Because you're tired of SurveyMonkey.
Visit SurveyPossum and signup with your name and e-mail address. Get unlimited access to create as many surveys as you want, as long as you only like free response or yes/no questions. Multiple choice will cost you extra.
Also, your survey-takers should be forewarned: required questions are REALLY required-- if they're left unanswered, all the rest of their responses will be wiped out. Maybe we'll fix that for SurveyPossum 1.0.1
###Have a look around
If you prefer to test-drive SurveyPossum before committing your precious e-mail address to an account, here's a sample login and password:
User: ll@coolj.com
Password: llcoolj
(Created by Lindsey & Lee (Front End), and Joe (Rails)...aka LL-Cool-J)
######Assignment from Week 6 of The Iron Yard's Ruby on Rails course (Durham)