All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
S01 - SLU01:
- In exercise 2.1, a typo just changed in the cell with the expected output: “The expected output is a dataframe with columns named "FootballClubs", "Country" and "TotalMarketValue", indexed from 0 to 4” to “The expected output is a dataframe with columns named “FootballClub", "Country" and "TotalMarketValue", indexed from 0 to 4.”
S01 - SLU02:
- In the exercise 3,4,6,7,8,9 the question statement was updated.
- In the exercise 9 the exercise itself was also updated.
S01 - SLU03:
- New note from instructor in first section “Note about the grading”
- In exercise “How does the average revenue of movies evolves over time? Set the plot title to "Average Movie Revenue by year", the exercise was re-formulated.
- In exercise “How does the median revenue vary by movie genre? Label the x-axis as "Median Revenue", the exercise was re-formulated.
S01 - SLU06:
- Updated asserts in exercises notebook (students! use this new exercise notebook, copy/paste your answers (if you have) to the new exercise notebook and use this new notebook to re-submit)
S01 - SLU07:
- Updated asserts in exercises notebook (students! use this new exercise notebook, copy/paste your answers (if you have) to the new exercise notebook and use this new notebook to re-submit)
S01 - SLU08:
- Typo in README title (Regressions -> Regression)
- Updated asserts in exercises notebook (students! use this new exercise notebook, copy/paste your answers (if you have) to the new exercise notebook and use this new notebook to re-submit)
S01 - SLU15:
- Update in formula of Learning Notebook (section 3.1.3. Scaling of numerical data - MinMaxScaler)
S01 - SLU07:
- In the learning notebook, chapter "2.3.1 - Derivative of error function" the formulas were updated (add minus sign)
S01 - SLU08:
- The formulation of the final exercise was updated informing that it's optional
S01 - SLU16:
- In exercise "Find the rest of the useless features", updated information about which classifier to use.
S01 - SLU05:
- Learning Notebook: In section "Spearman correlation", fix a typo while explaining Spearman called it Pearson.
S01 - SLU09:
- Enviroment.yml with pinned versions of dependencies
S01 - SLU16:
- Updated asserts in exercises notebook (students! use this new exercise notebook, copy/paste your answers (if you have) to the new exercise notebook and use this new notebook to re-submit)
- Exercise Notebook: In last exercise, we are now explicitly using one of the training set sizes that was returned from the call to learning_curve.
- Exercise Notebook: Referencing multiple comments and already closed issue 56 there was still some confusion around which tree-based classifier to use. Made another pass to make it more clear.
S01 - SLU18:
- New version of Learning Notebook
S01 - SLU19:
- New versions of Learning Notebook, Exercise Notebook and Example Notebook.
S02 - Release of BLU01
S02 - Release of BLU02
S02 - Release of BLU03
S02 - Release of HCKT02
S03 - Release of BLU04
S03 - Release of BLU05
S02 - HCKT02: Added instructors solution
S03 - Release of BLU06
S03 - BLU06: Added missing images to Learning Notebook 4, and minor changes to Learning Notebook 2
S03 - Release of HCKT03
S04 - Release of BLU07
S04 - BLU07 - Exercise notebook: Fix problem description of final question
S04 - Release of BLU08
S04 - BLU08: Downgrade numpy to 1.17.1
S04 - Release of BLU09
S04 - Release of HCKT04
S04 - HCKT04: Added instructors solution and test dataset labeled
S05 - Release of BLU10
S05 - BLU10: Updated environment.yml
S05 - Release of BLU11
S05 - BLU11: LN2 fixes
S05 - BLU11: LN1 and LN2 fixes
S05 - Release of BLU12
S05 - BLU12: Fix in exercise notebook
S05 - BLU10:
- Learning Notebook Appendix – A.2.3 – missing arguments in csr_matrix() and csc_matrix() (issue #109)
- LN 2/3 - Wrong value for CSR (issue #110)
- Exercise Notebook Q2 - repeated question (issue #111)
- BLU10 - Exercise notebook: Added clarification for best-item on Q5 (issue #121)
- BLU11 - Exercise notebook: Replaced Q4.1.3 to accept td-idf features regardless of their order (students! use this new exercise notebook, copy/paste your answers (if you have) to the new exercise notebook and use this new notebook to re-submit))
- BLU11 - LN1: Clarification of 'Computing similarities' section on symmetric matrixes (#issue 116)
- BLU12 - Fixed LN1 - S2 non personalized get most rated function