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99 lines (76 loc) · 4.44 KB

File metadata and controls

99 lines (76 loc) · 4.44 KB


New Features

  • get_genome_builds() can now be called to quickly get the genome build without running the whole reformatting.
  • format_sumstats(compute_n) now has more methods to compute the effective sample size with "ldsc", "sum", "giant" or "metal".
  • format_sumstats(convert_ref_genome) now implemented which can perform liftover to GRCh38 from GRCh37 and vice-versa enabling better cohesion between different study's summary statistics.


Bug fixes

  • check_no_rs_snp can now handle extra information after an RS ID. So if you have rs1234:A:G that will be separated into two columns.
  • check_two_step_col and check_four_step_col, the two checks for when multiple columns are in one, have been updated so if not all SNPs have multiple columns or some have more than the expected number, this can now be handled.
  • Extra mappings for the FRQ column have been added to the mapping file


New Features

  • check_multi_rs_snp can now handle all punctuation with/without spaces. So if a row contains rs1234,rs5678 or rs1234, rs5678 or any other punctuation character other than , these can be handled.
  • format_sumstats(path) can now be passed a dataframe/datatable of the summary statistics directly as well as a path to their saved location.
  • Input summary statistics with A0/A1 corresponding to ref/alt can now be handled by the mappign file as well as A1/A2 corresponding to ref/alt.


New Features

  • import_sumstats reads GWAS sum stats directly from Open GWAS. Now parallelised and reports how long each dataset took to import/format in total.
  • find_sumstats searches Open GWAS for datasets.
  • compute_z computes Z-score from P.
  • compute_n computes N for all SNPs from user defined smaple size.
  • format_sumstats(ldsc_format=TRUE) ensures sum stats can be fed directly into LDSC without any additional munging.
  • read_sumstats, write_sumstas, and download_vcf functions now exported.
  • format_sumstats(sort_coordinates=TRUE) sorts results by their genomic coordinates.
  • format_sumstats(return_data=TRUE) returns data directly to user. Can be returned in either data.table (default), GRanges or VRanges format using format_sumstats(return_format="granges").
  • format_sumstats(N_dropNA=TRUE) (default) drops rows where N is missing.
  • format_sumstats(snp_ids_are_rs_ids=TRUE) (default) Should the SNP IDs inputted be inferred as RS IDs or some arbitrary ID.
  • format_sumstats(write_vcf=TRUE) writes a tabix-indexed VCF file instead of tabular format.
  • format_sumstats(save_path=...) lets users decide where their results are saved and what they're named.
  • When the save_path indicates it's in tempdir(), message warns users that these files will be deleted when R session ends.
  • Summary of data is given at the beginning and the end of format_sumstats via report_summary().
  • Readability of preview_sumstats() messages improved.
  • New checks standard error (SE) must >0 and BETA (and other effect columns) must not equal 0: format_sumstats(pos_se=TRUE,effect_columns_nonzero=TRUE)
  • Log directory containing all removed SNPs is now available and can be changed to a different directory by setting: format_sumstats(log_folder_ind=TRUE,log_folder=tempdir())
  • All imputed data can now be identified with a column in the output using: format_sumstats(imputation_ind=TRUE)
  • Users can now input their own mapping file to be used for the column header mapping in place of data(sumstatsColHeaders). See format_sumstats(mapping_file = mapping_file).

Bug fixes

  • CHR column now standardised (X and Y caps, no "chr" prefix).
  • Allele flipping done on a per-SNP basis (instead of whole-column).
  • Allele flipping now includes FRQ column as well as effect columns.
  • The effect allele is now interpreted as the A2 allele consistent with IEU GWAS VCF approach. A1 will always be the reference allele.
  • read_vcf upgraded to account for more VCF formats.
  • check_n_num now accounts for situations where N is a character vector and converts to numeric.


Bug fixes

  • Preprint publication citation added.


New Features

  • MungeSumstats released to Bioconductor.