Tasky is a feature-rich task management and productivity app designed to help users efficiently manage their daily activities while engaging with a community through real-time chat and social feed features. Built with React & Firebase, Tasky features a Dark Black & Purple attractive user interface.
- Login, Register, Change User
- Includes Profile Image Upload
- Task List: Manage tasks by setting priority (Easy, Medium, Hard), updating, and deleting tasks.
- Add Task: Users can create tasks with different difficulty levels.
- Streak Calendar: Tracks total working days to encourage consistency.
- Displays key features and quick access to user activities.
- Real-time Chat: Users can communicate instantly with others.
- Feed: View posts from other users.
- Create Post: Share updates and thoughts with the community.
- Comment: Engage with posts by commenting.
- Shout-out to Top 3 users.
- All Ranks: View rankings of all users.
- Graphical Representation: Visual display of performance and rankings.
- Team Information
- Technology Stack Used
React - Frontend framework for a dynamic UI.
Tailwind CSS - Utility-first CSS framework for styling.
Firebase & Firestore - Authentication, database, and cloud storage.
Node Modules - Backend dependencies and functionality.