 210
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"timeLength": 90,
- "recruitPrice": 215
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- "recruitPrice": 220
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- "recruitPrice": 225
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- "recruitPrice": 230
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- "recruitPrice": 235
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"timeLength": 140,
- "recruitPrice": 240
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- "recruitPrice": 245
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"timeLength": 190,
- "recruitPrice": 265
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"timeLength": 200,
- "recruitPrice": 270
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"timeLength": 210,
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"timeLength": 240,
- "recruitPrice": 290
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"timeLength": 250,
- "recruitPrice": 350
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"timeLength": 260,
- "recruitPrice": 360
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"timeLength": 270,
- "recruitPrice": 370
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"timeLength": 280,
- "recruitPrice": 380
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"timeLength": 290,
- "recruitPrice": 390
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"timeLength": 300,
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- "recruitPrice": 410
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"timeLength": 320,
- "recruitPrice": 420
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"timeLength": 340,
- "recruitPrice": 440
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"timeLength": 350,
- "recruitPrice": 450
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"timeLength": 360,
- "recruitPrice": 460
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"timeLength": 380,
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- "recruitPrice": 490
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"timeLength": 400,
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"timeLength": 410,
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"timeLength": 450,
- "recruitPrice": 550
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- "recruitPrice": 700
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"timeLength": 470,
- "recruitPrice": 720
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"timeLength": 480,
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"timeLength": 490,
- "recruitPrice": 760
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"timeLength": 500,
- "recruitPrice": 780
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"timeLength": 510,
- "recruitPrice": 800
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"timeLength": 520,
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"buildingProductList": [],
"voucherRelateList": null
+ },
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+ "description": "参赛纪念的累积代表了赛事热度的攀升,达到一定热度等级即可获取对应奖励",
+ "rarity": "TIER_5",
+ "iconId": "act2vmulti_token_cap",
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+ "stackIconId": null,
+ "sortId": -10000,
+ "usage": "留在赛场上的是汗水,从赛场带走的是友谊",
+ "obtainApproach": "活动获得",
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"char_171_bldsk@witch#1": 1,
"char_236_rope@witch#1": 1,
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"isHidden": false
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+ "getMethod": "促融共竞活动期间,常规项目总嘉奖印章达到21枚",
+ "description": "您积极参与了本次促融共竞活动的多数项目。\n几乎每处场地都能看到您活跃的身影,罗德岛内开始风传您掌握了某种分身之术。",
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+ "description": "您带领队伍在初级赛中夺得佳绩。\n大脑也是身体的一部分,您拥有出色的指挥才能,应该也算体魄强健的一种表现吧?",
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+ "description": "您带领队伍在高级赛中夺得佳绩。\n您镇守目标点的经验相当丰富。不论突破重围来到您面前的是哪一位敌方选手,您都有办法解决他。",
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+ "act2vmulti",
+ "2100"
+ ],
+ "getMethod": "促融共竞活动期间,累计获取2100个参赛纪念",
+ "description": "在您的努力下,本次促融共竞活动开展得如火如荼。\n在如此火热的氛围当中,再顽固的坚冰也会融化吧。看来您完满地达到了破冰的活动目的。",
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+ },
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+ "template": "GotItemBeforeTime",
+ "unlockParam": [
+ "1",
+ "char_376_therex@marthe#7",
+ "1717185599"
+ ],
+ "getMethod": "促融共竞活动期间,获得时装双料四分卫",
+ "description": "记录了THRM-EX在比赛中的传奇表现的蚀刻章。\n“THRM-EX持球冲锋,没人能挡住他的车轮!看哪,那个空中360度翻车的精彩动作,他冲过了门线,他爆炸了!”",
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+ "end": -1,
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+ }
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+ },
"medalId": "medal_activity_33side_01",
"medalName": "“继业者”",
@@ -27291,6 +27432,35 @@
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"isHidden": false
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+ "3",
+ "3"
+ ],
+ "getMethod": "促融共竞活动期间,在常规项目高级赛中,3场比赛表现评级达到3枚嘉奖印章",
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"skillType": "AUTO",
"durationType": "NONE",
"spData": {
@@ -252829,6 +252829,258 @@
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+ }
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+ "description": "经过<@ba.vup>折叠设施维护员>维护后,可以生成阻挡敌人的<@ba.vup>城防屏障>",
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "valueStr": null
+ },
+ {
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+ "value": 1.0,
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+ }
+ ]
+ }
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+ },
+ {
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+ }
+ ]
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+ "description": "在观众席上大肆奏乐是发源自莱塔尼亚的“优良”球迷传统。对于选手而言,能顶着这样的噪音完成比赛,本身就是一种壮举。\\n<@lv.muitem><废能干扰>>技力自然回复速度下降\\n<@lv.muitem><重整束流>>恢复处于其中的我方干员技力自然回复速度",
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+ "name": "军事化训练",
+ "description": "不论何时,赛场上总有队伍在勤奋地训练。但说真的,有什么项目需要你们排成队像军训一样在赛场上踏正步吗?\\n<@lv.muitem><巨蕈>>与其相邻的我方单位防御提升\\n<@lv.muitem><罗德岛临时雇员>>清理巨蕈,制造可部署的远程位\\n我方费用上限大幅降低",
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+ "code": "IG-3",
+ "name": "单行赛道",
+ "description": "选手在各自的赛道上埋头狂奔的时代已经过去了,如今,将对手挤出赛道才是赢得比赛的最佳方式。\\n<@lv.muitem><特制水上平台>>可部署在深水区,之后该格可部署任意单位,部署的单位撤退时平台损坏\\n<@lv.muitem><\"留声机\">>我方与敌方可夺取控制权,激活后对敌方造成法术伤害,并可治疗友方单位",
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+ "name": "迎宾大道",
+ "description": "优秀的选手不仅要具备顽强的拼搏精神与过硬的身体素质,还要懂得竞技礼仪。罗德岛代表队,夹道欢迎来宾!\\n<@lv.muitem><解雇者清债程序>>向前方连续射出3颗子弹,每颗子弹对碰到的第一名我方干员造成物理伤害",
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+ "name": "夜舞与晨跑",
+ "description": "安装了最新款留声机的赛场,在没有比赛时俨然成了深受群众欢迎的广场。彻夜热舞的队伍刚刚撤退,晨跑的长队就已经出场。\\n<@lv.muitem><\"留声机\">>我方与敌方可夺取控制权,激活后对敌方造成法术伤害,并可治疗友方单位",
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+ "description": "最新研究认为,某些卡西米尔的竞技骑士之所以能够轻松适应竞技场的黑暗环境,是因为他们爱吃胡萝卜。\\n<@lv.muitem><城市霓虹>>可以提供初始视野,使用后视野范围扩大",
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+ "description": "人们不顾冰寒,满怀期待地来到这座发射试验场,想要见证......等等,发射的怎么是这种火箭?",
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+ "name": "大力出奇迹",
+ "description": "只要出球力道够大,就能击倒敌方球员,击破阵地屏障。接下来就可以轻松进球了!",
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+ "name": "请无序入场",
+ "description": "看,敌方队伍迈着整齐的步伐向我们走来了!在防线被攻破之前拆散他们的阵形!",
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+ "name": "迎宾大道",
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+ "description": "\\n<@lv.muitem>附加条件:>\\n出现额外敌人\\n\"血骑士\"、\"腐败骑士\"和\"凋零骑士\"将同时登场\\n\\n<@lv.muitem><城市霓虹>>可以提供初始视野,使用后视野范围扩大",
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+ "name": "发射试验场",
+ "description": "\\n<@lv.muitem>附加条件:>\\n领袖敌人能力提升\\n出现雷暴天气",
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+ "code": "IG-S-3",
+ "name": "大力出奇迹",
+ "description": "只要出球力道够大,就能击倒敌方球员,击破阵地屏障。接下来就可以轻松进球了!\\n<@lv.muitem>附加条件:>\\n出现额外敌人\\n出现额外种类的足球",
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+ "name": "请无序入场",
+ "description": "看,敌方队伍迈着整齐的步伐向我们走来了!在防线被攻破之前拆散他们的阵形!\\n<@lv.muitem>附加条件:>\\n出现新的精英敌人\\n费用不再自然回复",
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- "desc": "3星通关主题曲11-6,必须编入非助战逻各斯并上场,其他成员仅可编入4名干员",
+ "desc": "3星通关主题曲11-6标准实战环境;必须编入非助战逻各斯并上场,其他成员仅可编入4名干员",
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@@ -4078,6 +4092,10 @@
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+ 104,
+ 105,
+ 106,
+ 107,
+ 108,
+ 109,
+ 110,
+ 111,
+ 112,
+ 113,
+ 114,
+ 115,
+ 116
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+ 91,
+ 92,
+ 93,
+ 94,
+ 95,
+ 96,
+ 97,
+ 98,
+ 99,
+ 100,
+ 101,
+ 102,
+ 103
+ ],
+ [
+ 78,
+ 79,
+ 80,
+ 81,
+ 82,
+ 83,
+ 84,
+ 85,
+ 86,
+ 87,
+ 88,
+ 89,
+ 90
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+ [
+ 65,
+ 66,
+ 67,
+ 68,
+ 69,
+ 70,
+ 71,
+ 72,
+ 73,
+ 74,
+ 75,
+ 76,
+ 77
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+ 52,
+ 53,
+ 54,
+ 55,
+ 56,
+ 57,
+ 58,
+ 59,
+ 60,
+ 61,
+ 62,
+ 63,
+ 64
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+ [
+ 39,
+ 40,
+ 41,
+ 42,
+ 43,
+ 44,
+ 45,
+ 46,
+ 47,
+ 48,
+ 49,
+ 50,
+ 51
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+ 26,
+ 27,
+ 28,
+ 29,
+ 30,
+ 31,
+ 32,
+ 33,
+ 34,
+ 35,
+ 36,
+ 37,
+ 38
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+ 13,
+ 14,
+ 15,
+ 16,
+ 17,
+ 18,
+ 19,
+ 20,
+ 21,
+ 22,
+ 23,
+ 24,
+ 25
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_02.json b/zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_02.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..06fff3bb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_02.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14356 @@
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+ },
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+ "mapData": {
+ "map": [
+ [
+ 104,
+ 105,
+ 106,
+ 107,
+ 108,
+ 109,
+ 110,
+ 111,
+ 112,
+ 113,
+ 114,
+ 115,
+ 116
+ ],
+ [
+ 91,
+ 92,
+ 93,
+ 94,
+ 95,
+ 96,
+ 97,
+ 98,
+ 99,
+ 100,
+ 101,
+ 102,
+ 103
+ ],
+ [
+ 78,
+ 79,
+ 80,
+ 81,
+ 82,
+ 83,
+ 84,
+ 85,
+ 86,
+ 87,
+ 88,
+ 89,
+ 90
+ ],
+ [
+ 65,
+ 66,
+ 67,
+ 68,
+ 69,
+ 70,
+ 71,
+ 72,
+ 73,
+ 74,
+ 75,
+ 76,
+ 77
+ ],
+ [
+ 52,
+ 53,
+ 54,
+ 55,
+ 56,
+ 57,
+ 58,
+ 59,
+ 60,
+ 61,
+ 62,
+ 63,
+ 64
+ ],
+ [
+ 39,
+ 40,
+ 41,
+ 42,
+ 43,
+ 44,
+ 45,
+ 46,
+ 47,
+ 48,
+ 49,
+ 50,
+ 51
+ ],
+ [
+ 26,
+ 27,
+ 28,
+ 29,
+ 30,
+ 31,
+ 32,
+ 33,
+ 34,
+ 35,
+ 36,
+ 37,
+ 38
+ ],
+ [
+ 13,
+ 14,
+ 15,
+ 16,
+ 17,
+ 18,
+ 19,
+ 20,
+ 21,
+ 22,
+ 23,
+ 24,
+ 25
+ ],
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+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 3,
+ 4,
+ 5,
+ 6,
+ 7,
+ 8,
+ 9,
+ 10,
+ 11,
+ 12
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+ },
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+ [
+ 104,
+ 105,
+ 106,
+ 107,
+ 108,
+ 109,
+ 110,
+ 111,
+ 112,
+ 113,
+ 114,
+ 115,
+ 116
+ ],
+ [
+ 91,
+ 92,
+ 93,
+ 94,
+ 95,
+ 96,
+ 97,
+ 98,
+ 99,
+ 100,
+ 101,
+ 102,
+ 103
+ ],
+ [
+ 78,
+ 79,
+ 80,
+ 81,
+ 82,
+ 83,
+ 84,
+ 85,
+ 86,
+ 87,
+ 88,
+ 89,
+ 90
+ ],
+ [
+ 65,
+ 66,
+ 67,
+ 68,
+ 69,
+ 70,
+ 71,
+ 72,
+ 73,
+ 74,
+ 75,
+ 76,
+ 77
+ ],
+ [
+ 52,
+ 53,
+ 54,
+ 55,
+ 56,
+ 57,
+ 58,
+ 59,
+ 60,
+ 61,
+ 62,
+ 63,
+ 64
+ ],
+ [
+ 39,
+ 40,
+ 41,
+ 42,
+ 43,
+ 44,
+ 45,
+ 46,
+ 47,
+ 48,
+ 49,
+ 50,
+ 51
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+ [
+ 26,
+ 27,
+ 28,
+ 29,
+ 30,
+ 31,
+ 32,
+ 33,
+ 34,
+ 35,
+ 36,
+ 37,
+ 38
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+ 13,
+ 14,
+ 15,
+ 16,
+ 17,
+ 18,
+ 19,
+ 20,
+ 21,
+ 22,
+ 23,
+ 24,
+ 25
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+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 3,
+ 4,
+ 5,
+ 6,
+ 7,
+ 8,
+ 9,
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+ 12
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+ }
+ ]
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+ }
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+ },
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+ [
+ 84,
+ 85,
+ 86,
+ 87,
+ 88,
+ 89,
+ 90,
+ 91,
+ 92,
+ 93,
+ 94,
+ 95
+ ],
+ [
+ 72,
+ 73,
+ 74,
+ 75,
+ 76,
+ 77,
+ 78,
+ 79,
+ 80,
+ 81,
+ 82,
+ 83
+ ],
+ [
+ 60,
+ 61,
+ 62,
+ 63,
+ 64,
+ 65,
+ 66,
+ 67,
+ 68,
+ 69,
+ 70,
+ 71
+ ],
+ [
+ 48,
+ 49,
+ 50,
+ 51,
+ 52,
+ 53,
+ 54,
+ 55,
+ 56,
+ 57,
+ 58,
+ 59
+ ],
+ [
+ 36,
+ 37,
+ 38,
+ 39,
+ 40,
+ 41,
+ 42,
+ 43,
+ 44,
+ 45,
+ 46,
+ 47
+ ],
+ [
+ 24,
+ 25,
+ 26,
+ 27,
+ 28,
+ 29,
+ 30,
+ 31,
+ 32,
+ 33,
+ 34,
+ 35
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+ [
+ 12,
+ 13,
+ 14,
+ 15,
+ 16,
+ 17,
+ 18,
+ 19,
+ 20,
+ 21,
+ 22,
+ 23
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+ 3,
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,9650 @@
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+ },
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+ [
+ 104,
+ 105,
+ 106,
+ 107,
+ 108,
+ 109,
+ 110,
+ 111,
+ 112,
+ 113,
+ 114,
+ 115,
+ 116
+ ],
+ [
+ 91,
+ 92,
+ 93,
+ 94,
+ 95,
+ 96,
+ 97,
+ 98,
+ 99,
+ 100,
+ 101,
+ 102,
+ 103
+ ],
+ [
+ 78,
+ 79,
+ 80,
+ 81,
+ 82,
+ 83,
+ 84,
+ 85,
+ 86,
+ 87,
+ 88,
+ 89,
+ 90
+ ],
+ [
+ 65,
+ 66,
+ 67,
+ 68,
+ 69,
+ 70,
+ 71,
+ 72,
+ 73,
+ 74,
+ 75,
+ 76,
+ 77
+ ],
+ [
+ 52,
+ 53,
+ 54,
+ 55,
+ 56,
+ 57,
+ 58,
+ 59,
+ 60,
+ 61,
+ 62,
+ 63,
+ 64
+ ],
+ [
+ 39,
+ 40,
+ 41,
+ 42,
+ 43,
+ 44,
+ 45,
+ 46,
+ 47,
+ 48,
+ 49,
+ 50,
+ 51
+ ],
+ [
+ 26,
+ 27,
+ 28,
+ 29,
+ 30,
+ 31,
+ 32,
+ 33,
+ 34,
+ 35,
+ 36,
+ 37,
+ 38
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+ [
+ 13,
+ 14,
+ 15,
+ 16,
+ 17,
+ 18,
+ 19,
+ 20,
+ 21,
+ 22,
+ 23,
+ 24,
+ 25
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+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 3,
+ 4,
+ 5,
+ 6,
+ 7,
+ 8,
+ 9,
+ 10,
+ 11,
+ 12
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_06.json b/zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_06.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22ff3bfc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_06.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14157 @@
+ "options": {
+ "characterLimit": 6,
+ "maxLifePoint": 8,
+ "initialCost": 20,
+ "maxCost": 99,
+ "costIncreaseTime": 1.0,
+ "moveMultiplier": 0.5,
+ "steeringEnabled": true,
+ "isTrainingLevel": false,
+ "isHardTrainingLevel": false,
+ "isPredefinedCardsSelectable": false,
+ "maxPlayTime": -1.0,
+ "functionDisableMask": "NONE",
+ "configBlackBoard": null
+ },
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+ "environmentSe": null,
+ "mapData": {
+ "map": [
+ [
+ 140,
+ 141,
+ 142,
+ 143,
+ 144,
+ 145,
+ 146,
+ 147,
+ 148,
+ 149,
+ 150,
+ 151,
+ 152,
+ 153
+ ],
+ [
+ 126,
+ 127,
+ 128,
+ 129,
+ 130,
+ 131,
+ 132,
+ 133,
+ 134,
+ 135,
+ 136,
+ 137,
+ 138,
+ 139
+ ],
+ [
+ 112,
+ 113,
+ 114,
+ 115,
+ 116,
+ 117,
+ 118,
+ 119,
+ 120,
+ 121,
+ 122,
+ 123,
+ 124,
+ 125
+ ],
+ [
+ 98,
+ 99,
+ 100,
+ 101,
+ 102,
+ 103,
+ 104,
+ 105,
+ 106,
+ 107,
+ 108,
+ 109,
+ 110,
+ 111
+ ],
+ [
+ 84,
+ 85,
+ 86,
+ 87,
+ 88,
+ 89,
+ 90,
+ 91,
+ 92,
+ 93,
+ 94,
+ 95,
+ 96,
+ 97
+ ],
+ [
+ 70,
+ 71,
+ 72,
+ 73,
+ 74,
+ 75,
+ 76,
+ 77,
+ 78,
+ 79,
+ 80,
+ 81,
+ 82,
+ 83
+ ],
+ [
+ 56,
+ 57,
+ 58,
+ 59,
+ 60,
+ 61,
+ 62,
+ 63,
+ 64,
+ 65,
+ 66,
+ 67,
+ 68,
+ 69
+ ],
+ [
+ 42,
+ 43,
+ 44,
+ 45,
+ 46,
+ 47,
+ 48,
+ 49,
+ 50,
+ 51,
+ 52,
+ 53,
+ 54,
+ 55
+ ],
+ [
+ 28,
+ 29,
+ 30,
+ 31,
+ 32,
+ 33,
+ 34,
+ 35,
+ 36,
+ 37,
+ 38,
+ 39,
+ 40,
+ 41
+ ],
+ [
+ 14,
+ 15,
+ 16,
+ 17,
+ 18,
+ 19,
+ 20,
+ 21,
+ 22,
+ 23,
+ 24,
+ 25,
+ 26,
+ 27
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+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 3,
+ 4,
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_07.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7203 @@
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+ "maxCost": 99,
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+ "isPredefinedCardsSelectable": false,
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+ },
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+ [
+ 78,
+ 79,
+ 80,
+ 81,
+ 82,
+ 83,
+ 84,
+ 85,
+ 86,
+ 87,
+ 88,
+ 89,
+ 90
+ ],
+ [
+ 65,
+ 66,
+ 67,
+ 68,
+ 69,
+ 70,
+ 71,
+ 72,
+ 73,
+ 74,
+ 75,
+ 76,
+ 77
+ ],
+ [
+ 52,
+ 53,
+ 54,
+ 55,
+ 56,
+ 57,
+ 58,
+ 59,
+ 60,
+ 61,
+ 62,
+ 63,
+ 64
+ ],
+ [
+ 39,
+ 40,
+ 41,
+ 42,
+ 43,
+ 44,
+ 45,
+ 46,
+ 47,
+ 48,
+ 49,
+ 50,
+ 51
+ ],
+ [
+ 26,
+ 27,
+ 28,
+ 29,
+ 30,
+ 31,
+ 32,
+ 33,
+ 34,
+ 35,
+ 36,
+ 37,
+ 38
+ ],
+ [
+ 13,
+ 14,
+ 15,
+ 16,
+ 17,
+ 18,
+ 19,
+ 20,
+ 21,
+ 22,
+ 23,
+ 24,
+ 25
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+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 3,
+ 4,
+ 5,
+ 6,
+ 7,
+ 8,
+ 9,
+ 10,
+ 11,
+ 12
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+ }
+ ]
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_football.json b/zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_football.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7254bf6a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_football.json
@@ -0,0 +1,42338 @@
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+ "maxLifePoint": 99,
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+ "maxCost": 99,
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+ "moveMultiplier": 0.5,
+ "steeringEnabled": true,
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+ "isHardTrainingLevel": false,
+ "isPredefinedCardsSelectable": false,
+ "maxPlayTime": 300.0,
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+ },
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+ "mapData": {
+ "map": [
+ [
+ 104,
+ 105,
+ 106,
+ 107,
+ 108,
+ 109,
+ 110,
+ 111,
+ 112,
+ 113,
+ 114,
+ 115,
+ 116
+ ],
+ [
+ 91,
+ 92,
+ 93,
+ 94,
+ 95,
+ 96,
+ 97,
+ 98,
+ 99,
+ 100,
+ 101,
+ 102,
+ 103
+ ],
+ [
+ 78,
+ 79,
+ 80,
+ 81,
+ 82,
+ 83,
+ 84,
+ 85,
+ 86,
+ 87,
+ 88,
+ 89,
+ 90
+ ],
+ [
+ 65,
+ 66,
+ 67,
+ 68,
+ 69,
+ 70,
+ 71,
+ 72,
+ 73,
+ 74,
+ 75,
+ 76,
+ 77
+ ],
+ [
+ 52,
+ 53,
+ 54,
+ 55,
+ 56,
+ 57,
+ 58,
+ 59,
+ 60,
+ 61,
+ 62,
+ 63,
+ 64
+ ],
+ [
+ 39,
+ 40,
+ 41,
+ 42,
+ 43,
+ 44,
+ 45,
+ 46,
+ 47,
+ 48,
+ 49,
+ 50,
+ 51
+ ],
+ [
+ 26,
+ 27,
+ 28,
+ 29,
+ 30,
+ 31,
+ 32,
+ 33,
+ 34,
+ 35,
+ 36,
+ 37,
+ 38
+ ],
+ [
+ 13,
+ 14,
+ 15,
+ 16,
+ 17,
+ 18,
+ 19,
+ 20,
+ 21,
+ 22,
+ 23,
+ 24,
+ 25
+ ],
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+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 3,
+ 4,
+ 5,
+ 6,
+ 7,
+ 8,
+ 9,
+ 10,
+ 11,
+ 12
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+ }
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+ }
+ ]
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+ },
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+ "runtimeData": null
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_fortress.json b/zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_fortress.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab54056e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/levels/activities/act2vmulti/level_act2vmulti_fortress.json
@@ -0,0 +1,38531 @@
+ "options": {
+ "characterLimit": 1,
+ "maxLifePoint": 10,
+ "initialCost": 50,
+ "maxCost": 99,
+ "costIncreaseTime": 1.0,
+ "moveMultiplier": 0.5,
+ "steeringEnabled": true,
+ "isTrainingLevel": false,
+ "isHardTrainingLevel": false,
+ "isPredefinedCardsSelectable": false,
+ "maxPlayTime": -1.0,
+ "functionDisableMask": "NONE",
+ "configBlackBoard": [
+ {
+ "key": "rect_1",
+ "value": 0.0,
+ "valueStr": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rect_2",
+ "value": 0.0,
+ "valueStr": ""
+ },
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+ "value": 0.0,
+ "valueStr": ""
+ },
+ {
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+ "value": 0.0,
+ "valueStr": ""
+ },
+ {
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+ "valueStr": ""
+ },
+ {
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+ "valueStr": ""
+ },
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+ "valueStr": ""
+ },
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+ "valueStr": ""
+ },
+ {
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+ "valueStr": ""
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "valueStr": ""
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ "valueStr": ""
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "valueStr": ""
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "value": 1.0,
+ "valueStr": null
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "valueStr": "(8,13)"
+ },
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+ }
+ ]
+ },
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+ "mapId": null,
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+ "environmentSe": null,
+ "mapData": {
+ "map": [
+ [
+ 390,
+ 391,
+ 392,
+ 393,
+ 394,
+ 395,
+ 396,
+ 397,
+ 398,
+ 399,
+ 400,
+ 401,
+ 402,
+ 403,
+ 404,
+ 405,
+ 406,
+ 407,
+ 408,
+ 409,
+ 410,
+ 411,
+ 412,
+ 413,
+ 414,
+ 415
+ ],
+ [
+ 364,
+ 365,
+ 366,
+ 367,
+ 368,
+ 369,
+ 370,
+ 371,
+ 372,
+ 373,
+ 374,
+ 375,
+ 376,
+ 377,
+ 378,
+ 379,
+ 380,
+ 381,
+ 382,
+ 383,
+ 384,
+ 385,
+ 386,
+ 387,
+ 388,
+ 389
+ ],
+ [
+ 338,
+ 339,
+ 340,
+ 341,
+ 342,
+ 343,
+ 344,
+ 345,
+ 346,
+ 347,
+ 348,
+ 349,
+ 350,
+ 351,
+ 352,
+ 353,
+ 354,
+ 355,
+ 356,
+ 357,
+ 358,
+ 359,
+ 360,
+ 361,
+ 362,
+ 363
+ ],
+ [
+ 312,
+ 313,
+ 314,
+ 315,
+ 316,
+ 317,
+ 318,
+ 319,
+ 320,
+ 321,
+ 322,
+ 323,
+ 324,
+ 325,
+ 326,
+ 327,
+ 328,
+ 329,
+ 330,
+ 331,
+ 332,
+ 333,
+ 334,
+ 335,
+ 336,
+ 337
+ ],
+ [
+ 286,
+ 287,
+ 288,
+ 289,
+ 290,
+ 291,
+ 292,
+ 293,
+ 294,
+ 295,
+ 296,
+ 297,
+ 298,
+ 299,
+ 300,
+ 301,
+ 302,
+ 303,
+ 304,
+ 305,
+ 306,
+ 307,
+ 308,
+ 309,
+ 310,
+ 311
+ ],
+ [
+ 260,
+ 261,
+ 262,
+ 263,
+ 264,
+ 265,
+ 266,
+ 267,
+ 268,
+ 269,
+ 270,
+ 271,
+ 272,
+ 273,
+ 274,
+ 275,
+ 276,
+ 277,
+ 278,
+ 279,
+ 280,
+ 281,
+ 282,
+ 283,
+ 284,
+ 285
+ ],
+ [
+ 234,
+ 235,
+ 236,
+ 237,
+ 238,
+ 239,
+ 240,
+ 241,
+ 242,
+ 243,
+ 244,
+ 245,
+ 246,
+ 247,
+ 248,
+ 249,
+ 250,
+ 251,
+ 252,
+ 253,
+ 254,
+ 255,
+ 256,
+ 257,
+ 258,
+ 259
+ ],
+ [
+ 208,
+ 209,
+ 210,
+ 211,
+ 212,
+ 213,
+ 214,
+ 215,
+ 216,
+ 217,
+ 218,
+ 219,
+ 220,
+ 221,
+ 222,
+ 223,
+ 224,
+ 225,
+ 226,
+ 227,
+ 228,
+ 229,
+ 230,
+ 231,
+ 232,
+ 233
+ ],
+ [
+ 182,
+ 183,
+ 184,
+ 185,
+ 186,
+ 187,
+ 188,
+ 189,
+ 190,
+ 191,
+ 192,
+ 193,
+ 194,
+ 195,
+ 196,
+ 197,
+ 198,
+ 199,
+ 200,
+ 201,
+ 202,
+ 203,
+ 204,
+ 205,
+ 206,
+ 207
+ ],
+ [
+ 156,
+ 157,
+ 158,
+ 159,
+ 160,
+ 161,
+ 162,
+ 163,
+ 164,
+ 165,
+ 166,
+ 167,
+ 168,
+ 169,
+ 170,
+ 171,
+ 172,
+ 173,
+ 174,
+ 175,
+ 176,
+ 177,
+ 178,
+ 179,
+ 180,
+ 181
+ ],
+ [
+ 130,
+ 131,
+ 132,
+ 133,
+ 134,
+ 135,
+ 136,
+ 137,
+ 138,
+ 139,
+ 140,
+ 141,
+ 142,
+ 143,
+ 144,
+ 145,
+ 146,
+ 147,
+ 148,
+ 149,
+ 150,
+ 151,
+ 152,
+ 153,
+ 154,
+ 155
+ ],
+ [
+ 104,
+ 105,
+ 106,
+ 107,
+ 108,
+ 109,
+ 110,
+ 111,
+ 112,
+ 113,
+ 114,
+ 115,
+ 116,
+ 117,
+ 118,
+ 119,
+ 120,
+ 121,
+ 122,
+ 123,
+ 124,
+ 125,
+ 126,
+ 127,
+ 128,
+ 129
+ ],
+ [
+ 78,
+ 79,
+ 80,
+ 81,
+ 82,
+ 83,
+ 84,
+ 85,
+ 86,
+ 87,
+ 88,
+ 89,
+ 90,
+ 91,
+ 92,
+ 93,
+ 94,
+ 95,
+ 96,
+ 97,
+ 98,
+ 99,
+ 100,
+ 101,
+ 102,
+ 103
+ ],
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+ 52,
+ 53,
+ 54,
+ 55,
+ 56,
+ 57,
+ 58,
+ 59,
+ 60,
+ 61,
+ 62,
+ 63,
+ 64,
+ 65,
+ 66,
+ 67,
+ 68,
+ 69,
+ 70,
+ 71,
+ 72,
+ 73,
+ 74,
+ 75,
+ 76,
+ 77
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+ 26,
+ 27,
+ 28,
+ 29,
+ 30,
+ 31,
+ 32,
+ 33,
+ 34,
+ 35,
+ 36,
+ 37,
+ 38,
+ 39,
+ 40,
+ 41,
+ 42,
+ 43,
+ 44,
+ 45,
+ 46,
+ 47,
+ 48,
+ 49,
+ 50,
+ 51
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+ 6,
+ 7,
+ 8,
+ 9,
+ 10,
+ 11,
+ 12,
+ 13,
+ 14,
+ 15,
+ 16,
+ 17,
+ 18,
+ 19,
+ 20,
+ 21,
+ 22,
+ 23,
+ 24,
+ 25
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@@ -0,0 +1,4211 @@
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+ },
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+ "map": [
+ [
+ 70,
+ 71,
+ 72,
+ 73,
+ 74,
+ 75,
+ 76,
+ 77,
+ 78,
+ 79
+ ],
+ [
+ 60,
+ 61,
+ 62,
+ 63,
+ 64,
+ 65,
+ 66,
+ 67,
+ 68,
+ 69
+ ],
+ [
+ 50,
+ 51,
+ 52,
+ 53,
+ 54,
+ 55,
+ 56,
+ 57,
+ 58,
+ 59
+ ],
+ [
+ 40,
+ 41,
+ 42,
+ 43,
+ 44,
+ 45,
+ 46,
+ 47,
+ 48,
+ 49
+ ],
+ [
+ 30,
+ 31,
+ 32,
+ 33,
+ 34,
+ 35,
+ 36,
+ 37,
+ 38,
+ 39
+ ],
+ [
+ 20,
+ 21,
+ 22,
+ 23,
+ 24,
+ 25,
+ 26,
+ 27,
+ 28,
+ 29
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,5023 @@
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+ "isHardTrainingLevel": false,
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+ "configBlackBoard": null
+ },
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+ "map": [
+ [
+ 104,
+ 105,
+ 106,
+ 107,
+ 108,
+ 109,
+ 110,
+ 111,
+ 112,
+ 113,
+ 114,
+ 115,
+ 116
+ ],
+ [
+ 91,
+ 92,
+ 93,
+ 94,
+ 95,
+ 96,
+ 97,
+ 98,
+ 99,
+ 100,
+ 101,
+ 102,
+ 103
+ ],
+ [
+ 78,
+ 79,
+ 80,
+ 81,
+ 82,
+ 83,
+ 84,
+ 85,
+ 86,
+ 87,
+ 88,
+ 89,
+ 90
+ ],
+ [
+ 65,
+ 66,
+ 67,
+ 68,
+ 69,
+ 70,
+ 71,
+ 72,
+ 73,
+ 74,
+ 75,
+ 76,
+ 77
+ ],
+ [
+ 52,
+ 53,
+ 54,
+ 55,
+ 56,
+ 57,
+ 58,
+ 59,
+ 60,
+ 61,
+ 62,
+ 63,
+ 64
+ ],
+ [
+ 39,
+ 40,
+ 41,
+ 42,
+ 43,
+ 44,
+ 45,
+ 46,
+ 47,
+ 48,
+ 49,
+ 50,
+ 51
+ ],
+ [
+ 26,
+ 27,
+ 28,
+ 29,
+ 30,
+ 31,
+ 32,
+ 33,
+ 34,
+ 35,
+ 36,
+ 37,
+ 38
+ ],
+ [
+ 13,
+ 14,
+ 15,
+ 16,
+ 17,
+ 18,
+ 19,
+ 20,
+ 21,
+ 22,
+ 23,
+ 24,
+ 25
+ ],
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+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 3,
+ 4,
+ 5,
+ 6,
+ 7,
+ 8,
+ 9,
+ 10,
+ 11,
+ 12
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+ 161,
+ 162,
+ 163,
+ 164,
+ 165,
+ 166,
+ 167,
+ 168,
+ 169,
+ 170,
+ 171,
+ 172,
+ 173,
+ 174,
+ 175,
+ 176,
+ 177,
+ 178,
+ 179
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+ 140,
+ 141,
+ 142,
+ 143,
+ 144,
+ 145,
+ 146,
+ 147,
+ 148,
+ 149,
+ 150,
+ 151,
+ 152,
+ 153,
+ 154,
+ 155,
+ 156,
+ 157,
+ 158,
+ 159
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+ 120,
+ 121,
+ 122,
+ 123,
+ 124,
+ 125,
+ 126,
+ 127,
+ 128,
+ 129,
+ 130,
+ 131,
+ 132,
+ 133,
+ 134,
+ 135,
+ 136,
+ 137,
+ 138,
+ 139
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+ 100,
+ 101,
+ 102,
+ 103,
+ 104,
+ 105,
+ 106,
+ 107,
+ 108,
+ 109,
+ 110,
+ 111,
+ 112,
+ 113,
+ 114,
+ 115,
+ 116,
+ 117,
+ 118,
+ 119
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+ 80,
+ 81,
+ 82,
+ 83,
+ 84,
+ 85,
+ 86,
+ 87,
+ 88,
+ 89,
+ 90,
+ 91,
+ 92,
+ 93,
+ 94,
+ 95,
+ 96,
+ 97,
+ 98,
+ 99
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+ 60,
+ 61,
+ 62,
+ 63,
+ 64,
+ 65,
+ 66,
+ 67,
+ 68,
+ 69,
+ 70,
+ 71,
+ 72,
+ 73,
+ 74,
+ 75,
+ 76,
+ 77,
+ 78,
+ 79
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+ 40,
+ 41,
+ 42,
+ 43,
+ 44,
+ 45,
+ 46,
+ 47,
+ 48,
+ 49,
+ 50,
+ 51,
+ 52,
+ 53,
+ 54,
+ 55,
+ 56,
+ 57,
+ 58,
+ 59
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+ 20,
+ 21,
+ 22,
+ 23,
+ 24,
+ 25,
+ 26,
+ 27,
+ 28,
+ 29,
+ 30,
+ 31,
+ 32,
+ 33,
+ 34,
+ 35,
+ 36,
+ 37,
+ 38,
+ 39
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\ No newline at end of file
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diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/guide/guide_act2vmulti_entry.txt b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/guide/guide_act2vmulti_entry.txt
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/guide/guide_act2vmulti_entry.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+[HEADER(is_skippable=false, is_tutorial=true)] act2vmulti匹配引导
+[PopupDialog(dialogHead="$avatar_amiya")] 博士,您能来参加这次促融共竞活动真是太好了!
+[PopupDialog(dialogHead="$avatar_amiya")] 随着越来越多身份各异的干员加入,维系干员关系的工作也变得棘手起来。《干员安全相处指南》越来越厚了,这样下去可不是办法......
+[PopupDialog(dialogHead="$avatar_amiya")] 这次促融共竞活动旨在帮助罗德岛全体成员建立融洽的关系,博士也要和一位协作者共同参加比赛才行哦。
+[PopupDialog(dialogHead="$avatar_amiya")] 我也拜托后勤部准备了丰厚的比赛奖励,多多完成比赛项目,提升赛事热度,就可以拿到奖励了。
+[Tutorial(target="btn_match", searchBtnInChildren=true, animStyle="Click", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black="$f_tut_black", protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya")] 来看看这次的比赛项目吧!
+[Tutorial(target="match_normal_group_bg", searchBtnInChildren=true, animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black="$f_tut_black", protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya")] 常规项目构成了赛事的主体且分为多个阶段,每个阶段都有特定的目标需要达成。
+[Tutorial(target="match_other_group_bg", searchBtnInChildren=true, animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black="$f_tut_black", protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya")] 此外,本次赛事还设置了两个特殊的娱乐项目——堡垒守御和阵地足球,博士有兴趣的话也可以来体验哦。
+[Tutorial(target="btn_normal_train", searchBtnInChildren=true, animStyle="Click", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black="$f_tut_black", protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] 选择博士您有意向参与的项目,就可以匹配到参赛意向相近的协作者。
+[Tutorial(focusX=-557, focusY=43, focusWidth=362, focusHeight=85, anchor="BottomRight", animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black="$f_tut_black", protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya")] 如果在赛场上表现优异,博士也可以选择成为兼任教练,优先匹配到经验尚浅的协作者,帮助他们完成比赛。
+[Tutorial(target="btn_match_guide_book", searchBtnInChildren=true, animStyle="Click", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black="$f_tut_black", protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] 现在,来熟悉下进入比赛前的备赛流程吧!
+[Tutorial(target="btn_match_train", searchBtnInChildren=true, animStyle="Click", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black="$f_tut_black", protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] 如果博士已经了解了备赛流程,就进入规则教学,熟悉一下比赛内的规则吧!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/guide/guide_act2vmulti_squad.txt b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/guide/guide_act2vmulti_squad.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+[HEADER(is_skippable=false, is_tutorial=true)] act2vmulti队伍引导
+[Tutorial(target="btn_team_config", searchBtnInChildren=true, animStyle="Click", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black="$f_tut_black", protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya")] 这次促融共竞活动中,为了方便您与协作者搭配出合适的阵容,您可以在赛前配置队伍时设置两种不同的干员类别。
+[Tutorial(target="squad_high_group_item_view", animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black="$f_tut_black", protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya")] 您可以将您青睐的干员设为高顺位干员。高顺位干员具有优先入队权。
+[Tutorial(target="squad_low_group_item_view", animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black="$f_tut_black", protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya")] 与高顺位干员相对,低顺位干员不具有优先入队权。
+[Tutorial(target="btn_buff_desc", searchBtnInChildren=true, animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black="$f_tut_black", protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya")] 最终的上场阵容中,干员的职业分布决定了队伍可以在比赛中获得怎样的专项支持。专项支持的获取规则和加成效果可以在这里查看。
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/fortress/fortress_beginning_camera.txt b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/fortress/fortress_beginning_camera.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b28ecd58d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/fortress/fortress_beginning_camera.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+[HEADER(is_tutorial=true, is_skippable=false)] 要塞镜头演出
+[UIOperation(target="main", enable="false")]
+[CooperateBattle.CameraFocusTo(offsetX=4, offsetY=8, scale=1.2, time=2)]
+[CooperateBattle.CameraFocusTo(offsetX=22, offsetY=8, scale=1.2, time=2)]
+[CooperateBattle.CameraFocusTo(offsetX=8, offsetY=8, scale=1, time=2)]
+[UIOperation(target="main", enable="true")]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/fortress/training_fortress_a1.txt b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/fortress/training_fortress_a1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..35a1adf86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/fortress/training_fortress_a1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+[HEADER(is_tutorial=true, is_skippable=false)] 要塞教学a1
+[CooperateBattle.CameraFocusTo(offsetX=5, offsetY=4, scale=1.2, time=1.5)]
+[CooperateBattle.CameraFocusTo(offsetX=16, offsetY=4, scale=1.2, time=1.5)]
+[CooperateBattle.CameraFocusTo(offsetX=8, offsetY=4, scale=1, time=1.5)]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/fortress/training_fortress_a2.txt b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/fortress/training_fortress_a2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2cf02651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/fortress/training_fortress_a2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+[HEADER(is_tutorial=true, is_skippable=false)] 要塞教学a2
+[CooperateBattle.CameraFocusTo(offsetX=6, offsetY=4, scale=1, time=1)]
+[CooperateBattle.CameraFocusTo(offsetX=8, offsetY=4, scale=1, time=1)]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/fortress/training_fortress_a3.txt b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/fortress/training_fortress_a3.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..02da0a13f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/fortress/training_fortress_a3.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+[HEADER(is_tutorial=true, is_skippable=false)] 要塞教学a3
+[CooperateBattle.CameraFocusTo(offsetX=8, offsetY=4, scale=0.8, time=0.5)]
+[CooperateBattle.CameraFocusTo(offsetX=3, offsetY=4, scale=1, time=0.5)]
+[CooperateBattle.CameraFocusTo(offsetX=3, offsetY=5.5, scale=0.8, time=0.5)]
+[Tutorial(focusX=0, focusY=0, focusWidth=360, focusHeight=360, anchor="Center", \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_stward", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[CooperateBattle.CameraFocusTo(offsetX=3, offsetY=3.5, scale=0.8, time=0.5)]
+[Tutorial(focusX=0, focusY=0, focusWidth=360, focusHeight=360, anchor="Center", \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_stward", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[CooperateBattle.CameraFocusTo(offsetX=3, offsetY=4, scale=1, time=0.5)]
+[CooperateBattle.CameraFocusTo(offsetX=3, offsetY=5.5, scale=0.8, time=0.5)]
+[Tutorial(focusX=0, focusY=0, focusWidth=240, focusHeight=240, anchor="Center", \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_stward", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[CooperateBattle.CameraFocusTo(offsetX=3, offsetY=3.5, scale=0.8, time=0.5)]
+[Tutorial(focusX=0, focusY=0, focusWidth=240, focusHeight=240, anchor="Center", \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_adnach", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[Tutorial(focusX=0, focusY=-120, focusWidth=400, focusHeight=100, anchor="Top", \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_melan", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[CooperateBattle.CameraFocusTo(offsetX=3, offsetY=3.5, scale=0.8, time=0.5)]
+[InputBlocker(blockInput=true, cardIndex=0, validWidth=112, validHeight=116)]
+[Tutorial(waitForSignal="put_down", dialogHead="$avatar_stward", animStyle="Drag", \
+ startX=-300, startY=60, startAnchor="BottomRight", endAnchor="Center", endX=0, endY=0)] \
+[InputBlocker(blockInput=true, tileX=3, tileY=3, validWidth=600, validHeight=600)]
+[Tutorial(waitForSignal="select_direction", dialogHead="$avatar_stward")] \
+[CooperateBattle.CameraFocusTo(offsetX=6, offsetY=4, scale=1, time=1)]
+[Tutorial(focusX=0, focusY=-180, focusWidth=200, focusHeight=60, anchor="Top", \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_adnach", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/fortress/training_fortress_b1.txt b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/fortress/training_fortress_b1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e8a9c071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/fortress/training_fortress_b1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+[HEADER(is_tutorial=true, is_skippable=false)] 要塞教学b1
+[CooperateBattle.CameraFocusTo(offsetX=9, offsetY=4.5, scale=1, time=0.5)]
+[CooperateBattle.CameraFocusTo(offsetX=9, offsetY=4.5, scale=1, time=0.5)]
+[Tutorial(focusX=0, focusY=0, focusWidth=240, focusHeight=480, anchor="Center", \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_adnach", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[CooperateBattle.CameraFocusTo(offsetX=11, offsetY=4.5, scale=1, time=0.5)]
+[Tutorial(focusX=0, focusY=0, focusWidth=240, focusHeight=480, anchor="Center", \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_adnach", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[CooperateBattle.CameraFocusTo(offsetX=10, offsetY=4, scale=1, time=0.5)]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/fortress/training_fortress_b2.txt b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/fortress/training_fortress_b2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d6b58460
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/fortress/training_fortress_b2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+[HEADER(is_tutorial=true, is_skippable=false)] 要塞教学b2
+[CooperateBattle.CameraFocusTo(offsetX=16, offsetY=4, scale=1.2, time=1.5)]
+[CooperateBattle.CameraFocusTo(offsetX=16, offsetY=4, scale=0.6, time=0.5)]
+[Tutorial(focusX=160, focusY=120, focusWidth=240, focusHeight=240, anchor="Center", \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightCircle", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_adnach", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[CooperateBattle.CameraFocusTo(offsetX=8, offsetY=4, scale=1, time=1.5)]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_a.txt b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_a.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc9bc55fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_a.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+[HEADER(is_tutorial=true, is_skippable=false)] 联机教学关1a
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_b.txt b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_b.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30ae5ccd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_b.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+[HEADER(is_tutorial=true, is_skippable=false)] 联机教学关1b
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black="$f_tut_black", \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[Tutorial(focusX=-430, focusY=-70, focusWidth=150, focusHeight=150, \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightCircle", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[Tutorial(focusX=430, focusY=-70, focusWidth=150, focusHeight=150, \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightCircle", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[Tutorial(focusX=350, focusY=100, focusWidth=120, focusHeight=120, \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightCircle", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[Tutorial(focusX=0, focusY=-70, focusWidth=180, focusHeight=180, \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightCircle", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_c.txt b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_c.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f3a17623a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_c.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+[HEADER(is_tutorial=true, is_skippable=false)] 联机教学关1c
+[Tutorial(focusX=350, focusY=0, focusWidth=150, focusHeight=150, \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightCircle", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[Tutorial(focusX=350, focusY=120, focusWidth=150, focusHeight=150, \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightCircle", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[Tutorial(focusX=380, focusY=-60, focusWidth=150, focusHeight=150, \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightCircle", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[Tutorial(focusX=-305, focusY=250, focusWidth=150, focusHeight=150, \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightCircle", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_d.txt b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_d.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..31422c1b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_d.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+[HEADER(is_tutorial=true, is_skippable=false)] 联机教学关1d
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black="$f_tut_black", \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[Tutorial(focusX=350, focusY=100, focusWidth=120, focusHeight=120, \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightCircle", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[Tutorial(focusX=-30, focusY=190, focusWidth=120, focusHeight=120, \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightCircle", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_e.txt b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_e.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1614f78ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_e.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+[HEADER(is_tutorial=true, is_skippable=false)] 联机教学关1d1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_f.txt b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_f.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb5313d25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_f.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+[HEADER(is_tutorial=true, is_skippable=false)] 活动act1sandbox教学关1_b
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black="$f_tut_black", \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black="$f_tut_black", \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_g.txt b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_g.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7827ad5d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_01_g.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+[HEADER(is_tutorial=true, is_skippable=false)] 活动act1sandbox教学关1_b
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black="$f_tut_black", \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[Tutorial(focusX=50, focusY=50, focusWidth=200, focusHeight=200, anchor="BottomLeft", \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightCircle", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_02_a.txt b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_02_a.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34cd9b99e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_02_a.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+[HEADER(is_tutorial=true, is_skippable=false)] 联机教学关1a
+[Tutorial(focusX=0, focusY=45, focusWidth=100, focusHeight=100, \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightCircle", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[Tutorial(focusX=-65, focusY=50, focusWidth=130, focusHeight=130, \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightCircle", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[Tutorial(focusX=200, focusY=10, focusWidth=260, focusHeight=260, \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightCircle", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[Tutorial(focusX=570, focusY=180, focusWidth=200, focusHeight=200, \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightCircle", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_02_b.txt b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_02_b.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c1c82d29f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_02_b.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+[HEADER(is_tutorial=true, is_skippable=false)] 联机教学关1a
+[Tutorial(focusX=-600, focusY=30, focusWidth=300, focusHeight=500, anchor="Center",\
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black="$f_tut_black", \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[Tutorial(focusX=-70, focusY=50, focusWidth=150, focusHeight=150, \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightCircle", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[Tutorial(focusX=-480, focusY=40, focusWidth=200, focusHeight=200, \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightCircle", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[Tutorial(focusX=600, focusY=-250, focusWidth=250, focusHeight=250, \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightCircle", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[InputBlocker(blockInput=true, cardIndex=0, validWidth=112, validHeight=116)]
+[Tutorial(waitForSignal="put_down", dialogHead="$avatar_stward", animStyle="Drag", \
+ startX=-50, startY=60, startAnchor="BottomRight", endAnchor="Center", endX=0, endY=100)] \
+[Tutorial(focusX=-110, focusY=-60, focusWidth=150, focusHeight=150, \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightCircle", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[Tutorial(focusX=450, focusY=220, focusWidth=200, focusHeight=200, \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightCircle", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
+[Tutorial(focusX=430, focusY=170, focusWidth=200, focusHeight=200, \
+ animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightCircle", black=0.5, \
+ protectTime=0.5, dialogHead="$avatar_amiya", dialogX="$f_lower_dialog_pos_x", dialogY="$f_lower_dialog_pos_y")] \
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_02_c.txt b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_02_c.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c29c33855
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/activities/act2vmulti/training/training_act2vmulti_02_c.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+[HEADER(is_tutorial=true, is_skippable=false)] 联机教学关1a
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/story/obt/guide/l2-8/0_fstar_level.txt b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/obt/guide/l2-8/0_fstar_level.txt
index 09678c4da..3fe873ec6 100644
--- a/zh_CN/gamedata/story/obt/guide/l2-8/0_fstar_level.txt
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/obt/guide/l2-8/0_fstar_level.txt
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
[PopupDialog(dialogHead="$avatar_sys")] 现在所有主线关卡的突袭作战已经解锁,请前往关卡<>0-1>进行查看。
[GotoPage(dest="stage", waitForSignal="stage_routed", zoneId="main_1", stageId="main_00-01")]
[PopupDialog(dialogHead="$avatar_sys")] 突袭模式会在普通关卡的基础上加入严格的挑战条件,但是同时也提供丰厚的一次性奖励。
-[PopupDialog(dialogHead="$avatar_sys")] 突袭模式在失败时会<>消耗一半>的理智。如果对自己的作战能力有信心,可以多多在突袭模式下挑战关卡。
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+[PopupDialog(dialogHead="$avatar_sys")] 突袭模式在失败时会<>消耗1理智>。如果对自己的作战能力有信心,可以多多在突袭模式下挑战关卡。
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