pip install git+https://github.com/LOFAR-VLBI/astroNNomy.git
mkdir <path-to-fits-dir>
cd <path-to-fits-dir>
wget -r --spider --no-parent $ONLINE_DATA_PATH 2>&1 | grep -o 'https://[^ ]*' | grep -E '^.*\/{1}[^\/]+?\.[^\/]+?$' > urls.txt
xargs -n 1 -P 16 wget -q -r -np --no-clobber < urls.txt
This will put the converted *.npz
files in the same dir as the input *.fits
python pre_processing_for_ml.py <path-to-fits-dir>
find <path-to-fits-dir> -type f -name "*.npz" | xargs -n 1 -P 8 -i rsync -R {} /dev/shm
python train_nn.py /dev/shm/<fullpath>
The dataloader expect filetree to be in the following format:
|- continue
|- stop
|- continue_val
|- stop_val