diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/DefinedFix.lua b/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/DefinedFix.lua
index 88043b7a7..9ce413dc2 100644
--- a/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/DefinedFix.lua
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/DefinedFix.lua
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ local list =
+ "HotFixes/SandboxCatchedAnimalManagerHotfixer",
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/SandboxCatchedAnimalManagerHotfixer.lua b/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/SandboxCatchedAnimalManagerHotfixer.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ad751aa36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/[uc]lua/hotfixes/SandboxCatchedAnimalManagerHotfixer.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+local SandboxCatchedAnimalManagerHotfixer = Class("SandboxCatchedAnimalManagerHotfixer", HotfixBase)
+local lua_hashSet = CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(CS.System.Int32)
+local lua_dict_StrInt = CS.System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(CS.System.String, CS.System.Int32)
+local function _Fix_OnFenceFinishInNormal(self, character)
+ self.m_roomTilesCache:Clear()
+ self.m_roomDiff:Clear()
+ for row = 0, self.m_mapHeight - 1 do
+ for col = 0, self.m_mapWidth - 1 do
+ if self:_IsFenceTile(row, col) then
+ self.m_roomTilesCache[self:_CatchedAnimalRoomId(row, col)] = self.m_catchedAnimalFlagMap:GetValue(row, col)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local tile = character.rootTile;
+ self.m_catchedAnimalFlagMap:SetValue(CS.XLua.Cast.Int32(0), tile.row, tile.col)
+ self:_RefreshCatchAnimalMap()
+ self:_RefreshCatchAnimalMapStatus()
+ self:_RefreshTrapFenceAnimatorSurround(tile.row, tile.col)
+ if self.output.catchedAnimals == nil or self.output.catchedAnimals.Count == 0 then
+ return
+ end
+ for row = 0, self.m_mapHeight - 1 do
+ for col = 0, self.m_mapWidth - 1 do
+ local tileId = self:_CatchedAnimalRoomId(row, col)
+ if self.m_roomTilesCache:ContainsKey(tileId) and self:_IsFenceTile(row, col) then
+ local oldRoomId = self.m_roomTilesCache[tileId]
+ local newRoomId = self.m_catchedAnimalFlagMap:GetValue(row, col)
+ if self.m_roomDiff:ContainsKey(oldRoomId) then
+ self.m_roomDiff[oldRoomId]:Add(newRoomId);
+ else
+ local roomDiff = lua_hashSet()
+ roomDiff:Add(newRoomId)
+ self.m_roomDiff:Add(oldRoomId, roomDiff)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ self.m_catchedAnimalCache:Clear();
+ for k, v in pairs(self.output.catchedAnimals) do
+ self.m_catchedAnimalCache:Add(k, v)
+ end
+ self.output.catchedAnimals:Clear();
+ self.m_animalCountInRoom:Clear()
+ for animalCacheKey, _animalCacheValue in pairs(self.m_catchedAnimalCache) do
+ local animalCacheValue = {}
+ for k, v in pairs(_animalCacheValue) do
+ animalCacheValue[k] = v
+ end
+ if self.m_roomDiff:ContainsKey(animalCacheKey) then
+ local newRoomIds = self.m_roomDiff[animalCacheKey]
+ for k, v in pairs(newRoomIds) do
+ local newRoomId = v
+ local roomAnimalCountTmp = {}
+ for animalCacheValue_k, animalCacheValue_v in pairs(animalCacheValue) do
+ roomAnimalCountTmp[animalCacheValue_k] = animalCacheValue_v
+ end
+ for roomAnimalCountTmp_k, roomAnimalCountTmp_v in pairs(roomAnimalCountTmp) do
+ if roomAnimalCountTmp_v > 0 then
+ local addCount = self:_RegisterAnimalInRoom(newRoomId, roomAnimalCountTmp_v)
+ if addCount <= 0 then
+ break
+ end
+ if self.output.catchedAnimals:ContainsKey(newRoomId) then
+ if self.output.catchedAnimals[newRoomId]:ContainsKey(roomAnimalCountTmp_k) then
+ local newCount = self.output.catchedAnimals[newRoomId][roomAnimalCountTmp_k] + addCount
+ self.output.catchedAnimals[newRoomId][roomAnimalCountTmp_k] = newCount
+ else
+ self.output.catchedAnimals[newRoomId]:Add(roomAnimalCountTmp_k, addCount)
+ end
+ else
+ local catchAnimalNew = lua_dict_StrInt()
+ catchAnimalNew:Add(roomAnimalCountTmp_k, addCount)
+ self.output.catchedAnimals:Add(newRoomId, catchAnimalNew)
+ end
+ local restCount = roomAnimalCountTmp_v - addCount;
+ animalCacheValue[roomAnimalCountTmp_k] = restCount
+ if restCount > 0 then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function SandboxCatchedAnimalManagerHotfixer:OnInit()
+ xlua.private_accessible(CS.Torappu.Battle.Sandbox.SandboxCatchedAnimalManager)
+ self:Fix_ex(CS.Torappu.Battle.Sandbox.SandboxCatchedAnimalManager, "_OnFenceFinishInNormal", function(self, character)
+ local ok, ret = xpcall(_Fix_OnFenceFinishInNormal, debug.traceback, self, character)
+ if not ok then
+ LogError("[Hotfix] failed to _Fix_OnFenceFinishInNormal : " .. ret)
+ return self:_OnFenceFinishInNormal(character)
+ else
+ return ret
+ end
+ end)
+return SandboxCatchedAnimalManagerHotfixer
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/battle/buff_template_data.json b/zh_CN/gamedata/battle/buff_template_data.json
index 27ca1c837..c1e1dfa4d 100644
--- a/zh_CN/gamedata/battle/buff_template_data.json
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/battle/buff_template_data.json
@@ -106445,9 +106445,14 @@
"_finishDerivedBuffIfParentFinish": false
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+LogExtraBattleInfoUnsafe, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+LogExtraBattleInfo, Assembly-CSharp",
"_logType": "SIMPLE",
- "_key": "trigger_rope"
+ "_key": "trigger_rope",
+ "_loadKeyFromBlackBoard": false,
+ "_countInHostIfToken": false,
+ "_additionValue": 1,
+ "_attributeType": "NONE",
+ "_target": "BUFF_OWNER"
"$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+TriggerAbility, Assembly-CSharp",
@@ -136781,6 +136786,63 @@
+ "enemy_rscrab_t[aoe]": {
+ "templateKey": "enemy_rscrab_t[aoe]",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+AOEDamage, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_useAbilitySourceSide": true,
+ "_sourceType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_damageType": "PHYSICAL",
+ "_sourceApplyWay": "MELEE",
+ "_targetOptions": {
+ "targetSide": "ALLY",
+ "targetMotion": "ALL",
+ "targetCategory": "DEFAULT",
+ "enableAdvancedOptions": true,
+ "ignoreTargetFree": false,
+ "ignoreAllyTargetFree": false,
+ "ignoreHealFree": false,
+ "ignoreTargetSide": false,
+ "excludeSomeAbnormalFlags": false,
+ "excludeAbnormalFlag": "STUNNED",
+ "purposeMask": "NONE",
+ "professionMask": "NONE",
+ "onlyIgnoreSomeOfTargetFreeCase": false,
+ "abnormalFlag": "STUNNED",
+ "abnormalCombo": "SLEEPING"
+ },
+ "_excludeTarget": true,
+ "_rangeId": null,
+ "_useRadius": true,
+ "_radius": 0.0,
+ "_damageScale": null,
+ "_buffs": [],
+ "_attackType": "SPLASH",
+ "_createEffect": false,
+ "_hitEffectKey": null,
+ "_useDamageFromBB": true,
+ "_damageKey": "damage",
+ "_isNoSourceDamage": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+AlwaysNext, Assembly-CSharp"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateEffect, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_sourceType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_effectKey": "enemy_scarab_die_start_01",
+ "_useSourceFaceVactor": false,
+ "_useAttackPlaybackSpeed": false
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
"enemy_rxblbug_recover": {
"templateKey": "enemy_rxblbug_recover",
"effectKey": "",
@@ -137472,6 +137534,113 @@
+ "trap_xbrandprop_effect": {
+ "templateKey": "trap_xbrandprop_effect",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfElse, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_conditionNode": {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckContainsBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_buffKeys": [
+ "racing_mode_loot_item[disable]"
+ ],
+ "isAND": true,
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_checkBuffSource": false,
+ "_buffSourceType": "BUFF_SOURCE"
+ },
+ "_succeedNodes": [
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FinishDerivedBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_updateOverrideMap": true
+ }
+ ],
+ "_failNodes": [
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckContainsBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_buffKeys": [
+ "trap_xbrandprop_effect[holder]"
+ ],
+ "isAND": true,
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_checkBuffSource": false,
+ "_buffSourceType": "BUFF_SOURCE"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfNot, Assembly-CSharp"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_buff": {
+ "attributes": {
+ "abnormalFlags": [],
+ "abnormalImmunes": [],
+ "abnormalAntis": [],
+ "abnormalCombos": [],
+ "abnormalComboImmunes": [],
+ "attributeModifiers": []
+ },
+ "buffKey": "trap_xbrandprop_effect[holder]",
+ "loadFromDB": false,
+ "isDurableBuff": false,
+ "isDamageMissable": false,
+ "isSilenceable": false,
+ "isStunnable": false,
+ "isFreezable": false,
+ "isLevitatable": false,
+ "statusResistable": "AUTOMATIC",
+ "templateKey": "empty",
+ "disableOverride": false,
+ "overrideKey": null,
+ "overrideType": "DEFAULT",
+ "maxStackCnt": 1,
+ "refreshRemainingTimeWhenStackMax": false,
+ "clearAllStackCntWhenTimeUp": false,
+ "maxValidStackCnt": -1,
+ "overrideEffectKey": "",
+ "overrideOnEventPriority": false,
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "audioSignal": null,
+ "lifeTimeType": "INFINITY",
+ "takeSnapshotWhenExtend": false,
+ "durationKey": null,
+ "lifeTime": 0.0,
+ "triggerLifeType": "IMMEDIATELY",
+ "triggerCnt": 0,
+ "triggerInterval": -1.0,
+ "waitFirstTriggerInterval": true,
+ "firstTriggerInterval": -1.0,
+ "priority": -1,
+ "priorityBBKeys": [],
+ "stripBlackboardParamsWithBuffKey": false,
+ "blackboard": []
+ },
+ "_buffOwner": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_isDerivedBuff": true,
+ "_finishDerivedBuffIfParentFinish": true
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckSkillIndex, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_ownerType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_skillIndex": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FinishBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_decCntIfStack": false,
+ "_updateOverrideMap": true
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
"racing_mode_loot_item": {
"templateKey": "racing_mode_loot_item",
"effectKey": "",
@@ -164898,164 +165067,224 @@
"$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfElse, Assembly-CSharp",
"_conditionNode": {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckContainsBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
- "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
- "_buffKeys": [
- "vigil_wolf_t_1_enhance[trigger_override]"
- ],
- "isAND": true,
- "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
- "_checkBuffSource": false,
- "_buffSourceType": "BUFF_SOURCE"
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FilterModifierCancelReason, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_reason": "UNHURTABLE"
- "_succeedNodes": [
- {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateEffect, Assembly-CSharp",
- "_targetType": "TARGET",
- "_sourceType": "SOURCE",
- "_effectKey": "vigil_token_sub_die_2",
- "_useSourceFaceVactor": false,
- "_useAttackPlaybackSpeed": false
- },
- {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FinishBuffsById, Assembly-CSharp",
- "_buffKey": "vigil_wolf_Idle_2",
- "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
- "_decCntIfStack": false,
- "_updateOverrideMap": true,
- "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER"
- }
- ],
+ "_succeedNodes": null,
"_failNodes": [
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateEffect, Assembly-CSharp",
- "_targetType": "TARGET",
- "_sourceType": "SOURCE",
- "_effectKey": "vigil_token_sub_die_1",
- "_useSourceFaceVactor": false,
- "_useAttackPlaybackSpeed": false
- },
- {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FinishBuffsById, Assembly-CSharp",
- "_buffKey": "vigil_wolf_Idle_1",
- "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
- "_decCntIfStack": false,
- "_updateOverrideMap": true,
- "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FinishOneBuffById, Assembly-CSharp",
- "_buffKey": "vigil_wolf_t_1_enhance[holder]",
- "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
- "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
- "_checkBuffFinished": false
- },
- {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FinishBuffsById, Assembly-CSharp",
- "_buffKey": "vigil_wolf_t_1_enhance[trigger_override]",
- "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
- "_decCntIfStack": false,
- "_updateOverrideMap": true,
- "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER"
- },
- {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+HealViaMaxHpRatio, Assembly-CSharp",
- "_healTarget": "BUFF_OWNER",
- "_getMaxHpFromTarget": true,
- "_ignoreHealFree": true,
- "_skipModifierEvent": true
- },
- {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+AlwaysNext, Assembly-CSharp"
- },
- {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfElse, Assembly-CSharp",
- "_conditionNode": {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckContainsBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
- "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
- "_buffKeys": [
- "vigil_e_002_tr"
- ],
- "isAND": true,
- "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
- "_checkBuffSource": false,
- "_buffSourceType": "BUFF_SOURCE"
- },
- "_succeedNodes": [
- {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+AssignBuffBlackboardFromOthers, Assembly-CSharp",
- "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
- "_blackboardKey": "evade_duration",
- "_valueKey": "evade_duration",
- "_buffKey": "vigil_e_002_tr"
- },
- {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+AlwaysNext, Assembly-CSharp"
- },
- {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+AssignBuffBlackboardFromOthers, Assembly-CSharp",
- "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
- "_blackboardKey": "prob",
- "_valueKey": "prob",
- "_buffKey": "vigil_e_002_tr"
- },
- {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+AlwaysNext, Assembly-CSharp"
- },
- {
- "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
- "_buff": {
- "attributes": {
- "abnormalFlags": null,
- "abnormalImmunes": null,
- "abnormalAntis": null,
- "abnormalCombos": null,
- "abnormalComboImmunes": null,
- "attributeModifiers": null
- },
- "buffKey": "vigil_e_002_t_1[evade]",
- "loadFromDB": false,
- "isDurableBuff": false,
- "isDamageMissable": false,
- "isSilenceable": false,
- "isStunnable": false,
- "isFreezable": false,
- "isLevitatable": false,
- "statusResistable": "AUTOMATIC",
- "templateKey": "evade_physical",
- "disableOverride": true,
- "overrideKey": null,
- "overrideType": "DEFAULT",
- "maxStackCnt": 1,
- "refreshRemainingTimeWhenStackMax": false,
- "clearAllStackCntWhenTimeUp": false,
- "maxValidStackCnt": -1,
- "overrideEffectKey": null,
- "overrideOnEventPriority": false,
- "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
- "audioSignal": null,
- "lifeTimeType": "LIMITED",
- "takeSnapshotWhenExtend": false,
- "durationKey": "evade_duration",
- "lifeTime": 0.0,
- "triggerLifeType": "IMMEDIATELY",
- "triggerCnt": 0,
- "triggerInterval": -1.0,
- "waitFirstTriggerInterval": true,
- "firstTriggerInterval": -1.0,
- "priority": -1,
- "priorityBBKeys": [],
- "stripBlackboardParamsWithBuffKey": false,
- "blackboard": []
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfElse, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_conditionNode": {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FilterModifierCancelReason, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_reason": "MISS"
- "_buffOwner": "BUFF_OWNER",
- "_isDerivedBuff": false,
- "_finishDerivedBuffIfParentFinish": false
+ "_succeedNodes": null,
+ "_failNodes": [
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfElse, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_conditionNode": {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FilterModifierCancelReason, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_reason": "BLOCKED"
+ },
+ "_succeedNodes": null,
+ "_failNodes": [
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfElse, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_conditionNode": {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FilterModifierCancelReason, Assembly-CSharp",
+ },
+ "_succeedNodes": null,
+ "_failNodes": [
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfElse, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_conditionNode": {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FilterModifierCancelReason, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_reason": "INTERRUPT"
+ },
+ "_succeedNodes": null,
+ "_failNodes": [
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfElse, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_conditionNode": {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FilterModifierCancelReason, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_reason": "HIT_FAILED"
+ },
+ "_succeedNodes": null,
+ "_failNodes": [
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfElse, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_conditionNode": {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckContainsBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_buffKeys": [
+ "vigil_wolf_t_1_enhance[trigger_override]"
+ ],
+ "isAND": true,
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_checkBuffSource": false,
+ "_buffSourceType": "BUFF_SOURCE"
+ },
+ "_succeedNodes": [
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateEffect, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "TARGET",
+ "_sourceType": "SOURCE",
+ "_effectKey": "vigil_token_sub_die_2",
+ "_useSourceFaceVactor": false,
+ "_useAttackPlaybackSpeed": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FinishBuffsById, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_buffKey": "vigil_wolf_Idle_2",
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_decCntIfStack": false,
+ "_updateOverrideMap": true,
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ }
+ ],
+ "_failNodes": [
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateEffect, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "TARGET",
+ "_sourceType": "SOURCE",
+ "_effectKey": "vigil_token_sub_die_1",
+ "_useSourceFaceVactor": false,
+ "_useAttackPlaybackSpeed": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FinishBuffsById, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_buffKey": "vigil_wolf_Idle_1",
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_decCntIfStack": false,
+ "_updateOverrideMap": true,
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FinishOneBuffById, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_buffKey": "vigil_wolf_t_1_enhance[holder]",
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_checkBuffFinished": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FinishBuffsById, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_buffKey": "vigil_wolf_t_1_enhance[trigger_override]",
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_decCntIfStack": false,
+ "_updateOverrideMap": true,
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+HealViaMaxHpRatio, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_healTarget": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_getMaxHpFromTarget": true,
+ "_ignoreHealFree": true,
+ "_skipModifierEvent": true
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+AlwaysNext, Assembly-CSharp"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfElse, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_conditionNode": {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckContainsBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_buffKeys": [
+ "vigil_e_002_tr"
+ ],
+ "isAND": true,
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_checkBuffSource": false,
+ "_buffSourceType": "BUFF_SOURCE"
+ },
+ "_succeedNodes": [
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+AssignBuffBlackboardFromOthers, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_blackboardKey": "evade_duration",
+ "_valueKey": "evade_duration",
+ "_buffKey": "vigil_e_002_tr"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+AlwaysNext, Assembly-CSharp"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+AssignBuffBlackboardFromOthers, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_blackboardKey": "prob",
+ "_valueKey": "prob",
+ "_buffKey": "vigil_e_002_tr"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+AlwaysNext, Assembly-CSharp"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_buff": {
+ "attributes": {
+ "abnormalFlags": null,
+ "abnormalImmunes": null,
+ "abnormalAntis": null,
+ "abnormalCombos": null,
+ "abnormalComboImmunes": null,
+ "attributeModifiers": null
+ },
+ "buffKey": "vigil_e_002_t_1[evade]",
+ "loadFromDB": false,
+ "isDurableBuff": false,
+ "isDamageMissable": false,
+ "isSilenceable": false,
+ "isStunnable": false,
+ "isFreezable": false,
+ "isLevitatable": false,
+ "statusResistable": "AUTOMATIC",
+ "templateKey": "evade_physical",
+ "disableOverride": true,
+ "overrideKey": null,
+ "overrideType": "DEFAULT",
+ "maxStackCnt": 1,
+ "refreshRemainingTimeWhenStackMax": false,
+ "clearAllStackCntWhenTimeUp": false,
+ "maxValidStackCnt": -1,
+ "overrideEffectKey": null,
+ "overrideOnEventPriority": false,
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "audioSignal": null,
+ "lifeTimeType": "LIMITED",
+ "takeSnapshotWhenExtend": false,
+ "durationKey": "evade_duration",
+ "lifeTime": 0.0,
+ "triggerLifeType": "IMMEDIATELY",
+ "triggerCnt": 0,
+ "triggerInterval": -1.0,
+ "waitFirstTriggerInterval": true,
+ "firstTriggerInterval": -1.0,
+ "priority": -1,
+ "priorityBBKeys": [],
+ "stripBlackboardParamsWithBuffKey": false,
+ "blackboard": []
+ },
+ "_buffOwner": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_isDerivedBuff": false,
+ "_finishDerivedBuffIfParentFinish": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "_failNodes": null
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
- ],
- "_failNodes": null
+ ]
@@ -234803,6 +235032,577 @@
+ "enemy_xblbug_fly": {
+ "templateKey": "enemy_xblbug_fly",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+SwitchMode, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_modeIndex": 0,
+ "_loadModeFromBlackboard": true,
+ "_restoreDefault": false,
+ "_restartFSM": false
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+ChangeMotionMode, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_target": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_resetToDefault": true,
+ "_motionMode": "WALK"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+UpdateEnemyCurrentTile, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_ownerType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_force": true
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+ChangeMotionMode, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_target": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_resetToDefault": false,
+ "_motionMode": "WALK"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "enemy_xbslug_damage_reduce": {
+ "templateKey": "enemy_xbslug_damage_reduce",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckBlocked, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_checkBlockedBySource": true,
+ "_checkBlockedBySourceToken": false,
+ "_sourceType": "MODIFIER_SOURCE",
+ "_checkBlockedCount": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+DamageScale, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_filterDamageType": true,
+ "_damageMask": "PHYSICAL_AND_MAGICAL",
+ "_filterApplyWay": false,
+ "_applyWayFilter": "NONE",
+ "_isOneMinus": false,
+ "_isStackable": false,
+ "_cachedDeltaValueToBBKey": ""
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "enemy_xbtd_speed[listener]": {
+ "templateKey": "enemy_xbtd_speed[listener]",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfElse, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_conditionNode": {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckAbnormalFlags, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_abnormalFlags": [
+ ],
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ },
+ "_succeedNodes": [
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FinishBuffsById, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_buffKey": "enemy_xbtd_speed[max]",
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_decCntIfStack": false,
+ "_updateOverrideMap": true,
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FinishBuffsById, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_buffKey": "enemy_xbtd_speed_up",
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_decCntIfStack": false,
+ "_updateOverrideMap": true,
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FinishBuffsById, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_buffKey": "enemy_xbtd_speed[trigger]",
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_decCntIfStack": false,
+ "_updateOverrideMap": true,
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ }
+ ],
+ "_failNodes": [
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfElse, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_conditionNode": {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckBlocked, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_checkBlockedBySource": false,
+ "_checkBlockedBySourceToken": false,
+ "_sourceType": "BUFF_SOURCE",
+ "_checkBlockedCount": false
+ },
+ "_succeedNodes": [
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FinishBuffsById, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_buffKey": "enemy_xbtd_speed_up",
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_decCntIfStack": false,
+ "_updateOverrideMap": true,
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FinishBuffsById, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_buffKey": "enemy_xbtd_speed[max]",
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_decCntIfStack": false,
+ "_updateOverrideMap": true,
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FinishBuffsById, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_buffKey": "enemy_xbtd_speed[trigger]",
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_decCntIfStack": false,
+ "_updateOverrideMap": true,
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ }
+ ],
+ "_failNodes": [
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckContainsBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_buffKeys": [
+ "enemy_xbtd_speed[trigger]"
+ ],
+ "isAND": true,
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_checkBuffSource": false,
+ "_buffSourceType": "BUFF_SOURCE"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfNot, Assembly-CSharp"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_buff": {
+ "attributes": {
+ "abnormalFlags": [],
+ "abnormalImmunes": [],
+ "abnormalAntis": [],
+ "abnormalCombos": [],
+ "abnormalComboImmunes": [],
+ "attributeModifiers": []
+ },
+ "buffKey": "enemy_xbtd_speed[trigger]",
+ "loadFromDB": false,
+ "isDurableBuff": false,
+ "isDamageMissable": false,
+ "isSilenceable": false,
+ "isStunnable": false,
+ "isFreezable": false,
+ "isLevitatable": false,
+ "statusResistable": "AUTOMATIC",
+ "templateKey": "empty",
+ "disableOverride": false,
+ "overrideKey": null,
+ "overrideType": "DEFAULT",
+ "maxStackCnt": 1,
+ "refreshRemainingTimeWhenStackMax": false,
+ "clearAllStackCntWhenTimeUp": false,
+ "maxValidStackCnt": -1,
+ "overrideEffectKey": null,
+ "overrideOnEventPriority": false,
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "audioSignal": null,
+ "lifeTimeType": "INFINITY",
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+ "lifeTime": 0.0,
+ "triggerLifeType": "IMMEDIATELY",
+ "triggerCnt": 0,
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+ "firstTriggerInterval": -1.0,
+ "priority": -1,
+ "priorityBBKeys": [],
+ "stripBlackboardParamsWithBuffKey": false,
+ "blackboard": []
+ },
+ "_buffOwner": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_isDerivedBuff": false,
+ "_finishDerivedBuffIfParentFinish": false
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "enemy_xbtd_speed[ctrl]": {
+ "templateKey": "enemy_xbtd_speed[ctrl]",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckContainsBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_buffKeys": [
+ "enemy_xbtd_speed[trigger]"
+ ],
+ "isAND": true,
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_checkBuffSource": false,
+ "_buffSourceType": "BUFF_SOURCE"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_buff": {
+ "attributes": {
+ "abnormalFlags": [],
+ "abnormalImmunes": [],
+ "abnormalAntis": [],
+ "abnormalCombos": [],
+ "abnormalComboImmunes": [],
+ "attributeModifiers": [
+ {
+ "attributeType": "MOVE_SPEED",
+ "formulaItem": "ADDITION",
+ "value": 0.0,
+ "loadFromBlackboard": true,
+ "fetchBaseValueFromSourceEntity": false
+ }
+ ]
+ },
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+ "isDurableBuff": false,
+ "isDamageMissable": false,
+ "isSilenceable": false,
+ "isStunnable": false,
+ "isFreezable": false,
+ "isLevitatable": false,
+ "statusResistable": "AUTOMATIC",
+ "templateKey": "empty",
+ "disableOverride": false,
+ "overrideKey": null,
+ "overrideType": "STACK",
+ "maxStackCnt": 1,
+ "refreshRemainingTimeWhenStackMax": false,
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+ "maxValidStackCnt": -1,
+ "overrideEffectKey": null,
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+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "audioSignal": null,
+ "lifeTimeType": "INFINITY",
+ "takeSnapshotWhenExtend": false,
+ "durationKey": null,
+ "lifeTime": 0.0,
+ "triggerLifeType": "IMMEDIATELY",
+ "triggerCnt": 0,
+ "triggerInterval": -1.0,
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+ "firstTriggerInterval": -1.0,
+ "priority": -1,
+ "priorityBBKeys": [],
+ "stripBlackboardParamsWithBuffKey": false,
+ "blackboard": []
+ },
+ "_buffOwner": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_isDerivedBuff": true,
+ "_finishDerivedBuffIfParentFinish": true
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FilterByBuffStackCount, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_buffKey": "enemy_xbtd_speed_up",
+ "_stackCount": 0,
+ "_stackCountKey": "max_stack_cnt",
+ "_stackCountPeeling": 0,
+ "_condType": "GE",
+ "_checkFromUnoverridableBuffCount": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckContainsBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_buffKeys": [
+ "enemy_xbtd_speed[max]"
+ ],
+ "isAND": true,
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_checkBuffSource": false,
+ "_buffSourceType": "BUFF_SOURCE"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+IfNot, Assembly-CSharp"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
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+ "attributes": {
+ "abnormalFlags": [],
+ "abnormalImmunes": [],
+ "abnormalAntis": [],
+ "abnormalCombos": [],
+ "abnormalComboImmunes": [],
+ "attributeModifiers": []
+ },
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+ "loadFromDB": false,
+ "isDurableBuff": false,
+ "isDamageMissable": false,
+ "isSilenceable": false,
+ "isStunnable": false,
+ "isFreezable": false,
+ "isLevitatable": false,
+ "statusResistable": "AUTOMATIC",
+ "templateKey": "empty",
+ "disableOverride": false,
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+ "overrideType": "DEFAULT",
+ "maxStackCnt": 1,
+ "refreshRemainingTimeWhenStackMax": false,
+ "clearAllStackCntWhenTimeUp": false,
+ "maxValidStackCnt": -1,
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+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "audioSignal": null,
+ "lifeTimeType": "INFINITY",
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+ "lifeTime": 0.0,
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+ "firstTriggerInterval": -1.0,
+ "priority": -1,
+ "priorityBBKeys": [],
+ "stripBlackboardParamsWithBuffKey": false,
+ "blackboard": []
+ },
+ "_buffOwner": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_isDerivedBuff": true,
+ "_finishDerivedBuffIfParentFinish": true
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckBlocked, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_checkBlockedBySource": false,
+ "_checkBlockedBySourceToken": false,
+ "_sourceType": "BUFF_SOURCE",
+ "_checkBlockedCount": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FinishBuffsById, Assembly-CSharp",
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+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_decCntIfStack": false,
+ "_updateOverrideMap": true,
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FinishBuffsById, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_buffKey": "enemy_xbtd_speed[trigger]",
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_decCntIfStack": false,
+ "_updateOverrideMap": true,
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckContainsBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_buffKeys": [
+ "enemy_xbtd_speed[max]"
+ ],
+ "isAND": true,
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_checkBuffSource": false,
+ "_buffSourceType": "BUFF_SOURCE"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FinishBuffsById, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_buffKey": "enemy_xbtd_speed[max]",
+ "_loadFromBlackboard": false,
+ "_decCntIfStack": false,
+ "_updateOverrideMap": true,
+ "_targetType": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateBuffToBlockee, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_buff": {
+ "attributes": {
+ "abnormalFlags": [],
+ "abnormalImmunes": [],
+ "abnormalAntis": [],
+ "abnormalCombos": [],
+ "abnormalComboImmunes": [],
+ "attributeModifiers": []
+ },
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+ "loadFromDB": true,
+ "isDurableBuff": false,
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+ "isSilenceable": false,
+ "isStunnable": false,
+ "isFreezable": false,
+ "isLevitatable": false,
+ "statusResistable": "AUTOMATIC",
+ "templateKey": "empty",
+ "disableOverride": false,
+ "overrideKey": null,
+ "overrideType": "DEFAULT",
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+ "refreshRemainingTimeWhenStackMax": false,
+ "clearAllStackCntWhenTimeUp": false,
+ "maxValidStackCnt": -1,
+ "overrideEffectKey": null,
+ "overrideOnEventPriority": false,
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "audioSignal": null,
+ "lifeTimeType": "LIMITED",
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+ "durationKey": null,
+ "lifeTime": 0.0,
+ "triggerLifeType": "IMMEDIATELY",
+ "triggerCnt": 0,
+ "triggerInterval": -1.0,
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+ "firstTriggerInterval": -1.0,
+ "priority": -1,
+ "priorityBBKeys": [],
+ "stripBlackboardParamsWithBuffKey": false,
+ "blackboard": []
+ },
+ "_buffOwner": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_isDerivedBuff": false,
+ "_finishDerivedBuffIfParentFinish": false
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "trap_xbblure_null": {
+ "templateKey": "trap_xbblure_null",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CheckCharSkillUsedUp, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_target": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+CreateBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_buff": {
+ "attributes": {
+ "abnormalFlags": [],
+ "abnormalImmunes": [],
+ "abnormalAntis": [],
+ "abnormalCombos": [],
+ "abnormalComboImmunes": [],
+ "attributeModifiers": []
+ },
+ "buffKey": "trap_xbblure_null[effect]",
+ "loadFromDB": false,
+ "isDurableBuff": false,
+ "isDamageMissable": false,
+ "isSilenceable": false,
+ "isStunnable": false,
+ "isFreezable": false,
+ "isLevitatable": false,
+ "statusResistable": "AUTOMATIC",
+ "templateKey": "empty",
+ "disableOverride": false,
+ "overrideKey": null,
+ "overrideType": "DEFAULT",
+ "maxStackCnt": 1,
+ "refreshRemainingTimeWhenStackMax": false,
+ "clearAllStackCntWhenTimeUp": false,
+ "maxValidStackCnt": -1,
+ "overrideEffectKey": "trap_xbblure_null_01",
+ "overrideOnEventPriority": false,
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "audioSignal": null,
+ "lifeTimeType": "INFINITY",
+ "takeSnapshotWhenExtend": false,
+ "durationKey": null,
+ "lifeTime": 0.0,
+ "triggerLifeType": "IMMEDIATELY",
+ "triggerCnt": 0,
+ "triggerInterval": -1.0,
+ "waitFirstTriggerInterval": true,
+ "firstTriggerInterval": -1.0,
+ "priority": -1,
+ "priorityBBKeys": [],
+ "stripBlackboardParamsWithBuffKey": false,
+ "blackboard": []
+ },
+ "_buffOwner": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_isDerivedBuff": false,
+ "_finishDerivedBuffIfParentFinish": false
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+FinishBuff, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_decCntIfStack": false,
+ "_updateOverrideMap": true
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "trap_xbblure_attract": {
+ "templateKey": "trap_xbblure_attract",
+ "effectKey": "",
+ "onEventPriority": "DEFAULT",
+ "eventToActions": {
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+InsertCheckPointInRuntimeRoute, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_source": "BUFF_SOURCE",
+ "_target": "BUFF_OWNER",
+ "_clearRouteBeforeInsert": false,
+ "_type": "MOVE",
+ "_randomizeReachOffset": true,
+ "_reachOffset": {
+ "x": 0.30000001192092896,
+ "y": 0.30000001192092896
+ },
+ "_time": 30.0,
+ "_addIntoRuntimeRoute": true
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+TryRemoveRuntimeRoute, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_target": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+ReleaseFromBlocker, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_target": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ },
+ {
+ "$type": "Torappu.Battle.Action.Nodes+ClearCheckpointInRuntimeRoute, Assembly-CSharp",
+ "_target": "BUFF_OWNER"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
"racing_catch_ctrl[char]": {
"templateKey": "racing_catch_ctrl[char]",
"effectKey": "",
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/audio_data.json b/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/audio_data.json
index bdc5c3584..d33c2d49d 100644
--- a/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/audio_data.json
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/audio_data.json
@@ -138312,6 +138312,27 @@
"loop": false,
"name": "battle.ON_BUFF_START.use_item_sprint[audio]"
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/Enemy/e_atk/e_atk_speedup",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": false,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 0.8,
+ "maxPitch": 1.2,
+ "minVolume": 1.0,
+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 2,
+ "popOldest": true,
+ "customMixerGroup": "Battle_E_NImp",
+ "loop": false,
+ "name": "battle.ON_BUFF_START.trap_xbspd_speed_up[audio]"
+ },
"sounds": [
@@ -138354,6 +138375,27 @@
"loop": false,
"name": "battle.ON_CUSTOM_TRIGGER.racing_lifesteal_emit"
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/Player/p_imp/p_imp_heal_n",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": false,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 0.95,
+ "maxPitch": 1.05,
+ "minVolume": 0.8,
+ "maxVolume": 0.8,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 2,
+ "popOldest": true,
+ "customMixerGroup": "Battle_E_NImp",
+ "loop": false,
+ "name": "battle.ON_PROJECTILE_HIT.projectile_enemy_rxbtd_lifesteal"
+ },
"sounds": [
@@ -138459,6 +138501,27 @@
"loop": false,
"name": "battle.ON_CUSTOM_TRIGGER.racing_last_round_start"
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/Battle/b_char/b_char_tokenset",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": false,
+ "is2D": false,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 0.9,
+ "maxPitch": 1.1,
+ "minVolume": 1.0,
+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 2,
+ "popOldest": true,
+ "customMixerGroup": "Battle_UI_Important",
+ "loop": false,
+ "name": "battle.ON_UNIT_BORN.trap_482_xbblure"
+ },
"sounds": [
@@ -138522,6 +138585,27 @@
"loop": false,
"name": "battle.ON_SKILL_START.sktok_xbblure_3"
+ {
+ "sounds": [
+ {
+ "asset": "Audio/Sound_Beta_2/Battle/b_char/b_char_tokendead",
+ "weight": 1.0,
+ "important": true,
+ "is2D": true,
+ "delay": 0.0,
+ "minPitch": 1.0,
+ "maxPitch": 1.0,
+ "minVolume": 1.0,
+ "maxVolume": 1.0,
+ "ignoreTimeScale": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "maxSoundAllowed": 2,
+ "popOldest": true,
+ "customMixerGroup": "Battle_UI_Important",
+ "loop": false,
+ "name": "battle.ON_UNIT_DEAD.trap_482_xbblure"
+ },
"sounds": [
@@ -140994,6 +141078,11 @@
"id": "music_sandbox_v2_9",
"name": "陌域暗访",
"bank": "sys.ON_SANDBOX_DUNGEONMAP.sandbox_1"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "music_sandbox_v2_10",
+ "name": "恶化螺旋",
+ "bank": "sys.ON_SANDBOX_CHALLENGEMAP.sandbox_1"
"duckings": [
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/character_table.json b/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/character_table.json
index 1480ec690..6afe0e8f7 100644
--- a/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/character_table.json
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/character_table.json
@@ -317235,6 +317235,750 @@
"favorKeyFrames": null,
"allSkillLvlup": []
+ "trap_482_xbblure": {
+ "name": "源石虫引诱器",
+ "description": "仅可部署在草丛地块;使可捕获的源石虫向自身移动",
+ "canUseGeneralPotentialItem": true,
+ "canUseActivityPotentialItem": false,
+ "potentialItemId": null,
+ "activityPotentialItemId": null,
+ "classicPotentialItemId": null,
+ "nationId": null,
+ "groupId": null,
+ "teamId": null,
+ "displayNumber": null,
+ "appellation": "Originium Slug Trap",
+ "position": "NONE",
+ "tagList": null,
+ "itemUsage": null,
+ "itemDesc": null,
+ "itemObtainApproach": null,
+ "isNotObtainable": false,
+ "isSpChar": false,
+ "maxPotentialLevel": 0,
+ "rarity": "TIER_1",
+ "profession": "TRAP",
+ "subProfessionId": "notchar2",
+ "trait": null,
+ "phases": [
+ {
+ "characterPrefabKey": "trap_482_xbblure",
+ "rangeId": "0-1",
+ "maxLevel": 30,
+ "attributesKeyFrames": [
+ {
+ "level": 1,
+ "data": {
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"name": "封阻物",
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+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/data_version.txt
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"avatarItemUsage": "用来彰显个性的图案,能够将之设置为头像。",
"obtainApproach": "特殊方式获得"
+ {
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+ "avatarItemName": "“2024余韵切片”",
+ "avatarItemDesc": "闭上眼睛,那一日的景象历历在目。",
+ "avatarItemUsage": "用来彰显个性的图案,能够将之设置为头像。",
+ "obtainApproach": "特殊方式获得"
+ },
+ {
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+ "avatarType": "SPECIAL",
+ "avatarIdSort": 18,
+ "avatarIdDesc": "购买礼包获得\\n“祈望星光”",
+ "avatarItemName": "“祈望星光”",
+ "avatarItemDesc": "前路迢迢,我们会陪伴在她的身边,度过那些宁静的,喧闹的,星光灿烂的夜。",
+ "avatarItemUsage": "用来彰显个性的图案,能够将之设置为头像。",
+ "obtainApproach": "特殊方式获得"
+ },
"avatarId": "avatar_activity_OF",
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@@ -780,7 +800,9 @@
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"attackType": null,
"ability": null,
@@ -29930,6 +29930,84 @@
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+ "description": "野生的被感染生物,能够顺着风向进行小段距离的滑翔和飞行。它们背后长着一对小小的羽翼,虽然不足以让它们成为天空的掌控者,但也足够它们翻越障碍逃离捕捉了。",
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+ {
+ "text": "<$ba.float>近地悬浮>",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_7045_xbtd": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_7045_xbtd",
+ "enemyIndex": "SD40",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 998,
+ "name": "冲锋源石虫",
+ "enemyLevel": "ELITE",
+ "description": "野生的被感染生物,为了在恶劣的荒野环境中生存,它们有着极快的行动速度。这种生物会在移动中逐渐加速到最快,以使用自己的角去冲撞对手,或逃到天敌找不到它们的地方。",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "移动时逐渐加速,达到最高速度后的首次攻击<$ba.stun>晕眩>阻挡自身的目标",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
+ },
+ "enemy_7046_xbslug": {
+ "enemyId": "enemy_7046_xbslug",
+ "enemyIndex": "SD41",
+ "enemyTags": null,
+ "sortId": 999,
+ "name": "披甲源石虫",
+ "enemyLevel": "ELITE",
+ "description": "野生的被感染生物,为了在恶劣的荒野环境中生存,它们有着超出源石虫平均水平的抗打击能力。这种生物坚硬的外壳表面还有一些锋利的棱角,让天敌难以发起攻击。",
+ "attackType": null,
+ "ability": null,
+ "isInvalidKilled": false,
+ "overrideKillCntInfos": {},
+ "hideInHandbook": false,
+ "hideInStage": true,
+ "abilityList": [
+ {
+ "text": "大幅降低自身受到来自阻挡单位的物理和法术伤害",
+ "textFormat": "NORMAL"
+ }
+ ],
+ "linkEnemies": [],
+ "damageType": [
+ ],
+ "invisibleDetail": false
"raceData": {
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/gamedata_const.json b/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/gamedata_const.json
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--- a/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/gamedata_const.json
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/gamedata_const.json
@@ -1606,7 +1606,7 @@
"storyReviewUnlockItemLackTip": "事相碎片数量不足,请前往采购凭证区或活动期间商店获取",
- "dataVersion": "49.2.0",
+ "dataVersion": "49.4.0",
"resPrefVersion": "49d0d0",
"announceWebBusType": "ak_announcement",
"defaultMinContinuousBattleTimes": 1,
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index d50fa9669..bb77befdd 100644
--- a/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/item_table.json
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/excel/item_table.json
@@ -26661,15 +26661,15 @@
"mcardVoucher": {
"itemId": "mcardVoucher",
- "name": "月卡",
- "description": null,
+ "name": "月卡兑换凭证",
+ "description": "考虑到流通性与便捷性,许多新的认证应运而生,该凭证便是其中的一项。",
"rarity": "TIER_5",
"iconId": "mcardVoucher",
"overrideBkg": null,
"stackIconId": null,
"sortId": -10000,
- "usage": null,
- "obtainApproach": null,
+ "usage": "使用后可激活月卡的相关权限。",
+ "obtainApproach": "采购中心、活动获得",
"hideInItemGet": true,
"classifyType": "NONE",
"itemType": "MCARD_VOUCHER",
@@ -29402,6 +29402,9 @@
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"char_4009_irene@ambienceSynesthesia#3": 1,
"char_484_robrta@ambienceSynesthesia#3": 1,
+ "char_172_svrash@ambienceSynesthesia#4": 1,
+ "char_4027_heyak@ambienceSynesthesia#4": 1,
+ "char_1033_swire2@ambienceSynesthesia#4": 1,
"char_293_thorns@it#1": 1,
"char_350_surtr@it#1": 1,
"char_115_headbr@it#1": 1,
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@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@
"permanent_sub_5_zone1": "permanent_sub_5_Lone_Trail",
"permanent_sub_5_zone2": "permanent_sub_5_Lone_Trail",
"permanent_sub_5_zone3": "permanent_sub_5_Lone_Trail",
+ "permanent_sub_6_zone1": "permanent_sub_6_Babel",
+ "permanent_sub_6_zone2": "permanent_sub_6_Babel",
+ "permanent_sub_6_zone3": "permanent_sub_6_Babel",
"permanent_sidestory_1_zone1": "permanent_sidestory_1_Grani_And_The_Treasure_Of_Knights",
"permanent_sidestory_1_zone2": "permanent_sidestory_1_Grani_And_The_Treasure_Of_Knights",
"permanent_sidestory_2_zone1": "permanent_sidestory_2_Heart_Of_Surging_Flame",
@@ -683,6 +686,162 @@
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"endTs": -1
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+ "startTs": 1715198400,
+ "endTs": -1
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "endTs": -1
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+ "endTs": -1
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "endTs": -1
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "endTs": -1
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "act33side_s04#f#": {
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+ },
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+ },
"a001_01": {
"startTs": 1618430400,
"endTs": -1
@@ -3149,6 +3308,21 @@
"customActId": "act25side",
"customActType": "TYPE_ACT25SIDE"
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+ "retroId": "permanent_sub_6_Babel",
+ "type": "BRANCHLINE",
+ "linkedActId": [
+ "act33side"
+ ],
+ "startTime": 1715198400,
+ "trailStartTime": -1,
+ "index": 6,
+ "name": "巴别塔",
+ "detail": "巴别塔,自过去呼唤未来的理想之地。\n弥合隔阂的高塔指向真理。\n魔王盗取希望之火。火星散落,战火重起。\n同胞刀戈相向,英雄从废墟中站起。\n分歧止于一场刺杀,命运却早已与真相绑在一起。\n远见者用呐喊书写理想家的墓志铭。\n魔王虽逝,理想犹存。",
+ "haveTrail": false,
+ "customActId": null,
+ "customActType": "DEFAULT"
+ },
"permanent_sidestory_1_Grani_And_The_Treasure_Of_Knights": {
"retroId": "permanent_sidestory_1_Grani_And_The_Treasure_Of_Knights",
"type": "SIDESTORY",
@@ -23096,6 +23270,742 @@
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+ {
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+ }
+ ],
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+ "code": "BB-S-1",
+ "name": "模拟刺杀作战-1",
+ "description": "正在录入数据,场景重建中......\\n<@lv.item><接驳地块>>初始不可部署干员,需要周围存在其他干员进行协助",
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+ }
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+ },
+ {
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+ }
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+ "name": "模拟刺杀作战-1",
+ "description": "<@lv.fs>附加条件:>\\n出现额外的流浪佣兵“编织者”,流浪佣兵“编织者”的生命值大幅提升",
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+ }
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+ }
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+ "name": "模拟刺杀作战-3",
+ "description": "正在引入混沌变量及无序因子......\\n<@lv.item><接驳地块>>初始不可部署干员,需要周围存在其他干员进行协助\\n<@lv.item><巫术弩炮>>会定期发射法术飞弹,对我方造成法术伤害,并治疗敌方单位;可以被摧毁\\n<@lv.rem>额外条件:> 增强型爆燃厨具巨人遇到稳固铁链后,流失生命的速度降低",
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+ "name": "模拟刺杀作战-3",
+ "description": "<@lv.fs>附加条件:>\\n巫术弩炮的等级提升",
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+ }
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+ "description": "打扫混乱的卡兹戴尔街区,这里充满危险。\\n<@lv.item><接驳地块>>初始不可部署干员,需要周围存在其他干员进行协助",
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"description": "原本以为这处位于荒山野岭的矿脉附近会更加安静,但走近才发现热闹得像都市商业区的十字路口。",
"actionCost": 1,
"actionCostEnemyRush": 1
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+ "code": "RA-NO",
+ "name": "虫影密植",
+ "description": "<@lv.description><捕虫区>>部署干员可以捕捉范围内虚弱的源石虫。\\n修验环廊地区最为人熟知的源石虫聚集地之一。随风摇晃的草木间,残影不断闪过,只要稍微靠近,这些黑影便会瞬间消失,弥散在浓郁的绿色中。",
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+ "stageId": "sandbox_1_86",
+ "levelId": "Obt/Sandbox/sandbox_1/level_sandbox1_79",
+ "code": "RA-NO",
+ "name": "幽邃巨洞",
+ "description": "<@lv.description><捕虫区>>部署干员可以捕捉范围内虚弱的源石虫。\\n举起火把,注意脚下,小心源石虫以及一切会扑上来的奇怪东西!",
+ "actionCost": 1,
+ "actionCostEnemyRush": 1
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_87": {
+ "stageId": "sandbox_1_87",
+ "levelId": "Obt/Sandbox/sandbox_1/level_sandbox1_80",
+ "code": "RA-NO",
+ "name": "熔金巢穴",
+ "description": "<@lv.description><捕虫区>>部署干员可以捕捉范围内虚弱的源石虫。\\n即便在修验环廊,偶尔也能看到禁坑一般的景象——但炽热的岩浆也无法阻止那些为了源石虫而来的冒险者。",
+ "actionCost": 1,
+ "actionCostEnemyRush": 1
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_88": {
+ "stageId": "sandbox_1_88",
+ "levelId": "Obt/Sandbox/sandbox_1/level_sandbox1_81",
+ "code": "RA-NO",
+ "name": "埃什南纳耐力赛",
+ "description": "<@lv.description><助跑哨>>使你的源石虫加速一段时间!\\n埃什南纳耐力赛拥有着极具特色的赛道。熔岩覆盖着路面,步伐稍微慢了一点都会闻到奇怪的焦糊味。",
+ "actionCost": 1,
+ "actionCostEnemyRush": 1
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_89": {
+ "stageId": "sandbox_1_89",
+ "levelId": "Obt/Sandbox/sandbox_1/level_sandbox1_82",
+ "code": "RA-NO",
+ "name": "阿格拉折返赛",
+ "description": "<@lv.description><助跑哨>>使你的源石虫加速一段时间!\\n阿格拉折返赛的赛道以弯道繁多而闻名,它也是淘汰参赛选手最多的一条赛道。危险的转弯往往会引发一连串的追尾事故。",
+ "actionCost": 1,
+ "actionCostEnemyRush": 1
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_90": {
+ "stageId": "sandbox_1_90",
+ "levelId": "Obt/Sandbox/sandbox_1/level_sandbox1_83",
+ "code": "RA-NO",
+ "name": "乌尔凯什冲刺赛",
+ "description": "<@lv.description><助跑哨>>使你的源石虫加速一段时间!\\n在乌尔凯什冲刺赛,选手们被要求像风一样前进,这里没有什么能阻止它们,如果有的话,那就是其他选手。",
+ "actionCost": 1,
+ "actionCostEnemyRush": 1
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_91": {
+ "stageId": "sandbox_1_91",
+ "levelId": "Obt/Sandbox/sandbox_1/level_sandbox1_84",
+ "code": "RA-NO",
+ "name": "杜安娜碰撞赛",
+ "description": "<@lv.description><助跑哨>>使你的源石虫加速一段时间!\\n<@lv.description><牵引器>>你的源石虫牵引一个目标,并且持续向该方向前进!\\n<@lv.description><吮液器>>你的源石虫持续偷取一个目标的体力!\\n作为整个赛事下半段的开场,杜安娜碰撞赛的赛道会让所有人印象深刻,选手们互相碰撞,挤占仅有的安全位置与空间,稍有不慎便会与深渊对视,与障碍接吻。",
+ "actionCost": 1,
+ "actionCostEnemyRush": 1
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_92": {
+ "stageId": "sandbox_1_92",
+ "levelId": "Obt/Sandbox/sandbox_1/level_sandbox1_85",
+ "code": "RA-NO",
+ "name": "加苏尔拟真赛",
+ "description": "<@lv.description><助跑哨>>使你的源石虫加速一段时间!\\n<@lv.description><牵引器>>你的源石虫牵引一个目标,并且持续向该方向前进!\\n<@lv.description><吮液器>>你的源石虫持续偷取一个目标的体力!\\n加苏尔拟真赛的赛道是整个赛事中路况最为混乱的一部分。想象一下,赛道里塞满了过的行人、占道的摊铺,还有突然扔来果核的孩子——真是太棒了。",
+ "actionCost": 1,
+ "actionCostEnemyRush": 1
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_93": {
+ "stageId": "sandbox_1_93",
+ "levelId": "Obt/Sandbox/sandbox_1/level_sandbox1_86",
+ "code": "RA-NO",
+ "name": "雷兰穿梭赛",
+ "description": "<@lv.description><助跑哨>>使你的源石虫加速一段时间!\\n<@lv.description><牵引器>>你的源石虫牵引一个目标,并且持续向该方向前进!\\n<@lv.description><吮液器>>你的源石虫持续偷取一个目标的体力!\\n雷兰穿梭赛的赛道拥有着最复杂的路径。在这里选手们充分根据自身的实际情况,穿梭于不同的岔路,奔向同一个终点。",
+ "actionCost": 1,
+ "actionCostEnemyRush": 1
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_94": {
+ "stageId": "sandbox_1_94",
+ "levelId": "Obt/Sandbox/sandbox_1/level_sandbox1_87",
+ "code": "RA-NO",
+ "name": "西帕尔爬坡赛",
+ "description": "<@lv.description><助跑哨>>使你的源石虫加速一段时间!\\n<@lv.description><牵引器>>你的源石虫牵引一个目标,并且持续向该方向前进!\\n<@lv.description><吮液器>>你的源石虫持续偷取一个目标的体力!\\n最后的终点就在前方,而最艰难的赛段也如约而至,熔岩、蒸汽,还有陡破,都会成为专门为选手们准备的小小“奖励”。",
+ "actionCost": 1,
+ "actionCostEnemyRush": 1
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_95": {
+ "stageId": "sandbox_1_95",
+ "levelId": "Obt/Sandbox/sandbox_1/level_sandbox1_88",
+ "code": "RA-NO",
+ "name": "“庆典须知”",
+ "description": "<@lv.description><助跑哨>>使你的源石虫加速一段时间!\\n<@lv.description><牵引器>>你的源石虫牵引一个目标,并且持续向该方向前进!\\n<@lv.description><吮液器>>你的源石虫持续偷取一个目标的体力!\\n这是关于参加修验环廊源石虫拉力赛的一些建议......",
+ "actionCost": 0,
+ "actionCostEnemyRush": 1
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_96": {
+ "stageId": "sandbox_1_96",
+ "levelId": "Obt/Sandbox/sandbox_1/level_sandbox1_89",
+ "code": "RA-NO",
+ "name": "回廊关",
+ "description": "<@lv.description><机关石门>>击破后会解锁新的可探索区域。被击破前,每次进入关卡会完全恢复原状。\\n再向前走似乎是一个完全不同的地方,虫群环绕巨石,林木沉默挺立,平静与安逸是这一切的尽头。",
+ "actionCost": 1,
+ "actionCostEnemyRush": 1
"zoneData": {
@@ -9055,6 +9440,12 @@
"zoneName": "巴布关口,“入口”",
"displayName": false,
"appellation": "Babum\nPass"
+ },
+ "z_1_5": {
+ "zoneId": "z_1_5",
+ "zoneName": "修验环廊",
+ "displayName": true,
+ "appellation": "Circle of Gitmalutu"
"nodeBuffData": {
@@ -9727,6 +10118,14 @@
"rewardType": "BUILDINGMAT"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_96": {
+ "rewardList": [
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_wood",
+ "rewardType": "BUILDINGMAT"
+ }
+ ]
"stageDetailPreviewRewardDict": {
@@ -10593,6 +10992,178 @@
"rewardType": "BUILDINGMAT"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_85": {
+ "rewardList": [
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_goodsundry",
+ "rewardType": "PLACEHOLDER"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_gold",
+ "rewardType": "COIN"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_86": {
+ "rewardList": [
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_goodsundry",
+ "rewardType": "PLACEHOLDER"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_gold",
+ "rewardType": "COIN"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_87": {
+ "rewardList": [
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_goodsundry",
+ "rewardType": "PLACEHOLDER"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_gold",
+ "rewardType": "COIN"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_88": {
+ "rewardList": [
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_slugitem_1",
+ "rewardType": "SLUGITEM"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_gold",
+ "rewardType": "COIN"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_goodsundry",
+ "rewardType": "PLACEHOLDER"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_89": {
+ "rewardList": [
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_slugitem_1",
+ "rewardType": "SLUGITEM"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_gold",
+ "rewardType": "COIN"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_goodsundry",
+ "rewardType": "PLACEHOLDER"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_90": {
+ "rewardList": [
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_slugitem_1",
+ "rewardType": "SLUGITEM"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_gold",
+ "rewardType": "COIN"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_goodsundry",
+ "rewardType": "PLACEHOLDER"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_91": {
+ "rewardList": [
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_slugitem_1",
+ "rewardType": "SLUGITEM"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_gold",
+ "rewardType": "COIN"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_goodsundry",
+ "rewardType": "PLACEHOLDER"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_92": {
+ "rewardList": [
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_slugitem_1",
+ "rewardType": "SLUGITEM"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_gold",
+ "rewardType": "COIN"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_goodsundry",
+ "rewardType": "PLACEHOLDER"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_93": {
+ "rewardList": [
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_slugitem_1",
+ "rewardType": "SLUGITEM"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_gold",
+ "rewardType": "COIN"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_goodsundry",
+ "rewardType": "PLACEHOLDER"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_94": {
+ "rewardList": [
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_slugitem_1",
+ "rewardType": "SLUGITEM"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_gold",
+ "rewardType": "COIN"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_goodsundry",
+ "rewardType": "PLACEHOLDER"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_95": {
+ "rewardList": [
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_slugitem_1",
+ "rewardType": "SLUGITEM"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_gold",
+ "rewardType": "COIN"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_goodsundry",
+ "rewardType": "PLACEHOLDER"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_96": {
+ "rewardList": [
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_wood",
+ "rewardType": "BUILDINGMAT"
+ }
+ ]
"trapRewardDict": {
@@ -10672,6 +11243,106 @@
"rewardItemId": "sandbox_1_supermeat",
"rewardItemType": "FOODMAT",
"count": 3
+ },
+ "enemy_1305_mhslim": {
+ "rewardItemId": "sandbox_1_insect_1",
+ "rewardItemType": "INSECT",
+ "count": 1
+ },
+ "enemy_1305_mhslim_2": {
+ "rewardItemId": "sandbox_1_insect_2",
+ "rewardItemType": "INSECT",
+ "count": 1
+ },
+ "enemy_1007_slime": {
+ "rewardItemId": "sandbox_1_insect_3",
+ "rewardItemType": "INSECT",
+ "count": 1
+ },
+ "enemy_1007_slime_2": {
+ "rewardItemId": "sandbox_1_insect_4",
+ "rewardItemType": "INSECT",
+ "count": 1
+ },
+ "enemy_1132_sarchn": {
+ "rewardItemId": "sandbox_1_insect_5",
+ "rewardItemType": "INSECT",
+ "count": 1
+ },
+ "enemy_1132_sarchn_2": {
+ "rewardItemId": "sandbox_1_insect_6",
+ "rewardItemType": "INSECT",
+ "count": 1
+ },
+ "enemy_1004_mslime": {
+ "rewardItemId": "sandbox_1_insect_7",
+ "rewardItemType": "INSECT",
+ "count": 1
+ },
+ "enemy_1004_mslime_2": {
+ "rewardItemId": "sandbox_1_insect_8",
+ "rewardItemType": "INSECT",
+ "count": 1
+ },
+ "enemy_1021_bslime": {
+ "rewardItemId": "sandbox_1_insect_9",
+ "rewardItemType": "INSECT",
+ "count": 1
+ },
+ "enemy_1021_bslime_2": {
+ "rewardItemId": "sandbox_1_insect_10",
+ "rewardItemType": "INSECT",
+ "count": 1
+ },
+ "enemy_7018_scarab": {
+ "rewardItemId": "sandbox_1_insect_11",
+ "rewardItemType": "INSECT",
+ "count": 1
+ },
+ "enemy_1133_harchn": {
+ "rewardItemId": "sandbox_1_insect_12",
+ "rewardItemType": "INSECT",
+ "count": 1
+ },
+ "enemy_1133_harchn_2": {
+ "rewardItemId": "sandbox_1_insect_13",
+ "rewardItemType": "INSECT",
+ "count": 1
+ },
+ "enemy_1246_aslime": {
+ "rewardItemId": "sandbox_1_insect_14",
+ "rewardItemType": "INSECT",
+ "count": 1
+ },
+ "enemy_1246_aslime_2": {
+ "rewardItemId": "sandbox_1_insect_15",
+ "rewardItemType": "INSECT",
+ "count": 1
+ },
+ "enemy_6003_trsslm": {
+ "rewardItemId": "sandbox_1_insect_16",
+ "rewardItemType": "INSECT",
+ "count": 1
+ },
+ "enemy_1050_lslime": {
+ "rewardItemId": "sandbox_1_insect_17",
+ "rewardItemType": "INSECT",
+ "count": 1
+ },
+ "enemy_7044_xblbug": {
+ "rewardItemId": "sandbox_1_insect_18",
+ "rewardItemType": "INSECT",
+ "count": 1
+ },
+ "enemy_7045_xbtd": {
+ "rewardItemId": "sandbox_1_insect_19",
+ "rewardItemType": "INSECT",
+ "count": 1
+ },
+ "enemy_7046_xbslug": {
+ "rewardItemId": "sandbox_1_insect_20",
+ "rewardItemType": "INSECT",
+ "count": 1
"unitPreviewRewardDict": {
@@ -13028,6 +13699,118 @@
"rewardType": "COIN"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_85": {
+ "rewardList": [
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_egg",
+ "rewardType": "FOODMAT"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_mushroom",
+ "rewardType": "FOODMAT"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_peper",
+ "rewardType": "FOODMAT"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_sugar",
+ "rewardType": "FOODMAT"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_horn",
+ "rewardType": "FOODMAT"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_gold",
+ "rewardType": "COIN"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_86": {
+ "rewardList": [
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_egg",
+ "rewardType": "FOODMAT"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_mushroom",
+ "rewardType": "FOODMAT"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_peper",
+ "rewardType": "FOODMAT"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_sugar",
+ "rewardType": "FOODMAT"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_horn",
+ "rewardType": "FOODMAT"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_gold",
+ "rewardType": "COIN"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_87": {
+ "rewardList": [
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_egg",
+ "rewardType": "FOODMAT"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_mushroom",
+ "rewardType": "FOODMAT"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_peper",
+ "rewardType": "FOODMAT"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_sugar",
+ "rewardType": "FOODMAT"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_horn",
+ "rewardType": "FOODMAT"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_gold",
+ "rewardType": "COIN"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_96": {
+ "rewardList": [
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_egg",
+ "rewardType": "FOODMAT"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_mushroom",
+ "rewardType": "FOODMAT"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_peper",
+ "rewardType": "FOODMAT"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_sugar",
+ "rewardType": "FOODMAT"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_horn",
+ "rewardType": "FOODMAT"
+ },
+ {
+ "rewardItem": "sandbox_1_gold",
+ "rewardType": "COIN"
+ }
+ ]
"rushPreviewRewardDict": {
@@ -18623,6 +19406,177 @@
"dynamicEnemy": []
+ ],
+ "INSECT": [
+ {
+ "enemyGroupKey": "insect_1",
+ "enemy": [
+ {
+ "enemyKey": "enemy_1004_mslime_2",
+ "branchId": "insect_route_random",
+ "count": 1,
+ "interval": 1.0,
+ "preDelay": 0.0
+ }
+ ],
+ "dynamicEnemy": []
+ },
+ {
+ "enemyGroupKey": "insect_2",
+ "enemy": [
+ {
+ "enemyKey": "enemy_1007_slime_2",
+ "branchId": "insect_route_random",
+ "count": 1,
+ "interval": 1.0,
+ "preDelay": 0.0
+ }
+ ],
+ "dynamicEnemy": []
+ },
+ {
+ "enemyGroupKey": "insect_3",
+ "enemy": [
+ {
+ "enemyKey": "enemy_1246_aslime_2",
+ "branchId": "insect_route_random",
+ "count": 1,
+ "interval": 1.0,
+ "preDelay": 0.0
+ }
+ ],
+ "dynamicEnemy": []
+ },
+ {
+ "enemyGroupKey": "insect_4",
+ "enemy": [
+ {
+ "enemyKey": "enemy_7044_xblbug",
+ "branchId": "xblbug_route",
+ "count": 1,
+ "interval": 1.0,
+ "preDelay": 0.0
+ }
+ ],
+ "dynamicEnemy": []
+ },
+ {
+ "enemyGroupKey": "insect_5",
+ "enemy": [
+ {
+ "enemyKey": "enemy_1132_sarchn_2",
+ "branchId": "insect_route_random",
+ "count": 1,
+ "interval": 1.0,
+ "preDelay": 0.0
+ }
+ ],
+ "dynamicEnemy": []
+ },
+ {
+ "enemyGroupKey": "insect_6",
+ "enemy": [
+ {
+ "enemyKey": "enemy_1133_harchn_2",
+ "branchId": "insect_route_random",
+ "count": 1,
+ "interval": 1.0,
+ "preDelay": 0.0
+ }
+ ],
+ "dynamicEnemy": []
+ },
+ {
+ "enemyGroupKey": "insect_7",
+ "enemy": [
+ {
+ "enemyKey": "enemy_7046_xbslug",
+ "branchId": "xbslug_route",
+ "count": 1,
+ "interval": 1.0,
+ "preDelay": 0.0
+ }
+ ],
+ "dynamicEnemy": []
+ },
+ {
+ "enemyGroupKey": "insect_8",
+ "enemy": [
+ {
+ "enemyKey": "enemy_6003_trsslm",
+ "branchId": "trsslm_route",
+ "count": 1,
+ "interval": 1.0,
+ "preDelay": 0.0
+ }
+ ],
+ "dynamicEnemy": []
+ },
+ {
+ "enemyGroupKey": "insect_9",
+ "enemy": [
+ {
+ "enemyKey": "enemy_7045_xbtd",
+ "branchId": "xbtd_route",
+ "count": 1,
+ "interval": 1.0,
+ "preDelay": 0.0
+ }
+ ],
+ "dynamicEnemy": []
+ },
+ {
+ "enemyGroupKey": "insect_10",
+ "enemy": [
+ {
+ "enemyKey": "enemy_1305_mhslim_2",
+ "branchId": "insect_route_random",
+ "count": 1,
+ "interval": 1.0,
+ "preDelay": 0.0
+ }
+ ],
+ "dynamicEnemy": []
+ },
+ {
+ "enemyGroupKey": "insect_11",
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+ "欢迎光临,这次您要买点啥?",
+ "新到的货品也不少,请尽情挑选!"
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+ "desc": "在“险途”测试演算中生存天数达到18日"
+ },
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+ "desc": "捕获50只源石虫"
+ },
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+ "name": "庆典常客",
+ "desc": "参加7次环廊源石虫庆典比赛"
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+ "desc": "在环廊源石虫庆典中获得7次冠军"
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"description": "连绵不断的大雨天......谁知道来自焚风热土的风会吹来这么多水汽。在这样极端的天气下,人们战斗的时候也很难提起精神。",
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+ "description": "一种基于阿尔萨兰现有数据进行推演测试的模式,接受测试的个体将会面临最复杂的压力测试。",
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+ "sortId": 2,
+ "prts____check_required____clz_Torappu_SandboxV2RacerBasicInfo____racerTypeName": "\"庞贝\"",
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_insect_17",
+ "attributeMaxValue": [
+ 32,
+ 16,
+ 70,
+ 70,
+ 5
+ ]
+ },
+ "enemy_7511_rxbl": {
+ "racerId": "enemy_7511_rxbl",
+ "sortId": 3,
+ "prts____check_required____clz_Torappu_SandboxV2RacerBasicInfo____racerTypeName": "振翅源石虫",
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_insect_18",
+ "attributeMaxValue": [
+ 39,
+ 25,
+ 30,
+ 16,
+ 2
+ ]
+ },
+ "enemy_7512_rxbtd": {
+ "racerId": "enemy_7512_rxbtd",
+ "sortId": 1,
+ "prts____check_required____clz_Torappu_SandboxV2RacerBasicInfo____racerTypeName": "冲锋源石虫",
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_insect_19",
+ "attributeMaxValue": [
+ 70,
+ 15,
+ 31,
+ 21,
+ 5
+ ]
+ },
+ "enemy_7513_rxbslg": {
+ "racerId": "enemy_7513_rxbslg",
+ "sortId": 4,
+ "prts____check_required____clz_Torappu_SandboxV2RacerBasicInfo____racerTypeName": "披甲源石虫",
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_insect_20",
+ "attributeMaxValue": [
+ 31,
+ 21,
+ 70,
+ 40,
+ 4
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "racerTalentInfo": {
+ "talent_racing_1": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_1",
+ "talentType": "LEARNED",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_speed",
+ "desc": "比赛后段处于后3名时,速度+15"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_2": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_2",
+ "talentType": "LEARNED",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_speed",
+ "desc": "比赛时,速度+5"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_3": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_3",
+ "talentType": "LEARNED",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_speed",
+ "desc": "每次进入提速状态时加速度+15,持续5秒"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_4": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_4",
+ "talentType": "LEARNED",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_speed",
+ "desc": "周围有其他源石虫时,速度+15,持续3秒;每次提速状态期间触发一次"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_5": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_5",
+ "talentType": "LEARNED",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_speed",
+ "desc": "每次进入提速状态时速度+10,持续3秒"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_6": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_6",
+ "talentType": "LEARNED",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_speed",
+ "desc": "比赛时,速度+3,加速度+5"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_7": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_7",
+ "talentType": "LEARNED",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_speed",
+ "desc": "起跑时冲刺,持续10秒"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_8": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_8",
+ "talentType": "LEARNED",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_speed",
+ "desc": "比赛中段后,速度+7"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_9": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_9",
+ "talentType": "LEARNED",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_speed",
+ "desc": "比赛时,加速度+7"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_10": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_10",
+ "talentType": "LEARNED",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_speed",
+ "desc": "速度低于40时,加速度+10"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_11": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_11",
+ "talentType": "LEARNED",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_health",
+ "desc": "体力值小于等于一半时,立刻恢复部分体力;每次提速状态期间触发一次"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_12": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_12",
+ "talentType": "LEARNED",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_health",
+ "desc": "起跑时体力值大幅上升,第一次喘息时失效"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_13": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_13",
+ "talentType": "LEARNED",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_health",
+ "desc": "速度低于40时,耐力+7"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_14": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_14",
+ "talentType": "LEARNED",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_health",
+ "desc": "周围有其他源石虫时,耐力+12"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_15": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_15",
+ "talentType": "LEARNED",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_health",
+ "desc": "喘息期间,耐力+10"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_16": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_16",
+ "talentType": "LEARNED",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_health",
+ "desc": "比赛时,体力+10"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_17": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_17",
+ "talentType": "LEARNED",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_health",
+ "desc": "比赛时,耐力+7"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_18": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_18",
+ "talentType": "LEARNED",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_health",
+ "desc": "比赛时,体力+7,耐力+5"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_19": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_19",
+ "talentType": "LEARNED",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_collision",
+ "desc": "碰撞时,使其他源石虫受到的力度+2"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_20": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_20",
+ "talentType": "LEARNED",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_collision",
+ "desc": "碰撞时,使自身受到的力度-1"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_21": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_21",
+ "talentType": "LEARNED",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_collision",
+ "desc": "每次进入提速状态时,较大力地推开周围所有单位"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_22": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_22",
+ "talentType": "LEARNED",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_collision",
+ "desc": "每次进入喘息状态时,大力地拉动周围的单位"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_23": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_23",
+ "talentType": "LEARNED",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_collision",
+ "desc": "碰撞墙壁时自身速度不再下降"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_24": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_24",
+ "talentType": "BORN",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_born",
+ "desc": "进入喘息状态时爆炸,对周围的所有源石虫造成物理伤害"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_25": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_25",
+ "talentType": "BORN",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_born",
+ "desc": "每次提速期间的第一次碰撞使其他源石虫眩晕3秒"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_26": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_26",
+ "talentType": "BORN",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_born",
+ "desc": "使周围的源石虫耐力下降"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_27": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_27",
+ "talentType": "BORN",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_born",
+ "desc": "碰撞时,根据力度对其他源石虫造成物理伤害"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_28": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_28",
+ "talentType": "BORN",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_born",
+ "desc": "碰撞时,使自身受到的力度-1"
+ },
+ "talent_racing_29": {
+ "talentId": "talent_racing_29",
+ "talentType": "BORN",
+ "talentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_born",
+ "desc": "提速状态期间体力值大于等于50%时近地悬浮"
+ }
+ },
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+ "nameId": "prefix_1",
+ "nameType": "PREFIX",
+ "nameDesc": "活泼的"
+ },
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+ "nameId": "prefix_2",
+ "nameType": "PREFIX",
+ "nameDesc": "高兴的"
+ },
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+ "nameId": "prefix_3",
+ "nameType": "PREFIX",
+ "nameDesc": "悠闲的"
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+ "nameType": "PREFIX",
+ "nameDesc": "困倦的"
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+ "nameType": "PREFIX",
+ "nameDesc": "老练的"
+ },
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+ "nameId": "prefix_6",
+ "nameType": "PREFIX",
+ "nameDesc": "坚定的"
+ },
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+ "nameId": "prefix_7",
+ "nameType": "PREFIX",
+ "nameDesc": "严肃的"
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+ "nameId": "prefix_8",
+ "nameType": "PREFIX",
+ "nameDesc": "愤怒的"
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+ "nameId": "prefix_9",
+ "nameType": "PREFIX",
+ "nameDesc": "平静的"
+ },
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+ "nameType": "PREFIX",
+ "nameDesc": "悲伤的"
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+ "nameDesc": "苦恼的"
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+ "nameType": "PREFIX",
+ "nameDesc": "兴奋的"
+ },
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+ "nameId": "prefix_13",
+ "nameType": "PREFIX",
+ "nameDesc": "激动的"
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+ "nameType": "PREFIX",
+ "nameDesc": "犹豫的"
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+ "nameDesc": "疯狂的"
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+ "nameType": "PREFIX",
+ "nameDesc": "戴乌·"
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+ "sortId": 0,
+ "name": "埃什南纳赛段奖章",
+ "desc": "埃什南纳耐力赛的冠军证明",
+ "iconId": "sandbox_1_racing_medal_1",
+ "smallIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_medal_small_1"
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+ "medalId": "sandbox_1_racing_medal_2",
+ "sortId": 0,
+ "name": "阿格拉赛段奖章",
+ "desc": "阿格拉折返赛的冠军证明",
+ "iconId": "sandbox_1_racing_medal_2",
+ "smallIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_medal_small_2"
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+ "sortId": 0,
+ "name": "乌尔凯什赛段奖章",
+ "desc": "乌尔凯什冲刺赛的冠军证明",
+ "iconId": "sandbox_1_racing_medal_3",
+ "smallIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_medal_small_3"
+ },
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+ "sortId": 0,
+ "name": "杜安娜赛段奖章",
+ "desc": "杜安娜碰撞赛的冠军证明",
+ "iconId": "sandbox_1_racing_medal_4",
+ "smallIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_medal_small_4"
+ },
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+ "sortId": 0,
+ "name": "加苏尔赛段奖章",
+ "desc": "加苏尔拟真赛的冠军证明",
+ "iconId": "sandbox_1_racing_medal_5",
+ "smallIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_medal_small_5"
+ },
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+ "sortId": 0,
+ "name": "雷兰赛段奖章",
+ "desc": "雷兰穿梭赛的冠军证明",
+ "iconId": "sandbox_1_racing_medal_6",
+ "smallIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_medal_small_6"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_racing_medal_7": {
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+ "sortId": 0,
+ "name": "西帕尔赛段奖章",
+ "desc": "西帕尔爬坡赛的冠军证明",
+ "iconId": "sandbox_1_racing_medal_7",
+ "smallIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_medal_small_7"
+ }
+ },
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+ "enemy_1132_sarchn_2": "sandbox_1_insect_6",
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+ "enemy_1004_mslime_2": "sandbox_1_insect_8",
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+ "enemy_7046_xbslug": "sandbox_1_insect_20"
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+ "name": "助跑哨",
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+ "value": 0.0,
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+ },
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+ "valueStr": "racing_mode_item_mark[sprint]"
+ },
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+ "valueStr": null
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "multiplier@racing_max_move_speed",
+ "value": 0.5,
+ "valueStr": null
+ },
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+ "key": "multiplier@racing_acceleration",
+ "value": 1.0,
+ "valueStr": null
+ }
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+ },
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+ "valueStr": "racing_mode_item_mark[magnet]"
+ },
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+ "value": 3.5,
+ "valueStr": null
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "max_degree",
+ "value": 60.0,
+ "valueStr": null
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hit_duration",
+ "value": 10.0,
+ "valueStr": null
+ },
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+ "value": 10.0,
+ "valueStr": null
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "duration",
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+ "valueStr": null
+ }
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+ "value": 0.0,
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+ },
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+ "valueStr": "racing_mode_item_mark[lifesteal]"
+ },
+ {
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+ "value": 5.0,
+ "valueStr": null
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "max_degree",
+ "value": 180.0,
+ "valueStr": null
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "duration",
+ "value": 10.0,
+ "valueStr": null
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "racing_mode_lifesteal[core].damage",
+ "value": 200.0,
+ "valueStr": null
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "interval",
+ "value": 0.5,
+ "valueStr": null
+ }
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- "attributeNameList": [],
- "racerMaxValue": [],
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- "bagEmptyLeftDesc": null,
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- "learnedTalentTitle": null,
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- "recoverHpFactor": 0.0,
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- "collisionForceLevel": null,
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- "tileCollisionSpeedLoss": null,
- "tileCollisionHpLoss": null,
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+ "重量"
+ ],
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+ 5
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+ "bagFullHintPercent": 0.8,
+ "tempBagFullHintPercent": 0.8,
+ "bagName": "饲养箱",
+ "tempBagName": "捕获箱",
+ "bagEmptyLeftDesc": "这里什么源石虫也没有",
+ "bagEmptyRightDesc": "无详情",
+ "tempBagEmptyLeftDesc": "这里什么源石虫也没有",
+ "tempBagEmptyRightDesc": "无详情",
+ "bornTalentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_none",
+ "bornTalentTitle": "原生特性",
+ "learnedTalentIconId": "sandbox_1_racing_icon_unknow",
+ "learnedTalentTitle": "习得特性",
+ "talentEmptyDesc": "无",
+ "slugItemId": "sandbox_1_slugitem_1",
+ "racingHpFactor": 1.0,
+ "racingSpeedFactor": 0.1,
+ "racingAccelerationFactor": 0.05,
+ "recoverMoveSpeed": 10.0,
+ "recoverHpFactor": 20.0,
+ "bleedingFactor": 1.0,
+ "maxSteeringFactor": 3.1,
+ "steeringMassLevelFactor": 0.2,
+ "steeringMoveSpeedFactor": 3.0,
+ "safeAngleCos": 0.5,
+ "safeCollisionForceLevel": 1.0,
+ "tileCollisionFactor": 0.5,
+ "collisionForceSector": [
+ 4.0,
+ 12.0,
+ 25.0,
+ 35.0,
+ 40.0,
+ 50.0,
+ 100.0
+ ],
+ "collisionForceLevel": [
+ -1.0,
+ -1.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 1.0,
+ 2.0,
+ 3.0
+ ],
+ "collisionSpeedLoss": [
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 0.65,
+ 0.85,
+ 0.95
+ ],
+ "collisionHpLoss": [
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0
+ ],
+ "tileCollisionSpeedLoss": [
+ 0.7,
+ 0.8,
+ 0.8,
+ 0.8,
+ 0.8,
+ 0.9,
+ 0.95
+ ],
+ "tileCollisionHpLoss": [
+ 30.0,
+ 70.0,
+ 70.0,
+ 70.0,
+ 120.0,
+ 170.0,
+ 250.0
+ ],
+ "autoUseItemTimeRange": [
+ 10.0,
+ 40.0
+ ],
+ "recoverAcceleration": -25.0
"challengeModeData": {
"challengeConst": {
- "challengeModeDesc": null,
- "dailyTitleDesc": null,
- "debuffCountdownDesc": null,
- "gainAllDebuffDesc": null,
- "dailyUpAttributeDesc": null
- },
- "challengeModeUnlockData": {},
- "challengeModeRewardData": {},
- "challengeModeDifficultyData": []
+ "challengeModeDesc": "更加艰难的处境,更加强劲的对手,还有更加严酷的天气。在这样的压力测试演算中,祝您好运。",
+ "dailyTitleDesc": "沙洲遗闻-“险途”测试",
+ "debuffCountdownDesc": "距离环境开始恶化还有{0}天",
+ "gainAllDebuffDesc": "环境停止恶化",
+ "dailyUpAttributeDesc": "敌方单位增强"
+ },
+ "challengeModeUnlockData": {
+ "challenge_unlock_1": {
+ "unlockId": "challenge_unlock_1",
+ "sortId": 1,
+ "conditionDesc": "完成主线至第三幕"
+ },
+ "challenge_unlock_2": {
+ "unlockId": "challenge_unlock_2",
+ "sortId": 2,
+ "conditionDesc": "驻扎地等级升级至6级"
+ }
+ },
+ "challengeModeRewardData": {
+ "challenge_1": {
+ "rewardId": "challenge_1",
+ "sortId": 1,
+ "rewardDay": 3,
+ "rewardItemList": [
+ {
+ "id": "sandbox_1_tokencoin",
+ "count": 2500,
+ "type": "SANDBOX_TOKEN"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "30074",
+ "count": 3,
+ "type": "MATERIAL"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "30083",
+ "count": 6,
+ "type": "MATERIAL"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "challenge_2": {
+ "rewardId": "challenge_2",
+ "sortId": 2,
+ "rewardDay": 6,
+ "rewardItemList": [
+ {
+ "id": "sandbox_1_tokencoin",
+ "count": 2500,
+ "type": "SANDBOX_TOKEN"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "3303",
+ "count": 25,
+ "type": "MATERIAL"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "30093",
+ "count": 6,
+ "type": "MATERIAL"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "challenge_3": {
+ "rewardId": "challenge_3",
+ "sortId": 3,
+ "rewardDay": 9,
+ "rewardItemList": [
+ {
+ "id": "sandbox_1_tokencoin",
+ "count": 2500,
+ "type": "SANDBOX_TOKEN"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "30145",
+ "count": 1,
+ "type": "MATERIAL"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "2004",
+ "count": 20,
+ "type": "CARD_EXP"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "challenge_4": {
+ "rewardId": "challenge_4",
+ "sortId": 4,
+ "rewardDay": 12,
+ "rewardItemList": [
+ {
+ "id": "sandbox_1_tokencoin",
+ "count": 2500,
+ "type": "SANDBOX_TOKEN"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "mod_unlock_token",
+ "count": 1,
+ "type": "MATERIAL"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "30104",
+ "count": 3,
+ "type": "MATERIAL"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "challenge_5": {
+ "rewardId": "challenge_5",
+ "sortId": 5,
+ "rewardDay": 15,
+ "rewardItemList": [
+ {
+ "id": "sandbox_1_tokencoin",
+ "count": 2500,
+ "type": "SANDBOX_TOKEN"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "32001",
+ "count": 1,
+ "type": "MATERIAL"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "30063",
+ "count": 6,
+ "type": "MATERIAL"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "challenge_6": {
+ "rewardId": "challenge_6",
+ "sortId": 6,
+ "rewardDay": 18,
+ "rewardItemList": [
+ {
+ "id": "sandbox_1_tokencoin",
+ "count": 2500,
+ "type": "SANDBOX_TOKEN"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "4001",
+ "count": 50000,
+ "type": "GOLD"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "challengeModeDifficultyData": [
+ {
+ "challengeDay": 1,
+ "diffDesc": "所有敌人的最大生命值,攻击力与防御力提升;所有我方干员阻挡数-1,最大生命值-40%;<种植箱集群>产量大幅降低"
+ },
+ {
+ "challengeDay": 3,
+ "diffDesc": "所有<野生动物>最大生命值提高200%"
+ },
+ {
+ "challengeDay": 6,
+ "diffDesc": "所有<资源>最大生命值提高200%"
+ },
+ {
+ "challengeDay": 9,
+ "diffDesc": "敌人受到的物理与法术伤害-20%"
+ },
+ {
+ "challengeDay": 12,
+ "diffDesc": "受到的元素损伤提高25%"
+ },
+ {
+ "challengeDay": 15,
+ "diffDesc": "可同时部署人数-2"
+ },
+ {
+ "challengeDay": 18,
+ "diffDesc": "部署费用自然回复速度降低50%"
+ },
+ {
+ "challengeDay": 21,
+ "diffDesc": "领袖敌人攻击力,防御力,最大生命值额外+20%"
+ },
+ {
+ "challengeDay": 24,
+ "diffDesc": "可同时部署人数额外-2"
+ },
+ {
+ "challengeDay": 27,
+ "diffDesc": "干员再部署时间提高100%"
+ }
+ ]
@@ -53737,6 +56102,256 @@
"itemRarity": 0,
"sortId": 8000017,
"obtainApproach": "探索获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_building_37": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_building_37",
+ "itemType": "BUILDING",
+ "itemName": "“源石虫之心”",
+ "itemUsage": "环廊源石虫庆典优胜者的证明",
+ "itemDesc": "崩裂的外壳“攥”着一颗跳动的心脏,轻微的颤抖彰显出超越想象的生命力。",
+ "itemRarity": 5,
+ "sortId": 1000023,
+ "obtainApproach": "获取环廊源石虫庆典所有冠军证明、<组装台>获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_tactical_31": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_tactical_31",
+ "itemType": "TACTICAL",
+ "itemName": "源石虫引诱器I",
+ "itemUsage": "仅能部署在草丛地块,技能触发时吸引1只源石虫;触发1次后失效",
+ "itemDesc": "用荒地上随处可见的材料制成的简易诱虫器,轻便又牢固。在源石虫常出没的地区,使用这样的设备一晚上便能有不小的收获。",
+ "itemRarity": 2,
+ "sortId": 1020033,
+ "obtainApproach": "<组装台>获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_tactical_32": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_tactical_32",
+ "itemType": "TACTICAL",
+ "itemName": "源石虫引诱器II",
+ "itemUsage": "仅能部署在草丛地块,技能触发时吸引1只源石虫;触发2次后失效",
+ "itemDesc": "用荒地上随处可见的材料制成的简易诱虫器,轻便又牢固。在源石虫常出没的地区,使用这样的设备一晚上便能有不小的收获。",
+ "itemRarity": 3,
+ "sortId": 1020032,
+ "obtainApproach": "<组装台>获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_tactical_33": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_tactical_33",
+ "itemType": "TACTICAL",
+ "itemName": "源石虫引诱器III",
+ "itemUsage": "仅能部署在草丛地块,技能触发时吸引1只源石虫;触发3次后失效",
+ "itemDesc": "用荒地上随处可见的材料制成的简易诱虫器,轻便又牢固。在源石虫常出没的地区,使用这样的设备一晚上便能有不小的收获。",
+ "itemRarity": 4,
+ "sortId": 1020031,
+ "obtainApproach": "<组装台>获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_slugitem_1": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_slugitem_1",
+ "itemType": "SLUGITEM",
+ "itemName": "学习诱导器",
+ "itemUsage": "可刷新源石虫习得特性",
+ "itemDesc": "一种奇妙的小工具,可以帮助人们快速地调教自己捕获的那些源石虫,但问题是,它的质量实在太差了,每个都只能用一次。",
+ "itemRarity": 0,
+ "sortId": 1000024,
+ "obtainApproach": "<环廊源石虫庆典>、<货品交易所>获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_insect_1": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_insect_1",
+ "itemType": "INSECT",
+ "itemName": "灼热源石虫",
+ "itemUsage": "登记后可参加环廊源石虫庆典",
+ "itemDesc": "小家伙安详地啃食着食物,并不关心你所投去的视线。",
+ "itemRarity": 4,
+ "sortId": 1030020,
+ "obtainApproach": "捕捉获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_insect_2": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_insect_2",
+ "itemType": "INSECT",
+ "itemName": "炽焰源石虫",
+ "itemUsage": "登记后可参加环廊源石虫庆典",
+ "itemDesc": "小家伙安详地啃食着食物,并不关心你所投去的视线。",
+ "itemRarity": 4,
+ "sortId": 1030019,
+ "obtainApproach": "捕捉获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_insect_3": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_insect_3",
+ "itemType": "INSECT",
+ "itemName": "源石虫",
+ "itemUsage": "登记后可参加环廊源石虫庆典",
+ "itemDesc": "小家伙安详地啃食着食物,并不关心你所投去的视线。",
+ "itemRarity": 4,
+ "sortId": 1030018,
+ "obtainApproach": "捕捉获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_insect_4": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_insect_4",
+ "itemType": "INSECT",
+ "itemName": "源石虫·α",
+ "itemUsage": "登记后可参加环廊源石虫庆典",
+ "itemDesc": "小家伙安详地啃食着食物,并不关心你所投去的视线。",
+ "itemRarity": 4,
+ "sortId": 1030017,
+ "obtainApproach": "捕捉获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_insect_5": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_insect_5",
+ "itemType": "INSECT",
+ "itemName": "变异岩蛛",
+ "itemUsage": "登记后可参加环廊源石虫庆典",
+ "itemDesc": "小家伙安详地啃食着食物,并不关心你所投去的视线。",
+ "itemRarity": 4,
+ "sortId": 1030016,
+ "obtainApproach": "捕捉获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_insect_6": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_insect_6",
+ "itemType": "INSECT",
+ "itemName": "变异岩蛛·α",
+ "itemUsage": "登记后可参加环廊源石虫庆典",
+ "itemDesc": "小家伙安详地啃食着食物,并不关心你所投去的视线。",
+ "itemRarity": 4,
+ "sortId": 1030015,
+ "obtainApproach": "捕捉获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_insect_7": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_insect_7",
+ "itemType": "INSECT",
+ "itemName": "酸液源石虫",
+ "itemUsage": "登记后可参加环廊源石虫庆典",
+ "itemDesc": "小家伙安详地啃食着食物,并不关心你所投去的视线。",
+ "itemRarity": 4,
+ "sortId": 1030014,
+ "obtainApproach": "捕捉获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_insect_8": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_insect_8",
+ "itemType": "INSECT",
+ "itemName": "酸液源石虫·α",
+ "itemUsage": "登记后可参加环廊源石虫庆典",
+ "itemDesc": "小家伙安详地啃食着食物,并不关心你所投去的视线。",
+ "itemRarity": 4,
+ "sortId": 1030013,
+ "obtainApproach": "捕捉获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_insect_9": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_insect_9",
+ "itemType": "INSECT",
+ "itemName": "高能源石虫",
+ "itemUsage": "登记后可参加环廊源石虫庆典",
+ "itemDesc": "小家伙安详地啃食着食物,并不关心你所投去的视线。",
+ "itemRarity": 4,
+ "sortId": 1030012,
+ "obtainApproach": "捕捉获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_insect_10": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_insect_10",
+ "itemType": "INSECT",
+ "itemName": "高能源石虫·α",
+ "itemUsage": "登记后可参加环廊源石虫庆典",
+ "itemDesc": "小家伙安详地啃食着食物,并不关心你所投去的视线。",
+ "itemRarity": 4,
+ "sortId": 1030011,
+ "obtainApproach": "捕捉获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_insect_11": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_insect_11",
+ "itemType": "INSECT",
+ "itemName": "爆裂源石虫",
+ "itemUsage": "登记后可参加环廊源石虫庆典",
+ "itemDesc": "小家伙安详地啃食着食物,并不关心你所投去的视线。",
+ "itemRarity": 4,
+ "sortId": 1030006,
+ "obtainApproach": "捕捉获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_insect_12": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_insect_12",
+ "itemType": "INSECT",
+ "itemName": "变异巨岩蛛",
+ "itemUsage": "登记后可参加环廊源石虫庆典",
+ "itemDesc": "小家伙安详地啃食着食物,并不关心你所投去的视线。",
+ "itemRarity": 4,
+ "sortId": 1030010,
+ "obtainApproach": "捕捉获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_insect_13": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_insect_13",
+ "itemType": "INSECT",
+ "itemName": "变异巨岩蛛·α",
+ "itemUsage": "登记后可参加环廊源石虫庆典",
+ "itemDesc": "小家伙安详地啃食着食物,并不关心你所投去的视线。",
+ "itemRarity": 4,
+ "sortId": 1030009,
+ "obtainApproach": "捕捉获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_insect_14": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_insect_14",
+ "itemType": "INSECT",
+ "itemName": "黑水源石虫",
+ "itemUsage": "登记后可参加环廊源石虫庆典",
+ "itemDesc": "小家伙安详地啃食着食物,并不关心你所投去的视线。",
+ "itemRarity": 4,
+ "sortId": 1030008,
+ "obtainApproach": "捕捉获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_insect_15": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_insect_15",
+ "itemType": "INSECT",
+ "itemName": "黑水源石虫·α",
+ "itemUsage": "登记后可参加环廊源石虫庆典",
+ "itemDesc": "小家伙安详地啃食着食物,并不关心你所投去的视线。",
+ "itemRarity": 4,
+ "sortId": 1030007,
+ "obtainApproach": "捕捉获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_insect_16": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_insect_16",
+ "itemType": "INSECT",
+ "itemName": "“闪亮噗噜”",
+ "itemUsage": "登记后可参加环廊源石虫庆典",
+ "itemDesc": "小家伙安详地啃食着食物,并不关心你所投去的视线。",
+ "itemRarity": 4,
+ "sortId": 1030005,
+ "obtainApproach": "捕捉获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_insect_17": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_insect_17",
+ "itemType": "INSECT",
+ "itemName": "\"庞贝\"",
+ "itemUsage": "登记后可参加环廊源石虫庆典",
+ "itemDesc": "大家伙安详地啃食着食物,并不关心你所投去的视线。",
+ "itemRarity": 4,
+ "sortId": 1030002,
+ "obtainApproach": "捕捉获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_insect_18": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_insect_18",
+ "itemType": "INSECT",
+ "itemName": "振翅源石虫",
+ "itemUsage": "登记后可参加环廊源石虫庆典",
+ "itemDesc": "小家伙安详地啃食着食物,并不关心你所投去的视线。",
+ "itemRarity": 4,
+ "sortId": 1030003,
+ "obtainApproach": "捕捉获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_insect_19": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_insect_19",
+ "itemType": "INSECT",
+ "itemName": "冲锋源石虫",
+ "itemUsage": "登记后可参加环廊源石虫庆典",
+ "itemDesc": "小家伙安详地啃食着食物,并不关心你所投去的视线。",
+ "itemRarity": 4,
+ "sortId": 1030001,
+ "obtainApproach": "捕捉获得"
+ },
+ "sandbox_1_insect_20": {
+ "itemId": "sandbox_1_insect_20",
+ "itemType": "INSECT",
+ "itemName": "披甲源石虫",
+ "itemUsage": "登记后可参加环廊源石虫庆典",
+ "itemDesc": "小家伙安详地啃食着食物,并不关心你所投去的视线。",
+ "itemRarity": 4,
+ "sortId": 1030004,
+ "obtainApproach": "捕捉获得"
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "text": "音乐会马上就要开始了,我准备了一些小礼物,要不要买点留作纪念?"
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@@ -16812,6 +16844,138 @@
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+ "content": "音律联觉特供款/不融冰。银灰的礼服,为出席重要场合量身定制。名为希瓦艾什的力量在泰拉撕开裂口,磅礴的冰川与奔腾的云也将为他让路。",
+ "dialog": "音律联觉特供款/不融冰。银灰的礼服,为出席重要场合量身定制。名为希瓦艾什的力量在泰拉撕开裂口,磅礴的冰川与奔腾的云也将为他让路。",
+ "usage": "银灰的礼服之一。",
+ "description": "恩希欧迪斯谢绝了那些谄媚的、无关紧要的合作邀请。他相信谢拉格终会征服所有听众,但他也很清楚,现在还不是坚冰融化的时候。",
+ "obtainApproach": "采购中心",
+ "sortId": 284,
+ "displayTagId": null,
+ "getTime": 1714032000,
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+ "content": "音律联觉特供款/历世流风。霍尔海雅的演出服,为带来古典又浪漫的翩舞而设计。她精心挑选了布料与纹样,为重要的演出掇弄褶皱,为不灭的岁月鎏金。",
+ "dialog": "音律联觉特供款/历世流风。霍尔海雅的演出服,为带来古典又浪漫的翩舞而设计。她精心挑选了布料与纹样,为重要的演出掇弄褶皱,为不灭的岁月鎏金。",
+ "usage": "霍尔海雅的演出服之一。",
+ "description": "夜风吹散古老的旋律,星辰遗落刹那的欢笑,万物终有一日将会消逝。此刻,将它们置之度外吧。霍尔海雅走下台阶,向你念诵着何为漫长。",
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+ "getTime": 1714032000,
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+ "content": "音律联觉特供款/律动方格。诗怀雅的演出服,潇洒灵动,尽显活泼可爱。她主导着跃动的节拍,将那些代表了陶醉与赞美的红心欣然收下。",
+ "dialog": "音律联觉特供款/律动方格。诗怀雅的演出服,潇洒灵动,尽显活泼可爱。她主导着跃动的节拍,将那些代表了陶醉与赞美的红心欣然收下。",
+ "usage": "琳琅诗怀雅的演出服之一。",
+ "description": "为确保这支MV拍摄万无一失,诗怀雅认真准备了一些时日。搭档们在闪烁跳动,歌声正飞向云霄,她暂时放下一切头衔,只希望这场表演足够令人难忘。",
+ "obtainApproach": "采购中心",
+ "sortId": 286,
+ "displayTagId": null,
+ "getTime": 1714032000,
+ "onYear": 4,
+ "onPeriod": 29
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"charId": "char_293_thorns",
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"brandCapitalName": "AMBIENCE SYNESTHESIA",
"description": "心随律动,纵情摇摆\n每场音乐会都凝聚着举办者的心血,因此为乐手准备契合主题的装扮便是音律联觉品牌唯一的使命,无论正装还是街头服饰,我们都将尽心尽力,为乐手提供最为合适的演出服装。",
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+ 104,
+ 105,
+ 106,
+ 107,
+ 108,
+ 109,
+ 110,
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+ 112,
+ 113,
+ 114,
+ 115,
+ 116
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+ 91,
+ 92,
+ 93,
+ 94,
+ 95,
+ 96,
+ 97,
+ 98,
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+ 100,
+ 101,
+ 102,
+ 103
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+ 78,
+ 79,
+ 80,
+ 81,
+ 82,
+ 83,
+ 84,
+ 85,
+ 86,
+ 87,
+ 88,
+ 89,
+ 90
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+ 65,
+ 66,
+ 67,
+ 68,
+ 69,
+ 70,
+ 71,
+ 72,
+ 73,
+ 74,
+ 75,
+ 76,
+ 77
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+ 52,
+ 53,
+ 54,
+ 55,
+ 56,
+ 57,
+ 58,
+ 59,
+ 60,
+ 61,
+ 62,
+ 63,
+ 64
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+ 39,
+ 40,
+ 41,
+ 42,
+ 43,
+ 44,
+ 45,
+ 46,
+ 47,
+ 48,
+ 49,
+ 50,
+ 51
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+ 26,
+ 27,
+ 28,
+ 29,
+ 30,
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+ 32,
+ 33,
+ 34,
+ 35,
+ 36,
+ 37,
+ 38
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+ 14,
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+ 16,
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+ 19,
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+ 21,
+ 22,
+ 23,
+ 24,
+ 25
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+ },
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+ [
+ 84,
+ 85,
+ 86,
+ 87,
+ 88,
+ 89,
+ 90,
+ 91,
+ 92,
+ 93,
+ 94,
+ 95
+ ],
+ [
+ 72,
+ 73,
+ 74,
+ 75,
+ 76,
+ 77,
+ 78,
+ 79,
+ 80,
+ 81,
+ 82,
+ 83
+ ],
+ [
+ 60,
+ 61,
+ 62,
+ 63,
+ 64,
+ 65,
+ 66,
+ 67,
+ 68,
+ 69,
+ 70,
+ 71
+ ],
+ [
+ 48,
+ 49,
+ 50,
+ 51,
+ 52,
+ 53,
+ 54,
+ 55,
+ 56,
+ 57,
+ 58,
+ 59
+ ],
+ [
+ 36,
+ 37,
+ 38,
+ 39,
+ 40,
+ 41,
+ 42,
+ 43,
+ 44,
+ 45,
+ 46,
+ 47
+ ],
+ [
+ 24,
+ 25,
+ 26,
+ 27,
+ 28,
+ 29,
+ 30,
+ 31,
+ 32,
+ 33,
+ 34,
+ 35
+ ],
+ [
+ 12,
+ 13,
+ 14,
+ 15,
+ 16,
+ 17,
+ 18,
+ 19,
+ 20,
+ 21,
+ 22,
+ 23
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+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 3,
+ 4,
+ 5,
+ 6,
+ 7,
+ 8,
+ 9,
+ 10,
+ 11
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+ },
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+ "mapData": {
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+ [
+ 84,
+ 85,
+ 86,
+ 87,
+ 88,
+ 89,
+ 90,
+ 91,
+ 92,
+ 93,
+ 94,
+ 95
+ ],
+ [
+ 72,
+ 73,
+ 74,
+ 75,
+ 76,
+ 77,
+ 78,
+ 79,
+ 80,
+ 81,
+ 82,
+ 83
+ ],
+ [
+ 60,
+ 61,
+ 62,
+ 63,
+ 64,
+ 65,
+ 66,
+ 67,
+ 68,
+ 69,
+ 70,
+ 71
+ ],
+ [
+ 48,
+ 49,
+ 50,
+ 51,
+ 52,
+ 53,
+ 54,
+ 55,
+ 56,
+ 57,
+ 58,
+ 59
+ ],
+ [
+ 36,
+ 37,
+ 38,
+ 39,
+ 40,
+ 41,
+ 42,
+ 43,
+ 44,
+ 45,
+ 46,
+ 47
+ ],
+ [
+ 24,
+ 25,
+ 26,
+ 27,
+ 28,
+ 29,
+ 30,
+ 31,
+ 32,
+ 33,
+ 34,
+ 35
+ ],
+ [
+ 12,
+ 13,
+ 14,
+ 15,
+ 16,
+ 17,
+ 18,
+ 19,
+ 20,
+ 21,
+ 22,
+ 23
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+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 3,
+ 4,
+ 5,
+ 6,
+ 7,
+ 8,
+ 9,
+ 10,
+ 11
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+ },
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+ [
+ 104,
+ 105,
+ 106,
+ 107,
+ 108,
+ 109,
+ 110,
+ 111,
+ 112,
+ 113,
+ 114,
+ 115,
+ 116
+ ],
+ [
+ 91,
+ 92,
+ 93,
+ 94,
+ 95,
+ 96,
+ 97,
+ 98,
+ 99,
+ 100,
+ 101,
+ 102,
+ 103
+ ],
+ [
+ 78,
+ 79,
+ 80,
+ 81,
+ 82,
+ 83,
+ 84,
+ 85,
+ 86,
+ 87,
+ 88,
+ 89,
+ 90
+ ],
+ [
+ 65,
+ 66,
+ 67,
+ 68,
+ 69,
+ 70,
+ 71,
+ 72,
+ 73,
+ 74,
+ 75,
+ 76,
+ 77
+ ],
+ [
+ 52,
+ 53,
+ 54,
+ 55,
+ 56,
+ 57,
+ 58,
+ 59,
+ 60,
+ 61,
+ 62,
+ 63,
+ 64
+ ],
+ [
+ 39,
+ 40,
+ 41,
+ 42,
+ 43,
+ 44,
+ 45,
+ 46,
+ 47,
+ 48,
+ 49,
+ 50,
+ 51
+ ],
+ [
+ 26,
+ 27,
+ 28,
+ 29,
+ 30,
+ 31,
+ 32,
+ 33,
+ 34,
+ 35,
+ 36,
+ 37,
+ 38
+ ],
+ [
+ 13,
+ 14,
+ 15,
+ 16,
+ 17,
+ 18,
+ 19,
+ 20,
+ 21,
+ 22,
+ 23,
+ 24,
+ 25
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+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 3,
+ 4,
+ 5,
+ 6,
+ 7,
+ 8,
+ 9,
+ 10,
+ 11,
+ 12
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+ [
+ 104,
+ 105,
+ 106,
+ 107,
+ 108,
+ 109,
+ 110,
+ 111,
+ 112,
+ 113,
+ 114,
+ 115,
+ 116
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+ [
+ 91,
+ 92,
+ 93,
+ 94,
+ 95,
+ 96,
+ 97,
+ 98,
+ 99,
+ 100,
+ 101,
+ 102,
+ 103
+ ],
+ [
+ 78,
+ 79,
+ 80,
+ 81,
+ 82,
+ 83,
+ 84,
+ 85,
+ 86,
+ 87,
+ 88,
+ 89,
+ 90
+ ],
+ [
+ 65,
+ 66,
+ 67,
+ 68,
+ 69,
+ 70,
+ 71,
+ 72,
+ 73,
+ 74,
+ 75,
+ 76,
+ 77
+ ],
+ [
+ 52,
+ 53,
+ 54,
+ 55,
+ 56,
+ 57,
+ 58,
+ 59,
+ 60,
+ 61,
+ 62,
+ 63,
+ 64
+ ],
+ [
+ 39,
+ 40,
+ 41,
+ 42,
+ 43,
+ 44,
+ 45,
+ 46,
+ 47,
+ 48,
+ 49,
+ 50,
+ 51
+ ],
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+ 26,
+ 27,
+ 28,
+ 29,
+ 30,
+ 31,
+ 32,
+ 33,
+ 34,
+ 35,
+ 36,
+ 37,
+ 38
+ ],
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+ 13,
+ 14,
+ 15,
+ 16,
+ 17,
+ 18,
+ 19,
+ 20,
+ 21,
+ 22,
+ 23,
+ 24,
+ 25
+ ],
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+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 3,
+ 4,
+ 5,
+ 6,
+ 7,
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+ 9,
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+ 11,
+ 12
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\ No newline at end of file
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index cf2ca772a..2f9076c4c 100644
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+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/levels/enemydata/enemy_database.json
@@ -227366,6 +227366,3974 @@
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+ "m_value": false
+ },
+ "silenceImmune": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": false
+ },
+ "sleepImmune": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": false
+ },
+ "frozenImmune": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": false
+ },
+ "levitateImmune": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": false
+ },
+ "disarmedCombatImmune": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": false
+ }
+ },
+ "applyWay": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": "NONE"
+ },
+ "motion": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": "WALK"
+ },
+ "enemyTags": {
+ "m_defined": true,
+ "m_value": [
+ "infection"
+ ]
+ },
+ "lifePointReduce": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0
+ },
+ "levelType": {
+ "m_defined": true,
+ "m_value": "ELITE"
+ },
+ "rangeRadius": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0.0
+ },
+ "numOfExtraDrops": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0
+ },
+ "viewRadius": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0.0
+ },
+ "notCountInTotal": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": false
+ },
+ "talentBlackboard": [
+ {
+ "key": "CollisionDamage.damage_scale",
+ "value": 1.0,
+ "valueStr": null
+ }
+ ],
+ "skills": null,
+ "spData": null
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Key": "enemy_7513_rxbslg",
+ "Value": [
+ {
+ "level": 0,
+ "enemyData": {
+ "name": {
+ "m_defined": true,
+ "m_value": "披甲源石虫(赛虫)"
+ },
+ "description": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": null
+ },
+ "prefabKey": {
+ "m_defined": true,
+ "m_value": "enemy_7513_rxbslg"
+ },
+ "attributes": {
+ "maxHp": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0
+ },
+ "atk": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0
+ },
+ "def": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0
+ },
+ "magicResistance": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0.0
+ },
+ "cost": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0
+ },
+ "blockCnt": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0
+ },
+ "moveSpeed": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0.0
+ },
+ "attackSpeed": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0.0
+ },
+ "baseAttackTime": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0.0
+ },
+ "respawnTime": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0
+ },
+ "hpRecoveryPerSec": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0.0
+ },
+ "spRecoveryPerSec": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0.0
+ },
+ "maxDeployCount": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0
+ },
+ "massLevel": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0
+ },
+ "baseForceLevel": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0
+ },
+ "tauntLevel": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0
+ },
+ "epDamageResistance": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0.0
+ },
+ "epResistance": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0.0
+ },
+ "damageHitratePhysical": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0.0
+ },
+ "damageHitrateMagical": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0.0
+ },
+ "stunImmune": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": false
+ },
+ "silenceImmune": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": false
+ },
+ "sleepImmune": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": false
+ },
+ "frozenImmune": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": false
+ },
+ "levitateImmune": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": false
+ },
+ "disarmedCombatImmune": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": false
+ }
+ },
+ "applyWay": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": "NONE"
+ },
+ "motion": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": "WALK"
+ },
+ "enemyTags": {
+ "m_defined": true,
+ "m_value": [
+ "infection"
+ ]
+ },
+ "lifePointReduce": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0
+ },
+ "levelType": {
+ "m_defined": true,
+ "m_value": "ELITE"
+ },
+ "rangeRadius": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0.0
+ },
+ "numOfExtraDrops": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0
+ },
+ "viewRadius": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": 0.0
+ },
+ "notCountInTotal": {
+ "m_defined": false,
+ "m_value": false
+ },
+ "talentBlackboard": [
+ {
+ "key": "ForceReduce.racing_force_level_add",
+ "value": -1.0,
+ "valueStr": null
+ }
+ ],
+ "skills": null,
+ "spData": null
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
"Key": "enemy_8001_flmlod",
"Value": [
diff --git a/zh_CN/gamedata/story/obt/sandboxperm/sandbox_1/sandbox_1_challenge_mode_guide.txt b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/obt/sandboxperm/sandbox_1/sandbox_1_challenge_mode_guide.txt
index c930f71a7..f1e65e14b 100644
--- a/zh_CN/gamedata/story/obt/sandboxperm/sandbox_1/sandbox_1_challenge_mode_guide.txt
+++ b/zh_CN/gamedata/story/obt/sandboxperm/sandbox_1/sandbox_1_challenge_mode_guide.txt
@@ -1,17 +1,6 @@
[HEADER(is_skippable=false, is_tutorial=true)] 挑战模式
[Tutorial(waitForSignal="sandbox_v2_home_entry_routed", dialogHead="$avatar_zumama")]
-[Tutorial(target="btn_sandbox_v2_challenge_mode_entry", animStyle="Highlight", \
- focusStyle="HighlightRect", black="$f_tut_black", protectTime=0.8, dialogHead="$avatar_zumama")] \
-[Tutorial(target="btn_sandbox_v2_challenge_mode_entry", animStyle="Highlight", \
- focusStyle="HighlightRect", black="$f_tut_black", protectTime=0.8, dialogHead="$avatar_zumama")] \
-[Tutorial(protectTime=0.8, dialogHead="$avatar_zumama")] \
-[Tutorial(protectTime=0.8, dialogHead="$avatar_zumama")] \
\ No newline at end of file
+[Tutorial(target="btn_sandbox_v2_challenge_mode_entry", animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black="$f_tut_black", protectTime=0.8, dialogHead="$avatar_zumama")] “险途”测试演算现在已经开放了。
+[Tutorial(target="btn_sandbox_v2_challenge_mode_entry", animStyle="Highlight", focusStyle="HighlightRect", black="$f_tut_black", protectTime=0.8, dialogHead="$avatar_zumama")] 这是一种环境不断恶化的演算——听起来很可怕,但并不需要我们完全从零开始。系统将自动导入常规演算中最近一次量定日的数据,并以此数据开始新的演算。
+[Tutorial(protectTime=0.8, dialogHead="$avatar_zumama")] 在“险途”测试演算中,我们无法使用存档、读档等功能,也无法推进剧情。
+[Tutorial(protectTime=0.8, dialogHead="$avatar_zumama")] 如果在“险途”测试演算中失败或主动结束,数据会还原到开启险途测试演算前,所有在该演算中产生的数据更改都不会被保留。
\ No newline at end of file