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24.11 fb compliance managed views (#1254)
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* Modified Compliance Overdue/Soon customized views.

* Modified Compliance requirements detail page to exclude employee requirement exemptions.

* Modified Compliance Overdue/soon  reports "trackingflag"

* Modified Compliance Overdue/soon  reports "trackingflag"

* Modified Compliance Overdue/soon  reports "trackingflag"

* Modified Compliance Overdue/soon  reports "trackingflag"
  • Loading branch information
Ohsudev authored Feb 13, 2025
1 parent 32b1ba9 commit 7110a23
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Showing 7 changed files with 684 additions and 1 deletion.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<customView xmlns="">
<sort column="lastname" descending="false"/>
<sort column="firstName" descending="false"/>
<sort column="requirementname" descending="false"/>
<filter column="months_until_renewal" operator="lte" value="2"/>
<filter column="employeeid/isActive" operator="eq" value="true"/>
<filter column="requirementname" operator="contains" value="sop review"/>
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
<customView xmlns="">
<column name="employeeid"/>
<column name="email"/>
<column name="lastName"/>
<column name="firstName"/>
<column name="employeeId/isActive"/>
<column name="unit"/>
<column name="requirementname"/>
<column name="requirement_name_type"/>
<column name="trackingflag"/>
<column name="expired_period"/>
<column name="mostrecentcompleted_date"/>
<column name="months_until_renewal"/>
<sort column="lastName" descending="false"/>
<sort column="firstName" descending="false"/>
<sort column="requirement_name_type" descending="false"/>
<sort column="requirementname" descending="false"/>

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@

EXEC core.fn_dropifexists 'p_ComplianceProcedureOverDueSoon_Process', 'onprc_ehr_compliancedb', 'PROCEDURE';

-- Author: R. Blasa
-- Created: 9-20-2024

** Created by
** Blasa 9-20-2024 Created a storedprocedure to create a static set of data from
** the ComplianceProcedureRecentTest.sql query

CREATE Procedure onprc_ehr_compliancedb.p_ComplianceProcedureOverDueSoon_Process


----- Reset Reporting table
Delete onprc_ehr_compliancedb.ComplianceProcedureReport

If @@Error <> 0
GoTo Err_Proc


Insert into onprc_ehr_compliancedb.ComplianceProcedureReport


select b.requirementname,
string_agg(a.unit,char(10)) as unit,
string_agg(a.category,char(10)) as category,
string_agg(b.trackingflag,char(10)) as trackingflag,
(select from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as email,
(select h.lastname from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as lastname,
(select h.firstname from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as firstname,
(select h.majorudds from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as host,
(select h.supervisor from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as supervisor,
(select h.type from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as trainee_type, ----- type trainee, or trainer
(select h.type from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements h where h.requirementname = b.requirementname) as requirement_type,

(select count( from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as times_Completed,

(select k.expireperiod from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements k where k.requirementname = b.requirementname) as ExpiredPeriod,

( select (datediff(month,max(, tt.reviewdate) ) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
having (tt.expireperiod) > (datediff(month,max(, tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) ) as NewExpirePeriod,

(select max( from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as mostrecentcompleted_date,

(Select distinct string_agg(yy.comment, char(10)) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates yy where in (select max( from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
And yy.requirementname= b.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as comment,

(Select distinct string_agg(yy.snooze_date, char(10)) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates yy where in (select max( from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= b.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
And yy.requirementname= b.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as snooze_date,


WHEN (select max( from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates st where st.requirementname = b.requirementname and st.employeeid = a.employeeid ) IS NULL then 0
WHEN ( select (tt.expireperiod) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname group by tt.expireperiod ) = 0 then Null

WHEN ( select count(*) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
having (tt.expireperiod) > ( datediff(month,max(, tt.reviewdate) )) > 0 THEN

( select (datediff(month,max(, tt.reviewdate) - ( datediff(month,max(, getdate()) ) )from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
having (tt.expireperiod) > ( datediff(month,max(, tt.reviewdate) ) )

ELSE ( select (tt.expireperiod) - ( datediff(month,max(, getdate()) ) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = b.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod )

END AS Float) AS MonthsUntilRenewal

from ehr_Compliancedb.employeeperunit a ,ehr_compliancedb.requirementspercategory b
where ( a.unit = b.unit or a.category = b.category )
And b.requirementname not in (select distinct t.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.employeerequirementexemptions t Where a.employeeid = t.employeeid
And b.requirementname = t.requirementname)
And a.employeeid in (select p.employeeid from ehr_compliancedb.employees p where a.employeeid = p.employeeid And p.enddate is null)
And b.requirementname in (select q.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements q where q.requirementname = b.requirementname And q.dateDisabled is null )

group by b.requirementname,a.employeeid


select a.requirementname,
null as unit,
null as category,
'None' as trackingflag,
(select from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as email,
(select h.lastname from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as lastname,
(select h.firstname from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as firstname,
(select h.majorudds from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as host,
(select h.supervisor from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as supervisor,
(select h.type from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = a.employeeid) as trainee_type, ----- type trainee, or trainer
(select h.type from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements h where h.requirementname = a.requirementname) as requirement_type, ----- type trainee, or trainer

(select count( from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as timesCompleted,

(select k.expireperiod from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements k where k.requirementname = a.requirementname) as ExpiredPeriod,

( select (datediff(month,max(, tt.reviewdate) )from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
having (tt.expireperiod) > (datediff(month,max(, tt.reviewdate)) and (tt.reviewdate is not null) ) as NewExpirePeriod,

(select max( from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as MostRecentDate,

(Select distinct string_agg(yy.comment, char(10)) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates yy where in (select max( from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
And yy.requirementname= a.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as comment,

(Select distinct string_agg(yy.snooze_date, char(10)) from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates yy where in (select max( from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates zz where zz.requirementname= a.requirementname and zz.employeeid= a.employeeid )
And yy.requirementname= a.requirementname and yy.employeeid= a.employeeid ) as snooze_date,

WHEN (select max( from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates st where st.requirementname = a.requirementname and st.employeeid = a.employeeid ) IS NULL then 0
WHEN ( select (tt.expireperiod) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname group by tt.expireperiod ) = 0 then Null

WHEN ( select count(*) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
having (tt.expireperiod) > (datediff(month,max(, tt.reviewdate) )) > 0 THEN

( select (datediff(month,max(, tt.reviewdate) - ( datediff(month,max(, getdate())) ) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod, tt.reviewdate
having (tt.expireperiod) > (datediff(month,max(, tt.reviewdate) ) )

ELSE ( select (tt.expireperiod) - ( datediff(month,max(, getdate())) from ehr_compliancedb.requirements tt, ehr_compliancedb.completiondates pq where tt.requirementname = a.requirementname and pq.requirementname = tt.requirementname and pq.employeeid = a.employeeid group by tt.expireperiod )

END AS FLOAT) AS MonthsUntilRenewal

from ehr_compliancedb.completiondates a
where a.requirementname not in (select distinct h.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.employeeperunit k, ehr_compliancedb.requirementspercategory h Where (k.unit = h.unit
or k.category = h.category) And a.employeeid = k.employeeid )
And a.requirementname not in (select distinct t.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.employeerequirementexemptions t Where a.employeeid = t.employeeid
And a.requirementname = t.requirementname)
And a.employeeid in (select p.employeeid from ehr_compliancedb.employees p where a.employeeid = p.employeeid And p.enddate is null)
And a.requirementname in (select q.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements q where q.requirementname = a.requirementname And q.dateDisabled is null )

group by a.requirementname,a.employeeid


-- Additional requirements for employees that have not completed training, but is required
select j.requirementname,
null as unit,
null as category,
'Yes' as trackingflag,
(select from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = j.employeeid) as email,
(select h.lastname from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = j.employeeid) as lastname,
(select h.firstname from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = j.employeeid) as firstname,
(select h.majorudds from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = j.employeeid) as host,
(select h.supervisor from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = j.employeeid) as supervisor,
(select h.type from ehr_compliancedb.employees h where h.employeeid = j.employeeid) as trainee_type, ----- type trainee, or trainer
(select h.type from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements h where h.requirementname = j.requirementname) as requirement_type, ----- type trainee, or trainer
null as timesCompleted,
null as ExpiredPeriod,
null as NewExpirePeriod,
null as MostRecentDate,
'' as comment,
null as snooze_date,
null AS MonthsUntilRenewal

from ehr_compliancedb.RequirementsPerEmployee j
Where j.employeeid in (select p.employeeid from ehr_compliancedb.employees p where j.employeeid = p.employeeid And p.enddate is null)
And j.requirementname in (select q.requirementname from ehr_compliancedb.Requirements q where q.requirementname = j.requirementname And q.dateDisabled is null )

group by j.requirementname,j.employeeid

order by employeeid,requirementname, mostrecentcompleted_date desc

If @@Error <> 0
GoTo Err_Proc





94 changes: 94 additions & 0 deletions ONPRC_EHR_ComplianceDB/resources/views/requirementDetails.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
<script type="text/javascript" nonce="<%=scriptNonce%>">

Ext4.onReady(function (){
if (!LABKEY.ActionURL.getParameter('requirementname')){
alert('Must Provide A Requirement Name');

var webpart = <%=webpartContext%>;
var domSpec = [{
tag: 'div',
id: 'details_' + webpart.wrapperDivId,
style: 'margin-bottom: 20px;'
tag: 'div',
id: 'summary_' + webpart.wrapperDivId,
style: 'margin-bottom: 20px;'
tag: 'div',
id: 'percategory_' + webpart.wrapperDivId,
style: 'margin-bottom: 20px;'
tag: 'div',
id: 'peremployee_' + webpart.wrapperDivId,
style: 'margin-bottom: 20px;'
tag: 'div',
id: 'exemptions_' + webpart.wrapperDivId,
style: 'margin-bottom: 20px;'
tag: 'div',
id: 'history_' + webpart.wrapperDivId,
style: 'margin-bottom: 20px;'

var el = Ext4.get(webpart.wrapperDivId);
Ext4.DomHelper.append(el, domSpec);

var filterArray = [LABKEY.Filter.create('requirementname', LABKEY.ActionURL.getParameter('requirementname'), LABKEY.Filter.Types.EQUAL)];

Ext4.create('LDK.panel.DetailsPanel', {
store: {
schemaName: 'ehr_compliancedb',
queryName: 'requirements',
filterArray: filterArray
showBackBtn: false,
title: 'Requirement Details',
renderTo: 'details_' + webpart.wrapperDivId

Ext4.create('LDK.panel.QueryPanel', {
queryConfig: {
title: 'Categories/Units That Must Complete This Requirement',
schemaName: 'ehr_compliancedb',
queryName: 'requirementspercategory',
filterArray: filterArray,
failure: LDK.Utils.getErrorCallback()
}).render('percategory_' + webpart.wrapperDivId);

Ext4.create('LDK.panel.QueryPanel', {
queryConfig: {
title: 'Individual Employees That Must Complete This Requirement (beyond their category/unit)',
schemaName: 'ehr_compliancedb',
queryName: 'requirementsperemployee',
filterArray: filterArray,
failure: LDK.Utils.getErrorCallback()
}).render('peremployee_' + webpart.wrapperDivId);

Ext4.create('LDK.panel.QueryPanel', {
queryConfig: {
title: 'Individual Employees Exempt From This Requirement',
schemaName: 'ehr_compliancedb',
queryName: 'employeerequirementexemptions',
filterArray: filterArray,
failure: LDK.Utils.getErrorCallback()
}).render('exemptions_' + webpart.wrapperDivId);

// Modified: 1-23-2025 R. Blasa exclude employee requirement exemptions
Ext4.create('LDK.panel.QueryPanel', {
queryConfig: {
title: 'All Employees Who Must Complete This Requirement',
schemaName: 'ehr_compliancedb',
queryName: 'ComplianceProcedureRecentTests',
filterArray: filterArray,
failure: LDK.Utils.getErrorCallback()
}).render('summary_' + webpart.wrapperDivId);


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