diff --git a/server/configs/application.properties b/server/configs/application.properties index 440252a61e..3cd35fa915 100644 --- a/server/configs/application.properties +++ b/server/configs/application.properties @@ -141,16 +141,16 @@ management.server.port=@@shutdownPort@@ ## START OF CSP REPORT BLOCK (DO NOT CHANGE THIS TEXT) csp.report=\ - default-src 'self' ;\ - connect-src 'self' ${LABKEY.ALLOWED.CONNECTIONS} ;\ - object-src 'none' ;\ - style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' ;\ - img-src 'self' data: ;\ - font-src 'self' data: ;\ - script-src 'unsafe-eval' 'strict-dynamic' 'nonce-${REQUEST.SCRIPT.NONCE}' ;\ - base-uri 'self' ;\ - frame-ancestors 'self' ;\ - report-uri /admin-contentsecuritypolicyreport.api?${CSP.REPORT.PARAMS} ; + default-src 'self' ; /* Limit the default to only the current server */\ + connect-src 'self' ${LABKEY.ALLOWED.CONNECTIONS} ; /* For security purposes limit allowed connection sources, can be substituted and appended via the LabKey Admin UI */\ + object-src 'none' ; /* These tags are not currently used by LKS */\ + style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' ; /* We currently have a few inline