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How to debug OVMF with QEMU using GDB

Laurie Jarlstrom edited this page Mar 19, 2018 · 5 revisions

Debugging EDK II using OvmfPkg with QEMU and Linux GDB

This example will show how to debug a simple application built with OvmfPkg then using the QEMU and GDB to debug the UEFI Application.

The following will use a UEFI_APPLICATION SampleApp.c as an example:

  1. Add your UEFI application to the OvmfPkgIa32.dsc (using IA32 ) example: SampleApp/SampleApp.inf at the end of the [Components] section in the OvmfPkgIa32.dsc file.
  2. Build OVMF for IA32 ; bash$ build -a IA32 -p OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgIa32.dsc -t GCC5
  3. Copy the output of SampleApp to the hda-contents directory similarly as shown in How-to-run-OVMF as a file system for QEMU. This will be in a similar directory to the following : /home/u-mypc/src/edk2/Build/OvmfIa32/DEBUG_GCC5/IA32
   SampleApp (Directory)
  1. Open a terminal(1) prompt in the run-ovmf directory
  2. invoke QEMU with the following command: bash$ qemu-system-i386 -s -pflash bios.bin -hda fat:rw:hda-contents -net none -debugcon file:debug.log -global isa-debugcon.iobase=0x402
  3. QEMU Will boot to UEFI Shell prompt

In the QEMU Window

Invoke your application.

Shell> fs0:
Fs0:\> SampleApp.efi

Open another terminal(2) prompt in the run-ovmf directory bash$ cat debug.log

InstallProtocolInterface: 5B1B31A1-9562-11D2-8E3F-00A0C969723B 6F0F028
Loading driver at 0x00006AEE000 EntryPoint=0x00006AEE756 SampleApp.efi
InstallProtocolInterface: BC62157E-3E33-4FEC-9920-2D3B36D750DF 6F0FF10

Loading driver at 0x00006AEE000 is the memory location where your UEFI Application is loaded. Keep this address in mind. Additionally you might add a DEBUG statement to your application something like the following to get the entry point of your code. :

 DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "My Entry point: 0x%08x\r\n", (CHAR16*)UefiMainMySampleApp )  );

Then when you bash$ cat debug.log you will also get the entry point for your application. In this example the entry point is UefiMainMySampleApp.

My Entry point: 0x06AEE496 

This is useful to double check your symbols are fixed up to the correct line numbers in your source file. Otherwise, the code you see in DBG may not be the code that is executing.

Invoking DBG

In the terminal(2) prompt

  1. Change to the directory where the hda-contents is located
  2. Invoke DBG with the source layout window using bash$ dbg --tui .
  3. Load your UEFI Application .efi with the file command.
(gdb) file SampleApp.efi
Reading symbols from SampleApp.efi...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
  1. Check where GDB has for .text and .data offsets with info files command.
(gdb) info files
Symbols from "/home/u-mypc/run-ovmf/hda-contents/SampleApp.efi".
Local exec file:
        file type pei-i386.
        Entry point: 0x756
        0x00000240 - 0x000028c0 is .text
        0x000028c0 - 0x00002980 is .data
        0x00002980 - 0x00002b00 is .reloc
  1. We need to calculate our addresses for .text and .data section. Application is loaded under 0x00006AEE000 (loading driver point - NOT Entrypoint) and we know text and data offsets.
 text = 0x00006AEE000  +  0x00000240
 data = 0x00006AEE000  +  0x00000240 + 0x000028c0 = 0x00006AF0B00 
  1. Unload the .efi file
(gdb) file
No executable file now.
No symbol file now.
  1. Load the symbols with the fixed up address:
(gdb) add-symbol-file SampleApp.debug 0x00006AEE240 -s .data 0x00006AF0B00 
add symbol table from file "SampleApp.debug" at

        .text_addr = 0x6aee240
        .data_addr = 0x6af0b00
(y or n) y
Reading symbols from SampleApp.debug...done.
  1. Set a break point. We have our entry point in the .inf file as: UefiMainMySampleApp
(gdb) break UefiMainMySampleApp 
Breakpoint 1 at 0x6aee496: file /home/u-uefi/src/edk2/SampleApp/SampleApp.c, line 40.
  1. Attach the DBG debugger to QEMU:
(gdb) target remote localhost:1234
Remote debugging using localhost:1234
0x07df6ba4 in ?? ()
  1. Continue in DBG
(gdb) c

In the QEMU Window Invoke your application again

Shell> fs0:
Fs0:\> SampleApp.efi

The DBG will hit your break point in your UEFI application's entry point and you can begin to debug with source code debugging.

You can set more break points in your code with : (gdb) break SampleApp.c:nn : where nn is the line of code in your .c file

Your DBG will look similar to this:

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