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Merge pull request #47 from PerryvanderMeer/patch-1
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[nl] Update php.json
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andrey-helldar authored Dec 22, 2022
2 parents 1903fea + e278947 commit 04c4f84
Showing 1 changed file with 63 additions and 63 deletions.
126 changes: 63 additions & 63 deletions locales/nl/php.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,80 +1,80 @@
"0": "Unknown Error",
"100": "Continue",
"101": "Switching Protocols",
"102": "Processing",
"0": "Onbekende foutmelding",
"100": "Doorgaan",
"101": "Protocolwissel",
"102": "Verwerken",
"200": "OK",
"201": "Created",
"202": "Accepted",
"203": "Non-Authoritative Information",
"204": "No Content",
"205": "Reset Content",
"206": "Partial Content",
"207": "Multi-Status",
"208": "Already Reported",
"201": "Aangemaakt",
"202": "Aanvaard",
"203": "Niet-gemachtigde informatie",
"204": "Geen inhoud",
"205": "Inhoud opnieuw instellen",
"206": "Gedeeltelijke inhoud",
"207": "Meerdere statussen",
"208": "Al gemeld",
"226": "IM Used",
"300": "Multiple Choices",
"301": "Moved Permanently",
"302": "Found",
"303": "See Other",
"304": "Not Modified",
"305": "Use Proxy",
"307": "Temporary Redirect",
"308": "Permanent Redirect",
"400": "Bad Request",
"401": "Unauthorized",
"402": "Payment Required",
"403": "Forbidden",
"404": "Not Found",
"405": "Method Not Allowed",
"406": "Not Acceptable",
"407": "Proxy Authentication Required",
"408": "Request Timeout",
"300": "Meerkeuze",
"301": "Definitief verplaatst",
"302": "Gevonden",
"303": "Zie andere",
"304": "Niet gewijzigd",
"305": "Gebruik Proxy",
"307": "Tijdelijke omleiding",
"308": "Definitieve omleiding",
"400": "Foute aanvraag",
"401": "Niet geautoriseerd",
"402": "Betaalde toegang",
"403": "Verboden toegang",
"404": "Niet gevonden",
"405": "Methode niet toegestaan",
"406": "Niet aanvaardbaar",
"407": "Authenticatie op de proxyserver verplicht",
"408": "Aanvraagtijd verstreken",
"409": "Conflict",
"410": "Gone",
"411": "Length Required",
"412": "Precondition Failed",
"413": "Payload Too Large",
"414": "URI Too Long",
"415": "Unsupported Media Type",
"410": "Verdwenen",
"411": "Lengte vereist",
"412": "Niet voldaan aan de vooraf gestelde voorwaarde",
"413": "Aanvraag te groot",
"414": "Aanvraag-URL te lang",
"415": "Media-type niet ondersteund",
"416": "Range Not Satisfiable",
"417": "Expectation Failed",
"417": "Niet voldaan aan verwachting",
"418": "I'm a teapot",
"419": "Session Has Expired",
"419": "Pagina verlopen",
"421": "Misdirected Request",
"422": "Unprocessable Entity",
"423": "Locked",
"424": "Failed Dependency",
"422": "Aanvraag kan niet worden verwerkt",
"423": "Afgesloten",
"424": "Gefaalde afhankelijkheid",
"425": "Too Early",
"426": "Upgrade Required",
"428": "Precondition Required",
"429": "Too Many Requests",
"431": "Request Header Fields Too Large",
"426": "Upgrade nodig",
"428": "Voorwaarde nodig",
"429": "Te veel requests",
"431": "Headers van de aanvraag te lang",
"444": "Connection Closed Without Response",
"449": "Retry With",
"451": "Unavailable For Legal Reasons",
"451": "Toegang geweigerd om juridische redenen",
"499": "Client Closed Request",
"500": "Internal Server Error",
"501": "Not Implemented",
"500": "Interne serverfout",
"501": "Niet geïmplementeerd",
"502": "Bad Gateway",
"503": "Maintenance Mode",
"503": "Dienst niet beschikbaar",
"504": "Gateway Timeout",
"505": "HTTP Version Not Supported",
"505": "HTTP-versie wordt niet ondersteund",
"506": "Variant Also Negotiates",
"507": "Insufficient Storage",
"508": "Loop Detected",
"509": "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded",
"510": "Not Extended",
"511": "Network Authentication Required",
"520": "Unknown Error",
"521": "Web Server is Down",
"522": "Connection Timed Out",
"523": "Origin Is Unreachable",
"524": "A Timeout Occurred",
"525": "SSL Handshake Failed",
"526": "Invalid SSL Certificate",
"527": "Railgun Error",
"507": "Onvoldoende opslag",
"508": "Loop gedetecteerd",
"509": "Bandbreedte overschreden",
"510": "Niet verlengd",
"511": "Netwerkauthenticatie vereist",
"520": "Onbekende foutmelding",
"521": "Webserver is onbereikbaar",
"522": "Connectie duurt te lang",
"523": "Herkomst is onbereikbaar",
"524": "Time-out opgetreden",
"525": "SSL-handshake mislukt",
"526": "Ongeldig SSL-certificaat",
"527": "Railgun foutmelding",
"598": "Network Read Timeout Error",
"599": "Network Connect Timeout Error",
"unknownError": "Unknown Error"
"unknownError": "Onbekende foutmelding"

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