is my open source personal website! isnt yet in production, however it is under active development.
- SQL logic implemented.
- Implement sql code in sql package
- HTTP exposure to the sql package
- OAuth github implementation
- Event Service implemented using asynq
- CLI start upp
- Dockerize app
- Node api to interact with frontend fs
- Finish static pages on frontend (about, index)
- Profile component
- Near future: Support more OAuth providers
- Write tests: sql package
- Write tests: http package
- Powered by Golang
- Architecture layout from Ben Johnsons Article
- Event Service powered by asynq
- CLI start upp powered by cobra
- Built with react.js
- Using next.js on top of react.js
- Styling done with tailwind css
The config file uses the toml formant.
Field | Description | Under |
client-id | Client ID of github oath 2.0 app | [github] |
client-secret | Client Secret of github oauth 2.0 app | [github] |
admin-user-email | the email of the admin, used to recognize admin user | [github] |
addr | the address of the server (specify only port in development) | [http] |
domain | the domain of the server (leave this empty in development) | [http] |
block-key | key used for secure cookie encryption (see more) | [http] |
hash-key | key used for secure cookie encryption (see more) | [http] |
frontend-url | URL to frontend (ex: http://localhost:3000) | [http] |
sqlite-dsn | path to sqlite database | [database] |
redis-dsn | redis data source name (ex: | [database] |
addr | address of the smtp server | [smtp] |
identity | refer: godoc | [smtp] |
username | refer: godoc | [smtp] |
password | refer: godoc | [smtp] |
host | refer: godoc | [smtp] |
blog-images-dir | path to the http served file structure for blogs (used to store images) | [file-structure] |
project-images-dir | path to the http served file structure for projects (used to store images) | [file-structure] |
GO 1.16 or higher is required
Currently the app isnt dockerized but you can run the go backend using go command line tool.
go install
If you have your GOBIN set to your path run the installed binary with the serve sub command and --config flag
bin_name serve --config ./path/to/config/file.toml
After you should have a running server on the address and domain specified in the config file.