- Currently FSUIPC registered version is needed.
must be copied to FSUIPC install directory
must be loaded in MobiFlight- Versions supports all buttons and leds, but no display
must be loaded in MobiFlight- Extends no display version with some display information.
FSLabs does not provide the FCU values for the display. At some point a value must be synced from general sim data and afterwards kept updated derived from user interaction.
- Altitude encoder should work well
- Vertical speed encoder works ok
- Speed and heading work well when synced
- Speed and heading sync is only possible on pull when at current speed or heading. No correct display with preselection possible.
- Mach display (planned)
- TRK/FPA (FPA planned)
- Dot for managed modes.
- Speed and heading preselection.
- Speed and heading sync via turn.
- ALT is synced on start to 100. If a resync needs to be performed, select 1000 mode and quickly turn to min or max value to sync.
- Sync SPD via pull. If off by one push and pull again.
- Sync HDG via pull. Only correct value when flying straight. If off by one push and pull again.
- If preselection necessary, sync via pull, when preselected value is reached.