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executable file
208 lines (180 loc) · 4.55 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
208 lines (180 loc) · 4.55 KB


Greenkeeper badge Helper functions and classes for Swint


$ npm install --save swint-helper


.defaultize(defVal, tgtVal)

Filling default value to an JavaScript object.

If tgtVal doesn't have the key -> It is filled from defVal, recursively.

If tgtVal doesn't have enough values at the Array -> It is filed from defVal, recursively.


var def,

def = {
	a: 1,
	b: 'aaa',
	c: [1, 2, 3]

tgt = {
	b: 'bbb',
	c: [4]

defaultize(def, tgt);
// tgt ==>  { a: 1, b: 'bbb', c: [4, 2, 3] }

.validate(ruleVal, tgtVal)

Recursively looks through an object to see if its values match the rules


  • undefined : Can be any type
  • 0 : Has to be a Number
  • '' : Has to be a String
  • 'aaa\bbbb\bccc' : Has to be enum('aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc')
  • new Date(0) : Has to be a Date
  • {} : Has to be an object
  • [0] : Has to be an Array of Numbers
  • [''] : Has to be an Array of Strings
  • [new Date(0)] : Has to be an Array of Dates
  • [[0]] : Has to be an Array of Arrays of Numbers
  • { a: 0 } : Has to be an Object with key of a: Number


var r = {
		a: 0,
		b: '',
		c: {
			d: [0],
			e: undefined
	t = {
		a: 100,
		b: 'Monday',
		c: {
			d: [1,2,3],
			e: 'Friday'

var o = validate(r, t);
// o ==> [ true, [] ]

If the target didn't match the target, it will return false and a path to the failing entry:

var r = {
		a: 0,
		b: '',
		c: {
			d: [0],
			e: undefined
	t = {
		a: 100,
		b: 'Monday',
		c: {
			d: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
			e: 'Friday'
var o = validate(r, t);
// o ==> [ false, [ 'c', 'd', 0 ] ]

.print([level], msg1, [msg2, ...])

Prints messages and associated levels


  • 0(print.RAW) : RAW
  • 1(print.DEBUG) : DEBUG(default)
  • 2(print.INFO) : INFO
  • 3(print.WARN) : WARNING
  • 4(print.ERROR) : ERROR


print(0, 'Raw message');
print(print.RAW, 'Raw message');
// ==> Raw message
print(1, 'Debug message');
print(print.DEBUG, 'Debug message');
// ==> DEBUG/2015-05-07T13:55:35.612Z)
//		Debug message
print(2, 'Info message');
print(print.INFO, 'Info message');
// ==> INFO /2015-05-07T13:55:35.612Z)
//		Info message
print(3, 'Warning message');
print(print.WARN, 'Warning message');
// ==> WARN /2015-05-07T13:55:35.612Z)
//		Warning message
print(4, 'Error message');
print(print.ERROR, 'Error message');
// ==> ERROR/2015-05-07T13:55:35.612Z)
//		Error message

// Setting the printLevel sets a minimum requirement for the levels
global.swintVar.printLevel = 3;		
print(0, 'Raw message');		// Would not print
print(1, 'Debug message');		// Would not print
print(2, 'Info message');		// Would not print
print(3, 'Warning message');	// Would print
print(4, 'Error message');		// Would print


Walks directory and returns the list of file. The dir should be a full path.


The whitelist precedes blacklist.

  • dir : String, default: path.dirname(require.main.filename)
  • ext : String, default: '*'
  • whitelist : function(fullPath), default: pass
  • blacklist : function(fullPath), default: extension, starting with _
  • baseOrderRule : Boolean, default: true, whether using baseOrderRule
  • orderRule : function(a, b), default: ...
  • head : String, default: 'Intro'
  • tail : String, default: 'Outro'


var list = walk({
		dir: path.join(__dirname, 'myDir'),
		ext: 'js'


Concatenating file contents on the fileList and returns string


var str = concat([
		path.join(__dirname, 'aaa.txt'),
		path.join(__dirname, 'bbb.txt'),
		path.join(__dirname, 'ccc.txt')


Creates key-secret SHA-256 hash pair based on the salt. This pair can be verified the check-hash middleware from swint-middleware.


  • key: Number, default: 15
  • secret: Number, default: 25
  • salt: String, default: SwintIsForTwins


var hashPair = createHash({
	salt: 'ItIsSalty'

// hashPair.key, hashPair.secret is generated

.traverseWithQuery(struct, query)

Traverses through a structure by following a list of keys/indexs.


	var s  = { a: [1, 2, { b: 'ccc' } ] },
		s2 = { a: { b: 'ccc2' } };
	var o  = traverseWithQuery(s, ['a', 2, 'b']),
		o2 = traverseWithQuery(s2, 'a.b');
	// o  ==> 'ccc'
	// o2 ==> 'ccc2'